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1、模块基础知识过关一模块基础知识过关一Module1Wondersoftheword模块基础知识过关一基础知识清单基础知识迁移Module1Wondersoftheword基础知识清单基础知识清单模块基础知识过关一重点单词重点单词 根据汉语提示或词形变化要求,写出相应的单词根据汉语提示或词形变化要求,写出相应的单词1大自然的大自然的(adj.)_ _ (n.)2奇观;奇迹奇观;奇迹(n.)_ _ (adj.)3讨论;商讨讨论;商讨(n.)_ _ (v.)naturalnaturewonderwonderfuldiscussiondiscuss模块基础知识过关一4在东边的;来自东边的在东边的;来自

2、东边的(adj.)_ _ (n.)5虽然;但是虽然;但是(conj.)_ _ (同义词同义词)6(声音声音)响亮的响亮的(adj.)_ _ (adv.)7电电(n.)_ _ _ (adj.电的电的)easterneastthoughalthoughloudloudly electricityelectric/electrical模块基础知识过关一8在下面;在在下面;在以下以下(prep.)_ _ (反义词反义词)9照耀照耀(v.)_ _ (过去式过去式) _ (过去分词过去分词)10迹象;标志;招牌迹象;标志;招牌(n.)_ 11寂静的寂静的(adj.)_ _ (n.) belowaboves

3、hineshone/shinedshone/shinedsignsilentsilence模块基础知识过关一12银灰色的;银制的银灰色的;银制的(adj.) _ 13天;天空天;天空(n.) _ 14灰色的;灰色的;(天气天气)阴沉的阴沉的(adj.)_ 15在在旁边;在旁边;在附近附近(prep.)_ _ (同义词同义词)16回答;答复回答;答复(v.)_ _ (同义词同义词) silversky grey besideby/nearreply answer模块基础知识过关一17(烟雾等烟雾等)开始消失开始消失(v.)_ 18小河;小溪小河;小溪(n.)_ 19几乎;差不多几乎;差不多(ad

4、v.)_ _ (同义词同义词)20逗留;留下逗留;留下(v.)_ 21采访采访(v.)_ _ (n.采访者采访者)22突然地突然地(adv.)_ _ (adj.)23高的高的(adj.)_ _ (n.)24深的深的(adj.)_ _ (adv.) clearstreamnearlyalmostremaininterviewinterviewersuddenlysudden highheightdeep deeply 模块基础知识过关一重点短语重点短语 根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语根据汉语意思,写出相应的英文短语1世界奇观世界奇观 _ 2加入加入 _ 3在在的东海岸的东海岸 _ 4按某人的意

5、见;据某人看来按某人的意见;据某人看来 _5大量的;无数的大量的;无数的 _ wonders of the worldjoin inon the eastern coast of in ones opinion millions of模块基础知识过关一6对对感兴趣感兴趣 _ 7变成灰色变成灰色 _8从从出来出来 _9穿过穿过 _ 10突然向下倾斜突然向下倾斜 _be interested inbecome greyget out ofgo throughfall away模块基础知识过关一11从从上方看过去;仔细检查上方看过去;仔细检查 _12俯视;向下看俯视;向下看 _ 13在在的底部的底部

6、 _ 14在在上面;盖住上面;盖住 _ 15因因而闻名而闻名 _ look overlook downat the bottom of on top ofbe famous for模块基础知识过关一16在两边在两边 _ 17落下;下沉落下;下沉 _ 18超过超过 _ 19期待期待 _ 20许多许多 _ on both sidesgo downmore thanlook forward todozens of模块基础知识过关一重点句型重点句型 连词成句连词成句根据括号内的中文提示,将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子,每根据括号内的中文提示,将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子,每个句子首字母需大写,句

7、末需加标点符号。个句子首字母需大写,句末需加标点符号。1it, was, was, to, but, there, nothing, I, knew, see, there(什么也看什么也看不见,但我知道它就在那儿。不见,但我知道它就在那儿。)_ There was nothing to see, but I knew it was there. 模块基础知识过关一2right, I, going, am, the, way(我走的路对吗?我走的路对吗?)_3youll, in five minutes, get, there(五分钟后你将到达那儿。五分钟后你将到达那儿。)_4has gone

