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1、字母字母g专练专练(2)1.He is very , for he often buys things for other people.2.She seems , but can I trust her?3.The force that attracts objects in space towards each other,and on the earth pulls them towards the center of the planet is called (重力)(重力).4.Luckily,the Chinese took effective measures to fight

2、against the storm.5.I only had time to at the newspapers.generousgenuinegravitygovernmentglance把下列句子译成汉语,注意蓝体字的含义把下列句子译成汉语,注意蓝体字的含义1.Given the general state of his health,it may take him a while to recover from the operation. 从他的总体健康状况来看,可能手术后要一段时间从他的总体健康状况来看,可能手术后要一段时间 才会恢复。才会恢复。2.He as good as sai

3、d I was a liar. 他实际上等于说我在说谎。他实际上等于说我在说谎。3.Are you game to climb the mountain? 你愿意去爬山吗?你愿意去爬山吗?4.We study for the good of the people. 我们为人民利益而学习。我们为人民利益而学习。5.These apples are still green,you cant pick them. 这些苹果还未成熟,请别摘。这些苹果还未成熟,请别摘。give way to,go after,go over,go without,give off,get out of,get alon

4、g/on with1.If we our feelings and let them take over,we can get into trouble.2.We several houses,but havent bought one yet.3.How long can a human being sleep?4.The cars a great deal of waste gas into the air.5.Why do many people today famous brands in everything they buy?give way towent overgo witho

5、utgive offgo after1.I havent really my new job yet. A.came across B.got into C.came over D.got off 答案答案 B 解析解析 A A项项“偶遇偶遇”;B B项项“开始熟悉;学会开始熟悉;学会”;C C项项“来访来访”;D D项项“下车下车”。句意为:我还未真正。句意为:我还未真正熟悉我的新工作。熟悉我的新工作。2.(2009江苏,江苏,21)The population of Jiangsu to more than twice what it was in 1949.The figure is n

6、ow approaching 74 million. A.has grown B.have grown C.grew D.are growing 答案答案 A 解析解析 本句中谈论的人口的增长是从本句中谈论的人口的增长是从19491949年一直到年一直到现在的人口的增长,所以应该用现在完成时态。又现在的人口的增长,所以应该用现在完成时态。又因为因为populationpopulation作主语时谓语动词应该用单数,所作主语时谓语动词应该用单数,所以此题选以此题选A A。3.(2009江西,江西,22) the right kind of training,these teenage socce

7、r players may one day grow into international stars. A.Giving B.Having given C.To give D.Given 答案答案 D 解析解析 句意为:如果给予他们正确的训练,这些十句意为:如果给予他们正确的训练,这些十来岁的足球运动员或许在将来的某一天会成长为国来岁的足球运动员或许在将来的某一天会成长为国际巨星。从选项的特征上可以看出本题考查非谓语际巨星。从选项的特征上可以看出本题考查非谓语动词的用法,再根据句意可知此题应选动词的用法,再根据句意可知此题应选D D项。项。givegive所表示的动作与主句的主语之间是被动关

8、系,故应所表示的动作与主句的主语之间是被动关系,故应该用过去分词。该用过去分词。4.(2009北京,北京,24)For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit on his own farm. A.grown B.being grown C.to be grown D.to grow 答案答案 A 解析解析 fruit grown on his own farmfruit grown on his own farm他自己的农场种他自己的农场种植的水果。植的水果。growgrow与与fruitfruit之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,之间为逻辑上的

9、动宾关系,故用过去分词作定语。故用过去分词作定语。B B项表示正在进行,项表示正在进行,C C项表项表示还未发生,均不符合题意。示还未发生,均不符合题意。5.(2009浙江,浙江,19)In the good care of the nurses,the boy is recovering from his heart operation. A.quietly B.actually C.practically D.gradually 答案答案 D 解析解析 句意为:心脏手术后在护士们的精心护理下,句意为:心脏手术后在护士们的精心护理下,这个男孩渐渐地痊愈了。这个男孩渐渐地痊愈了。quietly

