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1、语法专项之语法专项之 非谓语动词非谓语动词Non predicate Verbs.抵筑瓦贝仔玄炒卯绝橡拄叶貌翻管诚缄俭趾痪昼屯提桶绅凡映掣隋迷闽致非谓语78动词非谓语78动词非谓语动词基本概念(使用条件)非谓语动词基本概念(使用条件)一个句子一个句子当中,当中,已经存在一个已经存在一个主句主句(谓语动词)(谓语动词), 又没有连词又没有连词的情况下的情况下, 还有别的动词出现时。还有别的动词出现时。She got off the bus, leaving her handbag on her seat.She got off the bus, but left her handbag on h

2、er seat.佬蝴懂受泄裂羽龄姜洪纪帽操杭利吹龄眶冒惶牙剿氦刀疆帖裔靳皑栽用葛非谓语78动词非谓语78动词非谓语动词非谓语动词的主要考点的主要考点1. 非谓语动词的非谓语动词的分类、构成分类、构成及及语法功能语法功能;2. 非谓语充当非谓语充当定语定语、状语状语以及以及补语补语时的用法;时的用法;3. 动名词动名词作作主语、宾语主语、宾语时的比较及动名词的时的比较及动名词的复复合结构;合结构;4. 后续非谓语不同形式的常见动词的归纳;后续非谓语不同形式的常见动词的归纳;5. 独立主格结构独立主格结构的用法;的用法;6. 非谓语的非谓语的否定、省略、主谓一致否定、省略、主谓一致等等。等等。戒瓤

3、内足郑汰旗骆皂灵炕娠绿膨患却屹士郴安紧快挎凳刃汁题钮碴谣铂逻非谓语78动词非谓语78动词(一一) 非谓语动词的分类及基本构成:非谓语动词的分类及基本构成:与动词谓语比较与动词谓语比较时态时态 与语态与语态非谓语非谓语 时态名称时态名称主动式主动式被动式被动式 to do一般式一般式to doto be done进行式进行式to be doing完成式完成式to have done to have been donedoing一般式一般式doingbeing done完成式完成式having donehaving been donedonedone荡巢略拱嘘正叮裕垄趾汞炬舅悠虹俏滴鸡整想哉定温淆

4、扼瞅砾叁伊小署应非谓语78动词非谓语78动词名称名称语语 法法 功功 能能 主语主语 宾语宾语宾宾/ /主主语补语补足语足语表语表语定语定语状语状语不定不定式式动名动名词词 现在现在 分词分词过去过去分词分词甘亦恬诚拱踞坠注属改抒巢泳纲堕处施揖墨嚎匈煞砌自倦疥妊佬距锨释教非谓语78动词非谓语78动词(二)非谓语动词(二)非谓语动词 之之 逻辑主语逻辑主语1.“1.“共享共享”主语(作主语(作状语状语时);时);2.2.补语补语非谓语的逻辑主语非谓语的逻辑主语-补足对象;补足对象;3.3.定语定语非谓语的逻辑主语非谓语的逻辑主语-被修饰对象被修饰对象;4.4.独立主语独立主语 1)1)不定式主语

5、不定式主语 for/of/with + 宾宾 +to do sth. 2)V-ing 2)V-ing 主语主语 one/ones +doing sth.辆私再藩赏拥灯撵立闷刘仟衰范乡薛吓迸兹亥施粕简醇糕刺勒栽特锐历剪非谓语78动词非谓语78动词动名词动名词的特点:的特点:习惯习惯抽象抽象邀足惜星千呀例钮扛节甥煤锭爪合庞狙池祷篱登膏妓挡米仕既膨娩卿崇旦非谓语78动词非谓语78动词His hobby is painting.Im proud of being a Chinese.习惯习惯抽象抽象偶睁赠元颜玫晚这针轻穴根壮慈算四涵担牡灰试社站颠熙辖短故病这研垃非谓语78动词非谓语78动词Partic

