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1、Thank-youLetters&Cards Unit 4 Social LettersContentsOccasionsProcessThankyou LettersThankyou Cards外国语学院英语应用文写作Write thankyou letters for: Dinner partiesOvernight visits (breadandbutter letters)For holiday, anniversary, Christmas and other giftsShower giftsGifts to a sick personFor notes of condolenc

2、eFor congratulatory cards or giftsWedding giftsWhen a hostess receives as a gift after visitors have leftWhen a client is entertained by a sales representativeJob interviews外国语学院英语应用文写作Culturalnote:1)birthdaygifts(根据年龄、性别、关系)2)engagementgifts(浴室毛巾、蜜月旅行的行李用品、枕套、床上用品、首饰、女用内衣、塑料盘垫、厨用毛巾、桌布或餐巾、瓷器塑像、绢花)3)

3、weddinggifts(一套折叠桌椅、穿衣镜、花瓶、食品加工器、台灯、一套玻璃杯、一套刀具、木制色拉碗、调味品器具、带框的装饰画或照片、装食品用的托盘、银器或瓷器制品)外国语学院英语应用文写作Culturalnote:3)weddinganniversaries(Britishway) 结婚第1周年叫纸婚(意思是由一张纸印的结婚证订下了婚姻关系) Paper wedding 第2年棉婚(加厚了一点) Cotton wedding 第3年皮革婚(有韧性) Leather wedding 第4年丝婚(缠紧) Silk wedding第5年木婚(硬了心) Wood wedding 第6年铁婚或糖婚

4、(夫妻关系更牢更甜) Iron or Sugar candy wedding 第7年铜婚(关系坚不可摧) Copper wedding 第8年陶器婚 Pottery wedding 第9年柳婚 Willow wedding 第10年锡婚 Tin wedding 外国语学院英语应用文写作Culturalnote:15周年水晶婚Crystal wedding 20周年瓷婚China wedding 25周年银婚Silver wedding30周年 珍珠婚 Pearls wedding 35周年 珊瑚婚 Coral wedding 40周年 红宝石婚 Ruby wedding 45周年 蓝宝石婚 S

5、apphire wedding 50周年金婚Golden wedding 75周年钻石婚Diamond wedding外国语学院英语应用文写作Culturalnote:印花布或棉织物皮或仿皮制品丝绸木制品金属制品电动生活用具瓷器或陶器带有装饰图案的精致织物水晶或玻璃制品象牙制品珍珠或金银首饰红宝石、蓝宝石、钻石外国语学院英语应用文写作ProcessThank You Letter states in the first sentence why you are expressing thanks. The rest includes details about the situation. T

6、ell how useful or appropriate it is, how you plan to use it, where you have placed it (home, office, wardrobe) or how it enhances your life. Be specific about what pleased you. A letter of thanks ends by reexpressing your appreciation. Thank you letters should remain friendly in tone and common cour

7、tesy is welcomed by the reader. Be clear and attentive to your audience. Sign the letter in handwriting. 外国语学院英语应用文写作Patterns:P.123(1)谢谢你们的盛情款待,我玩得很愉快。(2)感谢你在病中对我的安慰。(3)谢谢你记得我的生日并送我如此精致的礼物。外国语学院英语应用文写作Patterns(1)Manythanksforyourhospitalityduringmystay.Ienjoyeditverymuch.谢谢你们的盛情款待,我玩得很愉快。(2)Ithankyo

8、uforthecomfortyougavemeduringmyillness.感谢你在病中对我的安慰。(3)Howniceofyoutoremembermybirthday,andevenmorewithsuchanelegantgift!Pleaseacceptmyheartiestthanks!谢谢你记得我的生日并送我如此精致的礼物。外国语学院英语应用文写作Sample 1 : for wedding gift亲爱的贝克太太:亲爱的贝克太太: 您是怎样弄到这些漂亮的玻璃杯子的?它您是怎样弄到这些漂亮的玻璃杯子的?它们好极了。吉姆和我向您表示万分的感谢!们好极了。吉姆和我向您表示万分的感谢!

9、 举行婚礼那天,所有的礼品都要展示出举行婚礼那天,所有的礼品都要展示出来。如果可能,请周二早晨一定过来喝杯咖来。如果可能,请周二早晨一定过来喝杯咖啡,并先睹为快。啡,并先睹为快。 再次表示感谢,并致我们俩人的问候之再次表示感谢,并致我们俩人的问候之意。意。 玛丽玛丽外国语学院英语应用文写作SaturdayDear Mrs. Beck, How did you ever find those wonderful glasses? They are perfect, and Jim and I want to thank you a thousand times! The presents wil

10、l be shown on the day of the wedding, but do come over Thursday morning if you can for a cup of coffee and an earlier view. Thank you again, and with love from us both. MaryMary外国语学院英语应用文写作Sample 2 :forbirthdaygiftDear Sandy,When you left a package for me yesterday, I had difficulty waiting until my

11、 birthday to open it.I dont know how to thank you for the wonderful book you sent me. As a matter of fact, I read it twice in two days. Its such a lovely touching story!Please accept my sincere thanks and best wishes. Cordially, Susan 外国语学院英语应用文写作Dear MrZhang, Please accept my thanks for the very pl

