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1、Language & Culture PressUnit 12Dedicated PeopleDedicated PeopleLanguage & Culture Press Key Wordsdecide nurse decision try sleepreport suffering appoint hire femalelamp patient military dedicatedrespect receive continue adviceaward Useful Expressionsto be determined to do on behalf of care forin add

2、ition toto be looked down uponAimsLanguage & Culture Press Language Skills Listening Speaking Reading Writing听一段介绍人物的短文,完成填空练习能运用表示人物性格特征的词语介绍某人careful polite smart warm-hearted humorous intelligent clever friendly careless impolite cold-hearted slow-minded funny quiet/shy unfriendly阅读是对弗劳伦斯南丁格尔的生平简

3、介及她对护理事业的贡献,在课文理解的基础上,掌握重要词汇和语句的用法根据所提供的信息写一张工作或生活当中的便条 Grammar FocusThe Use of “It” It 的用法1. 用作代词 2. 用作形式主语 3. 用作形式宾语 4. 用作强调结构Language & Culture PressProceduresProceduresProceduresProcedures.Language & Culture PressFlorence NightingaleLanguage & Culture PressInternational Nurses DayLanguage & Cult

4、ure PressLanguage & Culture Press1. How much do you know about nursing?2. Have you ever heard of the story of “The Lady with the Lamp”?Language & Culture PressLanguage & Culture PressFast ReadingRead the text quickly and then answer the following questionsLanguage & Culture Press1.Where did her fami

5、ly live when Florence was born?2. What kind of education did Nightingale and her sister receive?Key: They live in Italy.Key: Florence and her sister were educated by their father and private teacher.Language & Culture Press3. What kind of a student was Florence?Key: She excelled in her studies.4. Ho

6、w did Florence upset her family?Key: She decided to become a nurse.Language & Culture Press5.Why didnt Florences family want her to be a nurse?Key: Because at that time nurses in England were looked down upon by people.6. Why did Nightingale go to Turkey?Reports of the sufferings of the wounded in t

7、he front created anger in Britain. In response, the government appointed Florence Nightingale to hire female nurses to work in the military hospitals in the front.Language & Culture Press7. What did Florence do besides her nursing work at the front?8. Why was she called “The Lady with the Lamp”?Key:

8、 Florence wrote home on behalf of the soldiers. She acted as a banker, sending the mens wages home to their families, and set up reading-rooms in the hospital.Key: At night, Nightingale took a lamp and walked around the hospital attending the patients.Language & Culture Press9.What did Nightingale d

9、o after she returned to England?10. What made Florence Nightingale so famous?Key: Florence set up a nursing school to train professional nurses and continued to offer her advice on hospital reform.Key: Nightingale is best known as the founder of the modern profession of nursing and as a hospital ref

10、ormer.Language & Culture Press1. Florence Nightingale was born in Italy on 12 May 1820 and was named Florence after her birthplace.弗劳伦斯南丁格尔于1820年5月12日生于意大利,并以她的出生地弗劳伦萨作为她的名字to nameafter 以给命名Language & Culture Press2. This decision greatly upset her family, because at that time nurses in England were

11、 looked down upon by people.这一决定让她的家庭非常不安,因为那时在英国护士工作是被人歧视的。to look down upon “歧视,看不起” e.g. Her parents tell her not to look down upon those who are poor.Language & Culture Press3. But she was determined, and began caring for the sick in hospitals.但是她的决心已定,并且开始到医院护理病人care for 关照,照料 e.g. The lonely o

12、ld woman was cared for by the nurses in the Home for the Elderly.Language & Culture Press4. In 1854, England was fighting a war with Russia in Turkey.1854年,英国在土耳其与俄国作战。1854年到1856年,为争夺巴尔干半岛的控制权,英,法,土与俄国进行了有名的克里米亚战争“Crimea War”Language & Culture Press5.The soldiers began to call Florence “The Lady wit

13、h the Lamp.”士兵们开始称弗劳伦斯为“提灯女士”Language & Culture Press6. In return, she gained the respect of the British soldiers.作为回报,她收到英国士兵的尊重。in return 作为回报;作为报答 e.g. He was always ready to help others; in return, he was liked by others.Language & Culture Press7. Nightingale and the nurses worked around the clo

14、ck, tending the sick and the wounded.南丁格尔和护士们日夜工作,照料病号和伤员。around the clock 日夜;24小时 e.g. The ATM can be used around the clock, so it is also called 24-hour banking.Language & Culture Press8. Thanks to their hard work, many wounded soldiers survived.由于他们的辛勤工作,许多伤员活了下来。thanks to 由于;多亏 e.g. Thanks to hi

15、s help, we finished the work earlier than expected.Language & Culture Press9. Nightingale is best known as the founder of the modern profession of nursing and as a hospital reformer.南丁格尔作为现代护理专业的开创者和医疗改革者而留名于世。to be known as 以著称;被认为是 e.g. Yuan Longping is known as Chinas “father of hybrid rice”.Lang