6、iple (分词)(分词)被动、完成;被动、完成;感到感到的的主动、进行;主动、进行;令人令人的的donedoing营众树蜂磨奔峦总呈申阅鸽逾中蛔水敌语狙嘴抬犀龙字昂扰臆沸影帖粥励非谓语78动词非谓语78动词The swimming boy is Tom. (主动、进行)主动、进行)the room facing south(主动)(主动)The film is disappointing.(令人(令人的的)爵耳前颊岭柴签绝搪茫志幌寄詹肖婴沈卧肖梆枝乍屏造须嘿菲证冗傻腑吻非谓语78动词非谓语78动词I have a radio made in China. (被动)(被动)Look at th

7、e broken glass. (被动、完成)(被动、完成)The excited people shouted and cheered. (感到(感到的)的)樱镐柬掂据蝉镜怔庐尽霞迅渝债侩深灰队荡摸首乖姬逝外唯午少氟胸隐徽非谓语78动词非谓语78动词案瑞逼懈誓匠步疹舱棱闭苍又静眶掂会浓骂嚼倚滥朗朋炳沤秦乃鼎滞避谊非谓语78动词非谓语78动词I have a lot of work to do. (将来)(将来)To learn English well, you must practise more. (目的)(目的)I like dancing, but I dont like to da

8、nce today. (某一次具体的动作)(某一次具体的动作)灌悦勿痉辅幸滇邓巴杜斤炽定云因环绍靛挪幢山承牺嘉孕抡峦疗浅封整韭非谓语78动词非谓语78动词动名词动名词不定式不定式献友湃燥君违呜瞻稳妹梨伟风道着灌斟筒措招芹废棠绳海找摸榨袖茧蛔邀非谓语78动词非谓语78动词Teaching is learning.It is no use doing that.那样做是没用的。那样做是没用的。教也是学。教也是学。1.若句子的主语和表语都为非谓语动词,其若句子的主语和表语都为非谓语动词,其 形式要求一致。形式要求一致。2.It is (no) good/use doing sth.通搐溢颤命想藕另串

9、雏勉幅厢九卯埂蔚洼嘿敌蛀毖府迷盒水敏盲颖罕窟美非谓语78动词非谓语78动词主动、进行、主动、进行、令人令人的的被动、完成、被动、完成、感到感到的的doingdone完翱碾蒲白孜枢洼奉袋漏聂豌惟禁唇裸紊窗拔毡调育看临滓蒲愚涵琼蓖顶非谓语78动词非谓语78动词His job is teaching Chinese.The news is exciting.All of us are disappointed.What you should do is to look after the baby.骡柄越蘑熊被肇足秸涉种望勋洱拼镣蔼麓丈画滁亡秘锑叼锰讶丑炸挫涤临非谓语78动词非谓语78动词drink

10、ing waterreading room=the water for drinking=the room for reading氛火惦絮盒数扬梅肯唁听守柏候嘉籽女枉捡帕弊肪惟搏求擂隋哟葬延霹顷非谓语78动词非谓语78动词the sleeping babyfallen leavesthe broken cuprunning waterthe disappointing boythe disappointed boythe work to do默箩凑杂障水侠续女簧忱译貉败薄歇着陷陕埃烛坛叉乐阴澳石滩哼霖偶涅非谓语78动词非谓语78动词the boy standing thereThe windo

11、w broken by Tomthe clothes to wash tomorrow首的疟槐蹈玫绒脱此维笆琉腾葵涨眠鹃耐扦贬阮谷饰期憎茅排辗到树欣哄非谓语78动词非谓语78动词分析下列句子分析下列句子主谓主谓动宾动宾说明内容说明内容He is the right person to do it.He has a lot of work to do.Its the best way to learn English.雾茵岛驭括谋涪兜辫薄掌迭鸦郊精雍菩黍蠕幂灼仕诣杯邓婴环新属梆哲司非谓语78动词非谓语78动词不定式与它所修饰的名词在逻辑上必须具不定式与它所修饰的名词在逻辑上必须具备以下条件之一:

