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1、模块自我综合评价七模块自我综合评价七Module7GreatbooksModule7Greatbooks模块自我综合评价七模块自我综合评价七.单项选择单项选择(共共15小题;每小题小题;每小题2分,满分分,满分30分分)1I think those bad people should pay _ their terrible actions. Aat Bon Cfor Dto【解析解析】pay for是固定短语,意为是固定短语,意为“为为付出代价付出代价”。句意:我认。句意:我认为些坏人应该为他们的恶劣行为付出代价。为些坏人应该为他们的恶劣行为付出代价。C模块自我综合评价七2Dont beli

2、eve him. His words dont _ Atake a sense Btake sense Cmake a sense Dmake sense3_, whats your WeChat number? AOn the way BIn the way CBy the way DTo the wayDC4A Christmas Carol is a famous short novel _ by Charles Dickens. Awritten Bwas written Cwrote Dis written5You can ask the students to _ the righ

3、t answers to the questions. Atalk Bdiscuss Cgrow DrealiseAB模块自我综合评价七6Mike tried to escape from the prison.(选出与画线部分意义相同选出与画线部分意义相同 或相近的一项或相近的一项) Aget into Bget out of Cvisit someone in Dtake a photo of7Sometimes _ wise _ us to forget our problems. Athats; for Bits; of Cits; for Dthats; ofB模块自我综合评价七B模

4、块自我综合评价七8You are _ to shake hands when you meet someone for the first time. Asuggested Bsupported Ctaught Dsupposed 9I think the book tells me a lot. Why not write a _ of it? Adiscussion Bpractice Cmeeting DreviewDD模块自我综合评价七10The foreign guests gave us some jewels as gifts, but we didnt know what to

5、 give them _ Ain turn Bin reward Cin return Din honour11Why dont you go to Lao She Teahouse tonight? _ AIt doesnt matter BThank you CSorry to hear that DSounds greatCD模块自我综合评价七12The Great Wall is famous, so every year_ people come to visit it. Amillion Bmillion of Cmillions of Dmillions【解析解析】句意:长城很有

6、名,所以每年有成百上千万的人来参观它。此句意:长城很有名,所以每年有成百上千万的人来参观它。此处表示的是概数,处表示的是概数,millions of 表示表示“数百万的数百万的”。故选。故选C。C模块自我综合评价七13. The modern world _ still _ by his thoughts about life. A. is; influenced B. is; influence C. are; influenced D. is; influencing14Tonys favourite dog _ for a long time. Ahas died Bwas dead C

7、be dead Dhas been deadAD模块自我综合评价七15. _ My car is broken. AExcuse me. BWhat a pity! CWhats up? DLook out!C模块自我综合评价七.完形填空完形填空(共共10小题;每小题小题;每小题2分,满分分,满分20分分)JK.Rowling is the writer of Harry Potter, which is now one of _16_ sellers in the world. She was born in Britain on July 31st, 1965. She had one s

8、ister who was two years younger than her. Both girls liked _17_ to their fathers bedtime stories. They especially loved stories about magic. Rowling wrote her first story_18_ the age of six.模块自我综合评价七On a long train trip in 1990, an idea came to her. She wanted to write about a boy who had magic but

9、he didnt know it. In 1992, Rowling began_19_ the first Harry Potter book for young_20_. It appeared in June, 1997. 模块自我综合评价七The book was a great success. And the film came out in November, 2001. Now the Harry Potter series(系列系列) is_21_ with people of all ages and about sixty_22_books were sold in 20

10、0 countries. In this series, Harry is an ordinary boy: polite, friendly, brave and clever. So when children read about Harry, they can imagine being like him. Thats_23_the Harry Potter series has been so popular.JK.Rowling is very_24_with the success. Now shes really enjoying life. She said she woul

