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1、七下七下 Unit 4Finding your wayRevision 拼拼看!1.跟随2.小路3.不得不4.东5.西6.南7.北8.旅行9.千米10.每人11.径直的12.竹13.沿着14.国王15.记住16.危险的 follow path have to east west south north trip kilometre everyone straight bamboo along king remember dangerous17.声音18.森林19.滑稽的20.大笑21.长颈鹿22.相当.23.树叶24.东北25.桥26.穿过27.笼子28.在里面29.长椅30.在下面31.准备

2、32.红绿灯 sound forest funny laugh giraffe quite leaf-leaves north-east bridge cross cage inside bench below prepare traffic lightsTask three: vocabularynorthsouthwesteastnorth-westnorth-eastsouth-westsouth-eastDaniel:Wherearewegoingforourclass_?Simon:WeregoingtoSunshineZoo.Daniel:Wheresthezoo?Isit_fro

3、mourschool.Simon:No.Its_oftheschool,about_kilometresaway.Daniel:Howwillwegetthere?Simon:Wellgetthere_.tripfarawaynorththreebybusLets read and write. Hobo and Eddie are standing on _of a hill . Hobo asks Eddie to_ him. He says he _the _. They can jump_ But Eddie is_. Then they have to go_ again to ar

4、rive at another hill.topfollowknowswaydown afraidupLanguagepoints1.afraid. 1)beafraidofsth害怕某物害怕某物e.g.那个小女孩怕狗那个小女孩怕狗Thelittlegirlisafraidofthedog.2)beafraidofdoingsth=beafraidtodosthe.g.他晚上害怕外出他晚上害怕外出Heisafraidofgoingoutintheevening.=Heisafraidtogooutintheevening. Hi, _. Here were in front of the So

5、uth Gate. Go _ on, and youll find the Panda House. Pandas are _. They like to eat _ and lie down all day _. Every year, lots of visitors come and see them. Walk along the road. _ the north of the Panda House, youll find the lions. Lions are the _ of the animal world. _ that theyre dangerous. Never g

6、o near them.cuteToeverybodystraightbamboolongkingsRemember _ left, and to the west of the Lions _, youll find the _ of Birds. Birds make beautiful _ when they sing. To the north of the World of Birds is the Monkeys _. Monkeys are clever and _. They jump _ and make people _.AreafunnysoundsForestTurnW

7、orldaroundlaughThen turn right, and to the east of the Monkeys Forest, youll see the giraffes. Theyre _ tall. Their long _ help them eat the _ from trees. North-east of the giraffes there is a bridge. _ the bridge, and youll see the elephants. Their large _ are like _ fans.Here you can see all _ of

8、animals. Have a nice _!quiteleavesearsnecksCross openkinds trip1.跟着我跟着我2.从这下去从这下去3.害怕害怕4.在在的北面的北面5.去旅行去旅行6.离离远远7.坐公共汽车到那里坐公共汽车到那里 follow me be afraid be north of go on a trip be far from get there by busSummary go down here1、一直走一直走2、整天整天3、沿着路走沿着路走4、在熊猫屋北面在熊猫屋北面5、向左转、向左转6、使人发笑、使人发笑7、过桥过桥8、像张开的扇子像张开的扇

9、子go straight onall day longwalk along the roadto the north of the Panda Houseturn leftmake people laughcross the bridgebe like open fansSummary1.躺下躺下2.动物世界之王动物世界之王3.发出优美的声音发出优美的声音4.上窜下跳上窜下跳5.各种各样的动物各种各样的动物6.(祝)旅途愉快!(祝)旅途愉快!7.半小时之后半小时之后8.在饮料上面在饮料上面 lie down the kings of the animals world make beautif

10、ul sounds jump around all kinds of animals Have a nice trip!Summary half an hour later above the drinks1.在食物下面在食物下面2.在长椅正上方在长椅正上方3.划船划船4.在左边在左边/右边右边5.从房子旁边走过从房子旁边走过6.在第二个转弯处右拐在第二个转弯处右拐7.在第一个十字路口左拐在第一个十字路口左拐 below the food over the bench row a boat on the left/right walk past the house take the secon

11、d turning on the left Summary turn left at the first crossing1.在在角落上角落上2.举行生日派对举行生日派对3.邀请你参加派对邀请你参加派对4.为我们准备充足的食物和饮料为我们准备充足的食物和饮料1.在去在去的路上的路上2.从从A出口出去出口出去 at the corner of have a birthday party invite you to the party prepare plenty of food and drinks for us on the way toSummary get out at Exit AGra

12、mmar冠词冠词不定冠词(不定冠词(a/an)定冠词定冠词(the)辅音音素之前辅音音素之前元音音元音音素之前素之前不定冠词不定冠词a 、an1、泛指某一类人或事物中的一个或一类。、泛指某一类人或事物中的一个或一类。如:如:Anelephantismuchheavierthanahorse.Hisfatherisataxidriver.2、用于序数词前,表示、用于序数词前,表示“又一,再一又一,再一”。Ihavereadthebookstwice,butIwanttoreadathirdtime.3、a/an的区别的区别a用在用在辅音音素辅音音素开头的单数可数名词或字母前,开头的单数可数名词或




16、的传统节日前一般加“the”TheMid-AutumnDay中秋节中秋节TheSpringFestival春节春节5、在称呼语或表示头衔的职位名词前不用冠词。、在称呼语或表示头衔的职位名词前不用冠词。MrWangisfromAustralia6、名词前有、名词前有“this,that,those,these,my,your,some”等词修饰时不用冠词。如:等词修饰时不用冠词。如:ThisismyChinesebook.方位介词1. in 在在里面里面2. on 在在表面表面3. beside / next to 在在旁边旁边4. behind 在在后面后面5. in front of 在在前

17、面前面6. over 在在.上面上面7. under 在在下面下面8. above 在在上面上面9. below 在在下面下面10. between 在两者之间在两者之间Exercise1.Ihave_apple.Hehas_orange.2.Thisis_egg.3.Jimis_honestboyandheis_universitystudent.4.Doyouhave_computer?5.Thereis_carinfrontofthehouse.6.Englishis_usefullanguage.7.Heis_unhappyboy.8.Myfatherwillcomebackin_ho







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