10、quietly静静地;静静地;actuallyactually实实际上;际上;practicallypractically实际地;实际地;graduallygradually逐渐地。逐渐地。6.(2008全国全国,10)Could I ask you a rather personal question? Sure, . A.pardon me B.go ahead C.good idea D.forget it 答案答案 B 解析解析 本题考查情景交际。句意为:本题考查情景交际。句意为:“我能问你一我能问你一个私人问题吗?个私人问题吗?”“”“当然,问吧。当然,问吧。”go aheadgo

11、ahead强调强调鼓励、允许别人去做某事。鼓励、允许别人去做某事。7.Smith is a strange person.People around him found it difficult to him. A.get on B.get along C.get on to D.get along with 答案答案 D 解析解析 本题考查动词短语的搭配。句意为:史密斯本题考查动词短语的搭配。句意为:史密斯是个古怪的人。他周围的人都发现与他相处很难。是个古怪的人。他周围的人都发现与他相处很难。get on/along with sb.get on/along with sb.与某人相处与某人

12、相处, ,也可用也可用well/badlywell/badly等等来修饰。来修饰。8.In my opinion,real friends should have everything in .Do you think so? A.common B.total C.general D.particular 答案答案 A 解析解析 句意为:我认为,真正的朋友应该一切相同,句意为:我认为,真正的朋友应该一切相同,你认为这样吗?你认为这样吗?have something in commonhave something in common为固定搭为固定搭配。配。9.(2008陕西,陕西,20)Its

13、going to rain.Xiao Feng, will you please help me the clothes on the line? A.get off B.get back C.get in D.get on 答案答案 C 解析解析 A A项表示项表示“下车下车”;B B项表示项表示“回来回来”;C C项项表示表示“收集收集, ,收获收获”;D D项表示项表示“前进前进, ,进展进展”。表。表达达“收衣服收衣服”要用要用get in clothesget in clothes。10.(2008江西,江西,29)If a person has not had enough sle

14、ep, his actions will give him during the day. A.away B.up C.in D.back 答案答案 A 解析解析 句意为:如果一个人没有睡够觉的话句意为:如果一个人没有睡够觉的话, ,那么那么在白天他的行为就会表露出来。在白天他的行为就会表露出来。give awaygive away赠送;泄赠送;泄露;表露;露;表露;give upgive up放弃;放弃;give ingive in屈服;让步;屈服;让步;give give backback返还;归还。返还;归还。完形填空专练(完形填空专练(14) 夹叙夹议就是一方面叙述某一事情,一方面又对

15、夹叙夹议就是一方面叙述某一事情,一方面又对此事加以分析与评论。这种表达方式中的叙与议是一此事加以分析与评论。这种表达方式中的叙与议是一个有机的整体,个有机的整体,“叙叙”是是“议议”的基础,即议论不能的基础,即议论不能脱离记叙,必须在记叙的基础上展开;脱离记叙,必须在记叙的基础上展开;“议议”是是“叙叙”的渗透,即议论在记叙的基础上发表,且要有一定的渗透,即议论在记叙的基础上发表,且要有一定的深度与广度。的深度与广度。 解答夹叙夹议类完形填空题时,思维要有灵活性,解答夹叙夹议类完形填空题时,思维要有灵活性,要随着记叙与议论的转换,及时调整思维方式。要随着记叙与议论的转换,及时调整思维方式。答题

16、时必须要遵循答题时必须要遵循“整体整体部分部分整体整体”的步骤,的步骤,具体可分为以下三步:具体可分为以下三步: 1.通览全文,了解大意。通览全文,了解大意。 2.综合考虑,逐项填空。综合考虑,逐项填空。 3.复读检验,以防疏漏。复读检验,以防疏漏。 The 1 picked up the thermos and poured some hot water into the tea-cup and placed it on the small table in front of his 2 ,who were a father and daughter,and put the lid on t

17、he cup with a clink.Suddenly 3 of something,he hurried into the inner room,leaving the 4 on the table . His two guests heard a chest of drawers opening and a rustling (飒飒地响飒飒地响). They 5 sitting in the living room,the 10-year-old daughter,looking at the flowers outside the window.The father was just