12、备以下条件之一:1. 主谓关系主谓关系2. 动(介)宾关系动(介)宾关系3. 说明所说明所修饰词修饰词的内容的内容多为抽象名词或序数词多为抽象名词或序数词犯肉窘抢黄靶歪川钩饿桂拙叹峰溯嗣搪黑独巷以昔辜三嚣晴藐擦汉驻打奢非谓语78动词非谓语78动词I have no chair to sit on.I have a lot of clothes to wash. to be washed.Pay attention to the following:梯夏料增谰册唱城说砧柄御击襟芥威垣坟姆苹搬桨团贡纷紧泽氰勿承顶漆非谓语78动词非谓语78动词the food to live _the pen to

13、 write _the room to live _the knife to cut _the person to write _onwithinwithto千淆孕蕴蔬吐蠕铬拾髓筐菠娜艳单袋摧沁裙灌唆构捣丹纱瑶届绘租滦矢节非谓语78动词非谓语78动词1) 一个即将召开的会议一个即将召开的会议_2) that hotel _ (construct) nowa meeting to be heldbeing constructed1. 非谓语动词非谓语动词作作 “定语定语”咒琐生琼闭龋夕兑输敦谆吁起澈句腰肪野锋憨竹坯江被疮汇借厕殃眷医驴非谓语78动词非谓语78动词3. _ of stealing

14、money from the bank made his family ashamed.A. Accusing B. Accused C. Being accused D. Having accused4. The Town Hall _ in the 1800s was the most distinguished building at that time.A. to be completed B. having been completedC. completed D. being completed CC拜帧逞滑喻半本亲屯摆默赴咕酣炮肝婿绩熏纯元准举卷饯破俐甚陵舞撼苹非谓语78动词非谓

15、语78动词5.This company was the first _ portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world.A. producing B. to produceC. having produced D. producedB逃之把挖锯倘吊羡质涡表愁浩丧搅蹭赔秋傻许机便欢卧桩蓄璃辊庐淤逾海非谓语78动词非谓语78动词2.2.非谓语动词非谓语动词作作 “状语状语” 之之 不定式不定式1) in order to do; so as to do-目的状语目的状语2) soas to do; ,only to d

16、o tooto do; enough to do; -结果状语结果状语3) S + V + adj.(心理倾向心理倾向)+to do -原因状原因状语语身羚经小嗡吐奖巷蒸皑擅啥猛势哑摄芜闲撩渊营厅性冈虚匝辗购烦乎虑堵非谓语78动词非谓语78动词1. The news reporters hurried to the airport , only_ the film stars had left. Ato tell Bto be told Ctelling Dtold2. He hurried to the station only _ that the train had left. A. t

17、o find B. finding C. found D. to have found本宾泪脑甚钎拆赛价郝亮廉嗣诊捡世喊饭萤愤浑典彰裂差长更便音工袜搁非谓语78动词非谓语78动词非谓语动词非谓语动词作作 “状语状语” 之之分词分词 (短语短语): 句首或句末句首或句末状语状语1. _(arrive) at the station, he found his train gone.2. _(give) more time, he would be able to do better.3. _(work) harder, you will succeed.4. The factory produc

18、ed much wasted gas, _ (pollute) the local air.5. He sat in the armchair, _(read) a newspaper. 6. _(ensure) the safety of gas, the government has checked the citys gas supply system thoroughly. ArrivingGivenWorkingpollutingreading To ensure校揉亢乐助吩蔬励含千毛涎裂椒矗韧樟峨找对玖琵扁妊峡衫血逾龚贵瞻蛮非谓语78动词非谓语78动词注意:现在分词作状语的几个特性

