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1、B4M4-reading-B4M4-reading-公开课公开课Who is the creator of theory of relativity Who is the creator of theory of relativity ( (相对论相对论) )?Albert Einstein Who discovered radium (Who discovered radium (镭镭) ?) ?Marie Curie Who is the father ofWho is the father of hybrid rice (hybrid rice (杂交水稻杂交水稻) )?Yuan Lon

2、gpingLook at the title and guess what it is about.n Will the passage be about something or about someone?原子弹让中国人原子弹让中国人 不再受恐吓!袁不再受恐吓!袁 隆平让中国人不隆平让中国人不 再挨饿!再挨饿!He is known as _.the father of hybrid riceYuan LongpingFastreadingTask1:Tick(打勾打勾)thetopicsmentionedinthepassage.Task2:Matchthemainideawitheac

3、hparagraph.Tickthetopicsmentionedinthepassage.hobby achievement childhood family education habit experiment birthplace Find out the topic sentences. Para 1Yuans experimentYuan is a leading figure in the rice-growing world.Yuan Longping has an influence on Pakistan.Yuan Longpings achievementsYuan was

4、 called “the student who asked questions”.The process(过程)of his discoveryPara 2Para 3Para 4Para 5Para 61. How do we introduce a person, especially a famous person?2. How do we find the main idea of a paragraph?Youshouldpayattentiontothe_sentenceandthe_sentence,orthe_.firstlastkey wordsSummarizeCaref

5、ulreadingChoosethebestanswers.1.What is the purpose of the first paragraph? A. To describe the importance of rice B. To stress Yuan Longpings achievement C. To tell us China is the largest country D. To introduce rice is grown in many countries2. What is the most important way to provide enough food

6、 for people? A. Import from other countries B. Have more rice and produce it more quickly C. Plant more cash crop D. Raise the price of rice3. Which meaning is close to the word cross in para.3? A. pass B. mix C. a mark D. draw a line4. What is the process of Yuan Longpings discovery? a. He experime

7、nted with different types of rice b. He discovered a naturally sterile male rice plant c. He began his research for a special rice A. b, a, c, B. a, b, c C. b, c, a D. a, c, b5. What are the achievements of Yuan Longping? A. Chinese rice production rose to 47.5% in the 1990s. B. The hybrid rice was

8、exported to America. C. The new rice replaced vegetables in 50,000 square kilometres. D. The new rice is now grown in Pakistan.6.Whats the main idea of the passage? A. Yuan Longping and his achievement. B. Yuan Longping discovered a new type of rice. C. Yuan Longpings discoveries has brought in grea

9、t profit(利润). D. Yuan Longping often asked questions.TrueofFalse.1.Chinaproducesmorericethananyothercountry.2.YuanLongpingaskedalotofquestionsatschool.3.Hedevelopedanewkindoffast-growingrice.4.Thegovernmenthelpedhiminhisresearch.5.Thenewricereplacedvegetablesin50thousandsquarekilometers.6.Thenewrice



12、_breakthrough.Asaresult,Chinasriceproductionrose_47.5%inthe1990s._(follow)this,YuanLongpingsricewasexportedtosomeother_(country).whostudiedcrossingto havenaturallyabyFollowingcountrieswas broughtYuanLongpingmadegreatcontributionstoChina.Hemadeusmoveoutofhungerandhaveenoughfoodtoeat.Toouranger,somepe

13、oplewastefood.What should we do? We should treasure food and mustnt waste food. We should know that every grain in the plate comes from hard work. (盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦) We should support the campaign: “clear your plate” campaign (光盘行动). Lei Feng was a model soldier. _ December 18,1940, he was born in a poor p

14、easant family. At the age of 18, he worked as a steel worker. He _(praise) for his good job. On January 8,1960, he _ (join) the army. In the same year, he joined the Communist Party. He loved the Party and the people, and _ (constant) did good for others. After his _ (die), Chairman Mao called on th

15、e people to Learn from Comrade Lei Feng. The whole nation were moved by his deeds. Lei Fengs spirit will live in our hearts forever.Onwas praisedjoinedconstantlydeathExercise Tu Youyou, which is a famous female chemist and scientist, was born in Ningbo. In 1951, she was admitted into Beijing Univers

16、ity, major in making medicine. In 1972, she succeeded in discover Qinghaosu out of a Chinese herb. To our excite, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine on October 5th, 2015, becoming the first Chinese woman win the Nobel Prize. who Beethoven, which is a German Composer, began to lose his heari

17、ng in 1801 and was entire deaf in 1819.However, this obstacle could not keep him from become one of the most famous composer in art history. His music, including 9 symphonies,5 piano concertos, several senates and so on, form a transition from classical to romantic composition. whoentirelybecomingformscomposers结束结束



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