18、about to take his cup when the 6 came,right there in the living room.Something was hopelessly broken. It was the thermos,which had fallen to the floor.The girl looked 7 her shoulder at once , startled (吓一跳吓一跳), 8 .It was 9 .Neither of them had touched it,not even a little bit. The sound caused the h

19、ost to rush back from the inner room.He looked at the 10 floor and blurted out,“It doesntmatter,it doesnt matter!” The father started to say something.Then he muttered,“Sorry,I 11 it and it fell.” “It doesnt matter,” the host said. Later,when they left the house,the daughter said,“Daddy,I saw your 1

20、2 in the window pane (窗玻璃窗玻璃).You were sitting perfectly 13 .Why did you say.?” The father 14 .“What then would you 15 as the cause of its fall?” “It fell by itself.The floor is uneven (不平不平).It wasnt steady when Mr.Li put it there.” “It wont 16 ,girl.It sounds more 17 when I say I knocked it down.T

21、here are things people accept less,the more you 18 then.The truer story is,the less true it sounds.” The daughter was 19 in silence for a while.Then she said,“Can you 20 it only this way?” “Only this way.” the father said.1.A.owner B.host C.guest D.master 答案答案 B 解析解析 文中第一段最后有提示,文中第一段最后有提示,guestguest

22、与与hosthost相对应。相对应。2.A.friends B.neighbors C.children D.guests 答案答案 D3.A.knowing B.remembering C.hearing D.thinking 答案答案 D 解析解析 think ofthink of想起,记得。想起,记得。4.A.thermos B.cup C.lid D.tea 答案答案 A 解析解析 文中开头写到文中开头写到“picked up the picked up the thermos.poured hot water.placed it on the small thermos.poured

23、 hot water.placed it on the small tabletable”,it,it指代指代thermosthermos。5.A.enjoyed B.remained C.imagined D.hated 答案答案 B 解析解析 从词义上来分析,从词义上来分析,enjoyenjoy喜欢;喜欢;remainremain保持,保持,仍是;仍是;imagineimagine想像,设想;想像,设想;hatehate厌恶。另根据上下厌恶。另根据上下文来判断正确答案为文来判断正确答案为B B。6.A.stranger B.host C.crash D.noise 答案答案 C 解析解析

24、crashcrash撞击声、爆裂声;此处指暖瓶的爆裂声。撞击声、爆裂声;此处指暖瓶的爆裂声。7.A.around B.at C.behind D.over 答案答案 D 解析解析 look over onelook over ones shoulders shoulder回头看。回头看。8.A.staring B.watching C.shouting D.crying 答案答案 A 解析解析 从语法角度来看,此空所在的句子作伴随状从语法角度来看,此空所在的句子作伴随状语,分析各项的意思,只有语,分析各项的意思,只有staringstaring最符合文意。最符合文意。“这个小女孩惊呆了这个小女

25、孩惊呆了”。9. A.helpless B.exciting C.strange D.terrible 答案答案 C 解析解析 strangestrange奇怪的,从下一句可知。奇怪的,从下一句可知。10.A.broken B.steaming C.dirty D.flooded 答案答案 B 解析解析 steamingsteaming冒着蒸汽的。冒着蒸汽的。11.A.touched B.used C.hit D.moved 答案答案 A 解析解析 从上文中从上文中“Neither of them had touched Neither of them had touched it it”可判

26、断此处应选可判断此处应选A A。12.A.face B.shadow C.reflection D.action 答案答案 C 解析解析 reflectionreflection映象。本句意为:爸爸,我看到映象。本句意为:爸爸,我看到了你窗玻璃中的影子。了你窗玻璃中的影子。13.A.calm B.still C.silent D.straight 答案答案 B 解析解析 四个选项均为形容词,从词义角度上看应四个选项均为形容词,从词义角度上看应选选stillstill,可译为,可译为“静止的、不动的静止的、不动的”。14.A.shouted B.murmured C.laughed D.repe

