八年级英语上册 Unit7 Will people have robots Section B 1a-1e课件

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1、Tell something about the future with more, less or fewer. There will be less fresh water because there will be more pollution in the sea. There will be more cars because there will be more people. There will be fewer jobs for people because more robots will do the same jobs as people.There will be m

2、ore cities because people will build more buildings in the country. People will have more free time because there will be less things to do. I will live in a high building.I will be a pilot. What do you want to be in the future? Where will you live? How will you go to work? I will be an astronaut. I

3、 will live in other planet. I will go to work by spaceship. I will go to work by e-bike. rocketse.g. An astronaut takes the rockets to the space station. 宇航宇航员乘火箭去空乘火箭去空间站。站。astronautspace statione.g. Man is weightless in space. 人在太空中会失重。人在太空中会失重。1. space n. 太空;空太空;空间e.g. Do you live in a house or a

4、n apartment? 你住在房子里还是公寓里?你住在房子里还是公寓里?2. apartment n. 公寓;套房公寓;套房Write each word in the correct column below. 1aJobs TransportationPlaces to liveastronaut house apartment train rocket space station computer programmerastronauthouseapartmenttrainrocketspace stationcomputer programmerAn astronaut lives

5、in a space station. He goes to work by rockets. A programmer lives in an apartment. He goes to work by subway. A farmer lives in a house. He walks to the farm. An engineer lives in an apartment. He goes to work by car. Where do people usually go to work now?busmotorbikesubwaybiketransportationfly a

6、rocket to the moonplaneship houseapartmentcountrysidespace stationother planetsplaces to live Lets imagine(畅想未来畅想未来)A: Hi, what will your life be like in 10 years?B: Well, I will be a/an I will live on/in And I will go to work by JobsTransportationPlaces to liveactor doctorwriter singerpianist violi

7、nist astronaut subwayplanetrainrocket house apartmentspace station AmericaPredict(预测预测):What are they talking about?1cJoeAlexisThey are talking about the photo of the boy when he was young.Maybe they are talking about their future.Maybe they are introducing (介绍)themselvesListen to Alexis and Joe. Nu

8、mber the pictures 1-3.1c231JoeAlexisListen again. Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs in the box.1.I _ in an apartment across the street from here.2. I _ near here.3. I _a computer programmer.1d am4. We _ in a house in the country.5. I _ the train to school.6. I_ an astronaut.7. I _ rockets to

9、 the moon.8. I _ on a space station.worklivedtookwill bewill livewill flyliveJoes life nowJoes life10 years agoJoes life in 10 yearsAlexis: Hi, Im Alexis.Alexis: Hi, Im Alexis.Joe: Nice to meet you, Alexis. Im Joe.Joe: Nice to meet you, Alexis. Im Joe.Alexis: Nice to meet you, Joe. Do you live here

10、in Alexis: Nice to meet you, Joe. Do you live here in HighvilleHighville? ?Joe: Yes, I do. Joe: Yes, I do. I I livelive in an apartment across the in an apartment across the street from here.street from here.Alexis: Oh, really?Alexis: Oh, really?Joe: Yes. I work near here too. Joe: Yes. I work near

11、here too. I I mm a computer a computer programmer.programmer.Alexis: A computer programmer? That sounds Alexis: A computer programmer? That sounds interesting.interesting.Joe: Well, Joe: Well, actually actually 事实上事实上事实上事实上 its kind of boring.its kind of boring. I do the same thing every day.I do th

12、e same thing every day.Conversation 1Alexis: Hey, Joe ,is that a picture of you?Joe: Yeah, that was me 10 years ago.Alexis: So, did you live here in Highville 10 years ago?Joe: No, I lived with my parents in Greenville. We lived in a house in the country. I went to school here in Highville, though.

13、Alexis: Really? Thats pretty far from here. How did you get to school?Joe: Oh, I took the train to school.Conversation 2Alexis: So, Joe, what do you think your life will be like in ten years?Joe: Oh, I think Ill be an astronaut.Alexis: An astronaut? Are you kidding?Joe: No, Im serious. Ill fly rocke

14、ts to the moon. Maybe Ill fly to other planets .Alexis: Oh, and where will you live?Joe: Ill live on a space station.开玩笑开玩笑开玩笑开玩笑Conversation 3Joes lifejobplace to livetransportation10 years agoa studenta house in the countrytook the trainnowa computer programmeran apartmentin 10 yearsan astronaut a

15、 space stationfly rockets Joe _10 years ago, Joe_ now , and Joe _ in 10 years .Student A is Alexis and Student B is Joe. Talk about Joes life now, 10 years ago and 10 years from now. 1eI live in an apartment. Where do you live?I lived in a house in the country.Where did you live ten years ago?I will

16、 live in the space station. Where will you live in ten years?. 用一般将来时填空。用一般将来时填空。(借助借助will)1. I _ (visit) my uncle tomorrow.2. There _ (be) a football match in our school next week.3. He _ (help) you with your English this evening.4. They _(play) soccer if it doesnt rain.5. We _ (have) a meeting tom

17、orrow. will visit will be will helpwill playwill have. 翻译句子翻译句子1. 你认为人们的家里会有机器人吗你认为人们的家里会有机器人吗? Do _ _ there will be robots _ _ homes?2. 人们将活到人们将活到150岁。岁。 People _ _ _ _150 years old.3. 我认为她会当医生。我认为她会当医生。 I think she _ _ a doctor.you think in peoples will live to be will be 4. 你住哪儿你住哪儿? 我住在北京。我住在北京。

18、 _ _ _ _? I live in Beijing.5.他反复看她的来信。他反复看她的来信。 He read her letter _ _ _ _.6.等了很长一段时间后他厌烦了。等了很长一段时间后他厌烦了。 He _ _ after he waited for long. over and over again got boredWhere do you live . . 完成句子完成句子1. 凯蒂不能参加运动会了。凯蒂不能参加运动会了。 Kitty _ _ _ _take part in the sports meeting.2. 昨天有好几百人来我们学校参观。昨天有好几百人来我们学校

19、参观。 _ _ people came to visit our school yesterday.3. 彼得在上海找到了一份工作,他不得不在那里独自彼得在上海找到了一份工作,他不得不在那里独自 生活。生活。Peter finds a job in Shanghai, so he has to _there_.Hundreds ofis not able tolive alone4. 我我们家家乡的的污染没有以前染没有以前严重了。重了。 There is _ _ in our hometown than before.5. 十年后你会是什么十年后你会是什么样子?子? How _ _ _ _ in ten years?less pollutionWill you be like My future is not a dream!Dream. Make plans, believe in yourself, and go for what you want.梦想梦想.制订计划,坚信自己,制订计划,坚信自己,为你的梦想全力以赴为你的梦想全力以赴。



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