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1、英 语单项选择(一一)名词名词 1基础语法 近几年全国各地中考对名词的考查主要是词义辨析及名词所有格,名词变复数的规则也是各地中考的考点之一。随着“淡化语法,注重语言运用和交际”这一理念被广泛认同,预计2015年各地中考对名词辨析的考查将呈上升趋势。 考点一可数名词 1可数名词复数形式的规则变化 情况构成方法例子一般情况下加sdeskdesks,gamegames以s,x,ch,sh结尾的名词加esclassclasses,foxfoxes,matchmatches,(注意:stomach的复数形式为stomachs)以“辅音字母y”结尾的名词变y为i再加escomedycomedies,pa

2、rtyparties以“元音字母y”结尾的名词加sboyboys,keykeys以f或fe结尾的名词将f或fe变为vesleafleaves,lifelives以o结尾的名词o前为辅音音素时加es,o前为元音音素时加sheroheroes,tomatotomatoes ,radioradioszoozoos,例外:photophotospianopianos2.可数名词复数形式的不规则变化(1)变内部元音字母。eg:manmen,toothteeth(2)单复数同形。eg:ChineseChinese,sheepsheep【友情提示】fish表示鱼的种类时,复数形式为fishes。(3)在词尾

3、加(r)en。eg:childchildren,oxoxen(4)名词修饰名词时,若前面的名词是man和woman,变复数时,构成复合名词的两个名词同时变复数;如果是其他词,变复数时,只需把后面的名词变为复数形式。eg:man teachermen teachersboy studentboy students 1Uncle Wang bought two _D_ for me yesterday.(2013,乌鲁木齐)Abread Bmilk Cdictionary Dwatches2Where are the students?They are playing football with

4、_D_ students from Hilltop School.(2013,青岛)Aboys;/ Bboys;theCboy;/ Dboy;the3I like _C_.They are healthy food.(2014,永州)AtomatosBtomatoCtomatoes4The picnic is only in three days.Have you made any_B_?(2014,台州)Not yet.So lets discuss what to prepare.Awish Bplans Cmistakes Dfriends5What_B_bowl of noodles

5、would you like,small,medium or large?(2014,黄冈)A large bowl of beef noodles,please.Acolor Bsize Cprice Dkind 6I saw some _C_ and _ dancing in the street the day before yesterday.(2013,绥化)AGermen;Englishmen BGermans;EnglishmansCGermans;Englishmen7How many _D_ are there in your school?Twenty.(2014,黔东南)

6、Awoman teachers Bwoman teachersCwomen teacher Dwomen teachers8The _D_ often eat grass on the hill.(2014,随州)Achicken Bhorse Ccow Dsheep9Its a wise_B_to wear the white tie.It matches your shirt well.(2014,荆州)Aagreement BchoiceCsupport Dcondition10How many _C_ do we need to make fruit salad?Two should

7、be enough.(2014,湖州)Acabbage BpotatoesCbananas Dlemon 不可数名词没有复数形式,也不能与不定冠词a或an连用。1表示不可数名词的数量时,通常使用相应的单位词,如piece,cup,bowl等,复数形式常体现在单位词上。eg:a piece of papertwo pieces of paper,a cup of teathree cups of tea2不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。eg:The rice is delicious.I want to eat another bowl.3常见的修饰不可数名词的词有much,a li

8、ttle,little等。eg:much rain,a little bread【友情提示】有些词语既可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。如a lot of,plenty of,enough,some,any等。 考点二不可数名词 11Thank you for your _D_.I know a lot about Oxfam Trailwalker now.(2013,南通)Aattention BOperation Cinvention Dinformation12Would you like some _D_?No, thanks.Im not hungry at all.(201

9、3,宁波)Awater Bsoup Corange Dbread13My teacher gave me much_C_on how to study English well when I had some trouble.(2014,菏泽)Aquestion BSuggestion Cadvice Dproblem14What kind of porridge would you like, Alice?I would like _A_.(2013,贺州)Aegg porridge Beggs porridge Cfish porridges Dfishes porridge15Id li

10、ke _B_.Im thirsty.What about you?(2014,石家庄)Atwo bottles of oranges Btwo bottles of orangeCtwo bottle of oranges Dtwo bottle of orange 16Mr.Smith always has _B_ to tell us.So he does.(2013,安顺)Asome good pieces of news Bsome pieces of good newsCsome good piece of news Dsome piece of good news17I could

11、nt see clearly, so my father bought _A_ for me last week.(2014,烟台)Aa pair of glasses Ba glasses Ca glass Da pair of glass18What would you like to drink, girls?_C_, please.(2013,黄冈)ATwo glass of water BTwo glass of watersCTwo cups of tea DTwo cups of teas19We should take our teachers _B_and make full

12、 use of_to study.(2014,黔东南)Aadvices;times Badvice;time Cadvice;times Dadvices;time20Im so hungry.Please give me _B_ to eat.(2013,清远)Athree bread Bthree pieces of breadCthree pieces of breads Dthree piece of bread 1名词所有格主要用来表示人或物的所有或所属关系。下面是它的构成方法: 考点三名词所有格 单词形式构成方法举例普通单数名词在词尾直接加smy fathers friend我父亲

13、的朋友词尾已有s的复数名词在词尾只加students rooms学生们的房间词尾不带s的复数名词在词尾直接加sChildrens Day儿童节表示几个词共有的所有关系在最后一个词的词尾加sJane and Marys room简和玛丽的房间表示几个词各自的所有关系在每个词的词尾加sJanes and Marys rooms简和玛丽各自的房间表示某人的家、店铺、办公室等在词尾加s,省略其后名词at my uncles在我叔叔家2.名词所有格有时可以表示地点。eg:at the doctors(在诊所)to Grandpa Lius(去刘爷爷家)3“of名词所有格”这种形式被称为名词的双重所有格,

14、常用来表示整体中的一部分。eg:a friend of my uncles(我叔叔的一位朋友) 21Look at that photo, what a happy family!Yes, its a photo _C_ my family.(2013,新疆兵团)Aat Bfor Cof Din22_B_ fathers cant go to the class meeting because they have gone on business.(2013,威海)AJack and Mikes BJacks and MikesCJack and Mike DJacks and Mike23T

15、his is _A_ bedroom.The twin sisters like it very much.(2013,青海)AJenny and Marias BJennys and MariaCJennys and Marias24The online shop sells _C_ clothing at a very good price.(2014,盐城)Achild and mans Bchildren and mensCchildrens and mens Dchildrens and men25How far is your home from school?Its about

16、two _B_ walk.(2013,潍坊)Ahours Bhours Chours Dhour 26Can you imagine what life will be like in _A_ time?(2013,阜康)A20 years B20 yearsC20years D20year27How far is it from your home to school?Its about twenty _B_ walk.(2013,恩施)AminutesBminutesCminutes28My _D_ skirt is on the chair.(2012,桂林)Asisters Bsist

17、er Csisters Dsisters29Jenny is a friend of _A_.AMarys mothers BMarys motherCmothers of Mary DMary mothers30After playing football for more than half an hour, the students took _B_ rest.(2014,石家庄)Aa few minutes Ba few minutesCfew minutes Dfew minutes (二二)冠词冠词 近几年中考对冠词的考查重点是不定冠词a和an的区别、定冠词及零冠词。对冠词的习惯用

18、法的考查是主要考点之一,所以对此类用法一定要熟记在心。另外在学习中,应充分重视对最基本的冠词知识的理解、掌握,同时注意冠词活用的问题。做题时要弄清句子中的单数名词、复数名词或不可数名词及泛指、特指等概念。预计2015年命题趋势仍可能是定冠词与不定冠词的区别和冠词的习惯用法。 考点一不定冠词a/an 用法例句a用在辅音音素前,an用在元音音素前。This is a useful book. He is an honest boy.用于第一次提到的人或物、可数单数名词前,表示“一个”,相当于one。Here is a map of Japan. I have a good mother.用在可数的

19、、单数形式的普通名词前,表示价格、速度、时间、频率等度量上的“每一”。An apple a day keeps the doctor away. We take PE.lessons twice a week.抽象名词在某些情况下可以与不定冠词连用,表示“一种、一场”等。Its fun to have a chat with you.用在单数名词前,表示一类人或物中的任何一个。A knife is used for cutting.用于序数词前表示“又一、再一”的意思。He copied the new words a third time.用于固定短语中。have a look看一看,a l

20、ot of许多,a little一点,a few一点,have a cold感冒1Lee Minho is_D_actor from South Korea.He sang_Chinese pop song on the 2014 CCTV New Years Gala.(2014,连云港)Athe;an B/; Ca;/ Dan;a2That performance was _A_ great success.(2013,镇江)Aa B/ Can Dthe3Hurry up, or well be late.Take your time,its just _C_ short distance

21、 from here to _ cinema.(2013,苏州)A/;the Bthe;a Ca;the D/;a4Cathy was very happy to meet_A_old friend on the plane to Paris.(2014,温州)Aan Ba Cthe D/5Mrs Smith has_B_8yearold daughter who has won two national painting prizes.(2014,丽水)Aa Ban Cthe D/ 6Look!Whos _B_boy over there?(2014,滨州)Oh,he is my cousi

22、n.He is_honest boy.Aa;the Bthe;an Cthe;a Da;an7What_B_useful program it is!(2014,随州)Yeah.It tells us how to play_violin.Aan;the Ba;the Cthe;a Dan;/8Maria would like _C_ orange, not _ orange juice.(2013,咸宁)Aa;the B/;an Can;/ Dan;an9A good beginning makes _A_ good ending. Aa Ban Cthe D/10Would you min

23、d cleaning your room?OK.Ill do it in _C_ minute.(2013,南充)Athe Ban Ca D/ 考点二定冠词the 用法例句用于谈话双方都知道的名词前,表示特指。Tom, come into the classroom please.用于再次被提到的名词前。There is a book on the desk.The book is mine.和一些名词连用,表示类别。The light bulb was invented by Edison.用于被形容词、介词短语或定语从句修饰的名词前。I know the man on the bike.用

24、于形容词的最高级或序数词前。Tom is the tallest in our class.用在世界上独一无二的事物或乐器前。the sun太阳,the moon月亮,play the piano弹钢琴与某些形容词连用表示一类人或事物。The young should help the old.用于由普通名词构成的专有名词前。the Great Wall长城, the Spring Festival春节用于一些固定短语中。by the way顺便问一下,in the end最终11Are there many places of interest in Nantong?Yes.By _C_ w

25、ay, you can go there by _ bus.(2013,南通)Athe;a B/;the Cthe;/ Da;/12Can you see _B_ sun at night?(2013,锦州)Aa Bthe Can D/13Look!There is a monkey eating_C_apple in the tree.En,_monkey is very cute.(2014,达州)Aa;a Ba;the Can;the Dan;an14My cousin Andy can play _C_ piano very well, but he isnt good at play

26、ing _ basketball.(2013,宿迁)Athe;the B/;the Cthe;/ D/;/15 Doing lots of listening practice is one of_C_best ways of becoming_good language learner.(2014,菏泽)Athe;the B/;a Cthe;a Dthe;/16I like _C_ color of your coat.Ill buy _ blouse like this color.(2014,日照)Athe;the Ba;a Cthe;a Da;the17Have you seen_C_

27、film Where Are We Going,Dad? (2014,扬州)Yes,its_interesting film!Aa;the Bthe;the Cthe;an Da;an18_A_ Great Wall is _ longest wall in the world.(2013,益阳)AThe;the BA;a CThe;a19Tony, whats _B_ matter with you?I have _ toothache.(2013,莱芜)Aa;the Bthe;a C/;the Dthe;/20Vera and Mike come from _A_ European cou

28、ntry.They are in _ same school now.(2013,安顺)Aa;the Ban;the Cthe;the Dan;an 1play与棋类、球类名词连用,棋类、球类名词前不加冠词。eg:play volleyball打排球play chess下棋2一日三餐前不加任何冠词。如果三餐名词前有形容词,则需要用冠词。eg:have breakfast吃早饭 a quick breakfast一顿匆忙的早餐3在人名、地名等专有名词前不加冠词。Beijing is the capital of China.4复数名词或不可数名词表示泛指意义而不是特指意义时,其前不用冠词。eg:

29、They are teachers,not students.5泛指的复数名词表示“一类人或一类事物”时,其前不用冠词。eg:Desks and chairs are usually made of wood.6当名词前有指示代词、物主代词、不定代词或名词所有格时,名词前不再加任何冠词。eg:This computer is their teachers.7与by连用的交通工具名词前不加冠词。eg:by bus乘公共汽车by plane乘飞机8在一些固定词组中不加任何冠词。eg:on foot步行at noon在中午at night在夜里on time准时go to school去上学 考点三