27、ated 答案答案 C 解析解析 本题考查特定语境中动词词义的辨析,根本题考查特定语境中动词词义的辨析,根据文章可排除据文章可排除A A、B B、D D三项。三项。15.A.tell B.make C.accept D.give 答案答案 D 解析解析 givegive意为意为“举出,拿出举出,拿出”。本句意为:那。本句意为:那么你说暖瓶摔下来的原因是什么呢?么你说暖瓶摔下来的原因是什么呢?16.A.do B.help C.go D.fit 答案答案 A 解析解析 dodo意为意为“行、可以、足够行、可以、足够”。如:。如:“Can Can you lend me some money?you

28、 lend me some money?”,“Certainly,will 50 Certainly,will 50 yuan doyuan do?”17.A.comfortable B.friendly C.acceptable D.agreeable 答案答案 C 解析解析 acceptableacceptable此处意为此处意为“可接受的,合理的可接受的,合理的”。18.A.defend B.support C.discuss D.argue 答案答案 A 解析解析 defenddefend意为意为“为为辩护,为辩护,为答辩答辩”。本句意为:有些事,你为之辩护的越多,人们接本句意为:有些

29、事,你为之辩护的越多,人们接受的越少。受的越少。19.A.kept B.shut C.worried D.lost 答案答案 D 解析解析 be lost inbe lost in专注于专注于。20.A.do B.explain C.make D.manage 答案答案 B 解析解析 本句中本句中it it指的是上下文中的指的是上下文中的“the cause of the the cause of the thermos fallthermos fall”,根据词意,正确答案为,根据词意,正确答案为B B。 I work as a volunteer(志愿者)志愿者)for an organi

30、zation that helps the poor in Haiti . Recently I took my son Barrett there for a week , hoping to 1 him. Before setting out,I told Barrett this trip would be tiring and 2 .For the first two days,he said almost nothing.I worried the trip was too 3 for a 17-year-old.Then,on day three,as we were 4 over

31、 high rocky mountains,he turned to me and grinned(咧嘴笑)咧嘴笑),“Pretty hard.” After that there was no turning back.A five- year-old girl,wearing a dress several sizes 5 large and broken shoes,followed Barrett around , mesmerized (着迷着迷).He couldnt stop 6 .Later he said 7,“I wish I could speak French.” I

32、was 8 this from a boy who hated and 9 French classes throughout school. Usually silent,he10Gaby,our host,and kept asking questions about the country and its people . He blossomed(活泼起来活泼起来). 11,the moment that really took 12 breath away occurred in a village deep in the mountains. I was 13 a woman vi

33、llager for an article. 135 centimeters tall,she was small in figure but strong in 14.Through determination. she had learned to read and write,and 15 to become part of the leadership of the 16 . Learning her story,Barrett was as 17as I by this tiny womans achievements.His eyes werewet and there was a

34、 18of love and respect on his face.He had finally understood the importance of my work. When leaving for home,Barrett even offered to stay19as a volunteer.My insides suddenly felt struck.This 20achieved all Id expected.Soon he will celebrate his 18th birthday.Hell be a man.1.A.comfort B.please C.att

35、ract D.educate 答案答案 D 解析解析 由文章第二段可知这次旅行是艰苦的,由文章第二段可知这次旅行是艰苦的,“我我”带儿子前往海地的目的当然是为了带儿子前往海地的目的当然是为了“教育教育”他,他,而非而非comfortcomfort或或please him.please him.2.A.rough B.dangerous C.troublesome D.violent 答案答案 A 解析解析 roughrough“崎岖的;(环境、条件等)艰苦的崎岖的;(环境、条件等)艰苦的”;dangerousdangerous“危险的危险的”;troublesometroublesome“麻烦

36、的,麻烦的,惹人烦的惹人烦的”;violentviolent“猛烈的,凶猛的猛烈的,凶猛的”。3.A.little B.much C.fast D.slow 答案答案 B 解析解析 too muchtoo much表示表示“(对某人是)过分的,难以(对某人是)过分的,难以承受的承受的”。4.A.moving B.running C.climbing D.looking 答案答案 C 解析解析 climb over climb over (a mountain/fencea mountain/fence)“跨过或翻跨过或翻越(山或篱笆)越(山或篱笆)”。5.A.too B.very C.even

