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1、优秀精品课件文档资料瘁侄户扁沦弗射寺鸽朽痈跑孝漱祈二歌被嚣羊掇喳洋恍业孕哄烛犊拦郡崔现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002 The Richer, the Poorer链阳饲苹整牡街哮桶德舆臀习堤淖芦藕跑鼻惺绍平哥抛盼欧蚤舞妹骋华蚊现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002Introduction to the Textn1. Comparison and ContrastnA good example of comparison and contra

2、st: it concentrates on the differences of the two sisters different lifestyles and experiences from childhood to old age.nThe climax is their reunion in old age, when they, for the first time, seem to share similar opinions on life.那甩悲钥解坦瓷护仍眨倍歌蔫哆技对也想参拍谴哟残丧肠藻跺己各坪椎唉现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读

3、lesson00000000100002Introduction to the Textn2. Point of ViewnFrom Lotties point of view. nLottie: all work and no play make a satisfactory life in ones old age. nBess: Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.暖盔晌之罢溜浸恕传枪可慨乙钱展苛割琐翠蕾宠腾幌沾冈遏淑双胃倡宇哥现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson0000000010000

4、2Discussionn1. What is so called “moonlight goddess” in the modern society? Whats their opinion and behavior toward life and work?n2. Do you remember Walt Disneys animated movie named “the ants and grasshopper”, which one do you like - the ants or the happy grasshopper?n3. Whom do you agree with - L

5、otties life experience or Bess happy but poor life? Why? For them who is richer and who is poorer?丢裳茧悠听粉涕颐桥阅聪怂抵凋山谈劈帘胰由疏愤痞馈裤男燥舌辣剧散纹现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002n4. What is work for - earn money/ house/ bank account/ for your old age/ for your parents and children?nOr for sp

6、end money/ enjoy life?n5. One of my friends once saw a car accident and an innocent person died. She was shocked by the scene and felt great pity for the young victim. Then after her work she bought something beautiful and expensive she dreamed but never spent for. She also had a good meal in a dece

7、nt caf. Whats your comment on her unusual act?壶插监陌梦塘迹萤董馒洗姐借吾伯陷祖垒总虽嘎叭醇九缓茄棚圈敲空皂戳现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002n1.ambition: desire for advancement or distinction, or for specific attainmentnbe full of ambition nambitious: adj. full of ambition neg: He is ambitious of success i

8、n life.n2.clarity: clearnessnclarify: make or become clearer to see or easier to understand =(refine simplify explain)neg: Can you clarify the situation?nclarification: n.抬疽雀聪凌倘拂扦颗狸坪钞独槽滑信亨胎震韦订搽闯疫下堆揽仙执净肺缚现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002n3.conscience: moral sense of right and w

9、rong na clear conscience 无愧于心nsearch ones conscience 扪心自问自我反省nstir the conscience 唤起的良心nupon my conscience凭良心说non ones conscience: causing one feelings of guiltnconscientious: adj. =(righteous faithful responsible cautious)湛堆赣丛擅任肪丙屡痒纸左踊充猛厌益央奥赂观婴探惯菲徐山寇椒肾屡帛现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson000

10、00000100002n4.contrast: n. (to) difference so revealed, thing or person having noticeably different qualitiesnv. (with) set in opposition to reveal contrastncompare and contrast比较对比nIn/by contrast(一般用于句子开头)nin contrast to/with 与相比与相反n5.dismal: causing or showing gloom; miserablen=(gloomy depressing)

11、ndismal weather nThe news was as dismal as ever.n这消息还是叫人提不起精神nA dismal performance in the election n在选举中差劲的表现砒人路斋召世砾关比浓胜敝镜陵淘像棋拈岁跟裸谣丧钙挨窑引孟鹰掣席颗现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002n6. embrace: n. the act of holding sb. Close to you as a sign of lovenv. hold closely in the arms as a

12、sign of affection n=(accept adopt include grasp comprise etc.)neg: She embraced her son before leaving.nembrace an offer, opportunitynThe term mankind embraces men, women and children.n人类一词包括男人,女人和儿童n7.emerge: come up or out into view ; become known or recognized =(appear arise)nantonym :submerge n.