8、 to, she, the Great Wall(她去长城了。她去长城了。)_Am I going the right way?Youll get there in five minutes.She has gone to the Great Wall. 模块基础知识过关一5China, the, history, long, is famous for(中国因历史悠久而闻名。中国因历史悠久而闻名。)_6path, walked along, the, and, got out of, car, went through, gate, a, dark, a, I (我下了车,穿过大门,我下了车

9、,穿过大门, 沿着漆黑的小路往前走。沿着漆黑的小路往前走。)_China is famous for the long history.I got out of the car, went through a gate and walked along a dark path.模块基础知识过关一单词回顾单词回顾 .根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出正确的单词根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出正确的单词1 Many people went to the forest and enjoyed themselves in the n_ world.2 Although hes n_ 80, he is st

10、ill very healthy.atural early 基础知识迁移基础知识迁移模块基础知识过关一3The river b_ the bridge is over five metres deep.4. The teacher is coming! Lets keep s_5I heard from him and _(回复回复) to him quickly. elow ilent replied 模块基础知识过关一6Tom is sitting _(在在旁边旁边) Mary.7A _ (银灰色的银灰色的) car suddenly stopped in front of me.8No

11、matter what you say, I shall stick to my _ (观点观点)9The Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful manmade _ (奇观奇观) in the world.10He was from Anhui Province in _(东边的东边的) China.beside silver opinion wonders eastern 模块基础知识过关一.用方框中所给词的适当形式填空用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 discuss; though; electric; remain; below 1_ it was r

12、aining hard, she went out.2People can use wind to produce _3I could hear voices in the yard _ my window.Thoughelectricitybelow模块基础知识过关一4We are going to _ in Dalian for two days.5Danny had a _ with me about the differences between China and the US.remaindiscussion模块基础知识过关一短语运用短语运用 .根据汉语及英文提示翻译句子根据汉语及

13、英文提示翻译句子1他可以参加这个比赛吗?他可以参加这个比赛吗?(join in) _2迈克独自穿过了那片森林。迈克独自穿过了那片森林。(go through) _Can he join in the match? Mike went through the forest alone. 模块基础知识过关一3我的爸爸不同意我的看法。我的爸爸不同意我的看法。(agree with sb.) _4那个女孩不能从墙上看过去。那个女孩不能从墙上看过去。(look over) _5我们都应该互相帮助。我们都应该互相帮助。(each other) _My father didnt agree with me.

14、That girl couldnt look over the wall. We all should help each other.模块基础知识过关一1She earns a lot _ I do. Surely she does.more than. . 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空millions of; get out of; look forward to;be in; be afraid of; more than; look down to;in my opinion; at the bottom of;fall away模块基础知识过关一2Hi

15、s father _ Sydney for two weeks and he will come back soon.3Our manager _ his office and left the company.4_, you should stick to your dream. OK, I will.has been ingot out ofIn my opinion模块基础知识过关一5He is waiting for us _the mountain.6_ trees are planted every year in our country.7The monkeys _ me fro

16、m the top of the hill when I arrived there. at the bottom ofMillions oflooked down to模块基础知识过关一8The houses _ as we left the city.9Im _ seeing you soon.10Dont _ making mistakes, or you can learn from them.fell awaylooking forward tobe afraid of模块基础知识过关一句型突破句型突破按要求完成下列各题,每空一词按要求完成下列各题,每空一词1The hole is

17、about 20 metres deep.(对画线部分提问对画线部分提问) _ _ is the hole?2There are lots of modern buildings on either side of the road.(改为同义句改为同义句) There are lots of modern buildings on _ _ of the road.Howdeepbothsides模块基础知识过关一3They will get to the hospital in two minutes. (对画线部分提问对画线部分提问) _ _ will they get to the hospital?4Miss Liu reached Shanghai last Monday.(改为同义句改为同义句) Miss Liu _ _/_ _Shanghai last Monday.5You must give me an answer in two hours.(改为同义句改为同义句) You must _ _ me in two hours.Howsoon arrivedingottoreplyto



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