30、零冠词的用法 21Chairman Xi Jinping had _A_ friendly talk with US President Obama in _ America.(2014,大庆)Aa;/ Bthe;/ C/;the Da;an22Tina, are you going to play _C_ chess on School Day?Yes, and Ill also play _ violin that afternoon.(2012,孝感)Athe;the Bthe;/ C/;the D/;/23What do you usually have for _D_ breakfa

31、st?(2013,天津)A piece of bread and _ egg.Aa;an B/;the Ca;the D/;an24Lily is coming by _B_ plane tomorrow.Lets go to _ airport to meet her.(2014,贺州)Aa;a B/;a Cthe;the D/;the25What _B_ bad weather it is today!Yes, _ weather makes me so sad.(2014,玉林)Aa;a B/;the Can;the Dthe;a26People cant live without _D

32、_ water.Yes, I think so.(2014,十堰)Aa Ban Cthe D/27Do you often play _C_ soccer with your friends?No, I dont like sports.I often play _ piano in my free time.(2012,烟台)Aa;the Bthe;/ C/;the Dthe;a28What _C_ cold weather!(2012,达州)Yes.But its _ unusual experience for us, we normally live in a hot place.A/

33、;a Ba;an C/;an Da;the29Hurry up! If we miss _C_ last bus, well have to get home by _ taxi.(2012,绵阳)Aa;/ Bthe;a Cthe;/ Da;a30They want their daughter to go to _A_ university, but they also want her to get _ summer job.(2012,杭州)A/;a Bthe;a Can;a Da;the (三三)代词代词 近几年全国各地中考对代词的考查主要集中在对不定代词的考查。对名词性物主代词与形容

34、词性物主代词用法上的区别的考查也是近几年中考代词考查的热点之一。预计2015年中考对代词的考查重点仍然在对不定代词、物主代词的考查上。同时也要注意对反身代词、代词主格和宾格的考查。 考点一人称代词 人称单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称Imeweus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称he,she,ithim,her,ittheythem【温馨提示】1人称代词的排列顺序分三种情况:复数人称按照weyouthey;单数人称按照youhe/sheI;第三人称男女并用时按照heshe。但承认过失、表示不吉祥的事或有不好的意思时,单数人称代词按照Ihe/sheyou排列,复数人称代词按照weyout

35、hey排列。2在包含双宾语的句子中,如果直接宾语是人称代词it或them,间接宾语要放在直接宾语的后面。eg:Please pass it to me.(不能说Please pass me it.)3代词it的用法(1)用来代替上文中提到的特定事物,可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词。eg:Your father has bought you a new computer.Do you like it?(2)当说话人对所涉及到的人的身份、姓名不清楚或看不出来、听不出来时,常用it代替和当时某一事件、某动作有关的那个人。(3)为了保持句子的平衡,可以用it来代替动词不定式,在句子中作形式主语或形

36、式宾语。eg:Its very interesting to swim in the river.(4)用来代替天气、时间、距离等。eg:Whats the weather like today?Its fine. 1Susan,can you help clean the window?Why _D_?Alice is sitting there doing nothing.(2014,丽水)Ahim Bher Cyou Dme2This morning Diana invited _C_ to _ birthday party.(2013,天津)AI;her BI;hersCme;her

37、Dme;hers3There are lots of restaurants in our town.And most of _D_ are clean and cheap.(2013,南昌)Ait Bthey Cus Dthem4 My parents showed _B_ some old pictures that brought back sweet memories.(2014,上海)AI Bme Cmy Dmine 5I cant find my English book.Could you help_A_find it?(2014,德州)Ame Bher Chim Dthem6W

38、ho teaches _C_ music?Nobody.I teach _.(2013,绥化)Ayour;mine Byour;myselfCyou;myself 7Do your grandparents live with you?Yes, we take care of _C_ well.(2013,娄底)Athey Btheir Cthem 8I find _B_ hard to learn English well.(2014,新疆)Athis Bit Cthat Dthey 1形容词性物主代词在句中作定语修饰名词,一般不单独使用。eg:Her father is a doctor.

39、2名词性物主代词常用来代替前面已提及的名词,相当于“形容词性物主代词名词”。eg:Your idea is different from mine. 考点二物主代词 9The camera in your hand is nice,is it_B_?Yes,but Ill give it to my friend Lily as_birthday present.(2014,随州)Ayou;her Byours;herCyour;hers Dyou;hers10Is this _A_ new book, Shirley?No, it isnt.Maybe its _.(2013,宿迁)Ayou

40、r;his Byour;himCyours;his Dyours;him11. We decide to make_C_a rule for us roommates to turn off the lights at 10:30 pm.(2014,菏泽)Athat Bthis Cit Done12After Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize, more people began to read _C_ books.(2013,淮安)Ahe Bhim Chis Dhimself13Excuse me, is this _A_ Ipad Mini?No, it isnt._

41、is at home.(2014,宁波)Ayour;Mine Byour;MyCyours;My Dyours;Mine14Mike, is that new bike _C_?(2013,重庆)Yes.My mother bought it for me yesterday.Ayou Byour Cyours Dyourself15Is that car Mrs Blacks?No,_C_is a white one.(2014,济宁)Ashe Bher Chers Dhis16Lost in Thailand is a very successful comedy.Its _D_ favo

42、rite movie.(2014,临沂)Ame Bmine CI Dmy 考点三反身代词 数人称单数复数第一人称myselfourselves第二人称yourselfyourselves第三人称himself,herselfitselfthemselves【温馨提示】(1)反身代词在句中主要用作动词或介词的宾语;有时用在主语或宾语后面作同位语,还可用在系动词后作表语。eg:We enjoyed ourselves at the party.(作宾语)Linda herself finished the task.(作同位语)The tall girl is myself.(作表语)(2)反身代

43、词的固定搭配有:dress oneself,enjoy oneself,help oneself to sth,learn by oneself,teach oneself等。 17I dont think they can improve _B_ in written English in two weeks.(2013,恩施)Amyself BthemselvesChimself 18Hi, guys.How was your party yesterday?Wonderful! We had a big meal and enjoyed _D_.(2013,南京)Athemselves

44、BmyselfCyourselves Dourselves19Help_C_to some fish,Jeff.(2014,重庆)Ayou Byour Cyourself Dyours20Its very important for us to learn how to learn by _A_.(2013,陕西)Aourselves BitselfCmyself Dthemselves21The man called his professor for help because he couldnt solve the problem by _B_.(2013,广州)Aherself Bhi

45、mselfCyourself Dthemselves 22Ill have a tennis game tomorrow.Im a little bit nervous.(2014,温州)Believe in _C_.Youre the best in our club.Aherself Bmyself Cyourself Dhimself23Boys, dont lose _B_ in playing Angry Birds.It is bad for your eyes to play computer games for a long time.(2013,广东)Ahimself Byo

46、urselfCthemselves Dyourselves24Dont worry about me.I can take good care of _B_.(2013,济宁)Ame Bmyself Chim Dhimself25I guess Peter and his sister Sally enjoyed _D_ at the dancing party.(2013,孝感)Amyself BhimselfCherself Dthemselves 考点四指示代词 2.指示代词的用法(1)this/these近指。eg:This is my ruler.These are their bo

47、oks.指下文要提到的事。eg:Please remember this:No pains, no gains.(2)that/those远指。eg:Thats her bike.Those are my pens.用来代替上文已提到的名词,以避免重复。eg:The weather in Hainan is hotter than that in Taiyuan in winter.【友情提示】打电话时用this介绍自己,用that询问对方。eg:This is Jane speaking.Whos that? 单数thisthat复数thesethose1常用的指示代词 26Im looki

48、ng for a bank,but I cant find_B_.(2014,嘉兴)Ait Bone Cthis Dthat27What are _C_ teachers doing?They are having a meeting.(2013,柳州)Athis Bthat Cthose28Im a little hungry, Mom.There are some cakes on the plate.You can take _B_.(2013,安徽)Ait Bone Cthat Dthis29As for learning English, students who read a lo

49、t can do much better than _A_ who dont.(2013,呼和浩特)Athose Bthat Cthese Dthem30The weather in summer in Beijing is cooler than _C_ in Shanghai.(2013,南宁)Athis Bit Cthat Done 22Ill have a tennis game tomorrow.Im a little bit nervous.(2014,温州)Believe in _C_.Youre the best in our club.Aherself Bmyself Cyo

50、urself Dhimself23Boys, dont lose _B_ in playing Angry Birds.It is bad for your eyes to play computer games for a long time.(2013,广东)Ahimself ByourselfCthemselves Dyourselves24Dont worry about me.I can take good care of _B_.(2013,济宁)Ame Bmyself Chim Dhimself25I guess Peter and his sister Sally enjoye

51、d _D_ at the dancing party.(2013,孝感)Amyself BhimselfCherself Dthemselves 考点五不定代词(1)复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。eg:Something is wrong with the computer.(2)形容词修饰不定代词时应该放在不定代词之后。eg:There is something delicious on the table.(3)some/any复合不定代词的用法与some/any的用法基本一致。肯定句以及期待对方肯定回答的疑问句中通常用some;否定句和疑问句中通常用any。eg:Would

52、you like something to eat? 31Which of the two Tshirts would you like?_A_.I dont like their styles.(2014,扬州)ANeither BBoth CNone DEither32“I dont think I am different from _A_ else.I am just the son of a farmer,” Mo Yan said.(2013,东营)Aanyone BnobodyCsomeone Deveryone33You can take _B_ of the two toy

53、cars and leave the other for your brother.(2014,安徽)Aboth Beither Cneither Dnone34Jerry and Scott are from the United States, but _B_ of them are interested in Beijing Opera.(2013,济南)Aall Bboth Cneither Deither35A smile costs_B_,but gives so much.So we should learn to smile.(2014,潍坊)Asomething Bnothi

54、ngCanything Deverything 36Who helped you clean the bedroom yesterday, Kitty?(2013,泰安)_A_.I cleaned it all by myself.ANobody BEverybody CSomebody DAnybody37What else do you need for your holiday?Nothing else.I have packed _A_.(2013,牡丹江)Aeverything BNothing Csomething38My host family tried to cook _C_

55、 for me when I studied in New Zealand.(2013,孝感)Adifferent something Bdifferent anythingCsomething different Danything different39Jack, is there _A_ in todays newspaper?No, nothing.(2013,新疆)Aanything important Bsomething importantCimportant anything Dimportant something40Now teenagers are very busy w

56、ith their schoolwork and they have _D_ time to do exercise.(2014,淮安)Afew Ba few Ca little Dlittle 考点六疑问代词 疑问代词主要用法例句Who 作主语、表语、宾语。Who wants to play with me?whomwho的宾格形式,作宾语。Whom are you waiting for?whosewho的所有格形式,作表语、定语。Whose scarf is this?what在不确定范围内选择,用what,意为“什么”,作主语、宾语和定语。What would you like to

57、eat?which在明确的、已知的范围内选择,用which,意为“哪一个;哪一些”,作主语、宾语和定语。Which season do you like best?41_C_is he?(2013,东营)He is PSY.He sang the song Gangnam Style.AHow BWhat CWho DWhere42Do you know_B_I saw yesterday?It was my favorite star,Jackie!(2013,江西)Awhen Bwhom Cwhat Dwhich43Excuse me, can you tell me _B_ is the

58、 way to the post office?(2013,南京)Awhose Bwhich Chow Dwhat44_C_ is your email address?Its xinxin .(2014,南充)AWho BHow CWhat DWhich45_C_would you like to choose to live in,Chengdu,Beijing or Shanghai?Chengdu,I think.(2013,内江)AHow BWhat CWhich DWhen 46_A_ can I do for you?I would like a cup of tea.(2014

59、,盐城)AWhat BHow CWhich DWho47_B_ coat is more beautiful than yours?Lilys.(2014,安顺)AWhich BWhose CWho DWhat48_B_ is the matter?I have a headache.(2014,咸宁)AWho BWhat CHow DWhich49_B_does your father look like?He is tall with short blonde hair and big blue eyes.(2013,济南)AHow BWhat CWho DWhere50_C_ are t

60、hey going, Mary?(2013,嘉兴)Maybe to the library, Im not sure.AWhy BWhen CWhere DHow (四四)数词数词 数词是历年中考试题中的必考知识点之一,所占分值不多,一般在12分之间,题型有选择题、词形变换题等。从命题内容来看,对基数词和序数词的基本用法、hundred,thousand,million,billion后面加不加s或of,特殊形式的序数词、分数表示法的考查是中考命题的热点。预计2015年考查的重点极有可能是基数词和序数词的用法、分数表示法及hundred,thousand,million的用法。 1基数词的构成


