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1、The simple future tense(will) 一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解Learning aims了解并掌握了解并掌握will的的肯定句结构肯定句结构了解并掌握了解并掌握will的的否定句结构否定句结构了解并掌握了解并掌握will的的疑问句结构疑问句结构掌握一般将来时中掌握一般将来时中will用法用法将将will用法应用于各种生活场景用法应用于各种生活场景一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解If you want to kill me, you must answer my questions.一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解WuKo

2、ngs Slogan(口号)I will win.(赢)I will beat the monster.(打败妖怪)一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解(sing a song, tomorrow)He will sing a song tomorrow. 一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解(dance, next week)They will dance next week. 一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解(make a film, next month)He will make a film next month. 一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解(write a book, next year)He wil

3、l write a book next year. 一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解(play basketball, soon)He will play basketball soon. 一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解He will sing a song tomorrow.They will dance next week.He will make a film next month.He will write a book next year.He will play basketball soon.表示将来的时间1 soon2 tomorrow3 the day after tomorrow

4、4 next week5 next month6 next year构成:构成: will+ 动词原形动词原形一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解X一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解了解并掌握了解并掌握will的的否定句结构否定句结构了解并掌握了解并掌握will的的疑问句结构疑问句结构掌握一般将来时中掌握一般将来时中will用法用法将将will用法应用于各种生活场景用法应用于各种生活场景Learning aims一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解If you want to kill me, you must make two sentences.一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解Ba Ji

5、es SloganI will not lose.(失败)(失败)I will not be a loser.一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解They will not play basketball tomorrow. They will sing a song tomorrow.not play basketballsing a songtomorrow一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解They will not sing a song next week. They will have a meeting next week.not sing a songhave a meetingnext we

6、ek一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解He will not have a meeting next month. He will go swimming next month.not have a meetinggo swimming next month 一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解He will not go swimming next year. He will make a film next year.not go swimmingmake a filmnext year一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解He will not play basketball.He will not sing

7、a song. He will not have a meeting. He will not go swimming. 一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解X一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解start了解并掌握了解并掌握will的的疑问句结构疑问句结构掌握一般将来时中掌握一般将来时中will用法用法将将will用法应用于各种生活场景用法应用于各种生活场景will+动词原形动词原形一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解Wu Jings SloganA: Will we win? B: Yes, we will.A: What will we do? B: We will kill the

8、 monster.一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解I love watching TV Show very much.一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解If you want to kill me,you must make a dialogue (编对话)编对话)with this TV show.一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解 A: B: No, we wont. A: B: We will go to Qingdao.go to Shenzhengo to QingdaoWill we go to Shenzhen?Where will we go?一般将来时(游戏版)语

9、法讲解 A: B: No, we wont. A: B: We will go to Qingdao by plane.by busby planeWill we go to Qingdao by bus?How will we go?一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解A:B: No, we wont.A:B: We will go to Qingdao next week.tomorrownext weekWill we go to Qingdao tomorrow?When will we go?一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解B: No, we wont.B:We will have a picn

10、ic.go swimminghave a picnicWill we go swimming?What will we do?A:A:一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解X X一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解startwill的的疑问句结构疑问句结构掌握一般将来时中掌握一般将来时中will用法用法将将will用法应用于各种生活场景用法应用于各种生活场景will+动词原形动词原形wont+动词原形动词原形一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解not have a picnicHe _ _ football and he _ _ a picnic tomorrow .will play wo

11、nt haveplay football一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解go fishing He _ _ fishing and he _ _ _ tomorrow .will go wont go swimmingnot go swimming 一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解Pair work:In the year of 2033A: Where will you live?B: _A: Who will you live with? B:_A: What will you do?_一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解Annas tomorrowget up 6 a.m.walk to school

12、7 a.m.play basketball 3 p.m.go to bed 9 p.m.一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解One character, one question.1 2 3 4 5 6一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解study English not watch TV next Sunday_ _ English and I _ _ watch TV next Sunday. will study willnotI+1一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解do his homework not sleeptomorrow morning+1He_ _his homework and he _ _

13、tomorrow morning. will do wont sleep 一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解+2一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解A: Will he be late for school?B: Yes, he will.A: When will he get to school?B: He will get to school at ten .A: Will the teacher be angry?B: Yes, he will. (No, he wont)+3Make a dialogue一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解A: Will they play football tomorro

14、w?B: No, they wont.A: What will they do tomorrow ?B: They will play basketball.+2Make a dialogue一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解A: Will you play computer games next Sunday ?B: No, I wont.A: What will you do next Sunday ?B: I will watch TV.A: Who will you watch TV with? B: I will watch TV with my friend .+3一般将来时(游戏版)语

15、法讲解Summary一般将来时(will)肯定句疑问句否定句主语+ will+ 动词原形主语+ will+ not+动词原形一般疑问句特殊疑问句Will+主语+动词Yes,主语+willNo,主语+wont特殊疑问词+will引导的一般疑问句一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解含含will的一般将来时的一般将来时西游记之取西游记之取will篇篇一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解WK will get books.WJ will get water.BJ will be dinner.悟净,去拿些水来悟净,去拿些水来悟空,柴火不够,去拿些经书来悟空,柴火不够,去拿些经书来八戒,将变成晚餐八戒,将变成晚餐一般将

16、来时(游戏版)语法讲解肯定句结构主语+ will +v. +其他成分Will 如同照妖镜,照得动词现原形一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解I _ _ _ so much.I _ _ _ lazy again. will not eat will not be 一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解否定句结构主语+will not (wont) +v. +其他成分一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解Will you work hard?Will you be lazy?Will you eat so much?No, I wont.Yes, I will.一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解一般疑问句结构Will +主语 +v

17、. +其他成分?肯定回答: Yes,主语+will.否定回答:No, 主语+wont.一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解-What will happen in the end?-They will travel together happily .一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解特殊疑问句结构特殊疑问词+will +主语 +v. +其他成分?一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解一般将来时句型结构一般将来时句型结构肯定句:主语+ will +v. +其他成分否定句:主语+will not (wont) +v. +其他成分一般疑问句: Will +主语 +v. +其他成分?肯定回答: Yes,主语+will.否定

18、回答:No, 主语+wont.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+will +主语 +v. +其他成分?一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解The plane will take off tomorrow morning.take off / tomorrow morningMaking sentencesThe plane wont take off tomorrow morning.Will the plane will take off tomorrow morning?When will the plane take off ?Yes, it will. No, it wont

19、.一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解Theyll have a barbecue this Friday.They/have a barbecue/this FridayThey wont have a barbecue this Friday.Will they have a barbecue this Friday?Yes, they will. No, they wontWhat will they do this Friday?一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解My friends/go cycling /this SundayMy friends will go cycling this Sunday.My friends will not go cycling this Sunday.Will my friends go cycling this Sunday?Yes, they will. No,they wontWho will go cycling this Sunday?一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解一般将来时(游戏版)语法讲解此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考!感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!



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