九年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 2 What’s the best thing about school课件 外研版.ppt

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1、ModuleUnit 2 Whats the best thing about school?Learning aims :1.知识目标:知识目标: Grasp new words , phrases and key structures.(重点重点)2.能力目标:能力目标:To get information from the reading material. (难点难点)3. 情感目标情感目标: We should love our school.Words presentation primary secondaryschoolschoolChinese maths English (

2、语数外(语数外) politics(政治政治 )history geography (政史地)(政史地) physics chemistry biology (理化生)(理化生) music PE art (音体美)(音体美) French GermanPE ( Physical Education)IT (Information Technology)Different kinds of subjectsMatch the words with the meanings:A. secondary schoolB. present C. absentD. speech E. bell1 a t

3、alk given to a lot of people 2 the opposite of present 3 someone is in a place4 a thing that makes a ringing sound5 middle schoolmake a speech (演讲演讲)Pre-readingWhat do you think of our school?What do you like best about our school?Look at the photos and say what you can see in Susies school?Activity

4、 1Which words can we use to describe Susies school life?P1P2P3P4P5P6introduce herselfabout schoolschool timetablesubjectsactivitieslikes课堂学习课堂学习ReadtheParas1and2,thenchoosethebestanswers1.HowoldisSusieThompson?A.11B.15C.182.Riverschoolisa_school.A.PrimaryB.SecondaryC.High3.Shestartedprimaryschoolwhe

5、nshewas_.A.5B.11C.15Careful-readingCareful-readingReadPara3andcompletethetimetable.ReadPara3andcompletethetimetable.SchoolstartsLessonsfromBreakAnotherlessonLunchLessonsfromSchoolends8:459:0511:05-11:1511:15-12:1512:15-13:1513:1515:15Careful -reading1.This year Susie has twelve subjects .2. They hav

6、e exams in every subjects.3.They can play either football or tennis during and after school hours.4. During the school year ,there are usually visits to museums and to camps.5. Theres a parents meeting once a year.Read the Paras 4 and 5,then check(T/F).Careful-readingCareful-readingFFFFT2.What does

7、Susie like best about school?She likes English, chemistry, music, sports clubs, school playsand her friends.Read the Read the last passage and answerlast passage and answerCareful-readingRead the passage and answer the questions1 How long has Susie been at River School?2 How long does her schoolday

8、last?3 Do all the students at River School have the same subjects?4. How do you like Susies school life? Why?She has been at River School for 4 years.Her schoolday lasts for six hours and thirty five minutes.No, they dont.(Your own answers) Activity 23. Put the statements into the correct group.1 Su

9、sie has been at school since she was five and she will be at school until she is eighteen.2 All schools in the UK are like River School.3. Lessons start at 9:05am.4. The fourth lesson starts at 1:15 pm.5. There is a parents meeting each term.We can get the information from the passage directly:_We c

10、an get the information from the passage indirectly:_ We cannot get the information from the passage directly:_Activity 31,3,542absentbellpassweekdays1.Whendoyouheara_atschool?2.Whois_fromschooltoday?3.Whatdoyouusuallydoon_?4.Howmanymarksdoyouneedto_theEnglishexam?bellabsentweekdayspassActivity 44. C

11、omplete the questions with the words in the 4. Complete the questions with the words in the box.box.Now work in pairs. Ask and answer. Fill in the blanks with the correct formsheSusie is 15. _has been at River School for four years. _school is a secondary school. _ teachers are friendly, so _enjoyed

12、 _very much at school.SheHerHerherselfsheClass exercises Fill in the blanks with the correct formtheyThe students in River School have 10 subjects, but _dont have exams in every subject. _teachers teach _very carefully. Sometimes they learn by_.theythemthemselvesTheir人人称称单复单复数数主主格格宾宾格格形容词性形容词性物主代词物主

13、代词名词性物名词性物主代词主代词反身代词反身代词第一第一单数单数复数复数第二第二单数单数复数复数第三第三单数单数复数复数they them their theirs themselvesI me my mine myselfwe us our ours ourselvesyou you your yours yourselfyou you your yours yourselveshe him his his himselfshe her her hers herselfit it its its itself中考链接中考链接1.My sister is a clerk. _works in

14、a bank. (北京市海淀区北京市海淀区) A. She B. He C. I 2. Excuse me. Is this _watch? No, its not _. Its Toms. (浙江省宁浙江省宁波市实验卷波市实验卷)A.your, myself B. yours, mine C. your, mineAC中考链接中考链接3.Who taught _French? Nobody. She learned all by_.( 天津市天津市)A.herself, her B. she, herself C. her, herself 4.Miss Wang teaches_ Engl

15、ish this term. (青海省青海省)A. us B. ourC. ourselvesCALanguageNotes1.休息休息 2.考试考试 3.学会做某事学会做某事 4.作演讲作演讲 5.考试及格考试及格 6.出席出席 7.缺席缺席 8.家长会家长会 have a break /rest have an exam learn to do sth. make a speech pass the exam be present be absent a parents meeting Language points1.Ive been at River School, London, s

16、ince I was eleven.从从11岁开始我就一直在伦敦的里弗学习上学岁开始我就一直在伦敦的里弗学习上学 have been to “某人曾经去过某地某人曾经去过某地” (已归)(已归)have gone to “某人去了某地某人去了某地” (未归)(未归)have been in/at “某人在某地停留,居住某人在某地停留,居住” in+大大地方,地方,at+小地方小地方2.IfIpassmyexamsnextyear,IllstayhereuntilIm18.如果明年我通过考试的话如果明年我通过考试的话,我会在这里学习到我会在这里学习到18岁。岁。通过考试通过考试 pass the

