广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 6 Unit 1 If I start after dinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed教学课件 (新版)外研版

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广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 6 Unit 1 If I start after dinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed教学课件 (新版)外研版_第1页
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广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 6 Unit 1 If I start after dinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed教学课件 (新版)外研版_第2页
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广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 6 Unit 1 If I start after dinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed教学课件 (新版)外研版_第3页
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广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 6 Unit 1 If I start after dinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed教学课件 (新版)外研版_第4页
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广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 6 Unit 1 If I start after dinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed教学课件 (新版)外研版_第5页
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《广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 6 Unit 1 If I start after dinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed教学课件 (新版)外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广西中峰乡育才中学九年级英语上册 Module 6 Unit 1 If I start after dinner, I’ll finish it before I go to bed教学课件 (新版)外研版(33页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、IfIstartafterdinner,IllfinishitbeforeIgotobed.Unit1Module 6 ProblemsWordsandexpressionsdealexamfailguitarinstrumentmusicalhabitgetintothehabitof n.协议协议 n.考试考试 v. 未能及格;未能达到未能及格;未能达到 n. 吉他吉他n.乐器;仪器乐器;仪器adj.音乐的音乐的 n.习惯习惯养成养成的习惯的习惯Wordsandexpressionsschoolworkvolunteernecessaryshameinsteadinsteadof n.学生

2、课业;功课学生课业;功课 n.志愿者志愿者 v.自愿自愿 adj. 必要的;必需的必要的;必需的 n. 可惜;遗憾可惜;遗憾adv.代替;而不是代替;而不是而不是而不是Wordsandexpressionscommunityknowledgepointconsiderlastword n.社区;社会社区;社会 n.知识;学识知识;学识 n.(试图表达的)观(试图表达的)观点;看法点;看法 v. 考虑;斟酌考虑;斟酌 最终决定;最后一最终决定;最后一句话句话Doyouhaveanyproblemsinyourdailylife?Ihavetoomuchhomeworktohaveanine-ho

3、ursleep.Icantgetgoodmarks.IdonthaveenoughtimetodothethingsIwant.IcantgetalongwellwithmyclassmatesSometimesIdontknowhowtocommunicatewithmyparents.Try to list some expressions, using the words in the box.dealexamfailguitarinstrument make a deal fail the exam play the guitarplay musical instruments1P42

4、Listen and decide what Tonys problem is. a)Tony is spending too much time playing the guitar, and he may fail his exams. b)All of Tonys friends can play musical instrument after class, but he has to study hard.c)Tonys parents want to stop him enjoying music, although they have made a deal with him b

5、efore.2P42Listen again and check () the true sentences.1 Tonys dad is worried that Tony spends too much time playing the guitar.2 Tony has failed an exam.3 Tonys mum wants Tony to stop playing the guitar.4 Tony plays music together with his friends.5 Tonys mum suggests that Tony should have guitar l

6、essons.6 Tonys dad does not agree with Tonys mums suggestion.3P42Listen to the dialogue and discuss what the problem between Tony and his father in groups.Problem Advice Tony wants to have a rest from schoolwork before he does his homework, but his father thinks he should do the homework first.If he

7、 has a lot of homework, Tony should finish the homework first.If he has little homework, Tony can do something he likes before he finish his homework.Task11)playtheguitar2)havearestfromschoolwork3)gotothelibrarytodovolunteerwork4)readbooksinthelibraryRead the passage and list the things Tony wants t

8、o do after school.Task24P43Choose the correct answer.1.WhydoesTonysayhewilldohishomeworkafterdinner?a)Becausehewantsarestfromschoolwork.b)Becausehecandohishomeworkinthelibrary.c)Becausehomeworkislessimportantthanmusic.Task32.WhydoesTonysdadthinkTonyshouldnotgotothelibrarysomuch?a)BecausehewantsTonyt


10、tthesametime.Readandtrytorecitetheconversationsin5-10minutes.1. Role play the conversation in groups;2. Role play the conversation in front of the classLets see which group Lets see which group does the best.does the best.5P43Complete the passage with the words in the box.Tonywantstogotothelibrary,b





15、等。instead和和insteadof常可相互转换,如:常可相互转换,如:Hedidntdohishomework.Instead,hewatchedTV.=HewatchedTVinsteadofdoinghishomework.他没有做作业,而是看电视了。他没有做作业,而是看电视了。完成下列句子。完成下列句子。1.Aftertheearthquake,heleftforWenchuanasavolunteer_atourist.2.Thereisnochoicenow.Wouldyoulikeacupoftea_? instead of instead4.Nodeal,Tony.托尼,这


17、整的意思。按照一般语法结构,相对完整的意思。按照一般语法结构,可划分为以下意群单位:可划分为以下意群单位:(1)短句短句(2)名词短语名词短语(3)介词介词/不定式不定式/分词短语分词短语(4)动词短语动词短语(5)主谓结构主谓结构(6)动宾结构动宾结构(7)系表结构系表结构(8)动状结构动状结构(9)主句主句-从句。从句。6P43Listen and mark the pauses.1.IfIstartafterdinner,IllfinishitbeforeIgotobed.2.Ifyoustartnow,youllfinishitbeforedinner.3.Ifyoudoallthes

18、eotherthingsinsteadofyourhomework,youwonthavetimetostudy.Now listen again and repeat.7P43Work in pairs. Fill in the blanks.Problems Solutions Problems with your schoolworkProblems with your parents cant get good marks The homework is too difficult to finish on time. work harder discuss the difficult

19、 ones with my classmates My parents dont allow me to play computer games. My parents want me to spend all the time on study. try to work harder to get better marks and discuss with parents to get more time to do the things I likeTalkWork in groups. Now make short dialogues. I failed my maths exam to

20、day! Dont worry. If you work harder, you will do better next time.本课时主要短语和句型本课时主要短语和句型总结回顾总结回顾总结回顾总结回顾1.getintothehabitof2.insteadof3.Youmeanyoudontwantmetohelpthecommunity.4.Ifyoustartnow,youllfinishitbeforeIgotobed.5.Youshouldconsiderwhatthemostimportantthingis.Now 2 mins to test your spelling.1.E

21、nglish-Chineseaccidentclassmatechoiceexceptroadcrowded2.Chinese-English近的,接近的近的,接近的一直,不断地一直,不断地远离远离When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.1.Johnmadeaninteresting_abouttheroleoftheartistinsociety.2.Ababyhasno_ofgoodandevil(恶行恶行,邪恶邪恶).3.Ifyoudontworkhard,youmay_.4.Howcanwemakepeo

22、pleforgetthefamilys_?.根据句意从方框中选择合适的词填空根据句意从方框中选择合适的词填空.pointknowledge failshameshamepointfailknowledge.根据提示翻译句子。根据提示翻译句子。1.我已养成一到家就做作业的习惯。我已养成一到家就做作业的习惯。(getintothehabitof)_2.你考虑过如何到那儿吗?你考虑过如何到那儿吗?(consider)_3.咱们别看电视,打扑克吧。咱们别看电视,打扑克吧。(insteadof)_I have got into the habit of doing my homework as soon as I get home.Have you considered how to get there?Lets play cards instead of watching television.Preview the new words and expressions in Unit 2.



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