外研版高中英语写作专项3 简单句的扩展课件

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《外研版高中英语写作专项3 简单句的扩展课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版高中英语写作专项3 简单句的扩展课件(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂简单句的扩展五种基本句式是构成文章的基础。要想提高写作水平,还必须会写复合句。我们要在简单句的基础上充分利用形容词、副词、定语从句和状语从句等来充实句子。1由简单句到并列句,实现基本扩展在两个或多个简单句之间加上and,or,but等并列连词,或加上分号,把简单句变成并列句,从而使句子的连贯性更强,表达也更为贴切、自然。如:Tom is our monitor now.He came to our school last year.Tom came to our school last year and he is our monitor now.(把意义松散的

2、两个句子合为一体,句意连贯性更强了)Tom came to our school last year;he is our monitor now.(通过标点符号,也能达到异曲同工之效)Tom is good at English.He doesnt do well in Chinese.Tom is good at English,but he doesnt do well in Chinese.Tom is good at English;he doesnt do well in Chinese.Tom missed the bus.He wasnt sorry for that.Tom m

3、issed the bus,but he wasnt sorry for that.Tom missed the bus;he wasnt sorry for that,though.Tom does his homework in the classroom.He sometimes does his homework at home.Tom does his homework either in the classroom or at home.Tom usually does his homework in the classroom,or at home sometimes.2由简单句

4、到复合句,实现过渡扩展只要给一个简单句任意加上一个从句(尤其是定语从句和状语从句),复合句即可生成,表达出更多或更复杂的意义,从而有效地避免简单句松散、单一的表达形式。如:The meeting came to an end.我们试加一个定语从句:The meeting that they held in our classroom came to an end.我们试加一个状语从句:When we arrived,the meeting come to an end.或:The meeting came to an end though it was still early.或:Before

5、 I could speak anything,the meeting came to an end.如此等等,不胜枚举。只要我们善于扩充,适度添加单词、短语或从句,句子就会更富有表现力。3着意添加成分,实现高级扩展如果我们给一个简单句着意添加一些附加成分,句子的扩展性则会更强。我们以“他上学来晚了”为中心句,便可尝试添加附加信息:他昨晚熬夜了;他没赶上车;他没耽误第一节课;不然他就赶上第一节课了。这样,我们便会有以下句子:He stayed up last night,so he came to school late.He came to school late because he st

6、ayed up late last night.He missed the bus,so he came to school late.He missed the bus,but he didnt miss the first class.He missed the bus,or he wouldnt have missed the first class.4运用修辞手法,实现自由扩展只要有几个句子罗列出现,句与句之间便有一定的关系。如果我们想表达承接、转折、因果、递进等关系,扩展句子时,就可以根据语义自由选择恰当的关联词。用于不同功能的这类词汇有:并列:and,as well as,also

7、,both.and等;选择:or,either.or,neither.nor,otherwise等;原因:because,for,as,since,owing to,due to等;结果:so,therefore,thus,as a result等;时间:when,before,later,first,and then,next等;比较:on the contrary,for another thing等;转折:but,yet,however,although,in spite of等;递进:besides,even,whats more,in addition等;举例:for example

8、,such as,like,namely等;总结:in short,in general,in a word,to sum up等。如:Tom saw a bird.The bird was wounded.He took the bird to the zoo.The workers in the zoo praised him.He arrived home late.He was happy.以上虽然都是简单句,但Tom的行为线索还是非常清晰的。不过,这样表达,句子显得松散,意思不够连贯。假如我们适当地添加关联词和运用一定的修辞手段,便可把Tom的活动串成一段更加连贯的文字了:Tom s

9、aw a wounded bird,so he took the bird to the zoo.The workers in the zoo praised him.Though he came home late,he was happy.如此表述,句子之间承接自然,句意连贯,远比单纯的简单句叙述得地道、贴切。不过,如果我们再大胆添加一些成分或关联词、过渡句,则会变成一段内容丰富的短文。On the way home,Tom,our monitor,saw a wounded bird that seemed to be dying.Without the slightest hesita

10、tion,he took the bird to the zoo nearby as soon as possible.Having known what had happened,all the workers in the zoo praised Tom for his deep love for birds.Tom didnt go home until the bird was saved and treated properly in the zoo.It was very late when he arrived home,but he was happy indeed.一、按要求

11、扩写下面的简单句(可以有不同的答案)The boy is playing.1加宾语答案:The boy is playing computer games.2加状语答案:The boy is playing computer games happily and excitedly.3给主语加定语答案:The boy who played truant is playing computer games happily and excitedly.4给宾语加定语答案:The boy who played truant is happily playing computer games which

12、 are very interesting to him.5Tom was watching TV.答案:Tom,coming back late from school,was watching TV,which quickly made him feel relaxed.二、请用括号中所给的提示词,把两句话连接成一句1He was tired.He went to bed.(so)答案:He was tired,so he went to bed.2The child hid behind his mothers skirt.He was afraid of the dog.(for)答案

13、:The child hid behind his mothers skirt,for he was afraid of the dog.3He brushed his teeth.He went to bed.(and)答案:He brushed his teeth and went to bed.4Tom is lazy.Toms sister works hard.(but)答案:Tom is lazy,but his sister works hard.5Feathers fall slowly.Stones fall much faster.(while)答案:Feathers fa

14、ll slowly while stones fall much faster.6You can leave.You have finished your homework.(when)答案:You can leave when you have finished your homework.7Jack is an engineer.Jacks brother teaches physics.(whose)答案:Jack,whose brother teaches physics,is an engineer.8The book is still in the place.You put th

15、e book in the place.(where)答案:The book is still in the place where you put it./ The book is still where you put it.9We didnt have supper.He came back.(until)答案:We didnt have supper until he came back.10Anna speaks French.Anna writes her reports in French.(not only.but also)答案:Anna not only speaks French,but also writes her reports in it.



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