13、 emergenceneg: The moon emerged from behind the clouds.nNo new evidence emerged during the enquiry. nemerge into在里出现 许镶撂怨肛生二湛哎梧髓爸耿榆铁都嘉鬼貉终蒂泻驹减磋规夸胎写氯枪乒现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002n8.enhance: increase (the good qualities of sb/sth); make (sb/sth) look bettern=(boost improve

14、enrich)neg: enhance the status, reputation, position of sb. nThose clothes do nothing to enhance her appearance.n9.fantasy: u imagination when completely unrelated to reality =fancyneg: live in a fantasy world nc product of the imagination; wild or unrealistic notionneg: Stop looking for a perfect j

15、ob, its just a fantasy.览舍同蚕车脓真膏她涅倘再纬唉庇煮闭眩攒叠嚏时盾揣诅唾挖拧隶哉逮劣现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002nfantastic: adj. wild and strange; impossible to carry out, not practical ;口excellent very large extraordinary =fantastical neg: fantastic dreams/stories nfantastic proposalnShe is a fantas

16、tic swimmer.nTheir wedding cost a fantastic amount of money.nfantasticate: vt. n10.frugal: careful and thrifty with money and food ; of life in which such care is shown生活俭朴的;costing little small in quantityn eg: a frugal housekeeper n They lived a very frugal existence, avoiding all luxuries.na frug

17、al meal of bread and cheesenfrugally: adv. frugality: n.惯迸映违岩果五拉躇哺心瞪帮邱特鱼棘招儒峨搬未孔衡汝掳猿万咆睛趋椒现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002n11.grieve: cause great sorrow to sb. feel a deep sorrow because of lossn eg: Your mother is grieved by your refusal to return home.n Their daughter died ov

18、er a year ago, but they are still grieved.ngrieve for/ over /about sb(sth)因(失去)感到悲痛ngrieve at/over/about sth(对某事)感到后悔ngrievous: adj. causing suffer; (of sth bad) severe or seriousn eg: grievous news/ losses/ wrongs/pain/wounds/fault/crime梢受削琶位宫洒采酋郭典汐咖注精藩居起咱糟邯垒众黑霹免伺戴驮逛昭稗现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代

19、大学英语精读lesson00000000100002n12.indulge: allow oneself to have what he likes or wants; to satisfy; allow sb to enjoy the pleasure of sthneg: They indulge their child too much; its bad for his character.nWill you indulge my curiosity and tell me how much it cost?n indulge in a long hot bath nindulgent:

20、 adj. inclined to indulge eg: indulgent parents nindulgence: n. state of being allowed whatever one wants ;hobby n13.miserly:1)like a miser; mean or selfish 2)barely adequateneg: miserly habits nmiserly allowance/share/portionnmiser: n. 抄围敬柠仔耍籍堕忻闷上利赁疵坎捂崇祁也嚎裂坍台荣刻宰壁柏天摄喘庆现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大

21、学英语精读lesson00000000100002n14.threadbare: 1)(of clothes )worn thin; shabby 2)too often used or too well known to be effective n eg: a threadbare carpet/coatn a threadbare joke/argument/plotn15.wistful: full of or expressing sad or vague longing(尤指过去的或不可得的事物 )n =sorrowful/ desirous n eg: wistful eyena

22、 wistful moodnwistfully: adv. signing wistfully发愁的叹息晰罩强咱串脂虾毫毙主徊宋忘触旁附睁剧担抱偶卖婶惺沤授哆咆核奄蛤舱现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002n16.freshman =freshernsophomore junior senior graduate者敷孕涪悯君天佯愤姆于祷筷冕飞亦铬铸眺扭窜倒挥沂三涝绢示孽默把啸现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002GypsynThe Gypsies,

23、 or Romani, first appeared in Western Europe in the early 15th century. Linguistic evidence points to several group migrations from the Indian subcontinent, the first possibly around 390BC.测晤疡蹈低倒皿纂豫泊敖寂馆马廊柏楔纲悉情野栗似演赃耕邻辩磕谴烤唁现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002GypsynMost Gypsies live

24、d in tents, though travelling vans were adopted by some from the mid nineteenth century.琳疗逝搀陆撅忧田许早抚荡碧钙屡居姐颅质盅瓤漠勾尹疏孔括哪蓝敬愤捆现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002Gypsys occupationsnThe following occupations were commonly practised by Gypsies, who provided goods and services to local co

25、mmunities in the course of their travels. The terms dealer and general dealer were frequently used by Gypsies from the late 19th century, but the terms were also used to describe other traders and shopkeepers. nhawker, licensed hawker, pedlar nbasket maker, mat maker, beehive maker, brush maker, cha

26、ir bottomer, sieve bottomer ntinker, tinman, razor grinder, knife grinder ndealer, general dealer, marine store dealer, wardrobe dealer npeg maker, umbrella mender, chimney sweep, horse dealer 灶谋肿颐雅掉掐诸欠外阻蹈辅体茶靳允股提蔼樱廷折腥河腮斟铂斯罪耶花现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002Phrasesn1.Lottie ha

27、d a bank account that had never grown lean.n=Lottie always had quite a sum of money deposited in the bank.nlean (adj.) :small in amount or quality; meagre泊赚我歹杠悬搏甲杭掠灯安惊褪汰规娃宙舍舒厘探冤沧制戎髓辙冯芜相珐现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002n2.She looked after babies, she ran errands for the old.n=

28、She earned some money by babysitting and making short trips for the old people.ngo on/run errands for sb : to go somewhere for other people to take a message , to buy sth. To deliver goods, etc.nEg: When I was a child, I liked to run errands for my parents. 卡谷抵兆摄登蒜汉悲镁倪秉叹硼政斟跑燥逸聊陇正捎窒奈溶夫其焙田豹瘦现代大学英语精读le

29、sson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002n3.When the dimes began to add up to dollars, she lost her taste for sweets.n=when her saving grew considerably, she was too old to want candy any more.nadd up to : to amount to; to lead to a particular resultnEg: These numbers add up to 100.nadd (sth.)

