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1、教学目标:教学目标:1.通过Anna生日的情境,帮助学生复习5-8单元的单词、短语的发音和拼写;2.让学生能充分掌握并灵活运用四个单元的重点句型;3.能熟练运用生日、节日话题进行交流,巩固日期表达方式;4.进一步巩固字母组合“ing”,“qu”和“th”的发音,掌握一定的发音规则。教学重难点:教学重难点:1.用现在进行时态问答他人的动作。2.知道并熟练掌握中国节日的相关信息,能正确朗读和拼写月份单词。3.询问别人的生日,掌握序数词的读音和变化规则。4.通过问答,完成同学朋友的个人生日信息表,并根据表中的内容进行描述。Project 2 My important days(AB)Hello, I

2、m Anna. I like eating and drawing. My favourite festival is Spring Festival and Halloween. I always go to climb Qixia Moutain at weekends. Im going to have a birthday party on Friday evening. Would you like to come to my birthday party?1.What does Anna like doing?2.Whats Annas favourite festival?3.W

3、hat does she usually do at weekends?4. When is Annas birthday party?Can you find my invitation card?完成创关任务,凑齐邀请函拼图,我们可以参加Annas party,让我们闯关得到他们吧!Task 1: Warm-up time快速读出闪过的单词或图片,如果看到蛋糕图案,则要快速说出“Happy Birthday!”同学们如果顺利完成任务,就能收集到第一张邀请函拼图啦!potatoesmoon cakesthirdAugustFebruaryninthNovemberrice cakestwen

4、ty-firstsome tomato soupTask 1: Warm-up timeTask 2: Game time大家能按照要求,完成以下挑战,大家能按照要求,完成以下挑战,能得到第能得到第二二块邀请函拼图哦!块邀请函拼图哦!Game 1 Word puzzle ( (单词拼拼看单词拼拼看) )Game 2 Tic-tac-toe ( (句子说说看句子说说看) )Say the ordinal numbers(说出序数词说出序数词): five_ twelve_twenty_ thirty-five_ second _ _ tenthfirstthirdfifthtwelfthtwen

5、tieththirty-fifthTask 2: Game timeeighthninthGame 1 Word puzzle ( (单词拼拼看单词拼拼看) )1. Halloween is on the _ of _.2. The Spring Festival is in _ or _. 3. Summer is in _ , _ and _.4. August is the _ month in a year.5. May comes after _.thirty-firstOctoberJanuary February AugustJulyJune eighthApril Task 2

6、: Game timeGame 1 Word puzzle ( (单词拼拼看单词拼拼看) )仔细读题,在作业纸上写写吧!男女生轮流用井字游戏里的单词说句子. e.g. May is the fifth month in a year.只要句子符合逻辑,表达无误,即可把此方块变为:先把色块练成一条直线方胜利。 Game 2 Tic-tac-toe ( (句子说说看句子说说看) )Task 2: Game timeTask 2: Game timeTask 3: Guessing timeA: What is he/she doing? (What are they doing?) B: Is h

7、e/she.? (Are they.?)A: Yes, he/she is. (Yes, they are.) No, he/she isnt . (No, they arent.)同桌对话猜测,同桌对话猜测,能能流利进行对话,流利进行对话,就可以收集到第三张邀请函拼图啦!就可以收集到第三张邀请函拼图啦! Task 3: Guessing timeTask 4: Talking time四人一组,每人选择一个节日进行描述(可选其他四人一组,每人选择一个节日进行描述(可选其他节日),能顺利描述就能再收集一张拼图哦!节日),能顺利描述就能再收集一张拼图哦!I like_.It is in/ on

8、_.People usually _, and they eat_.I like this festival because _.想想我们可以描述节日想想我们可以描述节日哪些方面,用什么句型!哪些方面,用什么句型!Task 4: Talking time自由询问两位或三位同学或老师,了解他们的生日自由询问两位或三位同学或老师,了解他们的生日和生日活动,填在练习纸上,最后尝试汇报!和生日活动,填在练习纸上,最后尝试汇报!这是最后一块邀请函拼图,大家就要成功啦!这是最后一块邀请函拼图,大家就要成功啦! _s birthdayDate: _Month: _Activity: _Task 5: Sur

9、vey timeTips: 1. No Chinese.(不说中文。不说中文。) 2. Take notes. 笔记只需写下关键词组喔!笔记只需写下关键词组喔! _s birthdayDate: _Month: _Activity: _ _s birthday is on the _of _. He/ She usually _.Task 5: Survey timeTips: 1. Listen carefully. 汇报时认真听讲。汇报时认真听讲。 2. Try to remember. 比比看谁记得最多,最多有奖励喔!比比看谁记得最多,最多有奖励喔!了解同学和老师的生日,让我们一起来汇报

10、吧!了解同学和老师的生日,让我们一起来汇报吧!Task 5: Survey timeDear friends, Im very happy, because I will have a birthday party tonight. There will be a party at my home and we can have nice food and play some games. I hope you can come to my party at 6:00 on the 26th of June. My home is on Qixia Street, next to Qixia

11、Yinkuang Hospital. Looking forward to see you . Anna1.When is the party?2.Wheres Annas home? 3.How can you get there? Party time大家都很棒!我们一起来参加Anna的生日聚会吧!make a wishsing a songplay games Party timeBefore the party, Annas parents are cooking in the kitchen.At the party, Annas friends come. Look, they a

12、re playing happily.After the party, Anna are helping her parents to clean the house. Writing timeWe all have fun at Annas birthday. How about your birthday?生日聚会上我们都玩得很开心,写一写你的生日上的一些趣事吧! have lots of fun/ have a great timeMy birthday is on theof play/ buy/ eat/ My friends / My parents I always/ We all Homework:1. Take a review from Unit 5 to Unit 8.2. Ask your parents birthdays and the activities, write them down.3. Prepare a present for Anna.



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