62、d连接。 (6)英语中千位数以上的阿拉伯数字,一般从个位向十位、百位等高位数,每三位数加一个逗号。第一个逗号前的数字后加thousand,第二个逗号前的数字后加million,第三个逗号前的数字后加billion。 考点一基数词 2基数词的用法(1)当hundred,thousand,million,billion等词前有具体数词修饰时,用单数形式;但当它们表示不确切的数量时,用复数形式。eg:seven hundred students七百名学生,thousands of nurses 数千名护士(2)基数词可以表示编号。eg:Page Four,Lesson Ten,Room 626(3)

63、基数词可以表示年代、年龄。eg:in the 1960s/1960s在20世纪60年代,in his forties在他40来岁时(4)“基数词单数可数名词(形容词)”可以作定语。eg:an eightyearold boy一个8岁的男孩 3时间表达法(1)一般表达法: 用基数词按顺序将时间读出。eg:8:20 eight twenty(2)特殊表达法整点的表达法为“整点数(oclock)”。eg:7:00 seven/seven oclock当 分 钟 数 小 于 30时 , 用 “分 钟 数 past 整 点 ”。 eg: 5: 27 twentyseven past five当分钟数大于

64、30时,用“与下一个钟点相差的分钟数to下一个钟点”。eg:2:48 twelve to three 1How many people were invited to the meeting?About six _A_.(2013,云南)Ahundred BhundredsChundred of Dhundreds of2Its never too old to learn.Karl Max began to learn English in his_D_(2014,广东)Athe fiftieth BfiftiethCfifty Dfifties3Hurry up! Its _C_.Were

65、 asked to finish it by 5 oclock.(2013,白银)You mean weve only got 20 minutes left.A5:20 B4:20 C4:40 D5:404Excuse me, sir.Heres a package for Lin Tao.Which room does he live in?_B_.(2013,广东)A308 Room BRoom 308CThe Room 308 DThe 308 Room5Kate is _B_ girl.Shes very happy at school.(2013,安顺)Aa eighteenyea

66、rold Ban eighteenyearoldCan eighteenyearsold Da eighteenyearsold 6They are the students of _B_.(2013,南宁)Agrade 7 BGrade 7C7th grade DGrade 7th7How long is the bridge?Its _C_(2014,兰州)A300meterlong B300meters longC300 meters long D300 meter long8On June 2nd this year,_A_people celebrated the Dragon Bo

67、at Festival near Songhua River.To our surprise,there was little rubbish left.(2014,哈尔滨)Athousands ofBthousandCtwo thousands9“Food Safety” has become one of the hottest topics recently.(2013,宜宾)Yeah, it receives _C_ Internet hits(点击) a day.Athousands Bthousand ofCthousands of Dten thousands10We can s

68、ay the number 78,645 in English like this _C_.Aseventyeight thousand and six hundred and fortyfiveBseventyeight thousand six hundred and forty fiveCseventyeight thousand six hundred and fortyfiveDseventy eight thousand six hundred and fortyfive 1序数词的构成(1)第一first,第二second和第三third是特殊形式,需要特别记忆。第四到第十九:基

69、数词th(第五fifth、第八eighth、第九ninth、第十二twelfth稍有变化)。第几十:将基数词词尾的y变成i,再加eth。第几十几:十位数用基数词,个位数用序数词,中间须有连字符“”。eg:twentyfirst(2)当序数词用阿拉伯数字表示时,必须在数字后加上序数词的最后两个字母。eg:31st,22nd2序数词的用法:(1)序数词在句中可作主语、定语、表语、宾语等,前面一般要加定冠词the。(2)序数词可与a(n)连用,表示“又一;再一”。eg:The cake is delicious and he wants to eat a second one. 考点二序数词 11_

70、D_month of the year is May.(2014,天津)ATwo BThe secondCFive DThe fifth12To many foreigners, Guangzhou has become their _B_ hometown.(2013,绥化)AtwoBsecondCthe second13Mothers Day is celebrated across the world on the _B_ Sunday in May.Thats right.People show their love for their mothers by giving some p

71、resents.(2014,咸宁)Afirst Bsecond Cthird Dlast14There are seven days in a week and Monday is _A_ day of the week.(2013,新疆)Athe second BfirstCthe third Dsecond15Today is Tonys birthday.Its his _C_ birthday.(2013,湘西)A11 B11st C11th 16It is the boys _B_ birthday today.He is five years old now.(2013,成都)Af

72、ifteenBfifthCfive17If a3 and b4, whats the answer to the problem:ab1? The answer is _C_.(2013,宜宾)Atwelve Bnine Ceight Dseven18In order to find _B_ better job, she planned to learn _ second foreign language.(2012,苏州)Athe;a Ba;a Cthe;the Da;the19How old is your daughter?(2014,鄂州)_A_.We had a surprise

73、party for her _ birthday last Saturday.ATwelve;twelfth BTwelfth;twelveCTwelve;twelve DTwelfth;twelfth20How was your weekend?Great! It was my grandfathers _B_ birthday.We enjoyed ourselves.(2012,广东)Aseventy BseventiethCthe seventieth Dseventeenth 考点三分数和百分数 21The number of the cars in our neighbourhoo

74、d is about eight _A_, and _ of them are new cars.(2013,乌鲁木齐)Ahundred;two thirds Bhundred;two thirdChundreds;two thirds Dhundreds;two third22What do you think of the environment here?Wonderful!_D_of the land _covered with trees and grass.(2014,随州)ATwo fifth;are BTwo fifths;areCTwo fifth;is DTwo fifth

75、s;is23_A_ of our classmates are good at basketball.(2013,邵阳)AThree quarters BThree fourthCThird four24Therere many students in our school._B_ of them _ girls.(2013,齐齐哈尔)AOne third;is BOne third;areCTwo thirds;is25About _B_ of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the _.(2012,铜仁)Athree fi

76、ve;1996 Bthree fifths;1990sCthird fifth;1997 Dthird fifths;1990s (五五)介词介词 介词是各省市历年中考试题的必考内容之一。从命题内容来看,表示时间的介词、表示地点的介词及介词的固定用法,尤其是时间介词at,on,in用法的区别,between和among用法的区别,某些介词的特殊用法等是今后的考查热点。从命题形式来看,以单项选择、完形填空为主,分值一般在13分之间。预计2015年中考对介词的考查极有可能是时间介词和介词短语。 考点一表示时间的介词 介词用法例句on表示在具体的某一天或者某一天的某一段时间on Monday在星期一

77、on the morning of June 1st 在6月1日的早晨on a cold day在寒冷的一天in表示在一段时间里(在将来时句中则表示在一段时间之后)in summer在夏天in 2013 在2013年in three days三天后at表示在某个时刻或黎明、正午、黄昏、午夜at 7:00在七点at noon 在正午at midnight 在午夜after后跟具体时刻,表示“在时刻之后”,常用于将来时;后跟时间段,多用于过去时He said that he would be here after 6:00.for后跟一段时间,表示“(延续)之久”We have lived in

78、China for two years.before表示“在之前”Wash hands before dinner.1Mr Mu, when did the earthquake in Yaan, Sichuan happen?_B_ 8:02 _ the morning of April 20th, 2013.(2013,重庆)AOn;in BAt;on CAt;in DOn;on2Do you know Mo Yan?Of course, he won the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature _B_ the age of 57.(2013,南京)Ain Ba

79、t Con Dto3The 20th World Cup will be held in Brazil _D_ June 12 _ July 13, 2014.(2013,云南)Ain;to Bon;toCat;from Dfrom;to4Sue has many nice dresses.She wears a different one every day _A_ the week.(2013,武汉)Aof Bfrom Cat Dfor5How soon will his father come back from London?_B_a week.(2014,聊城)Asince BIn

80、CAt DOn 1above,over,on和below,underabove指“在上”,反义词为below;over指位于某物正上方,反义词为under;on意为“在上面”,强调与物体表面接触。2across和throughacross和through都有“从一边到另一边”的意思,across主要指“(从某物的表面上)横过”;through主要指“(从某物的空间内)穿过”。 3.at和inat和in后可接地点名词。arrive后既可接at也可接in。at后通常跟相对较小的地点,in后通常跟相对较大的地点。eg:When did you arrive at the station?Shell

81、arrive in New York at noon.4in,on和toin表示甲被包含在乙的范围内;on强调甲与乙互不包含但接壤;to则常常指甲与乙互不包含,也不接壤。eg:Heilongjiang is in the northeast of China.Guangxi is on the west of Guangdong.Japan lies to the east of China.5in front of和in the front ofin front of表示“在前面”(范围外);in the front of表示“在的前部”(范围内)。eg:There are some tre

82、es in front of the classroom.The driver sits in the front of the car. 考点二表示方位的介词 6Could you tell me the way _B_ the zoo?(2013,湘西)Aon Bto Cin7When did you meet Jack for the first time?I met him_A_the airport _National Day.(2014,黔东南)Aat;on Bat;in Con;on Don;in8Cambridge is a small city_C_the east of E

83、ngland.(2014,天津)Abetween Bwith Cin Dunder9Ice is not often seen here in winter as the temperature normally stays _C_ zero.(2013,无锡)Aup Bdown Cabove Dbelow10Where are Diaoyu Islands?Look, they are here, in the east of China, _D_ Taiwan Province.(2013,东营)Ain Bnear Cbefore Daround11The old man is a goo

84、d swimmer, and even now he often swims _D_ Tuojiang River after supper.(2013,内江)Aover Bthrough Cto Dacross 12Everyone must_A_the security check(安检)before getting on the plane at the airport.Yes.Its necessary to ensure the passengers safety.(2014,鄂州)Ago through Bgo acrossCget through Dget across13Did

85、 you go to Kenli during the Peach Blossom Festival(桃花节)?Yes.The flowers were beautiful.Bees were flying _B_ them.(2013,东营)Ain Bamong Cbetween Dthrough14Why are you standing, Alice?I cant see the blackboard clearly.Two tall boys are sitting _D_ me.(2012,广东)Abehind Bnext toCbetween Din front of15My fa

86、ther has a habit of jogging _B_ the Jinchuan River for an hour in the morning.(2014,南京)Abetween BalongCover Dthrough 考点三方式介词 介词用法例句byby表示交通工具的名词He goes to school by bike.byv.ing形式,表示“通过方式”He learns English by listening to the radio.inin语言类名词或工具的具体类型Please say it in Chinese.Dont write in pencil.with表

87、示“用”某种工具,身体的某一部位或器官Cut the bag with the knife.ononradio/TV通过收音机/电视He often listens to music on the radio.16You can improve your English _A_ practicing more.(2013,重庆)Aby Bwith Cof Din 17.The man makes a living _C_ teaching.(2013,长沙) AwithoutBwithCby18Maybe you should call him up.But I dont want to ta

88、lk with him _A_ the phone.(2013,济宁)Aon Bat Cin Dwith19Her mother goes to work _A_ bus every morning.(2014,毕节)Aby Bat Con Din20Yesterday I downloaded a new program _A_ the Internet.Now I can watch TV and movies _ my computer.(2012,苏州)Afrom;on Bwith;in Cin;with Don;from21Jack, is maths difficult to le

89、arn in high school?Sure.No subject can be learned well _A_ hard work.(2012,连云港)Awithout Bthrough Cby Dwith22I like going to school _B_ my bike.(2012,安顺)Ain Bon Cby Dat 考点四常用介词短语归纳 介词名词by the way顺便说;by the time到时候;by turns轮流;by mistake错误地;in hospital住院;in the hospital在医院;in the end最后;in order to以便;in

90、 the daytime在白天;in time及时;in English用英语;in the future将来的某个时刻;in future(整个)将来;in fact事实上;on the way在路上;on show展出;on display陈列;on fire着火;on duty值日;on the other hand另一方面;on foot步行;on business出差;on board在船(飞机)上;on holiday在休假;on the telephone在接(打)电话;on time准时;on the left/right在左边/右边;on sale在出售;on watch值班

91、;on the earth在地球上with pleasure很乐意;with ones help在某人的帮助下be形容词介词be amazed at对感到惊讶;be angry with生(某人的)气;be afraid of害怕;be busy with忙于做;be good at擅长于;be excited about对感到兴奋;be kind to对和善;be interested in对感兴趣;be famous for因而著名;be late for迟到;be popular with受欢迎;be pleased with对感到满意;be proud of对感到骄傲;be ready

92、 for为准备好;be satisfied with对满意;be worried about为担心动词介词agree with同意;ask for请求;begin with以开始;come from出生,来自;die of死于;get on/off上车/下车;fillwith用装;fall off从落下;hear from收到(某人)的信;hear of听说;look at看;go to bed去睡觉;go to school去上学;look for寻找;look after照顾listen to听;pay for付钱;point to指向;point at指着;send for派人去叫;ta