11、d go on _25_ childrens books.模块自我综合评价七【主旨大意】【主旨大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要介绍了哈利本文是一篇记叙文。主要介绍了哈利波特波特的作者的作者J.K.Rowling的经历以及创作的经历以及创作哈利哈利波特波特的过程。的过程。模块自我综合评价七16A.good Bbetter Cbest Dthe best17A.listen BSpeak Clistening Dspeaking18A.in Bat Cfor Dto19A.write Bwrote Cto write Dwritten20A.writers Bdrivers Csingers Dre

12、aders【解析解析】“one ofthe形容词的最高级名词复数形容词的最高级名词复数”表示表示“中最中最之一之一”。DCBCD模块自我综合评价七21A.best Bpopular Cglad Dbusy22A.million BMillions Cmillion of Dmillions of23A.when Bwhere Cwhy Dwhat24A.sad BWorried Cunhappy Dhappy【解析解析】前面有具体数字前面有具体数字 sixty,故,故million不用复数,且不与不用复数,且不与of连用,连用,故选故选A。BACD模块自我综合评价七25A.write Bwro

13、te Cwriting Dto write【解析解析】go on doing sth.意为意为“继续做某事继续做某事”,指做同一件事;而,指做同一件事;而go on to do sth.指停下一件事去做另外一件事。结合语境可知,她会继续创作指停下一件事去做另外一件事。结合语境可知,她会继续创作儿童作品,指同一件事。故选儿童作品,指同一件事。故选C。C模块自我综合评价七.阅读理解阅读理解(共共5小题;每小题小题;每小题3分,满分分,满分15分分)Every boy wants to find treasure. And Tom was no different. One summer day T

14、om told Huck about his idea.“Where can we look for treasure?” asked Huck.“Its hidden on islands, under dead trees, but mostly under the floors in haunted(闹鬼的闹鬼的) houses.”模块自我综合评价七So, one Saturday afternoon Tom and his friend went to look for treasure in the haunted house on Cardiff Hill. It was a qu

15、iet and lonely place, which made the boys feel very frightened. They entered quietly, and explored downstairs. There were cobwebs everywhere and everything was old and broken. Then they threw their tools in a corner and walked upstairs, but there was nothing there. They were just about to go downsta

16、irs and start digging when Tom stopped.模块自我综合评价七“What is it?” whispered Huck, going white with fright.“Keep quiet! Theres someone downstairs.”The boys lay down, looking through the holes in the wooden floor. There were two men downstairs. One was an old Spaniard in a wide sombrero hat and the other

17、was dirty and unpleasantlooking.模块自我综合评价七Tom and Huck shook with fear when they heard the Spaniard speak because they found it was Indian Joe. He said:“Its time for us to move, partner. What will we do with the $650 from the robbery(抢劫抢劫)?”“Lets keep $30 each and leave the bag here.”The dirty man we

18、nt to the fireplace and moved a stone. Then he lifted out a bag full of money and took out some coins. The two boys forgot all their fears when they saw there was real treasure downstairs.模块自我综合评价七Then Indian Joe started digging a hole with his knife and the knife hit something.“What is it?” asked t

19、he other man.“Its a box,” said Indian Joe. And he put in his hand and pulled out a handful of gold coins. The other man found the boys tools, and they soon pulled out the box.模块自我综合评价七“There are thousands of dollars in the box,” said Indian Joe.“The Murrell Gang used this area one summer,” said his

20、partner.“They must have hidden their money here.”“What will we do with this, Joe? Will we bury(埋埋) it again?”“No, someone might find it,” said Indian Joe. Lets bury it in the number two den.”模块自我综合评价七Tom and Huck got up as soon as the two men left. They decided to watch out for the “man in the sombr

21、ero” when he came to town and find out where the number two den was.【主旨大意】【主旨大意】 本文是名著节选。文章讲述了汤姆和他的伙伴胡本文是名著节选。文章讲述了汤姆和他的伙伴胡克在鬼屋寻宝的冒险经历。克在鬼屋寻宝的冒险经历。模块自我综合评价七26Where did the two boys go to find treasure one Saturday afternoon? ATo a haunted house. BTo a small island. CTo some dead trees. DTo a faraway

