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1、 Natural Disasters 2021/6/71As we all know that “zainan” is called “Disaster” in English, but Im afraid that most of us dont know the origin of word “Disaster”.Just as many other English words ,it was derived from Latin.If we split the word into two parts, we can see clearly that :dis-: negative, op

2、posite of. -astr: of the starsSo disaster literally means evil star (bad star).The following is the English definition of disaster:A disaster is a natural or man-made event that negatively affects life, property, livelihood or industry often resulting in permanent changes to human societies, ecosyst

3、ems and environment.2021/6/72Today we focus on some information about “Natural Disaster”When mentioning natural disasters ,Im afraid that flood comes to the first place in our mind. We can say that human beings have been fighting against flood since the emergence of mankind, also we continuously rec

4、orded the flood stories.2021/6/73In the “Bible” (the Bible) the first chapter “The Creation” (Genesis) recorded that God decided to punish his bad subjects (wicked mankind) with heavy rains triggering major floods (deluge), the rain had fallen 40 days and nights, flooded the earth 150 days, only a v

5、irtuous Noah and the species on the ark survived.2021/6/74The most destructive natural disasters is earthquake.2021/6/75As the epicenter of the earthquake rupture of two As the epicenter of the earthquake rupture of two kinds of shock rock - wave (P wave, Primary Waves) kinds of shock rock - wave (P

6、 wave, Primary Waves) and the longitudinal wave (S wave, Secondary waves) and the longitudinal wave (S wave, Secondary waves) of twoof two.Earthquake wave reaches the surface first, so Earthquake wave reaches the surface first, so people first feel the ground up and down.people first feel the ground

7、 up and down. 2021/6/76According to the causes of earthquakes, earthquakes can be divided into the following: 1. Tectonic earthquakeSince the depths of underground rock dislocation, caused by the rupture of the earthquake known as tectonic earthquake. Such earthquake occurred most often, the GREates

8、t damage, the earthquake accounted for about 90 percent of the world over.2. Volcanic earthquakeAs the volcano, such as magmatic activity and gas explosions caused by the earthquake known as the volcanic earthquake. Only in areas of volcanic activity may occur before the volcanic earthquakes, such e

9、arthquakes around the world accounts for only about 7 percent of the earthquake.3. Earthquake collapseAs the top of underground caves or mine collapse caused by the earthquake known as the collapse of the earthquake. Such relatively small-scale earthquake, the number of little, if any, tend to occur

10、 in the limestone cave over the region or large-scale underground mining of the mining area.2021/6/774. Induced earthquakeAs water, oil field activities such as water flooding caused by the earthquake known as the earthquake-induced. Such earthquake only in certain oil reservoir area or region.5. Ar

11、tificial earthquakeUnderground nuclear explosions, explosives, blasting and other human-induced ground vibration known as the artificial earthquake. Artificial earthquake was caused by human activities in the earthquake. Such as industrial blasting, the vibration caused by underground nuclear explos

12、ions in deep water in a high-pressure water and the large increases the pressure on the crust, sometimes induced earthquake2021/6/781. For your own safety and their families to hide in the table below, and other solid furniture 2. Shaking Commissioner of the fire immediately, as soon as the fire ext

13、inguishing 3. Do not panic ran to the outdoor 4.Open the door to ensure the exports5. Outdoor occasions, to protect your head and avoid the danger 6. In department stores, theatres, according to the instructions of the staff of Action 7. Automotive on-street parking, closed to control the region 8.I

14、ts Important to note landslides, rock-drop or bluffs overlooking the tsunami 9. Evacuate to walk, carrying goods that should be at least limit 10. Do not listen to rumors, do not act rashly Self-rescue tipsSelf-rescue tips2021/6/79We often hear about the hurricane in news in the United States.Hurric

15、ane is just the same as the Typhoon .Both of them are tropical cyclone .Do you know how scientists give name of hurricanes?2021/6/710Originally, people named hurricanes after some unpopular statesmen or big names .Afterwards, scientists in Europe and the United States gave a list in which there are

16、26 names from A to Z. Whats more,if one of the hurricanes do great damage on our society,that name will never be used again.2021/6/711On December 26, 2004, when many people still immersed in the joy of Christmas, An undersea earthquake triggered by the Indian Ocean tsunami attacked several Southeast

17、 Asian countries.2021/6/712The tsunami killed 270,000 people. What is gratifying is that people around the world are eager to give a hand to those victims.Always ,when confronted with destructive disasters, people show great spirit of solidarity and fraternity through their actions.2021/6/713Natural

18、 disaster is terrible, but not every disaster that occurred for no reason. People want to have better living conditions by continuous consumption of resources, polluting the environment, and undermining the laws of nature . Ultimately more disasters occurred .Therefore, we have to take immediate mea

19、sures to protect our environment, do more contributions rather than harms to it. Just as the covenant made in Bible by the God and Noah , as long as your heart is full of kindness, flood will not destroy all the creatures on the earth, sowing, harvesting, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, life could be long forever.2021/6/7142021/6/7152021/6/7162021/6/717部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!



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