七年级英语七年级英语下册 Module 10 A holiday journey模块复习课课件

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1、欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂Module 10 A holiday journey模块复习课. 词汇拓展拓展1. excite (v. ) _ (adj. ) 激激动的;的;兴奋的的2. relax (v. ) _ (adj. ) 放放松松的的 _ (adj. ) 令人放松的令人放松的答案:答案: 1. excited 2. relaxed; relaxing3. France (n. ) _ (adj. )法国的;法法国的;法语的的4. buy (v. ) _(反反义词) 卖;出售;出售5. wonder(n. ) _ (adj. ) 绝妙的;了不起的妙的;了不起的 _ (adv. )

2、极好地极好地; 精彩地精彩地答案:答案: 3. French 4. sell 5. wonderful; wonderfully. 短短语互互译1. 度假度假 _holiday2. 开开车载某人去某人去 _sb. . . ._ 3. 前天前天 the day _ yesterday4. 例如例如 such_ 答案:答案: 1. on 2. drive; to 3. before 4. as5. 为某人某人买某物某物 _sth. _sb. 6. take a walk _ 7. travel around the world _8. learn about _答案:答案:5. buy; for

3、6. 去散步去散步 7. 周游世界周游世界 8. 了解了解. 句型攻关句型攻关 1. 你你们登上山登上山顶用了多用了多长时间?_ _ did it _ _ _ to the top of the hill? 2. 天在下雨,所以我不能出去。天在下雨,所以我不能出去。Its raining, _ I cant go out. 答案:答案: 1. How long; take to get 2. so3. 他他们希望能希望能够找到好工作。找到好工作。They hoped they _ _ good jobs. 4. 直到影片开始,他直到影片开始,他们才到达才到达电影院。影院。They _ _ at

4、 the cinema _ the film was _. 答案:答案:3. could find 4. didnt arrive; till/until; on5. 假期你去了哪里?假期你去了哪里?Where _ you _ on holiday? 我和父母去了上海。我和父母去了上海。I went to Shanghai _ my parents. 答案:答案: did; go;with核心考点核心考点: 三三词一一语一句型一句型三个三个词汇:spend;such;wonderful一个短一个短语:be on一个句型:一个句型:It takes sb. + 时间段段 + to do sth.

5、 1. (2012梅梅州州中中考考) I enjoy playing computer games, but I cant _ too much time _ that. A. take; doing B. spend; doingC. spend; for doing D. take; to do【解解析析】选选B。考考查查固固定定搭搭配配。 spend time (in) doing sth. 意意为为“花费时间干某事花费时间干某事”,且主语是人。,且主语是人。 故选故选B。2. (2012 孝孝感感中中考考)Every year a lot of tourists travel to H

6、ainan, because its _ island. A. so a beautiful B. so beautifulC. such a beautiful D. a such beautiful【解解析析】选选C。考考查查形形容容词词的的用用法法。such + a/an +形形容容词词 + 可数名词单数。故选可数名词单数。故选C。3. (2012衢衢州州中中考考)What do you think of the 3D film The Titanic last night? It was _ . I enjoyed it a lot. A. boring B. wonderful C.

7、 strange D. terrible【解解析析】选选B。考考查查形形容容词词辨辨析析。boring意意为为“无无聊聊的的”; wonderful意意 为为 “精精 彩彩 的的 ”; strange意意 为为 “奇奇 怪怪 的的 ”; terrible意意为为“可可怕怕的的”。根根据据下下文文“我我非非常常喜喜欢欢它它”,可可知它是精彩的,故答案选知它是精彩的,故答案选B。4. (2012广广东中中考考)It took me two weeks _ reading the novels written by Guo Jingming. A. finish B. to finishC. fin

8、ishes D. finishing【解解析析】选选B。考考查查固固定定句句型型。 It takes sb. some time to do sth. “花花费费某某人人多多少少时时间间做做某某事事”是是个个固固定定句句型型,故故答答案案选选B项,项,it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。5. (2012十十堰堰中中考考) Peter, the light in your room _ the whole night. What were you doing? Oh, I was busy writing a report. A. turns on B. turned onC. is on D. was on【解解析析】选选D。考考查查副副词词的的用用法法。on在在此此处处意意为为“开开着着的的”,表示一种状态,由对话语境知应用一般过去时,故选,表示一种状态,由对话语境知应用一般过去时,故选D。励志名言励志名言形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋安全小贴上课间活动注意安全



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