12、easant time I spent on Tuesday evening at your office I very much appreciated your hospitality and also thoroughly enjoyed the three very interesting and colorful films which were shown to us Yours faithfully,Sample 3 : for hospitality外国语学院英语应用文写作Dear Mrs. and Mr. Carter, We are still talking about

13、the wonderful weekend we spent with you thank you! Words cannot express how grateful we feel at the moment. You are the busiest people we know, yet you welcomed us to your home as if nothing in the world were more important. We particularly enjoyed the party with your children sharing a laugh with t

14、he two lovely kids is surely a great pleasure. Thank you very much again. Yours sincerely, Jiang Rui and Zhang Xin 外国语学院英语应用文写作Sample 4 : for gift to a newlyborn babyDear Mrs. Foster, No one in the world can knit like you! The sweater you made for the baby is perfectly adorable on her. Thank you so

15、much, from both of us. Susan 亲爱的福斯特太太:亲爱的福斯特太太: 您真是一位编织能手!您给孩子织的毛衣,她穿上漂您真是一位编织能手!您给孩子织的毛衣,她穿上漂亮极了。我们俩人十分感谢您。亮极了。我们俩人十分感谢您。 苏珊苏珊外国语学院英语应用文写作Sample 5:A Formal ThankYou Letter111 Maple DriveSilver Springs, MD 12002January 15, 2002 Sarah Jones, Manager of Human ResourcesAcme, Inc.555 Industrial DriveLos

16、 Angeles, CA 69987 SUBJECT: Delivery of Operations Manual for Product Number 5543 外国语学院英语应用文写作Dear Ms. Jones:Thank you for the prompt delivery of the Operations Manual for Product 5543. We received it early the day after we finished the assembly of the pump. The floor foreman was able to read and un

17、derstand how to use the pump for three full days before he had to train the rest of the operators. Your quick response to our request allowed the training sessions to run smoothly. We impressed everyone at our plant by having the product line running smoothly again within six working days. We truly

18、appreciate your prompt response to our request and are sending a copy of this letter to your plant manager.Sincerely yours, United Metalworks, Inc.Ron SmithQuality Control Inspector外国语学院英语应用文写作Thank-youCards“The most thoughtful people are thought about the most.” With warmest thanks.外国语学院英语应用文写作Than

19、k-youCardsYou were very kind and thoughtful, And this card can only startTo express the very warmest thanks Coming from my heart.外国语学院英语应用文写作Practice深深地感谢你你的关怀无法言表大卫.凯利 非常感谢 你赠送的美丽鲜花 你用最美的礼物 带给我欢乐 李红Practice1:Practice 2 :外国语学院英语应用文写作KeytopracticeThankyouverymuch.Yourthoughtfulnessmeanalot.DavidKelly

20、深深地感谢你你的关怀无法言表大卫.凯利Practice1:外国语学院英语应用文写作KeytopracticeThanksalotforYourbeautifulflowers.Youhavethenicestwayofbrighteninguptheday.LiHong 非常感谢 你赠送的美丽鲜花 你用最美的礼物 带给我欢乐 李红Practice 2 :外国语学院英语应用文写作Translate the following letters of thanks into Chinese.Dear MrSung, My Colleagues and l would like to thank yo

21、u very much indeed for the most enjoyable and interesting evening we spent with you last Wednesday. Your friendly reception was much appreciated by all of us and should you ever be able to find time to visit us in Scotland, we would welcome the opportunity of reciprocating your kind hospitality. You

22、rs sincerely,外国语学院英语应用文写作Dear MrWang, It was very nice of you indeed to ask me,and the other members of our Association,to your party last Tuesday, which everyone enjoyed very much I do think that such parties are of assistance in enhancing the friendship between us and in giving to people in this c

23、ountry some knowledge of the New China which they cannot easily get in other ways Again With many thanks, 外国语学院英语应用文写作Translate the following thank-you notes into English.Dear Kite,Thank you very much for the EnglishChinese dictionary you sent me yesterday. Its always so considerate and thoughtful o

24、f you to show me such love and concern. As you know, Ive been needing, and wanting a dictionary like that for a long time. Ill take an advanced English course during the vacation, and Ive been saving everything I earn for this expensive new edition. Dear Kite, your gift comes on time and in time. I

25、will think of you with affection and gratitude every time I use it. Yours Sincerely, 外国语学院英语应用文写作Dear MrBlack, I did so much enjoy the opportunity of dining with you last Monday evening It was an excellent dinner but above all I appreciated being able to spend the evening in your company.Thank you f

26、or the pleasure you gave me Yours sincerely, 外国语学院英语应用文写作1) 亲爱的凯特:非常感谢你昨天送给我的英汉词典。你总是那么体贴入微、考虑周全地爱护我、关心我。你知道,很长一段时间以来,我一直需要也想要这样一本词典。今年假期我要参加一个高级英语补习班,我在尽一切可能攒钱买这本昂贵的新版词典。亲爱的凯特,你的礼物来得正是时候,每当我用到这本字典时,我都将怀着挚爱与感激想到你。 真诚的朋友莉莉2) 布莱克先生: 上星期一晚能有机会同您共进晚餐,我实在感到高兴。晚餐非常丰盛,但更使我高兴的是能与你们在一起度过了这个夜晚。 感谢您给予我的款待。外国语学院英语应用文写作



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