93、lk about谈论;think about考虑;wait for等候;write to写信给;worry about担心;laugh at嘲笑;fall behind落在后面;knock at敲介词名词介词at the foot of在脚下;on the top of在顶端;in the middle of在中间;in the front of在前面;at the beginning of起初;by the end of到为止;at the age of在岁时23The teachers hope all of us can hand _D_ our homework _ time ever

94、y day.(2013,黄石)Aup;in Bout;on Con;in Din;on24Once you put your school things _B_, youll find them easily.(2014,漳州)Ain dangerBin orderCin detail25The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated _B_ different ways _ the same time in different places every year.(2013,茂名)Aon;in Bin;at Con;at26On my visit to Aust

95、ralia, I feel Australians are similar _C_ us in many ways.(2013,三亚)Awith Bin Cto Dat27Thanks _B_ your help, or we couldnt finish the work _ such a rainy day.(2014,日照)Afor;in Bto;on Cto;in Dfor;on28Do you know that Mr Zhang passed _A_ last week?(2013,荆州)Yes.He died _ illness.Aaway;of Bon;from Cby;wit

96、h Doff;as29I think drinking milk every morning is good _D_ our health.Yes.I agree _ you.(2012,咸宁)Ato;to Bwith;to Cat;with Dfor;with30Jack, you seem to be _A_.Yes.Its 8:20 now and my train leaves in ten minutes.(2012,盐城)Ain a hurry Bin fear Cin safety Din silence (六六)连词连词 连词是历年中考试题中的必考内容之一。从命题内容来看,涉及

97、并列连词and,or,but,so,not onlybut also,eitheror,neithernor等,从属连词when,while,since,as soon as,until等,分值一般在13分之间。从近年的中考试题来看,并列连词and,but,or,so,neithernor,eitheror,not onlybut also的区别,when,while,as soon as,until等引导的状语从句的用法区别是考查重点。从命题形式来看,以单项选择、完形填空为主。 考点一并列连词 1.and,but,or,so,for的用法 but“但是”,表转折关系Id love to, b

98、ut Im afraid I have no time.or“或者/否则”,表选择关系或转折关系Hurry up, or youll miss the plane.and“和”,表并列或顺承关系John, work hard and you will make much progress.for/so“因为/所以”,表因果关系The dress was very expensive, so I didnt buy it.2.neithernor,eitheror,not onlybut also,bothand的用法 neithernor两者都不Neither he nor his child

99、ren like fish.eitheror或者或者Either you or he is wrong.not onlybut also不但而且Not only you but also he wants to buy the book.bothand两者都Both she and I are good at English.【温馨提示】neithernor,eitheror,not onlybut also连接两个成分作主语时,谓语动词要和最近的主语保持一致,即就近原则;bothand连接两个成分作主语时,谓语动词只能用复数。 1Go downstairs, _A_ stand in lin

100、e on the playground as soon as possible.(2013,陕西)Aand Bbut Cso Dor2What do you think of this soap operas?I think its very boring,_D_my mother cant wait to watch it every day.(2014,随州)Aand Bor Cso Dbut3Were going to Suzhou Amusement Park in Lindas car.You can come with us _A_ you can meet us there la

101、ter.(2013,苏州)Aor Bbut Cand Dthen4I thought the actor was famous, _D_ none of my friends has ever heard of him.(2013,盐城)Aand Bor Cso Dbut5Which do you prefer to use to keep in touch with your friends, QQ _C_ MSN?(2013,上海)Aand Bbut Cor Dso 6David, get up early, _B_ youll catch the early bus.(2013,徐州)A

102、but Band Cafter Dor7How does your mother like your presents for Mothers Day?Well, _C_ this sweater _ that one is fit for her.Theyre too big.(2013,随州)Aboth;and Beither;orCneither;nor Dnot only;but also8The train was late, _C_ we had to wait for half an hour.(2014,锦州)Abecause Bor Cso Dbut9He speaks _D

103、_ English _ French.Instead, he speaks German.(2013,常州)Aeither;or Bnot only;but alsoCboth;and Dneither;nor10How do you like the two pairs of trousers?They dont fit me well.They are _D_ too long _ too short.(2013,威海)Anot only;but also Bboth;andCneither;nor Deither;or 1引导宾语从句的从属连词that,if,whether。(1)tha

104、t用来连接宾语从句中的陈述句,无词义,可省略。eg:I believe (that) success comes from hard work.(2)if/whether用来引导宾语从句,表示“是否”,不可省略。eg:Do you know if/whether the museum is open on Sunday?2引导状语从句的从属连词(1)引导时间状语从句的从属连词 考点二从属连词 从属连词意义用法when当时候从句用一般过去时,主句用过去进行时。while正当时,正在时while引导的从句中,谓语动词必须是延续性动词,且常常用于进行时。until直到常用在“notuntil”结构中

105、,表示“直到才”。as soon as一就引导的从句常用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。since自从;自以来从句用一般过去时,主句常用现在完成时。eg:I was watching TV when my mother came in.I know nothing about it until he told me.As soon as you finish your homework, lets play together.(2)引导条件状语从句的从属连词 从属连词意义用法if如果if引导的条件状语从句用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。unless如果不,除非unless可以转化为“ifnot”

106、结构。eg:If he has time tomorrow, he will come to the meeting.He wont finish the work unless he works hard.(3)引导原因状语从句的从属连词 eg:Why were you late for class today?Because I got up too late and didnt catch the early bus.Mother began to worry about my brother as it was getting dark.(4)引导结果状语从句的从属连词用法如下:从属连

107、词sothat和suchthat都表示“如此以至于”,但用法不同:sothat结构中的so为副词,后面跟形容词或副词;suchthat中的such为形容词,后面接名词(名词前可以有形容词或副词修饰)。eg:He was such a clever boy that he thought out a very good idea.He was so clever a boy that he thought out a very good idea.从属连词意义用法because因为回答why引导的问句。since既然表示的原因是对方已知的。as由于,因为通常置于句首,表示较为明显的原因。(5)引

108、导目的状语从句的从连属词,常用的有so that和in order that,且从句谓语中常有can,could等情态动词。eg:He must get up early so that he can get to school on time.(6)引导让步状语从句的从属连词 从属连词意义用法though虽然although尽管even though(if)即使引导让步状语从句时这些词不能与but同时连用。eg:Although it rained hard, he still went out.Even though I have enough time, I dont want to g

109、o there with him. 11Shes not a perfect girl.She sometimes talks back_C_her parents talk with her.(2014,济南)Aif Bbefore Cwhen Duntil12You wont work out the problem _C_ you understand it.So listen to me explain now.(2013,南通)Asince Bwhen Cunless Dthough13Excuse me.Is it my turn now?Not yet.Please wait o

110、n the bus_A_your name is called.(2014,温州)Auntil Band Calthough Dsince14My mother prefers to take a bus to her office_B_she has a car of her own.(2014,台州)Aif Bthough Cbecause Duntil15Ill go to visit my aunt in England _D_ the summer holidays start.(2013,重庆)Awhile BsinceCuntil Das soon as 16Laura open

111、ed the door and rushed into the rain_B_I could stop her.(2014,济宁)Auntil Bbefore Cafter Dunless17Im a singer is _B_ an interesting TV show _ many people like watching it.(2013,泰州)Aso;that Bsuch;thatCso;as Dsuch;as18Youd better make a good plan _A_ you take a holiday.(2013,莱芜)Abefore Bduring Cuntil Da

112、fter19The teacher asked me to read aloud_B_all the students could hear me.(2014,滨州)Afor Bso thatCbecause Din order to20I dont know_C_she could finish the work by the end of this month.(2014,遵义)Awhat Bthat Cwhether Dwhen (七七)形容词和副词形容词和副词 历年各地中考中,形容词和副词是必考的知识点,分值通常在35分之间。从命题形式看,一般有单项选择、完形填空、词语运用等;其中对形

113、容词和副词的句法功能、比较等级的用法及易混形容词和副词的辨析的考查又是重中之重。预计2015年中考热点仍将集中在形容词和副词的词义辨析和比较等级的用法上。 考点一形容词的基本用法 1作定语,一般放在所修饰词的前面。但形容词修饰something,anything,nothing,everything等复合不定代词时,须放在其后;形容词修饰疑问代词时,也须放在其后。eg:What else can you see?2作表语,放在系动词的后面。常见的系动词有be,become,get,make,turn,keep,feel,look(看起来),seem,smell,sound,taste。eg:H

114、e looks happy today.Milk is able to turn bad easily in summer.3作宾语补足语。形容词作宾补时,应放在宾语之后,表示宾语的性质、状态或身份等。eg:He always makes us happy.4注意点:(1)表示长、宽、高、深及年龄的形容词,应放在相应的名词之后。eg:Its about two thousand metres long.(2)只能作表语的形容词:afraid害怕的;alone独自的;asleep睡着的;awake醒着的;alive活着的;well健康的;ill病的;frightened害怕的。 1Can you

115、 tell the differences between these two pictures?(2014,丽水)Differences? Oh, no.They look quite _B_.Adifferent BsimilarCstrange Dinteresting2I want to relax myself right now.Would you please change to _D_ music?(2013,南昌)Asad Bloud Cexciting Dgentle3Eagle Father was so _D_ with his son that he kept the

116、 fouryearold son running in the snow without clothes.(2013,扬州)Apleased Bsorry Ccareful Dstrict4When I knew that China had got her first Aircraft Carrier(航空母舰), I felt excited and _A_.(2013,东营)Aproud Bterrible Cnervous Dstrange5My new neighbour is so _B_ that he enjoys meeting and talking to people.(

117、2014,湖州)Ashy BoutgoingCquiet Dsmart 6Ill not be Jacks friend any more.Dont be angry.Hes just so_A_,but in fact hes good to us,you know.(2014,荆州)Adirect Bhelpful Cpolite Dbrave7The _B_ days last too long.We hate them.(2013,衡阳)Afog Bfoggy Cfogy8Please be _D_.Theres an important meeting in the next roo

118、m.(2013,重庆)Aquickly Bquick Cquietly Dquiet9All the students are talking and laughing in the classroom and its _A_.(2012,天津)Anoisy Blonely Cquiet Dstrict10They have got such a _B_ table.(2012,自贡)Around wooden brown Bround brown woodenCbrown round wooden 1时间副词:ago,today,now,before,soon,early等。2地点副词:he

119、re,there,somewhere,outside,inside,downstairs等。3方式副词:closely,happily,loudly,beautifully等。4程度副词:very,so,quite,too,much,rather等。5频度副词:always,never,sometimes,usually,often等。6疑问副词:how,where,when,why等。7连接副词:how,where,when,why等。8关系副词:when,where,why等。 考点二副词的分类 副词在句中主要用作状语、表语、宾语补足语等。1作状语。eg:Ben works hard ev

120、ery day.2作表语。eg:I havent been away from home before.3作宾语补足语。eg:Im pleased to see you back. 考点三副词的主要作用11I know a lot about my pen friend although weve _C_ met before.(2014,大连)Aoften BalwaysCnever Dusually12Im not hungry because I have_A_had lunch.(2014,沈阳)Ajust Bnever Cever Dstill13Do you like seeing

121、 a movie on your mobile phone?No, I_A_ do that because it makes me uncomfortable.(2014,菏泽)Aseldom BoftenCusually Dsometimes14Jack, I have to have a talk with your father today.Sorry, Mrs King.He is going on business and wont be _C_ until next week.(2013,山西)Aout Baway Cback15As we know its difficult

122、to live in a foreign country.(2014,咸宁)_A_if you cant understand the language there.AEspecially BExactlyCUsually DNaturally 16The girls are talking about the art festival _D_.(2013,温州)Yes.They have so many fun things to share.Aeasily BangrilyCsadly Dhappily17Hows Lucys English?(2014,随州)She always doe

123、s very well in her English exams.But she can_C_understand English radio programs.Aalways Balready Chardly Deasily18My uncle lost his ID card yesterday morning._D_, a schoolboy found it and sent it back to him in the afternoon.(2014,济南)ALoudly BClearlyCNearly DLuckily19The basketball match was really

124、 fantastic,_A_when ShuHow Lin scored in the last second.(2014,德州)Aespecially BprobablyCexactly Dmostly20The World Health Organization has given some advice on _A_ to protect us from being infected(感染) with H7N9.(2013,菏泽)Ahow Bwhat Cwhere Dwhen 考点四形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 构成方法原级比较级最高级一般单音节词末尾加er,est。smallsmall

125、ersmallestfastfasterfastest以不发音的e结尾的单音节词加r,st。nicenicernicestfinefinerfinest以辅音字母y结尾的双音节单词,先把y变为i,再加er,est。earlyearlierearliesthappyhappierhappiest以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节单词,双写末尾的字母再加er,est。redredderreddestbigbiggerbiggestthinthinnerthinnest部分双音节词或多音节词在原级前加more,most。interestingmore interesting most interesti