17、 exam考试失败考试失败 fail the examif引导的条件状语从句引导的条件状语从句 “如果如果”,主从句时态:主将从现,主从句时态:主将从现3.RiverSchoolisasecondaryschool,about20minutesbybikeawayfromhome.里弗学校是一所中学,从家里弗学校是一所中学,从家骑车到学校大到学校大约需要需要20分分钟secondaryschoolisaschoolforchildrenbetweentheagesof11and16or18.中学是年中学是年龄在在11岁到到16或或18岁孩子上学的学孩子上学的学校。校。Insecondarysc

18、hool,childrengetmoreadvancedknowledge.在中学,孩子在中学,孩子获得更深一些的知得更深一些的知识。4.Before class, our teacher checks which pupils are present or absent. 课前老师检查是否有缺席的学生。课前老师检查是否有缺席的学生。present做形容词时做形容词时,意思是意思是“出席的出席的,在场在场的的”,此时它的反义词是此时它的反义词是absent;做名词时意;做名词时意思是思是“礼物礼物”;做动词时;做动词时,意为意为“赠送赠送”。present作形容词时作形容词时,还可表示还可表示




22、上一副心不在焉的神情。副心不在焉的神情。Writing5. Make a time table for your schoolday.Time when school startsAfternoon lessons Morning lessonsTime when school endsLunch breakAfter-school activitiesActivity 5Makealistofothereventsandactivitiesduringyourschoolyear.e.g.Visitstomuseums,parentsmeeting,schooltriptomountains

23、Writeacompositiondescribingyourschoollife.whenyougotoschoolhowyougettherehowlongyouhavebeenatthisschool.WhatyourdailytimeableiswhatsubjectsyouaretakingthistermwhatothereventsandactivitiesthereareduringyourschoolyearwhatyoulikebestaboutschoolMy name is Zhang Lin and Im a pupil at No. 1 Junior High Sc

24、hool in LearningtolearnWhenyouwriteacomposition,rememberWriteaboutwhatyouknowbest.Thisusuallymeansyourfamily,friends,schoolandyourself.Usesomethingyouhavereadasamodel.SoMyschoollifecanbeamodelforyourwriting.Usephrasesandsentencesfromthemodelandchangethedetails.Thiswillhelpyoudecidewhattowriteandhowt



27、yground.Sometimes,Igototheschoollibrary.Inmysparetime,IoftenpracticespeakingEnglishwithmygoodfriendsonthelawn.Myteachersandclassmatesareveryfriendlytome.Ilikemyschoollifeverymuch.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words 1.There are many books in the library. You can borrow most of _

28、.(他们他们)2.My aunt is a teacher. _(她她)teaches at a primary school.3.May I borrow this CD-ROM, please? I will give _ (它它)back to you tomorrow.4.Tony met Sally in England and visited _ (她的她的)school.5.Last summer, Betty and Lingling often went to the library, and t_read there for several hours.themSheith

29、erhey6.Dont worry-I can do it m _, thank you.7.Ask Phillip to help you. H_ is really good at computers.8.I offered to return the books for Anna, but she said she would do it _(she)9.You can ask a teacher for help, or you can try to teach _(you).10.Betty and I are tired because _ have worked hard tod

30、ay (we).11.Daming and I are going to the cinema. Do you want to come with _(we)?yselfeherselfyourselfweus/yourselves中考链接中考链接1.My sister is a clerk. _works in a bank near here. (北京市海淀区北京市海淀区) A. She B. He C. I D. You2. . When Yang Liwei came back from space, many reporters interviewed _and got some f

31、irst- hand information. (上海市上海市) A. he B. him C. his D. himself3. Excuse me. Is this _watch? No, its not _. Its Toms. (浙江省宁浙江省宁波市实验卷波市实验卷)A.your, myself B. yours, mine C. your, my D. your, mineABDChallenge yourself中考链接中考链接4.Who taught _French? Nobody. She learned all by_.( 天津市天津市)A.herself, her B. s

32、he, herself C. her, herself D. her, she5. Can we put our sports shoes here? Oh, yes. Put_ here, please.(2005 福福建省福州市建省福州市) A. them B. their C. it D. they6.Miss Wang teaches_ English this term. (青海省青海省)A. us B. ourC. ourselves D. weCAA中考链接中考链接6. Is this pen yours? No, its not _. Its Elsas.(北京市北京市) A.

33、 I B. me C. my D. mine7. Paul, do you know the man standing at the door? Yes, he is one of _friends.(吉林省吉林省) A. I B. me C. my D. mine8. Whose English- Chinese dictionary is it? Its_ . My parents bought it for my sister and me. (2005 陕西省陕西省) A. hers B. ours C. mine D. the9. 3.Kate is nice. I like to

34、work with_.( 武汉市武汉市) A. she B. her C. hersD. herself10. Wheres my dictionary? Oh, sorry. I have taken_ by mistake. ( 厦门市课改卷厦门市课改卷) A. yours B. his C. hers D. mineDCBBA中考链接中考链接11. Im sure I can improve_ in spoken English in two years time.(辽宁省大连市辽宁省大连市)A. myself B. ourselves C. himself D. themselves1

35、2. _ yourself to some tea after the hard work. Thanks a lot. (山东省课标卷山东省课标卷)A. Enjoy B. Drink C. Cook D. Help13. Dont lose_ in computer games, children. (山东省威海市山东省威海市)A.yourself B. yourselves C. ourselves D. themselvesADBSum up1.知识:知识: new words , phrases and key structures.2.能力:能力:Can get information from the reading material. 3. 情感情感: We love our school.HomeworkWrite your composition on your exercises books.Every little helps a mickle.聚沙成塔,集腋成裘。



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