江苏省姜堰区叶甸初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit 5 Good manners Reading课件

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1、Unit 5 Good mannersWhen in RomeReading(2)Free talk1.How much do you know about manners in the UK?2.Can you say something about them?the proper way to greet people say “hello” or “nice to meet you”shake others handgreet relatives or close friends with a kissManners in the UK Revision 1prp right or co

2、rrectstart a conversationtalk about the weather, holidays, music, booksavoid subjects like age, weight or moneyManners in the UK Revision 2 knvse()na small talk vd try not to do somethingtopicsbe in publicqueue for their turnnever push in others cut in never shout or laugh loudlyManners in the UK Re

3、vision 3say “excuse me”in ones wayqueueKeep their voice downbehave politelypblk be at homebe polite as wellsay “please” or “thank you” all the timeManners in the UK Revision 4too ActivitySome exchange students from the UK will visit Bai jiahu Middle School. Our school will choose some volunteers to

4、meet them. Do you want to be volunteers?Good manners in the UKBritish people usually say “hello” or “nice to meet you” and _ when they meet you for the first time. They only _ relatives or close friends _. They like to start a with subjects like the weather,holidays, music or booksThey _ about age,

5、weight or money. British people think it is rude to _.They always queue. shake your hand avoid talkingpush in before otherslaugh loudly in public, avoid doing, in ones way, push in before others, all the time, shake sbs hand, bump into, as well, greet sb. with a kissgreetwith a kissTask1Good manners

6、 in the UKThey say “sorry” if they _ you in the street. When you are _,they say “excuse me”. They do not like to shout or _. British people are polite at home _. They say “please” or “thank you_.“When in Rome do as the Romans do.” When we are in a strange place,we should do as the local people do.bu

7、mp into laugh loudly in public all the time laugh loudly in public, avoid doing, in ones way, push in before others, all the time, shake sbs hand, bump into, as well, greet sb. with a kissas wellin their wayTask21.问候人们的正确方式问候人们的正确方式2.握某人的手握某人的手3.第一次见到你第一次见到你4.以亲吻的方式跟人打招呼以亲吻的方式跟人打招呼Finding out the ph

8、rases & expressionsthe proper way to greet peopleshake sbs handmeet you for the first timegreet people with a kiss5.在公共场合举止文明在公共场合举止文明6.撞到某人撞到某人7.挡住某人的路挡住某人的路8.一直一直9.保持低声调保持低声调10.正如那句谚语所说正如那句谚语所说behave politely in publicbump into someonein ones wayall the timekeep your voice downjust as the saying g

9、oes1. Do they greet people with a kiss?greet vt. 问候;打招呼问候;打招呼kiss n. 亲吻亲吻 她微笑着跟我们打了个招呼。她微笑着跟我们打了个招呼。 She greeted us with a smile.e.g. greet somebody with 以以方式跟人打招呼方式跟人打招呼Learn new pointsTask3那两孪生兄弟试图用小刀打开后门。那两孪生兄弟试图用小刀打开后门。The twin brotherstried_.林老师拿着一本书,匆忙地走进教室。林老师拿着一本书,匆忙地走进教室。Mr. Lin hurried int

10、o the classroom_.to open the back door with a knifewith a book in his hand. Learn to modify2. But please avoid subjects like age, weight or money.avoid vt,避免,避免 avoid sth. 你应避免吃这些不健康的食你应避免吃这些不健康的食品。品。e.g. You should avoid eating such unhealthy food. avoid doing sth.“避免做某事避免做某事”avoid asking(1) 我们必须认真

11、做作业避免错误。我们必须认真做作业避免错误。 We must do our homework carefully to _.(2) 王先生设法避免让他的经理生气。王先生设法避免让他的经理生气。 Mr Wang tried to _ his manager angry.avoid mistakesavoid making Learn to modifyIt is + adj + (for sb) + to do sth. (对某人来说,)做某事(对某人来说,)做某事3. They think its rude to push in before others.句型中的句型中的it是是形式主语形式

12、主语,真正的主语真正的主语是后面的是后面的to do sth. 问英国人多大年龄是不礼貌的。问英国人多大年龄是不礼貌的。e.g. It is impolite to ask British people their ages.(1)English, to, well, hard, learn, it, is(2)for, the, numbers, children, important, its, Telephone, remember, to It is hard to learn English well.Its important for children to remember th

13、e telephone numbers.Help the following words queue to form correctsentences.4. If you are in their way, they will be polite enough to wait .polite enough enough在修饰形容词在修饰形容词时放在形容词后面时放在形容词后面。西蒙足够好心,他随时都会帮助朋友。西蒙足够好心,他随时都会帮助朋友。e.g. Simon is kind enough to help friends any time.be + adj. + enough + to do

14、KimiTiantianShitouCindyAngelaWhere is my father?The first daygenerousshare her things with othershelpfulhelp his friendssmartbe a group leadercarefultake care of her friends bravedo things alonebe + adj. + enough + to doAngela was generous enough to share things with others.Tiantian was helpful enou

15、gh to help friends.Shitou was smart enough to be a group leader.Cindy was careful enough to take care of her friends.Kimi was brave enough to do things alone.happyenjoy the trip at the beginningcarefultake his hat with himpatientwaitbe + adj. + enough + to doCindy was not happy enough to enjoy the t

16、rip beginning.Tiantian was not careful enough to take his hat with him.Shitou was not patient enough to wait.PracticeCindy was too sad to enjoy the trip at the beginning. Tiantian was too careless to take his hat with him. Shitou was too impatient to wait. Tiantian was not careful enough to take his

17、 hat with him.Shitou was not patient enough to wait.tooto太而不太而不能能5. Just as the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”saying n. 谚语;格言谚语;格言我的祖母知道很多英语格言。我的祖母知道很多英语格言。e.g. My grandpa knows a lot of English sayings.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.入乡随俗。英语习语,其省略形式入乡随俗。英语习语,其省略形式when in Rome也也

18、可以表达同样的意思。可以表达同样的意思。Task4 Make a speech要点:要点:1、第一次见面,英国人通常会说、第一次见面,英国人通常会说“你好你好”或者或者“很高兴认识你很高兴认识你”,与你握手;,与你握手;2、在公共场合,他们举止得体;他们认为插队、在公共场合,他们举止得体;他们认为插队是无礼的行为,他们总是排队;在家中他们也是无礼的行为,他们总是排队;在家中他们也非常有礼貌;非常有礼貌;3、“入乡随俗入乡随俗”;当我们在一个陌生的地方,;当我们在一个陌生的地方,我们的行为举止应当像当地人一样。我们的行为举止应当像当地人一样。You can be good volunteers! Your school will be proud of your excellent performances.1.Recite the main phrases and sentences.2.Try to find out more differences about good manners between the UK and China.3.Making the “Manners in China” cards.Homework



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