七年级(下)Units1-4规章制度 (2)

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《七年级(下)Units1-4规章制度 (2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级(下)Units1-4规章制度 (2)(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/ 第三部分第三部分 高频话题写作指导高频话题写作指导七年七年级(下)级(下)Units 1-4u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/写作导图写作导图 分分析析湖湖南南近近3年年42套套中中考考真真题题可可知知,湖湖南南各各地地市市对对此此话话题题的的考考查查主主要要涉涉及及的的命命题题角角度度为为: 学学校校规规章章制制度度和和喂喂养养动动物物的的注注意意事事项项。如如:2014湘湘潭潭中中考考真真题题要要求求考考生生根根据据所所在在学学校校的的实实际际情情况况,以以“My School Rules”为为题题,列列举举至至少

2、少五五条条以以上上的的校校规规并并简简要要评评论论;2013张张家家界界中中考考真真题题要要求求根根据据内内容容提提示示写写出出喂喂养养兔兔子子的的注注意意事事项项。下下面面以以2014湘湘潭潭中中考考真真题题为例分析此话题:为例分析此话题:规章制度规章制度u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/亮点句型速成亮点句型速成常用句型:常用句型:We cant crowd with each other on upstairs or downstairs.推荐句型:推荐句型:Dont crowd with each other es

3、pecially when we go upstairs or downstairs.常用句型:常用句型:We should help protect the environment. Its important and necessary.推荐句型:推荐句型:Its important and necessary for us to help protect the environment.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/开头句:开头句:1. There are some rules in our school.2. The teacher said that ever

4、yone in our school must follow these rules.3. As a middle school student, I think we should obey every rule, especially the school rules.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/正文句:正文句:1. In order to keep the classroom clean, student cant eat anything in the classroom.2. We should turn off the lights when we lea

5、ve the classroom. u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/3. I think we should stop those students from wasting water. 4. It is dangerous to play on the street. =We mustnt play on the street.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/5. If we are in danger, we must call the police for help in time.6. We must obey traffic rules

6、and mustnt cross the streets when the traffic lights are red.7. Summer is coming, and we must remember its dangerous to swim in the river.u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/结尾句:结尾句:1. If we do like this, maybe our school will be better and better!2. Anyway, school rules are necessary for us to make fewer mi

7、stakes and become good teenagers. u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/写作模板写作模板 We are asked to 怎怎么么做做. It is dangerous to 做做某某事事, for it may cause 什什么么后后果果 . We should 做做什什么么. Besides, we are not allowed to 做做某某事事 . If we really want to, we should 怎怎么么做做. Whats more, 还还应该怎么做应该怎么做. I think 总体说对规章制度的认识总体说对规章制度

8、的认识 .u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/典例剖析(典例剖析(14湘潭湘潭) 请请根根据据你你所所在在学学校校的的实实际际情情况况,以以My School Rules为题,列举至少五条校规并做简要评论。为题,列举至少五条校规并做简要评论。 要求:要求:1. 全文不得少于全文不得少于80词;词; 2. 文中不得出现真实的校名和人名。文中不得出现真实的校名和人名。u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/【审审题题指指导导】细细读读所所给给的的文文字字提提示示,可可以以提提取取以以下信息:下信息:1.作文内容要求较少,已经给出题目作文内容要求较少,已经给出题目 “

9、My School 2. Rules”。考考生生需需要要围围绕绕题题目目,根根据据学学校校实实际际情情况况,可可从从学学生生的的衣衣、食食、住住、行行等等列列举举五五条条校规,并简要写出个人对校规的感受;校规,并简要写出个人对校规的感受;u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/2. 根根据据作作文文的的内内容容可可知知列列举举校校规规时时,可可用用一一般般现现在在时时来来陈陈述述。评评论论校校规规时时,也也可可提提出出自自己己的的个个人人建建议议或或希希望望,因因此此时时态态可可用用一一般般现现在在时时或或一一般般将将来来时。时。3. 文文章章的的词词数数不不可可少少于于80词词

10、,且且不不能能出出现现真真实实的的校校名和人名。名和人名。u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/【高分范文高分范文】My School Rules There are so many rules in our school. First, we cant be late for class. Second, we shouldnt be allowed to talk aloud in or outside the classroom after classes. Third, we should be allowed tou末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/

11、wear uniforms. Especially, boys should not have long hair. Fourth, we should not be allowed to smoke. I think its bad for our health. Fifth, we should not be allowed to fight in school. Sixth, we must eat and drink in the dining hall instead of the classroom. u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/ The rules are very useful and important to our study and health. I think the stricter the rules are, the better study we will have. Dont you think so?u末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/【检测菜单检测菜单】1. 被允许被允许 _2. 对对有害有害 _3. 代替代替 _be allowed tobe bad for instead ofu末页末页u目录目录u首页首页http:/http:/



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