22、 den.【解析解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中细节理解题。根据第四段中“So, one Saturday afternoon Tom and his friend went to look for treasure in the haunted house on Cardiff Hill.”可知可知选选A。A模块自我综合评价七27Who does the underlined word “He” refer to? ATom. BHuck. CIndian Joe. DThe dirty man.【解析解析】词义猜测题。根据上句词义猜测题。根据上句“Tom and Huck shook wit

23、h fear when they heard the Spaniard speak because they found it was Indian Joe.”可知,可知,He应指应指Indian Joe, 故选故选C。C模块自我综合评价七28Where was the bag of money probably from? AThe two men robbed others of it. BSome villagers hid it there. CThe owner of the house left it there. DTom and Huck buried it there【解析解

24、析】细节理解题。根据文中细节理解题。根据文中“Its time for us to move, partner. What will we do with the $650 from the robbery? Lets keep $30 each and leave the bag here.”可知答案为可知答案为A。A模块自我综合评价七29Which is the right order of what happened in the story? aThe two boys threw their tools in a corner. bThe dirty man lifted out a

25、 bag full of money. cTom and Huck went to look for treasure one day. dIndian Joe found a box full of gold coins. eThe Murrell Gang hid their money in the house. Ac a b d e Bc d b e a Ce c a d b De c a b dD模块自我综合评价七30What can we infer(推断推断) from the passage? AThe real treasure was $650 in the bag. BT

26、he man who was dirty was Indian Joe. CTom would join Indian Joe and be a robber. DTom and Huck would try to get the treasure.【解析解析】推理判断题。根据文章最后一句推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“They decided to watch out for the man in the sombrero when he came to town and find out where the number two den was.”可推知,汤姆和胡克想找到藏宝地。故选可推知,

27、汤姆和胡克想找到藏宝地。故选D。D模块自我综合评价七.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空(共共5小题;每小题小题;每小题1分,分,满分满分5分分)31The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is full of wonderful _32People think that Confucius was a very _ man.33Children are always _ by their parents.34Confucius was more a teacher and _ than a writer.35Shakespeares plays s

28、till make _to people today.think; sense; dialogue; wise; influencedialogueswiseinfluencedthinkersense模块自我综合评价七.用所给单词的适当形式填空用所给单词的适当形式填空(共共5小题;每小题小题;每小题1分,满分分,满分5分分)36Lucys grandmother has _ (die) for more than 4 years.37There is a _ (surprise) look on her face.38Hainan Province is in the_ (south) pa

29、rt of China.39I have something important to _ (discussion) with you.40Usually, shirts and ties _ (give) to fathers as gifts on Fathers Day.been deadsurprisedsoutherndiscussare given模块自我综合评价七.书面表达书面表达(满分满分25分分)随着随着中国诗词大会中国诗词大会和和朗读者朗读者的开播,全国上下再一次掀的开播,全国上下再一次掀起了阅读的热潮,请以起了阅读的热潮,请以“Lets read more!”为题,写一篇

30、短文。为题,写一篇短文。写作要求:写作要求:1.表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯。表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯。2词数词数80左右左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数开头已给出,不计入总词数)。模块自我综合评价七参考词汇:参考词汇:get knowledge, make us clever and happy, encouragetoLets read more!Reading is very important in our daily life._模块自我综合评价七One possible version:Lets read more!Reading is very important in o

31、ur daily life. We can get knowledge by reading a lot of good books. It can not only open our eyes but also make us clever and happy. Reading also helps us grow up better.However, many activities take up much of our reading time, such as listening to music, watching TV and surfing the Internet. What a pity! So I would like to suggest that everyone should read more good books. It will be very helpful to us!Lets start reading now!



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