江苏省盐城市大丰市万盈第二中学八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals复习课件2

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江苏省盐城市大丰市万盈第二中学八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals复习课件2_第1页
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江苏省盐城市大丰市万盈第二中学八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals复习课件2_第2页
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江苏省盐城市大丰市万盈第二中学八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals复习课件2_第3页
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1、8A Unit 5 (Revision) 单元复习要点单元复习要点1.1.复习并扩展有关鸟类和其特点的词汇。复习并扩展有关鸟类和其特点的词汇。2.2.复习有关扎龙保护区的基本情况复习有关扎龙保护区的基本情况, ,存在存在的问题及解决的方法。的问题及解决的方法。3.3.复习复习动词不定式在动词不定式在句中句中的的使用使用方法方法。4.4.复习申请信的写法。复习申请信的写法。1 It has long-pointed wings and forked tail.2 It has many long things like a beak and a neck3 It has brown and gr

2、ey feathers.4 It has white feathers.5 It has broad wings and hooked beak.6 It has web-footed feet. swallowcranesparrowswan eagleseagullWhat is it? 课文复习课文复习 Zhalong Nature R_ (保护区保护区)- a s_(特别的特别的) place in Heilongjiang in the n_(东北东北)of China. It p_(提供提供) food and c_(庇护所庇护所) for wildlife. T_(游客游客) f

3、rom China and other countries go to Zhalong to w_(观看观看) the birds there. W_(湿地湿地) are an ideal home for birds, plants and f_(鱼鱼). Many birds live in Zhalong all year round and some fly there for a short _(停留停留). They can find food e_ (容易容易地地) there.eservepecialortheastrovidesoverouristsatchetlandsis

4、hstayasily More than 200 kinds of birds stay in Zhalong in winter, including red-crowned _(鹤鹤). There will be less and less s_ (空间空间) to live, so we should p_(保护保护) the environment and w_(湿地湿地). Zhalong needs more people to work there. It is a good chance for us to know more about different kinds of

5、 birds and insects. I learn about the i_(重要性重要性) of wetlands . We hope to make more people a_(积极地积极地) take action to protect wildlife.cranespacerotectetlandsmportancectively词汇识记词汇识记1.wet( 湿地湿地) wetlands 2.north (形容词形容词) northern3.act(副词副词) actor4.important(名词名词) importance5.play (名名词词) player6.scien

6、ce(科学家)科学家)scientist8.piano(副词副词) pianist9.frighten(形容词形容词) frightened10.art(副词副词) artist12.自然界自然界 nature13.提供提供 provide 14. 野生生物野生生物 wildlife 15.然而然而 while16.停留停留 stay17.观光者观光者 tourist18.协会协会 society19.兴趣兴趣 interest20.业余爱好业余爱好 hobby a nature reserve in north-east China one of the worlds most import

7、ant wetlands provide cover for them a great place/an ideal home for keep fishing all year round for a short stay in the wetlands catch them for food an important living area the rare red-crowned cranes词组再现词组再现 record their types and changes make space for less and less space animals in danger study

8、the changes in their numbers count and describe the birds once a year invite/need sb. to do sth. help (sb.) (to) do sth. understand the importance of make them take actions词组再现词组再现1.去观鸟去观鸟2.在集市上在集市上3.白天白天4.湿地之一湿地之一5.整年整年6.舒适地生活着舒适地生活着7.为某人提供为某人提供8.越来越少的空间越来越少的空间9.研究不同种类的鸟研究不同种类的鸟10.在数量上的变化在数量上的变化go

9、birdwatchingat the market in the daytimeone of the wetlands all year round live comfortably providefor sb. / provide sb. with less and less spacethe changes in the numbers study the different kinds of birds11.统计鸟儿数量统计鸟儿数量12.采取措施帮助鸟类采取措施帮助鸟类13.理解某事的重要性理解某事的重要性14.采取行动做某事采取行动做某事15.对做某事感兴趣对做某事感兴趣20.轻易地轻

10、易地观察观察到到鸟类鸟类21.阻止某人做某事阻止某人做某事22.填写申请表填写申请表23.加入俱乐部加入俱乐部24.想更多地了解某人想更多地了解某人do a bird count do something to help birds understand the importance of sth.take action to do sth. be interested in doing sth.watch birds easilyprevent sb. from doing sth.make an application formjoin the club/become a member o

11、f the clubWant to learn more about sb.词组巩固词组巩固 选用所给词的正确形式填空all year round ,sing nicely ,providefor , watch closely 1. Some birds never fly away. They stay in the reserve _.2. Project Hope _ money _ the poor children to return to school.4. If you do the bird count this year, youd better _ the birds_.

12、5. Listen! The birds _in the tree.all year round providesforwatchcloselyare singing nicely重点句型重点句型1._(我打算去观鸟我打算去观鸟) this weekend .2.The area _ (为野生生物提供食物为野生生物提供食物 ).3. There are_(许多鱼许多鱼)in the wetlands, and the birds can_ _.(容易地捕猎到它们当食物容易地捕猎到它们当食物)4.Im _. (对打排球感兴趣)对打排球感兴趣) .Im going birdwatching pro

13、vides food and shelter for wildlifemany fisheasily catch themfor foodinterested in playing volleyball6. I think _(对我们来说对我们来说采取措施采取措施) something to help the birds.7. I _ (会很高兴会很高兴) if I can become a member of your club.its important for us to dowill be very happyWrite about your own application form.

14、Name _ Date of birth _Address _Telephone number _ E-mail address _School _Grade _Favourite subjects _Clubs_Interests and hobbies_ _ Pets _ Activities to protect wildlife _Free time _ Signature_I _ and I would like to become a member of _ Club.I am a student at _ and I am in Grade _.My favourite subj

15、ects are _ and _. Im very interested in _. Every _, I _. I also like _.I would like to become a _ because _. I think its important for me _. I want _. I can come to club activities from_ to _ on _. I will be very happy if I can become a member of your club. You can call me on _or e-mail me at _. Yours sincerely _ _



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