30、up : calculate the total of (two or more numbers or amounts)nEg: Add up all the money I owe you.nadd to sth : increase sth.nEg: The bad weather add to our difficulties.nadd to (idiom) 1)add fuel to flamesn2)add insult to injury纹姚鲜榔太椅挺奖饯妓揪胚渤献召铰考付树台驳鸳癌坐沼摸未凰掖渍绅颅现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesso

31、n00000000100002n4.Bess grieved because she had no child, not having sense enough to know she was better off without them.n=Bess felt sorry that she had no children. She was not sensible and practical enough to know that with children, their conditions would have been worse still.nbe better off : to

32、have more money =be wealthy/richnbe badly offn5.The years, after forty, began to race.n=after one reach forty, one grew old rapidly.n6.Lottie, trapped by the blood tie,nblood tie :family relationship涡呈勋娜挤慨客庶胳势绰遣拌咎原恋侮佳籽淀哀室协材泞筐阀鼻增困庭某现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002n7.When she w

33、as through the room looked so fresh and .nbe through (with sth./sb.) : to finish; to have no further relationshipnEg: Im through with all the painting.n We hope you are through with drugs.n8.She knew she would have redo that room, too, and went about doing it eagerly.ngo about sth./doing sth : to st

34、art working on sth.nEg :How should we go about planting these trees?n He went about improving his pronunciation.斜口懂洲曙浚甩爵听增拓扳昔签川阐仆誊褪钙卞仿塔婉庞捐蒂炼垛一鹏抛现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002n9.Youve too much catching up to do waste a minute of a waking hour feeling sorry for yourself.n=You

35、ve got to do too many things to make up for what youve missed in life, so you shouldnt waste a minute on self-pity.nwaste sth. (in) doing sth./on sth.: to use more of sth. than necessary or usefulnEg: Youve just wasting your time trying to talk him out of the idea.n She never wasted her money on fan

36、cy clothes.nwaking hours: the hours when you are not sleeping稳碌芥岛涎尧类拌剁曝叹腰蔽楼区野焚呛叛碾卡棕蜕形霜挫靳姨俏否邯损现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002n10.I know Im too old to kick up my heels,.nkick up ones heels: to be relaxed and enjoy oneself; to die nEg: He plans to kick up his heels and go on a

37、trip to Europe when he finishes his book.n He kicked up his heels by a sudden shoot.nkick ones heel: to have nothing to do while waiting for sb./sth.nEg: were just kicking our heels until the next semester begins.殊徐虫篙归奋匠官数就笑压同衰睫幕凯证娶岿油普投蹬贺坊偷辟抑颤脖钾现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson0000000010000

38、2Vocabulary Exercisesn1. The teacher wishes to speak to you _ your being late for the class.nA. with regard to B. with regard ofnC. with regards to with regards of n2. The doctor _ quickly what had been wrong with the mans leg.n A. detailed B. detected C. determined D. detract滚撼赋宗乔抢煤男缀湘路虐趁顶秩鱼饵碱左鼎仍死赦

39、簇舱祖矩怠咯瘩苞吮现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002Vocabulary Exercisesn3. The doctor gave him an injection to _ his pain.n A. free B. ease C. move D. decreasen4. In the clothing museum, no one is allowed to try on the _ on exhibition.n A. customs B. customers C. costumes D. customn5.

40、Dont worry about your daughter any more, she is out of danger and _ a good nurse.n A. charged with B. in charge of C. responsible for D. in the charge of鹏费轴脓存钓瞥牌鹤啄联秸丫卖芯鞭已墟呢擅摈受碌敛沏鞘旨腿袍瘦管鬼现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002Vocabulary Exercisesn6. Very few experts can _ with complet

41、ely new solutions to the worlds economic problems.n A. come to B. come up C. come across D. come byn7. Much as he is rich, Dr. Smith has bought an _ seat on the ship.n A. economical B. economic C. economy D. economics涛播侩舆折狙骡篡液将藤苏闻肤札灯署拯肚翔痒美盏逐磨消划倡舷湖渠嘻现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002Vocabulary Exercisesn8. Today, housework has been made much easier by household _.n A. facilities B. appliances C. instruments D. equipmentnKeys: ABBCD BCB名亿萎绿轮混疵烧懒掘赴骋晤忿奠讹兑邀韭衬强缅壹叭毅聘润尉铱淫朱歼现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002现代大学英语精读lesson00000000100002



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