Module 6 Unit 2 If you tell him(备作业)(原卷版)

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《Module 6 Unit 2 If you tell him(备作业)(原卷版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Module 6 Unit 2 If you tell him(备作业)(原卷版)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 6 ProblemsUnit 2 If you tell him the truth now, you will show that you are honest(课后巩固练习)一、单项选择。1Why did you keep _ at that important meeting?Because I was too nervous to say a word.AsilentBangryCactive2If you _ there tomorrow,I will go with youAgoBwill goCare going Dhave gone3Look at the sun

2、!It is too hot todayYes,why not _your coat?Atake offBtake upCtake away Dtake out4If you are more careful, youll make _ mistakes in the math exam next week.Amore Bleast Cmost Dfewer5The pollution in the sea is terrible!I believe the sea will be cleaner _ we take action now.AThoughBifCunlessDuntil6I c

3、an lend my bike to you _ you promise to take good care of it.AwhileBifCalthough Dunless7We will have an exam _ the monthAat the end Bin the end ofCat the end ofDby the end8I dont know if he _tomorrowIll call you if he _Acomes;comes Bwill come;comesCwill come;will comeDcome;come9I bought a camera onl

4、ine. I havent tried it _.AOnBforCoutDto10He never tells lies so he is _ honest man.AanBaCtheD/二、从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。A: Hi,Wang Lingling!B: Hi,Daming!A: You look a little unhappy. 11 .B: Yes,its just my mum. She always nags(唠叨)at me.A: Really?What does your mother nag you about?B:12“Get up now.Every

5、thing must be in place.Dont forget your piano lesson.”A: Well,all the mothers like saying these things to their children.B: Also,I like music. 13We dont have the same interest in many things.A:14But I should say she nags at you because she cares about you. Youre lucky to have such agood mother.B: I

6、agree with you. 15A: Thats right. Understanding(理解)is important. If your mum knows that everything is fine,she will never nag.AMaybe youre right.BIs there anything wrong?CIll try to understand her.DShe nags me about almost everything.E.Thats a good idea.1F.But she doesnt like it at all.G.Could I use

7、 your telephone,please?三、阅读理解。Many parents always complain their children cant do things well when they are coming tosee me.In fact, all the parents are facing a serious problemwhat character should they play in theirchildrens life. When children reach the age of 16, parents need to realize that the

8、 children havegrown up. After they grow up, they should learn to make decisions by themselves because this isvery important for them. If they cant make their own decisions, they will never find out theirability and become independent.To be honest, many children even adults cant make their own decisi

9、ons. So, parents should helpchildren learn to make their own decisions and help to make the decisions more meaningful.I have a German friend. He was born in a rich family. He lives in Washington with his parents.When he was 18 years old, he wanted to travel around America. He then talked with his fa

10、therabout it. His father supported his idea and then gave him only $100. I was astonished after I heardthe news. However, to my surprise, he traveled around the whole country during intermissions (间歇) between working time. After he finished the journey, his father told me why he gave his sononly $10

11、0 at first.I thought it was time for him to begin to learn what life is, he said. Through this journey, he hadlearned that life wasnt as easy as he had thought. 16The writer is most probably a _.ApsychologistBwaiterCbusinessmanDshopkeeper17After growing up, the children should learn to _ by themselv

12、es.Amake moneyBmake decisions Cfind out their ability Dface serious problems18From the passage, we can know the writer believes _.Amost adults cant make their own decisionsBparents shouldnt help children learn to make their own decisionsCwhen children reach the age of 16, parents need to help them f

13、ind jobsDif children cant make their own decisions, they will never find out their ability19The underlined word astonished has the closest in meaning to_.ApleasedBluckyCsurprised Dafraid20The writers German friend is _ according to the passage.AseriousBcold CterribleDindependent四、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词仅

14、用一次,每空一词。reason;little;dishonest;repair;true21Please tell me the _, or I cant decide how to help you next step.22Which one do you like _ among these stamps?23I _ my bike and gave it away to the poor man.24Here are some of the most popular _ for people to hike.25Being _ is the first thing people shou

15、ld learn.五、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。26The _(原因)is that computers can never replace books.27What is your new deskmate like?She is quiet and _(诚实的).28Mary waited while John was _(修理)the water pipes.29After dinner with friends,Bob paid the _(账单).230I think you should _(道歉)to your brother for not being able to see him off.3



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