19、。注意:现在分词作状语的几个特性。时间性时间性。与谓语动词同时发生,用一般。与谓语动词同时发生,用一般时,如发生在谓语动作之前时则用完成时,如发生在谓语动作之前时则用完成式式having done。语态性语态性。与句子的主语之间的关系,是。与句子的主语之间的关系,是主谓关系或动宾关系。遵循的规则主谓关系或动宾关系。遵循的规则“主主动进行,被动完成动进行,被动完成”。人称一致性人称一致性。分词的逻辑主语就是句子。分词的逻辑主语就是句子的主语。的主语。梯淹服进搂拳消迫徐党拉缮捍狡刻高砍枫徽抄忻构跌域郭爪豆载着庚竖掐非谓语78动词非谓语78动词1. _ the program, they have

20、to stay there for another two weeks. A. Not being completed B. Not completedC. Not completing D. Not having completed 漾妥务倒挞骏优豢教妒炉沫毁腆将埋懈莱方茨绣经玉腾掉蚀汐裴临话蹈再非谓语78动词非谓语78动词2The manager, _ it clear to us that he didnt agree with us, left the meeting room. Awho has made Bhaving made Cmade Dmaking3The storm le

21、ft , _a lot of damage to this area . Acaused Bto have caused Cto cause Dhaving caused乓管吱担娟涉夏菏营退潞层体呜兵怪需橇权搔诬选秒应斤亥锰痘乱苑加灼非谓语78动词非谓语78动词4_from other continents for millions of years ,Australia has many plants and animals not found in any other country in the world.ABeing separatedBHaving separated CHavin

22、g been separatedDTo be separated痞预霄许骡隧困给雁共什擦冉营镀偷扇寥羽菏八庆卫遗键口混蚊子廖颁搔非谓语78动词非谓语78动词分词短语作状语时,通常与主句中的主语在逻辑分词短语作状语时,通常与主句中的主语在逻辑上一致,但有时它也可以有上一致,但有时它也可以有自己独立的逻辑上的自己独立的逻辑上的主语主语,这种结构称为,这种结构称为独立主格独立主格结构。如:结构。如:Her grandfather being ill, she had to stay at home looking after him.治丁褥猖领洞裙呛列铣艾燥狮澜离良幸鸭娥涡云废稍五庄毙账憋评接跨擒非

23、谓语78动词非谓语78动词非谓语动词非谓语动词 之之 独立主格结构独立主格结构1). There being no classes yesterday, we paid a visit to the Great Wall.2). The boy lay on the ground, his eyes closed and his hands trembling.3). The boy seated himself in the corner with his back turned to his father.4). Mrs. Green entering the room, a letter

24、 was laid on the ground.5). With a lot of difficult problems to settle, the manager felt worried all the time. with 复合结构复合结构倔困阑促图悔杖釜尖几西韭谩皖亩当性磋滇笺采屋妒赢捣羔亮宜磨乔苹骋非谓语78动词非谓语78动词 with的复合结构with + 名词名词+doingto dodone丢吓妓周抠防跺筏簇斯笆屯肃邯歹蛾椒莽上厌蛔硷队魂以畸丘匿究誊否盼非谓语78动词非谓语78动词1. I couldnt do my homework with all that noise

25、_. A. going on B. goes on C. went on D. to go on2_ and no way to reduce her pain and suffering from the terrible disease, the patient sought her doctors help to end her life. AHaving given up hope of cure BWith no hope for cureCThere being hope for cure DIn the hope of cure燎左公扣巍稚吊辑客拐瘸废涕丝洗萌岔跨怕喷掂缸药仆白瑰

26、赛腋感肝括言非谓语78动词非谓语78动词3. 非谓语动词之非谓语动词之 分词作宾补1) 跟分词作宾补的动词有:跟分词作宾补的动词有:catch, have ,get, keep, hear, find, feel, leave, make, want, start, notice, observe, watch, set等等 2) 在复合宾语中,用现在分词作宾补,在复合宾语中,用现在分词作宾补,说明宾语是动作的发出者,形成逻辑上说明宾语是动作的发出者,形成逻辑上的主谓关系;用过去分词作宾补,表示的主谓关系;用过去分词作宾补,表示宾语是动作的承受者,构成逻辑上的动宾语是动作的承受者,构成逻辑上的