126、ngimportantmore importantmost important(1)规则变化 (2)不规则变化 原级比较级最高级good/wellbetterbestbad/ill/badlyworseworstlittlelessleastmany/muchmoremostfarfartherfarthestoldolder/elderoldest/eldest(3)形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法 句型意义例句as形容词/副词原级as两者比较,程度相同。“asas”结构前可以带表示程度的状语,像quite,almost,half,nearly等。This book is almost/n

127、early as thick as that one.这本书几乎同那本一样厚。如果形容词修饰单数可数名词,应用as形容词/副词原级a(n)可数名词单数形式as。Tom is as good a person as his uncle.汤姆和他叔叔一样是好人。如果指同一个人或物,应译为“不但而且”。Li Mei is as beautiful as she is clever.李梅不但漂亮而且聪明。not as/so形容词/副词原级as两者相比,一方不及另一方。This village isnt as/so big as that one.这个村子没有那个村子大。形容词/副词比较级than两者进

128、行比较。She usually gets up earlier than others.她通常比别人起得早。比较级and比较级“越来越”,多音节的用more and more形容词或副词原级。She is growing fatter and fatter.她越来越胖了。Our country is becoming more and more beautiful.我们的国家越来越美了。the比较级,the比较级“越,越”,如果“the比较级”修饰名词作定语,名词要紧跟在比较级之后。The busier the old man is, the happier he feels.那位老人越忙越高

129、兴。The more money he gets, the more he wants.他得到的钱越多越想要。具体数字(如倍数)asas是的倍。The city is two times as big as my hometown.这个城市是我的家乡的2倍大。具体数字、实物、倍数等比较级than形容词与具体倍数等的比较。This city is three times larger than that one.这座城市比那座城市大三倍。形容词最高级介词短语(比较范围)(三者或三者以上)最的。He is the tallest boy in our class.他是我们班里最高的男孩。副词最高级

130、介词短语(比较范围)(三者或三者以上)最的。He works hardest in his class.他是班上学习最用功的一个。【温馨提示】1“A谓语动词the比较级of the two”,表示“两者中较”的。eg:Wang Fei is the taller one of the two brothers.2“A谓语动词one of the最高级复数名词in/of短语”表示“是最的之一”。eg:Miss Li is one of the most popular teachers in our school.3“A谓语动词the序数词最高级in/of短语”表示“是第最的”。eg:The Y

131、ellow River is the second longest river in China. 21Mr Li asks us to remember that _A_ careful we are, _ mistakes we will make.(2013,烟台)Athe more;the fewer Bthe fewer;the moreCthe more;the more Dthe less;the fewer22Of all the subjects, English is _C_ for me.(2013,淮安)Ainteresting Bmore interestingCth

132、e most interesting Dmuch more interesting23Its reported that the _C_ building with over 50 floors will be built in Yiwu.(2014,义乌)Aoldest BlowestCtallest Dsmallest24Liu Ying is good at singing.She sings _A_ the famous singer, CoCo.(2013,玉林)Aas well as Bas good asCas better as Das the best as25We are

133、happy to see our city is developing_B_these years than before.(2014,临沂)Aquickly Bmore quicklyCvery quickly Dthe most quickly 26Im surprised that John is only 25.I thought he was _B_, for he seems to be in his thirties.(2013,南京)Aold Bolder Cyoung Dyounger27Which city has _B_ population, Beijing, Guiy

134、ang or Xingyi?Xingyi, of course.(2014,黔西南)Athe largest Bthe smallestCthe most Dthe least28The worlds population is growing _C_ and there is _ land and water for growing rice.(2013,荆州)Amore;less Blarger;fewerClarger;less Dmore;fewer29I work hard this term, but Peter works much _B_.(2012,北京)Ahard Bhar

135、derChardest Dthe hardest30What do you think of the film you saw yesterday?(2012,重庆)Oh! Its one of _D_ films Ive ever seen.Ainteresting Bmore interestingCmost interesting Dthe most interesting 31Its much _C_ to have a small lovely room than a big cold one.(2013,杭州)Agood Bwell Cbetter Dbest32Chiang Ma

136、i(清迈) has been one of _D_ tourist places for Chinese since the movie Lost in Thailand was shown.(2013,东营)Ahot BhotterChottest Dthe hottest33If you want to be thinner and healthier, you should eat _D_ food and take _ exercise.(2013,大庆)Amore;fewer Bmore;lessCfewer;more Dless;more34How are you today, M

137、ike?Im _D_ now.I dont think this medicine is good for me.(2013,泰安)Abadly Bbetter Cwell Dworse35Who plays the violin _B_, Sally or Kylie?Sally.But she gave the chance to Kylie.(2013,大连)Awell Bbetter Cbest Dthe best 36The number of the students in our school is _A_ than _.(2013,威海)Amuch larger;that of

138、 No.8 Middle SchoolBmore larger;that of No.8 Middle SchoolCmuch greater;No.8 Middle SchoolDmore large;No.8 Middle School37The volunteer spoke as _A_ as she could to make the visitors understand her.(2013,上海)Aclearly Bmore clearlyCmost clearly Dthe most clearly38I am good at math, but his English is

139、_A_ than mine.(2013,黄石)Amuch better Bmore betterCvery better Dpretty better39We held a concert in the hall yesterday.Kate sang _D_ among the singers.(2013,南宁)Agood Bwell Cbetter Dbest40Water is the cheapest drink.And it is also_D_.(2014,河北)Ahealthier BhealthiestCthe healthier Dthe healthiest (八八)动词的

140、分类动词的分类 近年来对动词的考查主要是动词的种类及各类动词的基本区别,动词的基本变化形式,常见的动词的词义辨析及短语动词的辨析,其中,动词和短语动词的辨析以及动词的基本变化形式是考查的重点和热点。预计2015年动词考查的趋势将是:在具体的语言环境中考查基础动词及其短语动词的辨析。 1及物动词及物动词后面要跟宾语才能使句子语意完整。如love,need,want等。它主要用于三种句型中:(1)动词宾语(2)动词宾语宾补(3)动词间接宾语直接宾语2不及物动词(1)不及物动词本身有完整的意思,后不需接宾语。 (2)若不及物动词需要带宾语,其后需加适当的介词,才可以跟宾语。 考点一实义动词词义辨析

141、1On the top of the hill _A_ an ancient tower with a history of more than 1,000 years.(2014,丽水)Astood Bran Ccame Dlived2Mr Li, I cant understand everything in class.Dont worry! Ill _B_ the main points at the end.(2013,扬州)Arecord BreviewCrequire Dremember3Could I _C_ your iPad,Alice?Of course.Here you

142、 are.(2013,济南)AlendBkeepCborrowDreturn4I think our government should pass a law to_B_food waste.(2014,徐州)Asave Breduce Cincrease Dprotect5Is the price of the backpack very _C_?No,it _ me only twenty yuan.(2014,鄂州)Ahigh;spent Bexpensive;takesChigh;cost Dcheap;spends 1系动词: 本身有词义,但不能独立作谓语,须与表语一起构成谓语。用来


144、could为can的过去式。2表示允许。eg: Can/Could I use your bike?Of course you can.【提示】用could比用can语气更加委婉和客气,但答语必须用can。 考点二系动词、助动词和情态动词的用法 3can表示推测时常用于否定句中,此时cant意为“不可能”。eg:It cant be Bruces basketball.He only likes playing soccer.could常用于肯定句中,表示不确定的推测。eg:This red backpack could be Emmas,but Im not quite sure.(2)ma

145、y,might的用法:1表示许可,意为“可以”。eg:You may leave now.2May I?表示请求许可,否定回答用mustnt,表示“不可以”“禁止”之意。eg:May I borrow your bike? Yes,you may./No,you mustnt. 3.表示推测,意为“可能”“或许”。I cant find my ruler.It may be in your pencil box. (3)must/have tomust意为“必须”,表示义务、命令或必要,强调主观看法,其否定式为mustnt,表示“不允许;禁止”之意。 在回答由must引起的一般疑问句时,肯定回

146、答常用must,否定回答常用neednt或dont have to,表示“不必”。eg: Must I hand in my homework now?No,you neednt/dont have to.must用于肯定句中表示很有把握的推测,意为“一定”。eg:Our teacher must be in the office,for the light is still on. have to意为“不得不”,表示客观上的必要性,有人称、数和时态的变化。(4)should的用法 should用作情态动词,表示劝告或建议,意为“应该”,表示“必要性”。不可看作shall的过去式。 6_D_s

147、weet music!Do you like it?Mm,it_beautiful.(2014,铜仁)AHow a;sounds BHow;listensCWhat a;listens DWhat;sounds7Dinner is ready.Help yourself!Wow! It _C_ delicious.You are really good at cooking.(2013,孝感)Alooks Bsounds Ctastes Dfeels8In China, spring returns in March.The weather _A_ warm and the days are

148、longer.(2013,龙岩)Agets Bsounds Csmells9The flowers in Hekou _D_ beautiful in May.Yes, many tourists come to watch them every year.(2013,丹东)Asound Blisten Ctaste Dlook10Mum, this kind of fruit _B_ nice.Id like to taste one.(2014,营口)Asounds Bsmells Clook Dfeel 11_A_ I watch TV now, Mum?(2014,河源)No.Its

149、too late, and you _ go to bed.AMay;have to BWill;shouldCCan;will DMust;need12How many English words do you think I should know?As many as you _C_.Then you will find reading quite easy.(2013,丽水)Awill Bmust Ccan Dmight13Mum, can I finish the work tomorrow?No, you _D_ finish it today.Dont put off today

150、s work till tomorrow.(2013,义乌)Amay Bcan Cmight Dmust14_B_you leave now?You only arrived here an hour ago.(2014,宁波)Sorry,but so much homework is waiting for me.AMay BMust CCan DMight15Hurry, Mum! The bus is coming.(2013,衡州)Wait a minute, dear.You _C_ cross the street until the traffic lights are gree

151、n.Amust Bneed Cmustnt Dneednt 16The lady in the sitting room _A_ be over sixty.She looks so young.(2013,宿迁)Acant Bmust Cmay Dneednt17Are you interested in shopping online?Not so much.We_A_see real products but pictures.(2014,台州)Acant Bshouldt Cmustnt Dneednt18Where are you going this month?(2013,天津)

152、We _C_ go to Xiamen, but were not sure.Aneednt Bmust Cmight Dmustnt19Must I water the flowers now?(2014,铜仁)No,you _C_.You_do it later.Amustnt;must Bmustnt;mayCneednt;may Dneednt;must20Look,someone left a book.(2014,菏泽)Oh,yeahThis book_B_be Kittys.Only she likes to read this kind of books.Acan Bmust

153、Cmay Dmight 1动词副词在“动词副词”构成的动词短语中宾语的位置有两种情况:宾语是名词时,可放于动词和副词之间,也可放于副词后;宾语是代词时,则只能放于动词和副词之间。eg:Please pick the pencil up.Please pick up the pencil.Please pick it up.2动词介词动词与介词构成的动词短语,宾语要置于介词后。eg:Ill think about it carefully before I make a decision.3动词副词介词eg:We are getting along well with each other. 4

154、.动词名词介词eg:You must pay more attention to your handwriting. 考点三短语动词 21When you visit a museum you should _C_ the instructions and dont be against them.(2014,呼和浩特)Acompare with Blook forward toCpay attention to Dtry out22Would you mind _D_ the music a little? Dont you think its too loud?Sorry! Ill do

155、it in a minute.(2014,台州)Aturning on Bturning offCturning up Dturning down23As the road to airport is under repair,we will have to_A_early to get there in time.(2014,宁波)Aset off Bturn offCtake off Dtake off24His leg is seriously injured in the accident._B_ a doctor at once.(2013,荆州)AAsk for BSend for

156、CWait for DLook for25As time_A_,youll come to think of English as your friend and love it.(2014,安徽)Agoes by Bruns outCtakes off Dturns up 26Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow?Well, it all _C_ the weather.(2013,湖州)Abelongs to Bhappens toCdepends on Dconcentrates on27Jim,you look sleepy.Whats wrong?(20

157、14,随州)I_A_to write a report last night.Astayed up Blooked upCended up Dtook up28Anna is going on a tour of Xian, and she wants to _B_ Chinese history.(2013,南昌)Adream of Blearn aboutClook through Dpass on29This bus doesnt go to the train station.Im afraid youll have to_C_at the library and take the A

158、52.(2014,河南)Atake off Bput off Cget off Dturn off30Many students write to Language Doctor to _B_ advice about learning English.(2013,大连)Alook through Bask forCgive up Dworry about (九九)时态和语态时态和语态 近几年对动词的时态考查主要集中在对一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、过去进行时和现在完成时六种主要的时态上;对动词被动语态的考查主要以一般现在时、一般过去时的被动语态和含有情态动词的被动语态为主。

