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1、Section A (1a2b)Unit 8How do you make a banana milk shake?学习目标:学习目标:1. New words: shake,milk shake, blender, turn on, peel, pour, yogurt, honey, watermelon, spoon, finally 2. Sentences: How do you make a banana milk shake? First, Then, Next, FinallyNew wordsshake/ek/ milk shakeblender/blend/turn on

2、peel/pi:l/ pour/p:/yogurt/jgt/ honey/hn/ watermelon /w:tmeln/ spoon/spu:n/ finally/fanl/ 摇动;抖动摇动;抖动奶昔奶昔食物搅拌器食物搅拌器接通;打开接通;打开剥皮;去皮剥皮;去皮倒出;倾倒倒出;倾倒酸奶酸奶蜂蜜蜂蜜西瓜西瓜勺子勺子最后最后2、英汉互译:milk shake_ turn on _ cut up _ how many_ how much_ 两杯酸奶_剥皮,去皮_ 西瓜_ 蜂蜜 _奶昔奶昔打开打开切碎切碎多少多少多少;多少钱多少;多少钱two cups of yogurtpeelwatermelo

3、nhoney基数基数词/a/an+计量量单位位+of+不可数名不可数名词3.区分可数名词与不可数名词,填表: banana yogurt watermelon apple milk honey spoon blender bread tomato beef noodle 可数名可数名词【C】不可数名不可数名词【U】banana, watermelon, apple,spoon,blender tomato noodleyogurt milk honey bread beefteawatercoffeejuiceDo you know these drinks?milk shake奶昔奶昔(由牛

4、奶由牛奶和冰淇淋等和冰淇淋等搅制而成的搅制而成的混合饮料混合饮料) milkblenderice-creambananasknifemilkStep 1Peel the bananas.How do you make a banana milk shake?Step 2Cut up the bananas.Step 3Put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender.Step 4Pour the milk into the blender.Step 5Turn on the blender.Step 6Drink the milk shake.Tell

5、me what you see.1a. Write these words in the blanks. PeelCut up PutPourTurn onDrinkListen and put the instructions in order._ Turn on the blender._ Cut up the bananas._ Drink the milk shake._ Pour the milk into the blender._ Put the bananas and ice-cream into the blender._ Peel three bananas.1b12345

6、6Listen and fill in the blanks.A: Im hungry! Lets make a banana milk shake.B: How do you make a banana milk shake?A: Well, _ peel three bananas.B: Three bananas?A: Yes. Then cut up the bananas.B: OK, Im finished.A: Now put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender. _ pour the milk into the blender.B:

7、 Is this enough milk?A: I guess so._, turn on the blender._, pour the milk shake into a glass and drink it.1bfirstThenNextFinally首先首先并且并且然后然后接下来接下来最后最后 Translation AndFirst,Next, Finally,Then,拓展拓展 turn on 打开,接通打开,接通(电流、煤气、水等电流、煤气、水等) turn off 关掉关掉, 截断截断(电流、煤气、水等电流、煤气、水等) turn up 开大开大, 调高调高(音量、热量等音量、

8、热量等) turn down 调低调低, 关小关小(音量、热量等音量、热量等)宾语是代是代词时,放在,放在短短语中中间A: How do you make a banana milk shake?B: First, peel the bananas. Then, cut up the bananas. Next, put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender. And pour the milk into the blender. Next turn on the blender. Finally, drink the milk shake.1c.

9、Pair workpeelcut upput in turn ondrinkpour into .A: How do you make a banana milk shake?B: First, peel the bananasListen and complete the chart.2aHow muchHow manyyogurtbananas honeywatermelonsapplesoranges+不可数名不可数名词【U】+可数名可数名词复数复数【C】onetwothreeone cuptwo spoonswatermelon,Listen again. Write the ingr

10、edients(材料)材料) under the correct amount in the chart.2borangeapples bananasyogurthoneySummaryHow to make _?first, then, next finallypeel, cut up, putin, pourinto, turn on, need, watermelon, yogurt, honeyhow many / much, spoon, cupWords and phrases:1. How many _do you want? A. bananas B. orange C. ap

11、ple D. honey2.How much _ do we need to make the salad? A. pear B. yogurt C apple D. banana3. Please _ the light. Its too dark(黑暗的)黑暗的) in the room. A. turn down B. turn on C. turn off D turn down4.Peel the apple, then _. A. cut up them B. cut them up C. cut it up D. cut up it四、四、当堂检测、拓展延伸当堂检测、拓展延伸Fi

12、ll in the blanks.A: I am hungry. Lets make an orange milk shake. B: OK. What do we need?A: We need some oranges and milk.B: How m_ oranges do we need?A: We need three.B: OK. How m_ milk do we need?A: One cup.B: Now how to make it?anyuchA: First, p_ the oranges . Next, c_ up the oranges and then put

13、them in the b_. P_ the milk into the blender, too. Then t_ on the blender. Finally, d_ the orange milk shake. B: That must be much more delicious. eelutlenderurnourrink1.完成课堂作业中完成课堂作业中Section A 部分部分2.做自己喜欢的水果奶昔,并简要说明过做自己喜欢的水果奶昔,并简要说明过程。可以用下列表示过程的词汇来让你描程。可以用下列表示过程的词汇来让你描述更加清晰明了。述更加清晰明了。first, then, next, finally



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