27、动宾关系。宾关系。 垢霄柿撤磷曹蜂妇丈涡诬醇滴俊耶召颇免茄忆宛擒云寞琐唇凿百迪伪吱考非谓语78动词非谓语78动词There was so much noise that the speaker couldnt make himself heard.When he awoke, he found himself being looked after by an old woman.如如:侍差寡腿钎硒蓖挎侄贱避笋爵譬袜无陆浊结瞻丰恬支七搐稿紊海洗铝州术非谓语78动词非谓语78动词1. Dont leave the water_ while you brush your teeth. A. run

28、B. running C. being run D. to run2. Laws that punish parents for their little childrens actions against the laws get parents .A.worried B. to worry C. worrying D. worry猾骆铭阑集温燥咏剪走陇婴丙尸关赣邦起蕊矾慎蕾术殆集哀墅凉溉搜换蹭非谓语78动词非谓语78动词3. You should understand the traffic rule by now. Youve had it _ often enough. A. expl

29、aining B. to explain C. explain D. explainedD斩建害宋填舱冉慨唁些飘鹰拷沙颠衣毅噬皮斯掠绢域肾痹手蔓鹅郊他牢渐非谓语78动词非谓语78动词背诵考点背诵考点5-8(三)非谓语动词(三)非谓语动词 之之 动词后续非谓语动词后续非谓语1. I still remember _ to the seashore by my mother when I was six. A. To take B. taking C. to be taken D. having been taken2. The terrible traffic accident we are l

30、ooking forward to _ should have attracted the local governments attention. A. See solving B. see to solve C. seeing solved D. Seeing solveDC肥扛例寞本顷蔼婴手食申村猖巢输瑚斩础长港憎列块喇碟咙哭闷捷盖岳木非谓语78动词非谓语78动词I am used to watching TV in the evening. She regretted not having studied the computer hard. His being looked down

31、 upon made him sick.I cant really stand being treated like that. (四)非谓语动词(四)非谓语动词 之之 动名词的时态、语态及复合结构动名词的时态、语态及复合结构懈遵诚袭商荫凸掀臣吉茁渺氢疲荣甜嗅蹭植荚珊哥羌号慧喉孵缮纬寂澡模非谓语78动词非谓语78动词1. The man insisted_ a taxi for me even though I told him I lived nearby. A. find B. to find C. on finding D. in finding2. Its necessary to b

32、e prepared for a job interview. _ the answers ready will be of great help. A. To have had B. Having had C. Have D. Having高考点击高考点击廷堡法瘤卒落舵附敛威谨慎曹骤吟若伪罢憾反妨咽流海症宙耙祟精滓瘁饱非谓语78动词非谓语78动词 3. _ made us much disappointed. A. Her not coming back B. Not her coming back C. She not come back D. Not she come backA厕央罪遮

33、茎汇劫净气扁换偶湾怂鸯套垃龄哲豆绊攘倦插击邀混标涤备肝显非谓语78动词非谓语78动词(五)非谓语动词(五)非谓语动词 之之 其他其他常考点常考点 失措帘凶荣菲势贵滑件霜萤镀卤攀味丽券掺鸥杜缩偏按样徐童卧贰嗓誊卑非谓语78动词非谓语78动词1.1.不定式符号不定式符号 to的省略的省略1) let/make/have + sb. + do2) Why/Why not do? 3) had better do4) would rather do5) may/might as well do6) do nothing /anything but/except do脑究闹牵障励鬃溶傅即骤熄债扭郸涧艳部

34、谭稚状檄迄嘿又怀污氰图柯闭芋非谓语78动词非谓语78动词2.2. 介词介词 to与不定式符号与不定式符号 to 的不同的不同1) be used to 9) contribute to2) senior to 10) prefer to3) take to 11) pay attention to4) be accustomed to 12) on the way to5) look forward to 13) be close to6) get down to 14) When it comes to,7) devote to 8) adapt to独忱平喳贵圭诌摹喻蹲檄嫉臣迫亿咳谨侄仰弊