159、 考点一动词的时态 【温馨提示】1在时间、条件和让步状语从句中,如果主句谓语动词是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。eg:Well have a picnic if it is fine next Sunday.Ill call you as soon as I get to Beijing tomorrow.2某些表示起始、往返、出发、到达之意的动词,可用一般现在时表示按规定、计划或安排将要发生的动作(此时一般都有一个表示未来时间的状语)。这类动词有:begin,come,go,leave,start,arrive,end,stop,open,close等。eg:The next train l

160、eaves at 7 oclock this evening.3现在进行时与always,forever等副词连用,表示反复出现或习惯性的动作,这种用法往往表达说话人的某种感情,如赞扬、遗憾、讨厌或不满等。eg:The rich woman is always laughing at the poor. 4现在完成时中表示短暂动作的动词不能与for,since等引导的时间状语连用。如与一段时间连用,要把瞬间动词转化为意思相近的延续性动词。常见的变化有: 非延续性动词延续性动词buyhaveborrowkeepopenbe openclosebe closebegin/startbe oncom

161、ebe heregobe therefinishbe overdiebe deadcatch a coldhave a coldput onwearget upbe upwake upawakefall asleepbe asleeplosenot havejoinbe inleavebe awayarrive/reachbe1Alice likes doing homework.She_B_her room every day.(2014,温州)Acleaned BcleansCis cleaning Dhas cleaned2My grandmother _B_ in Yangzhou.S

162、he was born there and has never lived anywhere else.(2013,扬州)Alived BlivesCwas living Dwill live3It only _A_ him 20 minutes _ to his office every day.(2014,安顺)Atakes;to drive Btook;driveCtakes;drive Dtook;to drive4What does Toms uncle do?He is a teacher.He _C_ physics at a school now.(2013,武汉)Awill

163、teach Bhas taughtCteaches Dtaught5Do you know if he will come tomorrow?No,but if he_A_,Ill call you to have a meal together.(2014,滨州)Acomes Bwont comeCwill come Ddoesnt come 6Have you ever been to Beijing?Yes.Last month I _B_ there.(2013,成都)Ahave beenBwent Cwill go7Dave, its dangerous to swim here.L

164、ook at the sign.Oh, I _A_ it.Thank you.(2013,淄博)Adidnt notice Bwont noticeChadnt noticed Ddont8As we know,the Silk Road_B_China to the west in ancient times.(2014,安徽)Aconnects BconnectedCwill connect Dis connecting9Ken _A_ his jacket in the gym.He has to get it back.(2013,河北)Aleft BleavesCis leaving

165、 Dwas leaving10Do you know who took the students to the old peoples home,Tony?Well, Mr Smith _C_.(2013,宜昌)Atook Bdoes Cdid Ddo 现在进行时和过去进行时11Where is your father?(2014,重庆)He_D_the World Cup in the living room.Awatches Bwill watchCwatched Dis watching12Millie, where is Miss Li?She _C_ a speech on Chin

166、ese art to the firstyear students in the hall.(2013,南京)Agives BgaveCis giving Dhas given13Can Peter play games with us, Mrs Hawking?Wait a minute.He _A_ a shower.(2013,绍兴)Ais taking BtakesCtook Dwas waking14I have to be off now.My friends _B_ outside.(2014,嘉兴)Await Bare waitingChave waited Dwere wai

167、ting15Hey, Tom.Lets go swimming.(2014,河南)Just a moment.I _C_ a message.Asend BsentCam sending Dhave sent 16Sally took a photo of her friends while they _D_ computer games.(2013,杭州)Aplay Bare playingChave played Dwere playing17Susan and Lily_C_tomatoes and other vegetables on the farm this time yeste

168、rday.(2014,上海)Apick Bare pickingCwere picking Dwill pick18We couldnt find you anywhere around 8:00 yesterday evening.I am sorry.My mother and I _C_in the square.(2014,黔南州)Adanced Bwill danceCwere dancing Dare dancing19I didnt see you at the meeting yesterday.Why?I _D_ for an important telephone call

169、 at that moment.(2013,莱芜)Await BwaitedCam waiting Dwas waiting20Millie _D_ a picture when Mr Green came in.(2013,徐州)Adraw Bwill drawCdrew Dwas drawing 一般将来时21Mr Green, a famous writer, _D_ our school next week.(2013,北京)Avisited BvisitsCwas visiting Dwill visit22Robots_D_more heavy work for us in the

170、 future.(2014,天津)Adid Bhave doneCwere doing Dwill do23We have no more vegetables in the fridge.I _C_ and buy some.(2013,河北)Ago BwentCwill go Dwas going24Which team do you think _C_ the game?Hard to say.There are still ten minutes before it ends.(2014,丽水)Awon Bhas wonCwill win Dwins25Dad _C_ the USA

171、in two weeks.(2013,安顺)Ais leave for Bleaves forCis leaving for Dleft for现在完成时和过去完成时26Jane, when did you come here?(2014,铜仁)In 2010.I _D_ here for four years.Ahave been to Bhave gone toChave come Dhave been27I_A_my hometown for a long time.I really miss it.(2014,黔西南)Ahave been away from BleftChave le

172、ft Dwent away from28_C_you ever_to Xinjiang?Yes,I_there last year.(2014,黔东南)AHave,gone;went BHave,been;have beenCHave,been;went DHave,gone;have gone29Great changes _C_ in our hometown in the past five years.(2013,莆田)Atake place Btook placeChave taken place30When will you hand in your book report?Sor

173、ry,Im not sure.I_B_writing it yet.(2014,襄阳)Adidnt finish Bhavent finishedCdont finish Dhadnt finished 31Why are you worried?(2013,常州)Im expecting a call from my daughter.She _C_ New York for three days.Ahas gone to Bhas been toChas been in Dhas come in32Julia isnt going to the cinema with us because

174、 she _D_ the film.(2013,湖州)Asees BsawCwill see Dhas seen33By the time we got to the station, the train _B_ already _.(2013,天水)Ahad;leave Bhad;leftChave;left Dleaved34By the end of last week,she_D_in the west of China for two months helping the homeless children.(2014,上海)Awill stay Bhas stayedCwould

175、stay Dhad stayed35The plane_B_when we got to the airport.(2014,天门)Awas taken off Bhad taken offCwill take off Dis taking off 考点二被动语态的构成 时态被动语态例句一般现在时am/is/are动词的过去分词The flowers are often watered by her.一般过去时was/were动词的过去分词A farm was visited yesterday by us.一般将来时will/shallbe动词的过去分词Some trees will be

176、planted this week by her.现在进行时am/is/arebeing动词的过去分词A novel is being read by him.现在完成时have/has been动词的过去分词His rooms have been cleaned by him.过去进行时was/were being动词的过去分词His rooms were being cleaned by him then.过去完成时had been动词的过去分词His rooms had been cleaned by him then.过去将来时would/should be动词的过去分词His roo

177、ms would be cleaned by him the next day.含情态动词情态动词be动词的过去分词Your homework must be finished in time.36Your application wont_C_until you complete the survey.(2014,无锡)Aaccept BReceive Cbe accepted Dbe received37A talk on American culture _B_ in the school hall yesterday afternoon.Its a pity.I missed it.(

178、2013,淄博)Agave Bwas given Chas given Dis given38What do you think of the traffic accidents?I think many accidents _B_by careless drivers.(2014,阜康)Ahave caused Bare caused Cwere cause Dwill cause39“Frog,” Mo Yans latest novel, please!Sorry, it _D_ just now.But it will come out again soon.(2013,泰州)Asol

179、d out Bis sold out Chas sold out Dwas sold out40What languages _B_ in that country?German and English.(2013,天津)Aare speaking Bare spoken Cspeak Dis spoken 41The Chinese writer has got lots of fans in France.His new book _A_ into French as soon as it came out.(2013,南昌)Awas translated BTranslated Cis

180、translated Dtranslates42Food safety is very important.(2014,咸宁)So some rules_D_to stop people from polluting food.Amust made Bmust made Cbe made Dmust be made43Look at our new school.It_A_last year.(2013,天津)Awas built BBuilt Cis built Dwill built44How often do I need to feed the dog?It _C_ food ever

181、y day, or it will be hungry.(2013,黄冈)Amust give Bmust be give Cmust be given Dmust be gave45I want to borrow the book, but I dont know how long it may _D_.For two weeks.(2013,十堰)Akeep Bbe borrowed Cborrow Dbe kept 考点三几种特殊的被动语态的用法 种类构成例句主动语态中省去to的动词变为被动语态时,省去的to要加上。The workers were made to work 12 ho

182、urs a day.含双宾语的动词把指人的宾语变为主语时,指物的宾语仍保留在谓语之后;指物的宾语变为主语时,指人的宾语前要加相应的介词。I was given a present.A present was given to me.含短语的动词短语是“动词介词”或“动词副词”时变被动语态时介词、副词不能丢。The young man was laughed at by his friends.46If you see the cartoon film, you will _B_ laugh.(2013,呼和浩特)Abe made Bbe made to Cmake to Dmake47Clar

183、k, your room is really in a mess.It needs _D_.Sorry, mum.Ill do it at once.(2013,连云港)Aclean BCleaned Cto clean Dto be cleaned48Mary was heard_D_just now.What happened?John was telling a joke.(2014,阜康)Acry Bto cry Claugh Dto laugh49In the old days, they _A_ in the factory from morning to evening.(201

184、3,梅州)Awere made to work Basked to work Cmade to work Dwere asked for work50The old over 90 _B_ not only by their family but also by the government in many places.(2014,阜康、米泉)Ais looked at Bare taken good care of Care taken good care Dis looking after (十十)非谓语动词非谓语动词 近几年对非谓语动词的考查主要是动词不定式作宾语、宾语补足语及目的状语

185、,动名词作主语、宾语、宾语补足语,及个别健忘的用法。预计2015年中考对非谓语动词的考查,不定式仍是考查的热点。我们应该牢固掌握一些动词固定搭配的用法。 1.动词不定式的构成动词不定式由“to动词原形”构成,有时to可以省略。动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,其否定形式为“not动词不定式”。2动词不定式在句中的作用(1)作主语。 【注意】动词不定式作主语时,为了保持句子平衡,常用it代替它作形式主语,而将真正的主语动词不定式后置。形式主语代替动词不定式的常用句型为:Itsadj.(of/for sb.)to do sth.eg:Its very dangerous for children to

186、 cross the busy street.(2)作表语。eg:His dream is to be a doctor.(3)作宾语。常见的只能跟动词不定式作宾语的词有afford,agree,decide,expect,fail,hope,learn,offer,plan,pretend,refuse,want等。 考点一动词不定式 (4)作宾语补足语。常见的跟动词不定式作宾语补足语的动词有advise,allow,ask,encourage,help,invite,order,teach,tell,want,warn等。【提示】help跟的宾语补足语既可以是带to的动词不定式,也可以是不

187、带to的动词不定式。使役动词(如make,let等)及感官动词(如see,listen,feel,hear,watch等)跟的宾语补足语是不带to的动词不定式。eg:These old photos make me think of my childhood. (5)作定语。动词不定式可以作名词的定语;还可在某些句型中作定语,与所修饰的名词是动宾关系。eg:I havent had the chance to think yet.(作名词的定语)I have lots of letters to answer.(answer和letter是动宾关系)【提示】动词不定式作定语修饰名词且为动宾关系

188、时,如果动词为不及物动词,后面要加上相应的介词。eg:Tina has no paper to write on. 1At times, parents find it difficult _D_ with their teenage children.(2013,吉林)Atalk Btalked Ctalking Dto talk2Mary called and asked her husband _D_ home at once, because she locked their daughter in the home.(2013,陕西)Ato leave BLeave Cgo Dto

189、go3Simon, I hear you are going abroad for further study.Have you decided _B_?Next September.(2013,南通)Awhen going Bwhen to go Chow going Dhow to go4Shes not strong enough _A_ walking up mountains.(2013,杭州)Ato go BGoing Cgo Dwent5Paul made a nice cage _D_ the little sick bird till it could fly.(2013,苏

190、州)Akeep BKept Ckeeping Dto keep 6When you leave,please turn off the light_D_energy.(2014,天津)Asave Bsaving Csaved Dto save7Mr Wang often encourages us _C_ close to nature and enjoy its beauties.(2013,漳州)Aget Bgetting Cto get8Harry has decided_B_an online shop after graduating from school.(2014,上海)Aop

191、en Bto open Copened Dopening9Do you climb mountains every day?(2014,河南)Yes,_D_a little exercise.Im so out of shape.Agetting BGet Cgot Dto get10Why not _C_ your teacher for help when you cant finish _ the story by yourself?(2013,乌鲁木齐)Ato ask;write Bto ask;writing Cask;writing Dasking;to write1动词的ing形

