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1、I want to see the ocean(大海大海).Dont go(别去别去). Its too far(遥远遥远).Dont go. Its too dangerous(危险危险).Excuse me. How do I get to(到达到达) the ocean?Come with me. Ill show(展示展示) you. Rabbit for breakfast, yummy!Ill get(抓抓) you.Im glad Im faster(更快更快) than the lion.Excuse me. Can you tell(告诉告诉) me the way(路路)

2、to the ocean?Sorry, I cant hear you. Come closer(靠近些靠近些).Rabbit for dinner(晚餐晚餐), mmm.Got(抓到抓到) you! Oh, no!Phew! That was close.(好险啊好险啊)Whats that?Im scared.Who are you?Im a rabbit. I want to see the ocean. Can you tell(告诉告诉) me the way?Sorry, I cant help(帮帮助助) you. Ask the owl.Can you tell me the

3、way to the ocean?Sure(当然当然). Its this way.I can take(带带) you there.No, thank you.The next day.Wow, the ocean. It looks beautiful. I wish(但愿但愿) my friends could see it.It was night(夜晚夜晚). The sky was full of stars(星星星星). The rabbit was very tired. He remembered(记起记起) all the dangerous situations(危险的处

4、境危险的处境), but he was very happy. Then he closed(闭上闭上) his eyes, made his bed in the sand and started(开始开始) to dream.Questions:1.How many animals are there in this story?2.Who are they?3.Is it very dangerous to go to the ocean?4.Does the lion show the rabbit the way to the ocean?5.Does the snake tell

5、the rabbit the way to the ocean?6.Does the elephant know the way to the ocean?7.Who takes it to the ocean?8.How does the ocean look like?I want to see the ocean(大海大海).Dont go(别去别去). Its too far(遥远遥远).Dont go. Its too dangerous(危险危险).Excuse me. How do I get to(到达到达) the ocean?Come with me. Ill show(展

6、示展示) you. Rabbit for breakfast, yummy!Ill get(抓抓) you.Im glad Im faster(更快更快) than the lion.Excuse me. Can you tell(告诉告诉) me the way(路路) to the ocean?Sorry, I cant hear you. Come closer(靠近些靠近些).Rabbit for dinner(晚餐晚餐), mmm.Got(抓到抓到) you! Oh, no!Phew! That was close.(好险啊好险啊)Whats that?Im scared.Who a

7、re you?Im a rabbit. I want to see the ocean. Can you tell(告诉告诉) me the way?Sorry, I cant help(帮帮助助) you. Ask the owl.Can you tell me the way to the ocean?Sure(当然当然). Its this way.I can take(带带) you there.No, thank you.The next day.Wow, the ocean. It looks beautiful. I wish(但愿但愿) my friends could see

8、 it.It was night(夜晚夜晚). The sky was full of stars(星星星星). The rabbit was very tired. He remembered(记起记起) all the dangerous situations(危险的处境危险的处境), but he was very happy. Then he closed(闭上闭上) his eyes, made his bed in the sand and started(开始开始) to dream.I want to see the _.Dont go(别去别去). Its too_Dont

9、go. Its too_ocean(大海大海).far(遥远遥远).dangerous(危险危险).Excuse me. How do I _the ocean?Come with me. Ill _you. Rabbit for breakfast, yummy!get to(到达到达)show(展示展示)Ill _you.get(抓抓)Im glad Im _than the lion.fasterExcuse me. Can you _me the _to the ocean?Sorry, I cant hear you. _Rabbit for _,mmm.tell(告诉告诉)way(

10、路路)Come closer.靠近些靠近些.dinner(晚餐晚餐),_you! Oh, no!Got(抓到抓到)Phew! That was close.(好险啊好险啊)Whats that?Im scared.Who are you?Im a rabbit. I want to see the ocean. Can you _me the way?Sorry, I cant _you. Ask the owl.tell(告诉告诉)help(帮助帮助)Can you tell me the way to the ocean?_Its this way.Sure(当然当然).I can _yo

11、u there.No, thank you.take(带带)The next day.Wow, the ocean. It looks beautiful. I _my friends could see it.wish(但愿但愿)It was night(夜晚夜晚). The sky was full of stars(星星星星). The rabbit was very tired. He remembered(记起记起) all the dangerous situations(危险的处境危险的处境), but he was very happy. Then he closed(闭上闭上) his eyes, made his bed in the sand and started(开始开始) to dream.



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