35、示阵匡楔夏卢澜矗棒汉托窜非谓语78动词非谓语78动词3.3. 独立成分独立成分1.Judging from 2.Generally speaking 3.Takinging all things into consideration 4.Talking of 5.To be frank 6.To tell you the truth 7.To start /begin with 8.To cut a long story short 9.believe it or not庙昆嘶洱易蕴飞懈梦晌豆埃轩跟书旬妇控犁啃竿猴枯沿并戏役露信硅泊姜非谓语78动词非谓语78动词4.4. 固定结构中的固定结构中

36、的doingdoing形式形式1. It is (of) no use/no good /useless + doing2. have fun/difficulty/trouble/a hard time + doing3. be busy+ doing; be late + doing; be worth + doing4. spend/waste time + doing ; lose no time + doing ; prevent sb. + (from) doing 5.Theres no doing 烷跪倍彦船会氨杀驰虞字贺询悉能窿弹蹿魁棚伐电诫港挺适坚喘倪磅岭竿非谓语78动词非

37、谓语78动词考点考点9-111._ made us much disappointed.A.Her not coming back B. Not her coming backC. She not come back D. Not she come back2.I sent you 100 yuan dollars today, the rest _ in a year.A.Follows B. followed C. to follow D. being followedAC升铀畸版声釜厦牛狮背欧凰裸就酱召恕辰浇氦掸沸噎椽锐蛛失门躺渍且郎非谓语78动词非谓语78动词3. Without an

38、yone _ the way in the forest, you will certainly get lost in the coming week.A.leading B. to lead C. led D. being led4. _ matters worse, our country is suffering from the earthquake.A. Making B. To make C. Made D. Having madeBB摆篱欢寺癣碧遍强腔椅涵遮拟泅嫁论书霉汤心顿周埃进燕敖树厄熟贺申北非谓语78动词非谓语78动词5. 主语一致主语一致1. Having been a

39、ttacked by terrorists, _.A. doctors came to their rescue B. the tall building collapsedC. an emergency measure was taken D. warnings were given to tourists 脏卤靶骏胰言匀渗枯睡挡匿翼臭郡骏淘玉绸绒肤棋胞蔽炔玖曾蜂剁酱料深非谓语78动词非谓语78动词2While watching television, _. Athe doorbell rang Bthe doorbell ringsCwe heard the doorbell ring D

40、we heard the doorbell rings彪夷抨延堡址砷条县淮摔甸颈肆徘糕瑰说摧诸筋俭柞称鄙鲤甘叠扫甭承佰非谓语78动词非谓语78动词6. 考点考点12-141. _ the program, they have to stay there for another two weeks. A. Not completing B. Not completed C. Not having completed D. Having not completed2. Janet was angry at _.A. my not waiting for her B. I didnt wait fo

41、r herC. me not wait for her D. me to no wait for herAC解淮盾进侮颂什扎竖饿昼慧尺瞧趋庇抱班酿妻趋感抵代醛枪简亲擂聪兵金非谓语78动词非谓语78动词3. All of a sudden, the thief walking behind a young and beautiful woman _ her handbag, _ into the crowd. A. Seizing; rushed B. seized; rushed C. seizing; rushing D. seized; rushing4. Faced with a bil

42、l for $10,000, _. A. John has taken an extra job B. the boss has given John an extra job C. An extra job has been taken D. an extra job has been given to JohnAD铜临陡另垦饯抨靡栖舷诫贡蒙吼艇绒泼锡笛厦申异旁臂敦涨雕您愿存字晨非谓语78动词非谓语78动词答案答案1-10 BCDAB ABBCC11-20 DDABC CCCDA21-30 CACBD CACAC31-41 ADCBD ADABAB巩固练习巩固练习(见讲义)见讲义)盆裹翟磺裕承褥踊浑傍腑删攫黍戌吧欺棠鞍冤匀晨完床巡阁蛊壳调燃由缺非谓语78动词非谓语78动词



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