192、式的构成动词的ing形式由“动词原形ing”构成,其否定形式为“not动词的ing形式”。2动词的ing形式在句中的作用动词的ing形式在句中可以作主语、宾语、表语、定语、宾语补足语等。eg:Playing computer games too much is bad for your eyes.(作主语) His hobby is playing table tennis.(作表语)Mum went out with a shopping basket.(作定语)The woman kept me waiting for about an hour.(作宾语补足语)3动词的ing形式作宾语和

193、宾语补足语的五点说明(1)常见的只能跟动词的ing形式作宾语的词语或句型有:consider,enjoy,finish,keep,practice,suggest,be busy,cant help,give up,have fun,What/How about?,Would you mind?。考点二动词ing形式 (2)有些及物动词(如like,love,hate,begin,start等)既可以跟动词的ing形式作宾语,也可以跟动词不定式作宾语,且意思上没什么差别。 (3)有些及物动词(如remember,forget,stop,try等)既可以跟动词的ing形式作宾语,也可以跟动词不定

194、式作宾语,但意义有别。remember/forget doing sth.意为“记得/忘记曾做过某事”,remember/forget to do sth.意为“记得/忘记要做某事”;stop doing sth.意为“停止正在做的事情”,stop to do sth.意为“停止(正在做的事)去做另外一件事”。eg:Now stop writing.Listen to me,please.Now stop to have a rest,please.(4)许多由介词构成的动词短语跟动词的ing形式作宾语。eg:be afraid of,be good at,be interested in,b

195、e used to,feel like,look forward to,pay attention to等。(5)感官动词既可以跟动词的ing形式做宾语补足语,也可以跟不带to的动词不定式作宾语补足语;前者表示动作正在进行,后者表示动作的全过程。 11Our English teacher often says to us, “_B_ English well is very important”(2013,内江)ALearn BLearningCLearned DTo learning12Grandpa has changed a lot.(2014,黄冈)So he has.He spen

196、ds more time than he used to_C_games with the children.Aplay Bplayed Cplaying Dplays13I saw some boy students_A_basketball when I passed the playground.(2014,安顺)Aplaying Bplays Cplayed Dto play14Would you like _B_ camping with me?Id like to.But Im busy _ my homework.(2013,滨州)Ato go;to do Bto go;doin

197、gCgoing;to do Dgoing;doing15What do you usually have for breakfast?I used to_A_dumplings,but these days,Im used to_bread and milk.(2014,随州)Aeat;having Beating;havingCeating;have Deat;have 16 The retired couple enjoy _D_ photos.They always go out with their cameras.(2013,上海)Atake Btook Cto take Dtaki

198、ng17Im looking forward to _A_ my parents soon.What about you?Me too.(2013,广安)Aseeing Bsee Csaw 18Many old men prefer _B_ in the peaceful countryside.(2013,白银)Ato liveing BlivingClive Dlived19Would you mind_C_no noise?Alice is sleeping.(2014,烟台)Sorry,I didnt know.I_she was awake.Amake;think Bmaking;t

199、hinkCmaking;thought Dmake;thought20Seeing their teacher _D_ into the classroom, they stopped _ at once.(2013,黄石)Awalk;telling Bentering;to speakCenter;to tell Dwalking;talking (十一十一)句子的类型句子的类型简单句与并列句简单句与并列句 近几年对简单句的考查主要体现在对陈述句、感叹句、疑问句和祈使句上,对并列句的考查主要是在并列句的构成,并列连词和从属连词上。预计2015年对简单句的考查仍以感叹句,反意疑问句为主,对并列

200、句的考查以并列连词和从属连词为主。 简单句按照用途可以分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句四种。 考点一陈述句 陈述句陈述一个事实或是表明一个看法,分为肯定式和否定式两种。肯定式的谓语动词不含否定词,否定式是在系动词be、助动词或情态动词后加not。eg:My name is/is not Kate.(事实)I like/dont like apples.(事实)She may/may not be right.(看法) 疑问句用来提出问题。英语中有四种疑问句:1一般疑问句一般疑问句是将系动词be、助动词或情态动词提至主语前,用yes或no来回答,其回答常用简单答语。eg:Is this you

201、r pencil?Yes, it is.Do you have a tennis racket?No, I dont.2特殊疑问句以疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。回答特殊疑问句时,不能用yes或no,而要根据实际情况回答。常用的疑问词有:what,who,which,whom,when,where,why,how,what time,what color,how old,how many,how much,how far等。eg:Where is your sweater?On the sofa.What time do you get up?At 6:30. 考点二疑问句

202、 3选择疑问句选择疑问句提供两种(或两种以上)情况,问对方选择哪一种。两种(或两种以上)情况由or连接起来,连接的两个并列成分可以是状语、宾语、表语等。选择疑问句有两种,一种类似一般疑问句的形式,一种类似特殊疑问句的形式。回答时不能用yes或no,而要根据选择的情况,用一个完整的句子或其省略形式回答。eg:Will you go there today or tomorrow?Tomorrow.Who do you like better, Tom or John?Tom./I like Tom better. 4反意疑问句反意疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是陈述句,后一部分是简单问句。如果陈述

203、句部分是肯定的,简单问句部分一般是否定的;如果陈述句部分是否定的,简单问句部分一般是肯定的。在回答反意疑问句时,若事实是肯定的,就用yes;若事实是否定的,就用no。当陈述句部分用了nothing,never等含有否定意义的词时,简单问句部分一般用肯定形式。陈述句部分和简单问句部分的人称和时态应保持一致。eg:There was little meat in the fridge,was there?No,there wasnt.(对,没有。) 祈使句是向对方提出请求、命令、劝告或建议等的句子。它的主语通常是第二人称you,但常常被省略,谓语动词用原形,句尾用感叹句或句号。为了使祈使句的语气变

204、得委婉、客气,可在句首或句末加上please。如果please位于句末时,常在please之前加逗号。祈使句有四种类型:1Do型:肯定式为“动词原形(其他成分)”,否定式是在句首加dont。eg:Please open your book.Dont talk in class.2Be型:肯定式为“Be表语(其他成分)”,否定式是在句首加dont。egBe quiet!Dont be late!3Let型:肯定式为“Let宾语动词原形(其他成分)”,否定式有两种:在句首加dont或在动词原形前加not。eg:Let me tell you the way to my house.Dont let

205、 him play computer games./Let him not play computer games.4No动词ing形式/名词,这种祈使句用来表示“禁止做某事”。eg:No fishing!No photos! 考点三祈使句 用来表达喜、怒、哀、乐等强烈感情的句子叫做感叹句,其句末用感叹号,一般由what或how引导。1what修饰名词,它引导的感叹句有三种句型:(1)Whata/an形容词单数可数名词(主语其他)!(2)What形容词复数可数名词(主语其他)!(3)What形容词不可数名词(主语其他)!eg:What a busy street (it is)!What ta

206、ll buildings (they are)!What sweet water (it is)!2how修饰形容词或副词,它引导的感叹句有两种句型:(1)How形容词/副词主语其他!(2)How副词主语谓语!eg:How blue the sky is!How quickly you walk! 考点四感叹句 1He hasnt watched the movie So Young, has he?_A_.He told me its very moving and interesting.Hed like to watch it again.(2013,兰州)AYes, he has BY

207、es, he hasntCNo, he hasnt DNo, he has2Tell me the way to the cinema, _A_ you?(2013,泸州)Awill Bneed Cshall Dmay3Its Fathers Day, _A_?Yes.Lets buy a gift for Dad.(2013,温州)Aisnt it Bdoesnt itCisnt he Ddoesnt he4_A_do you go to the supermarket,Amy?Once a week.(2014,淮安)AHow often BHow muchCHow far DHow ma

208、ny5_D_ can you tell whether a foreigner is English or American?Maybe by the way he speaks.(2014,鄂州)AWhy BWhen CWhere DHow 6The robot can help me sweep the floor._C_smart invention it is!(2014,上海)AWhat BWhat anCWhat a DHow7_B_beautiful sunshine!Shall we take a walk in the garden?(2014,无锡)AWhat a BWha

209、tCHow a DHow8_C_wake up your sister,Ben.She needs a good rest.(2014,重庆)ADoesnt BArent CDont DCant9_B_carefully,Michael!Theres a school ahead.(2014,上海)ATo drive BDriveCDrove DDriving10I dont think she will agree with us,_C_?(2014,北京)Adont you Bdo youCwill she Dwont she 考点五并列句 构成意义常用连词简单句并列连词简单句表示引申和并

210、列and,not onlybut also,as well as,neithernor表示选择or,eitheror表示转折but,while,only表示缘由for,so【特例清单】and和or用于否定句中:(1)当列举成分是主语,又在否定词前时,用and连接,而当列举成分在否定词之后时,用or构成完全否定。eg:I cant sing or dance.Lucy and Lily cant speak Chinese.(2)在否定句中,如果所连接的两部分都有否定词,那么用and不用or连接。eg:There is no water and no air on the moon. 11Are

211、 you going out,Mike?Its really late now.Its the last day to buy tickets to the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil,_D_I must go now.(2014,德州)Aif Bor Cthough Dso12Spend more time talking with your parents,_B_they may not well understand you.(2014,安徽)Aso Bor Cand Dbut13Would you like to go hiking with us th

212、is Sunday?Id love to, _A_ I have to look after my little brother at home.(2014,盐城)Abut Band Cor Dso14Read this article,_C_you will understand that not everything can be bought with money.(2014,荆州)Aor Bbut Cand Dso15Peter likes table tennis, _A_ his parents dont like it.(2014,吉林)Abut Band Cor Dso (十二

213、十二)复合句复合句 近几年对复合句的考查主要包括宾语从句(包括直接引语与间接引语的互换)、状语从句和定语从句。预计2015年对宾语从句的考查仍然会是宾语从句的语序和时态,状语从句中连词的选择和时态;对定语从句的考查重点是关系代词的选用。 在句子中起宾语作用的从句叫宾语从句。宾语从句要注意三个方面:连接词、语序和时态。1连接词(1)引导宾语从句的连接词that,if和whether。that不充当句子成分,常常可以省略;if和whether意为“是否”,在从句中也不充当句子成分,但不能省略。eg:Li Xia said (that) she would visit the Great Wall.

214、 The man asked me whether the bus had left.(2)引导宾语从句的疑问代词what,who,whose,whom和which。连接代词在从句中充当句子成分,不能省略。eg:I told her what I was doing at eight last night. (3)引导宾语从句的疑问副词when,where,why和how。连接副词在从句中作状语,不能省略。eg:Do you know when Mr Black will come back? 考点一宾语从句 2语序和时态宾语从句必须是陈述句语序;宾语从句中的时态一般与主句中的时态保持一致,如

215、果宾语从句表述的是客观真理、自然现象时,不管主句的谓语动词是什么时态,宾语从句的谓语动词一律使用一般现在时。eg:Our physics teacher told us that light travels much faster than sound. 1So,can you tell me_A_here today?Well,I was walking down Centre Street when a UFO landed.(2014,黄冈)Awhat you saw Bwhat did you seeCwhen did you see it Dwhen you saw2I wonder

216、 _B_.Shandong Province.(2013,东营)Awhen will Peng Liyuan come Bwhere Peng Liyuan is fromCwhere Peng Liyuan came from Dhow Peng Liyuan will come3I dont understand _D_ that everythings fine when its not.(2013,杭州)Ahow can he say Bcan he say howChe can say how Dhow he can say4Can you tell me_B_?(2014,鄂州)I

217、n three days.Awhen will they go to the Science MuseumBhow soon they will go to see the children left at homeChow long they have been in New YorkDwhat time will they attend the meeting5Please tell me _A_ to improve my English.(2013,聊城)Awhat I can do Bwhat can I do Chow I can do Dhow can I do 6Could y

218、ou tell me _C_?By searching the Internet.(2013,乌鲁木齐)Ahow did Mona get the information Bwhy Mona got the informationChow Mona got the information Dwhy did Mona get the information7Philip has gone to New Zealand.Oh, can you tell me _C_?(2013,苏州)Awhen did he leave Bwhen he is leaving Cwhen he left Dwhe

219、n is he leaving8Bob, please tell me _B_.In South Hill School.(2014,宿迁)Awhere will the match be held Bwhere the match will be heldCwhen will the match be held Dwhen the match will be held9Would you please tell me _D_?Yes.Theres a bank over there.(2014,云南)Awhen can I exchange money Bwhere can I exchan

220、ge moneyCwhen I can exchange money Dwhere I can exchange money10I dont remember _A_ the book yesterday.(2014,北京)Awhere I put Bwhere did I put Cwhere will I put Dwhere I will put 考点二状语从句1引导时间状语从句的从属连词常用的有when,while,as,before,after,till,until,since。eg:Try to finish your work before you leave. 【注意】如果主句