37、 D.so 答案答案 A 解析解析 tootoo修饰形容词或副词,表示修饰形容词或副词,表示“太太”,含,含有有“过分而不恰当过分而不恰当”之意,而之意,而veryvery和和soso则无此意。则无此意。6.A.joking B.crying C.shouting D.smiling 答案答案 D 解析解析 “他总是笑他总是笑”,表明,表明BarrettBarrett的心情很好,初的心情很好,初步达到了步达到了“教育教育”的目的,也为后文作了铺垫。的目的,也为后文作了铺垫。7. A.patiently B.regretfully C.lightly D.cheerfully 答案答案 B 解析

38、解析 由后面的两句话知道,他应是由后面的两句话知道,他应是“遗憾地,遗憾地,后悔地后悔地”说。说。8. A.ashamed B.disappointed C.determined D.surprised 答案答案 D 解析解析 对儿子这一思想认识的转变感到对儿子这一思想认识的转变感到“吃惊吃惊”。9. A.took up B.went in for C.fought against D.called off 答案答案 C 解析解析 take uptake up“着手干;选修(某科目)着手干;选修(某科目)”;go go in for sth.in for sth.“参加;酷爱参加;酷爱”;fi

39、ght against sth.fight against sth.“与某与某事物搏斗,作抗争事物搏斗,作抗争”;call off sth.call off sth.“取消或放弃取消或放弃(某事物)(某事物)”。由前文的。由前文的hatehate可知,可知,BarrettBarrett对法语对法语课是采取了课是采取了“抵制抵制”的态度。的态度。10.A.befriended B.disregarded C.avoided D.recognized 答案答案 A 解析解析 “他通常沉默寡言他通常沉默寡言”,而现在他,而现在他“照顾照顾”GabyGaby并并kept asking question

40、s,kept asking questions,表明表明BarrettBarrett的又一变的又一变化。化。11.A.Thus B.Even C.Meanwhile D.However 答案答案 D 解析解析 由下文知此处应表转折,由下文知此处应表转折,howeverhowever“然而然而”。12.A.my B.his C.our D.her 答案答案 A 解析解析 take onetake ones breath aways breath away“使某人感到吃惊使某人感到吃惊或惊奇或惊奇”。此处当然是儿子的变化让。此处当然是儿子的变化让“我我”感到感到吃惊了。吃惊了。13.A.askin

41、g B.interviewing C.arranging D.describing 答案答案 B 解析解析 “我我”为写一篇文章而进行为写一篇文章而进行“采访采访(interview)(interview)”。14.A.brain B.wish C.will D.health 答案答案 C 解析解析 由下文知,由下文知,“她个子虽小,但很强壮,很她个子虽小,但很强壮,很有意志(有意志(willwill)”。15.A.appeared B.struggled C.hesitated D.failed 答案答案 B 解析解析 struggle to dostruggle to do“奋斗,拼搏奋斗

42、,拼搏”;hesitate to hesitate to dodo“做做犹豫不决地犹豫不决地”。16.A.village B.city C.organization D.state 答案答案 A 解析解析 由上文中的由上文中的“a woman villagera woman villager” 可知。可知。17.A.pleased B.bored C.puzzled D.touched 答案答案 D 解析解析 be touched by=be moved bybe touched by=be moved by“被被所感动所感动”。18.A.combination B.composition C

43、.connection D.satisfaction 答案答案 A 解析解析 combinationcombination“结合;混合物结合;混合物”;compositioncomposition“作品;成分作品;成分”;connectionconnection“联系,联系,关系关系”;satisfactionsatisfaction“满意,认可满意,认可”。19.A.in B.behind C.out D.away 答案答案 B 解析解析 stay instay in“待在家里;课后留校待在家里;课后留校”;stay stay behindbehind“(别人走后)留下不走(别人走后)留下不走”;stay outstay out“不不回家;避开回家;避开”;stay awaystay away“保持距离保持距离”。BarrettBarrett想想“留下来留下来”做一名志愿者。做一名志愿者。20.A.interview B.flight C.article D.trip 答案答案 D 解析解析 本句意为本句意为“此行达到了我期望的目的此行达到了我期望的目的”。返回



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