七年级英语下册 Unit 4 Finding your way Revision课件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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1、Unit 4 Finding your wayRevision _are_. They like _ bamboo and _ all day long.cuteeatinglying downPandas _are _. Remember that they are very_. Never _ them. the kings of the animal worlddangerousgo nearLions _ like singing. Then can _when they sing.Birds make beautiful sounds_ are _. They _ to _.Monk

2、eys clever and funnyjump aroundmake people laugh_ are _ tall. They have _. And their _can help them _.Giraffes quitelong neckslong neckseat the leaves from trees_ are quite big. They have large big _. And their large ears _.Elephants earsare like open fans我们正在南门的前面。每年有许多游客来看他们。沿着路走,狮子在熊猫的北边。放学后记得关门关

3、窗。他忘记写完作业了,所以他又写了一遍。在长颈鹿的东北边有一座桥,过了桥你将会看到大象。在这里你能看到各种各样的动物。We are in front of the South Gate.Every year, lots of visitors come to see them.=Every year there are lots of visitors coming to see them.Walk along the road, the lions are north of the pandas.Remember to close the doors and windows after cl

4、ass.He forgot doing the homework, so he did it again.There is a bridge north-east of the giraffes. Cross the bridge, and youll find the elephants.Here you can see all kinds of animals.If you are a tour guide and you are showing people around the zoo. Talk about each place and the animal. Pay attenti

5、on to the features(特征特征) of the animal.pandaslionsgiraffesbirdsmonkeyselephantsUseful expressions:Go straight onWalk along the roadTurn left/ rightCross the road冠词冠词不定冠词不定冠词定冠词定冠词 ( the )辅音音素辅音音素之前之前元音音素元音音素之前之前aan Article 在需要的空格内填入冠词在需要的空格内填入冠词a, an, the或者或者/:1.Where are _ balls? Are they under _ch

6、air?2.-Who is _ girl in _ hat? -I dont know.3.I have _ apple. Its on the desk. Can you see _ apple?4.This is _ bag._ bag is under _ desk.5.Look at _ map. Its _ map of _ China.6.Are they _ twins? Yes, they are.thethetheanaThetheathea/the7. We are in _ same school. But John is _ American boy.8. We mus

7、t be polite to _ old.9. _ moon goes around _ sun.10. Who is _ first one to come here?11. She goes to school by _ bike, but yesterday she went here in _ car.12. Its _ useful book. He is _ unhappy boy.13. _ Smiths are having supper at home now.theTheathean/theaThetheanPrepositions of placealong: walk

8、along the street/ rivernear/ beside/ next toon the left/ rightat the corner/ traffic lights/ zebra crossingaround/ round: 在。周围、围绕up/ down: climb up/ down the treeover/ across/ throughover prep. 越过越过The dog is jumping _the chair.There is a bridge _the river.across prep. 通过通过The man is walking _ the r

9、oad.Simon is swimming _the river.though prep. 穿过穿过The light goes _the dark room.thoughacrossacrossoveroverThere is a bird singing in the tree(外界到树上的). There are some apples on the tree(长在树上的).above/ belowHe lives two floors above/ below than me.behind/ in front of Millie sits in front of me.=I sit b

10、ehind Millie.outside sth.out of sth.1. Go _ this road and then turn left.2. Please be careful, the plane is flying _ the clouds.3. The cat is climbing _ the tree. It wants to get an apple.4. Tom likes jumping _ the chair.5.The students must run _ the playground first to have PE lessons.alongthroughu

11、poveraround/round6. Lily walks _ home _school every Friday morning.7. If the traffic light is red. You cant walk _ the road.8. Does the moon go the earth?9. Dont come _ the office in your dirty shoes.toacrossaround/roundfrominto11. Few people (几乎没人几乎没人) can swim _ the Changjiang River.12. You cant r

12、ide a bike _the forest. Its dangerous.13. The sunlight shines _the room _ the window.14. The dog jumps _ the table and eats the meat on the table.acrossthroughintothroughontozebra crossingcrossroadstraffic lightsCross the bridge and turn left.Take the first turning on the left.Turn left at the first

13、 turning.Cross/ go across the road.Walk past the police station. How to write an invitation letterHow to write an invitation letter Para.1 I am going to have an English party on Apr.21 2013.Para.2 Time of the party: The party will start at 6:30 p.m. Place of the party : Ill have the party at home. W

14、hat to do at the party: Well sing English songs and watch some English films.Para. 3 The map below can show you how to get to the party. I am looking forward to seeing you.路线:从家出来,乘一路公交车,在邮局下车,向前走,在第三个十字路口向左转,从左边数第六家就到了。This is the way to my home. You go out of your home, and take the Bus No.1. You should get off at the post office. Go straight on, and turn left at the third turning. My home is the sixth on the left.



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