221、是一般将来时,时间状语从句通常要用一般现在时表示将来。eg:Ill tell him about it when he comes.2引导条件状语从句的从属连词常用的有if和unless。需要注意的是,如果主句是一般将来时,条件状语从句通常要用一般现在时表示将来。eg:If you dont work hard,youll fail the exam. 3.引导原因状语从句的从属连词常用的有because,since,as。because语气最强,它着重说明原因。用why提问的问句必须用because回答;since和as语气都较弱。eg:We didnt go to the park bec

222、ause it rained yesterday.4引导目的状语从句的从属连词常用的有so that和in order that,且从句中常有can,could等词。eg:Speak loudly so that everyone can hear you clearly.5引导结果状语从句的从属连词常用的有sothat,so that,suchthat。eg:Bob is so heavy that he cant put on the jacket.【提示】在sothat结构中,so是副词,只能修饰形容词或副词;在suchthat结构中,such后面跟名词或名词短语。6引导让步状语从句的从

223、属连词,常用的有although,though,even though,even if。 11Jimmy, its time to go to bed.Oh, I wont do that _B_ I finish my homework.(2014,黔东南)Aif Buntil Cafter Dwhen12What do you think of the movie The Xman?Its _C_exciting_Id like to see it again.(2014,丹东)Atoo;to Bsuch;that Cso;that Das;as13He didnt go to schoo

224、l yesterday _A_he was ill.(2014,铜仁)Abecause Bbecause ofCif Dso14If our government _B_ pay attention to the safety of food, our health _ in danger.(2014,白银)Aisnt;is Bdoesnt;will beCwont;is Disnt;will be15The air pollution is terrible.(2013,扬州)It will be worse_A_we take action to protect the environme

225、nt.Aunless Bif Cuntil Dwhen 16Tony never spends money in buying books _B_ he doesnt like reading.(2013,贺州)Abut BbecauseCthough Duntil17The local living conditions have improved a lot _C_ China set up the city of Sansha.And more and more people would like to go there for business.(2013,宜昌)Abefore Bwh

226、en Csince Dafter18_A_he was very tired,he continued working in his office.(2014,天津)AAlthough BSinceCAs soon as DBecause19Im going to take him to some famous hutongs_A_he can learn more about China.(2014,盐城)Aso that BwhenCbecause Das if20Millie _D_ a picture when Mr Green came in.(2013,徐州)Adraw Bwill

227、 drawCdrew Dwas drawing 考点三定语从句定语从句位于名词或代词后作定语,用来修饰这一名词或代词。被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词,引导定语从句的词叫关系词。1由关系代词who,whom引导的定语从句。这类从句修饰人。who在从句中可作主语或宾语;whom在从句中作宾语;二者在从句中作宾语时常常可以省略。eg: The woman (who/whom) you talked to just now is my Chinese teacher.2由关系代词which引导的定语从句。这类从句修饰物。which在从句中可作主语或宾语,作宾语时常常可以省略。eg:My brother l

228、ikes the film which has a happy ending.3由关系代词that引导的定语从句。这类从句既可修饰人,也可修饰物。4关系副词有when,where,why。它们在句中作状语。eg:This is the city where my father worked ten years ago. 21What are you looking for?Im looking for the book _D_you lent me yesterday.(2014,随州)Awhat Bwho Cwhen D/22Have you seen the documentary nam

229、ed A Bite of China?Yeah!Its the most funny one_A_I have even seen.(2014,咸宁)Athat Bwhat Cwhich Dwhere23I dint see you last night.Where did you go?I went to see a movie called Coming Home_D_was directed by Zhang Yimou.(2014,兰州)Awho Bwhom Cwhen Dwhich24Ill never forget the lesson _B_ last year.(2013,三亚

230、)Athat I learn Bthat I learnedCwhat I learn Dwhat I learned25In a text message,88 means Byebye.And another example is F2F_A_stands for face to face.(2014,黄冈)Athat Bwho Cwhom Dit 26Yesterday Li Ming went to the village _C_ his family lived ten years ago.(2013,德州)Awhen Bwhich Cwhere Dthat27Where is th

231、e School English Speech Contest going to be held tonight?Im not sure.It is in the hall_B_can hold 300 people.(2014,鄂州)Awhere Bthat Cwhat Dwhen28Lily doesnt know _D_ she and her friends can do to help the little boy _ parents have left their hometown for making money.(2013,兰州)Athat;whose Bhow;whoCwha

232、t;who Dwhat;whose29A graduation ceremony is a custom _A_ takes place _ students graduate from a school.(2013,咸宁)Awhich;when Bthat;whoCwhich;whose Dthat;which30The house _C_ Lu Xun used to live is now a museum.(2013,呼和浩特)Awhich BthatCin which Dthere (十三十三)主谓一致主谓一致 主谓一致是初中阶段的重要语法之一,经常出现在近几年的中考试卷中。考查重点

233、是主谓一致:语法一致原则、意义一致原则和就近一致原则,其中语法一致原则和就近一致原则是历年的考查热点。从命题形式来看,主要以单项选择为主,在完形填空、句型转换和翻译句子中有时也会涉及此考点。 考点一语法一致1一般情况下,主语为单数可数名词、不可数名词或代词时,谓语动词用单数形式;主语为复数可数名词或代词时,谓语动词用复数形式。eg:A boy is playing basketball on the playground.They look young and healthy.2当and或bothand连接名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词通常用复数形式。eg:Both she and her br

234、other like playing chess.3当some,any,no,every等与thing,one/body构成的复合不定代词以及不定代词each,either,neither等作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。eg:Someone is knocking at the door.Each of us has an English dictionary. 4当主语后面跟有with,except,including,together with等词语引导的短语时,谓语动词的单复数形式由这些词语前面的主语的单复数形式决定。eg:Mr Green with his wife and two

235、sons is coming to Beijing.Everyone except Mike and Jack was in the classroom when Mr Li came in.5动词不定式或动词ing形式作主语时,谓语动词常用单数形式。eg:To learn grammar is easy for her. 考点二意义一致1表示时间、重量、距离、金钱等的复数名词、词组作主语时,常将其看作一个整体,谓语动词常用单数形式。eg:Three years is a long time.Two kilometers isnt too far.2某些集体名词(如family,class,t

236、eam,group等)指整体时,谓语动词用单数形式;如果指集体中的成员时,谓语动词用复数形式。eg:Tims family is a happy one.Tims family are watching TV now.3某些名词(如people,police等)形式上是单数,但意义上是复数,因此谓语动词常用复数形式。eg:The police are looking for the man who disappeared yesterday. 4一些以s结尾的名词(如news,physics等)形式上是复数,但意义上是单数,它们作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。eg:I think physics

237、 is very interesting.5“the形容词”表示一类人,作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式。eg:The poor are not easily found in this village.6“the姓氏的复数形式”表示某某一家人或某某夫妇,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。eg:The Blacks enjoy working in China. 考点三就近一致就近一致是指谓语动词的数要与其最近的主语在人称和数上保持一致。1由not onlybut also,eitheror,neithernor连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词常与靠近它的主语在人称和数上保持一致。eg:Not only

238、 Jack but also his sisters are going to the party.Neither he or I am a teacher.2在there be句型中,如果有两个或两个以上的主语时,动词be的数一般依据就近一致原则,与靠近它的主语在数上保持一致。eg:There is a plate and two forks on the table.There are two bookcases and a desk in Marths room. 【友情提示】1.pants,glasses,shorts,shoes等词作主语时,谓语动词通常用复数形式;但如果这些名词前有

239、a/this/that pair of等修饰时,谓语动词用单数形式。eg:The shorts look great.Ill take them.This pair of shoes is too expensive for me.2“the number of复数可数名词”意为“的数量”,作主语时谓语动词用单数形式;“a number of复数可数名词”意为“许多”,作主语时谓语动词用复数形式。eg:The number of classrooms in his school is 20.A number of trees are cut down.3“分数/百分数of名词”作主语时,如果名

240、词是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式;如果名词是复数可数名词,谓语动词常用复数形式。eg:Two thirds of the bread is eaten by Brad.40% of the books in this library are for kids.4“the rest of名词”表示“其余的”,作主语时,谓语动词的形式由名词决定:如果名词是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式;如果名词是复数可数名词,谓语动词用复数形式。eg:The rest of the money was donated to charity.Mary wants to eat rice, and the rest

241、 of the girls want to eat noodles. 1Climbing hills_A_good for our health.(2014,黔东南)Ais Bare Cwas Dwere2I called you at 5:00 yesterday afternoon,but no one answered.(2014,达州)Sorry,I with my parents_A_at that time.Awas shopping Bwere shoppingCare shopping Dwent shopping3There _C_ still some apple juic

242、e in the fridge.Its not necessary for us to go to the supermarket now.(2013,南京)Awas Bwere Cis Dare4What _A_the number of the students in your school?About two thousand.A number of them_from the countryside.(2014,泰安)Ais;are Bis;is Care;is Dare;are5Everyone except Tom and John _D_ there when the meeti

243、ng began.(2013,威海)Aare Bis Cwere Dwas 6There _B_lots of sheep and pigs on my uncles farm now.(2014,淮安)Ais Bare Cwas Dwere7What are you going to do this weekend?I together with my classmates_C_going to climb Mount Qian.(2014,荆州)Ais Bare Cam Dwere8When are you going to Beijing for your holiday?I haven

244、t decided._C_ this Sunday _ next Sunday is OK.(2013,绥化)ANot only;but also BNeither;norCEither;or9The child without parents _A_ good care of by his teachers in this special school.(2013,梅州)Ais taken Bare takenCtake Dtakes10Not only my friends but also I _B_ interested in football and Messi is our fav

245、orite star.(2013,梅州)Abe Bam Cis Dare 2情景交际 情景交际是中考的高频考点之一。近年来,全国大部分省、市越来越注重对情景交际的考查,侧重对情景会话能力的测试,考查学生在特定的对话情景中运用日常交际用语的能力。内容上侧重考查以打电话、购物、看病、约会等为主题的对话,辅以考查问候、介绍、告别、感谢、祝愿、请求、允许、表示同意等话题。预计2015年中考命题会加大对交际用语的考查力度,特别是交际用语中有关表达祝愿、赞美、感谢、道歉、征询意见或看法等的知识点将是考查热点。 1Mike,thank you for driving me home._C_Have a ni

246、ce day!(2014,温州)AThats right. BIm afraid not. CYoure welcome. DIts a good idea.2 I missed the beginning of The Voice of China yesterday evening.(2014,连云港)_B_! But you can watch the replay tonight.AHurry up BWhat a pity CTry your best DI don t think so3Would you like some juice?(2013,十堰)_D_Id like so

247、mething to eat.AYes, please. BNo problem. CThats OK. DNo, thanks.4Would you mind helping me look after my baby for a while?_C_(2014,荆州)ASure, be careful on the way. BOh, dont you like children?COf course not, dear. DYeah, I hope so.5 He has to stay in Thailand for one more week because his passport

248、and ID card were stolen._C_.(2014,鄂州)AForget it BIt doesnt matter CIm sorry to hear that DGreat 6Would you mind if I turn on the radio?(2014,达州)_B_.The baby is sleeping in the next room.ANo, I dont mind BNot at all CBetter not DThats all right7I think sixteenyearolds should be allowed to drive.(2014

249、,丹东) _B_.They arent serious enough at that age.AI agree BI disagree CI think so DThats right8 Would you like something to drink?_C_.Im thirsty.(2014,重庆)AYes, I can BNo, thanks CYes, please DNo, I dont like it9Are you willing to live on Mars one day?_C_It sounds exciting,but it still worries me.(2014

250、,无锡)Aof course I am. BWhy not? CIm not sure. DAre you joking?10Good morning, sir! _A_?(2014,南昌)Id like to buy a sweater for my daughter.AWhat can I do for you BWhat are you doingCHow about the sweater DCan you help me 11We failed in the singing competition._C_.Better times are waiting for you.(2014,

251、安徽)ANo way BBest wishes CCheer up DGood job12Hows it going, Alan?_D_.(2014,云南)ALong time no see BIm drawing a pictureCIts going to rain DPretty good13. _B_(2014,云南) Sorry, well go and play in the park.ADont drop litter here. BWould you mind not playing baseball here?CYou have to get up early. DWould you mind not smoking in public?14My new iPhone was stolen when I took a bus yesterday._A_(2014,黔东南)AIm sorry to hear that. BIt doesnt matter.CDont be silly. DId love to.15Its too hot.Why not go swimming with us? _A_(2014,铜仁)AGood idea! BThats right! CWell done! DCongratulations!



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