16、uage & Culture Press10. Every year the International Red Cross awards the Florence Nightingale Medal to dedicated nurses of the world.每年国际红十字会都要向世界各地作出杰出贡献的护士颁发南丁格尔奖章。红十字国际委员会,1863年创立于日内瓦,红十字国际委员会是一个独立、中立的组织,其人道职责主要源自1949年日内瓦公约。该组织总部设在瑞士日内瓦,在全球80多个国家共有大约1.3万名员工;资金主要来自于各国政府以及国家红十字会和红新月会的自愿捐赠。宗旨是为战争和武

17、装暴力的受害者提供人道保护和援助。Language & Culture Press11. And the day of her birth, May 12, has been made International Nurses Day.因此,她的生日5月12日被定为“国际护士节”Language & Culture PressReading&SpeakingDescribing the character of a personGood Characters careful polite humorous warm-hearted quick-minded smart friendly int

18、elligent/clever Bad Characters careless impolite unfunny cold-hearted slow-minded quiet/shy unfriendly have a poor memory Unit 12 Dedicated PeopleLanguage & Culture PressReading&SpeakingModel 1: She is very careful. She is a careful person. Her room is always tidy and clean.Describing the character

19、of a personUnit 12 Dedicated PeopleLanguage & Culture PressReading&Speakingcareful polite humorous warm-hearted quick-minded quiet/shy friendly intelligent/clever Follow the model and complete the following sentences by using the words and expressions in the box.1.Larry is very polite. He is a _ per

20、son. He greets everybody he meets in the street. polite2. Mike is very _ . He is a warm-hearted person. He likes to help others.warm-heartedUnit 12 Dedicated PeopleLanguage & Culture PressReading&Speaking3. Ken is very humorous. He is a _ person. He likes to tell jokes.humorous4. Mr. Li is very _. H

21、e always smiles when he talks with other people.friendly5. Mr. Liu is very _. He does everything nicely and quickly.quick-mindedcareful polite humorous warm-hearted quick-minded quiet/shy friendly intelligent/clever Unit 12 Dedicated PeopleLanguage & Culture PressUnit 12 Dedicated PeopleReading&Spea

22、king6. Mary is very _. She can speak French, English and Spanish.7. Larry is _. He never talks in public.intelligent/cleverquiet/shycareful polite humorous warm-hearted quick-minded quiet/shy friendly intelligent/clever Language & Culture PressReading&SpeakingModel 2 Situational dialogue talk about

23、the character of a person with any pattern drill.1. What kind of person is Larry? Larry is very polite. She is a polite person and 2. Would you please tell me something about Mike? Mike is very warm-hearted. He is a warm-hearted person. Thank you.3. How about Ken, please? Ken is very humorous Thank

24、you.Unit 12 Dedicated PeopleLanguage & Culture PressReading&SpeakingInquiry Learningintroduce others/introduce ourselvesDo you know a player named Yao Ming? He is good at basketball, andHave you heard of the story about Sang Lan? She was once a gymnast (体操运体操运动员), butDo you know the person Yang Liwe

25、i? Can you tell us something about him?Do you like music? How about Zhou Jieluns song? He is a famous singerUnit 12 Dedicated PeopleLanguage & Culture PressReading&SpeakingModel 3 Introduction Follow the model below and learn to describe yourself or your classmate.Lily is a student in a vocational s

26、chool. She studies accounting. She is very clever and always gets good marks in her lessons. She is also a warm-hearted person. She always helps her classmates with their studies. Sometimes she is very funny, too, because she always leaves things here and there. We all like being her friends.Now, ca

27、n you say something about yourself or your classmate? Unit 12 Dedicated PeopleLanguage & Culture PressA Short Note 便条是工作和生活中常用的实用文体。它是一种简单的留言方式,书写格式是非正式的,内容比较简洁。WritingWritingA short noteA short noteLanguage & Culture Press写便条需注意:1. 便条内容是近期发生的事,因此通常不写日期, 也无需写地址。WritingWritingA short noteA short note

28、Language & Culture Press写便条需注意:2. 给同事或上级写的便条,可用Dear来称呼,而写 给朋友或熟人可不用Dear。WritingWritingA short noteA short noteDear: I will come soon.Language & Culture Press写便条需注意:3. 正文措辞要简明,直截了当。WritingWritingA short noteA short noteLanguage & Culture Press写便条需注意:4. 最后署名。WritingWritingA short noteA short noteLangu

29、age & Culture PressPractice:Yesterday your friend asked you to buy this weeks Job Market Newspaper on your way to school. But the paper was sold out. Write a short note to him/ her. Tell him/ her that you will go to another news-stand to buy one this afternoon. Tell him/ her not to worry about it.A

30、short noteA short noteWritingWritingLanguage & Culture PressUseful expressions:1. I have a good news to tell you thatWritingWritingA short noteA short note2. I am sorry to tell you that3. Because of theLanguage & Culture PressWrite out a short note according to the information with your partner.WritingWritingA short noteA short noteGroup activities:



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