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1、 Basic writing Describing a personBy Carrie HuangXiu Wen High SchoolWhen you want to describe a person, what will you write about?useful words and expressions1.Birthday and birth place 1)was / were born on/inin ,2)at the age ofTask 11.他于他于1987年年5月月10日生于北京。日生于北京。He was born in Beijing on May 10, 1987

2、2.他在他在20岁的时候就成为了一名演员。岁的时候就成为了一名演员。 He became an actor at the age of 20.(in her 20s) 2.Family background 1) his (her) family was so poor that,/ the son of a poor family 2) when he was a small boy , /as a child , / during his (her) childhood 3) live a happy (hard ) life Task 21.他出生在一个贫穷的农民家庭。他出生在一个贫穷的

3、农民家庭。He was born in a poor farmers family.2.当他还是一个孩子时,就过着艰苦的生活。当他还是一个孩子时,就过着艰苦的生活。When he was a small boy, he lived (led) a hard life. 3. appearance, characterkind-hearted/ easy-going naughty /lovely/ smart/ wise /humorous/ funny diligent /hardworking.meters tall/in heightpretty/handsome/good - look

4、ing /ordinary looking (长相一般的)(长相一般的) Task 3她是一个身高她是一个身高1.6米的漂亮女孩。米的漂亮女孩。She is a beautiful girl, 1.6 meters tall.4. Education1) graduate fromuniversity / when at college, he majored in2) receive a doctors degree ./ go abroad for further studiesTask 4 1.从贵州大学毕业之后他就出国深造。从贵州大学毕业之后他就出国深造。Having graduati

5、ng from Guizhou University, he went abroad for further studies. 2.袁先生在袁先生在40岁时取得了博士学位。岁时取得了博士学位。Mr Yuan received doctors degree when he was 40 years old. (at the age of 40/in his 40s)5. Big events in his/her life5. Big events in his/her life 1) be interested in 2) devote oneself to 3)make up ones mi

6、nd to do sth. 4) have a gift /talent for 5)begin ones research in sth.Task5 1.袁隆平在袁隆平在1964年就开始从事水稻研究。年就开始从事水稻研究。 Yuan Longping began his research in rice in 1964. 2.周杰伦周杰伦3岁时就对音乐感兴趣,开始学习弹钢琴。岁时就对音乐感兴趣,开始学习弹钢琴。 Showing interest in music, Jay Chou began learning to play the piano at the age of 3.6. Eva

7、luation 1.set a good example to 2.speak/think highly of 3. became famous for/ be honored as 4. be respected by everyone Task 6 1.海伦给我们大家树立了一个好榜样。海伦给我们大家树立了一个好榜样。 Helen set an excellent example to all of us. 2.林巧稚把她的毕生都献给了病人,受到了林巧稚把她的毕生都献给了病人,受到了每个人的尊敬。每个人的尊敬。 Lin Qiaozhi, who had devoted her whole l

8、ife to her patients, was respected by everyone.Task 7运用今天所学知识写一篇运用今天所学知识写一篇80-100字的文章介绍我字的文章介绍我国著名的水稻专家袁隆平。要点:国著名的水稻专家袁隆平。要点:1.袁隆平,袁隆平,1937年年9月月7日出生在重庆的一个贫日出生在重庆的一个贫困农民家庭。困农民家庭。2.1953年毕业于西南农学院,毕业后被分配到湘年毕业于西南农学院,毕业后被分配到湘西农校任教。西农校任教。3.1964年开始从事水稻研究。年开始从事水稻研究。1981年荣获我国年荣获我国第一个发明特等奖,被国际上誉为第一个发明特等奖,被国际上誉

9、为“杂交水稻之杂交水稻之父父”。4.生活简朴,不计名利。生活简朴,不计名利。 Born on September 7,1937 in Chongqing, Yuan Longping was from a poor farmers family. Having graduated from Southwest Agriculture College in1953, he was sent to work as a teacher in the Agriculture School in the west of Hunan. He began his research in rice in 19

10、64 and got the First National Special prize for invention in 1981. He is honored as “Father of Hybrid Rice” by the international friends. Famous as he is, he cares little for money and fame and leads a simple life. Dr. Yuan, who sets an excellent example to all of us for devoting his whole life to his research in rice, is respected by everyone.



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