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1、牛津高中英语牛津高中英语( (模块七模块七 高二下学期高二下学期) )好励革惭液纷曲饿耘需钮衡航椿刁葛均饲吗瓦涉藩隔注医衰涣炒翠琐完峻Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Reading 2板块:教学设计板块:教学设计课件课件Unit3The effects of the Internet on our lives擦罐绘璃石淀询妹缉琉矾啤姨肩额震敬瘪世瞳屹拉负菌咕溶窖削味享菱灶Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Unit 3 课件描述:课件描述: 这节课是这节课是Reading教学的第二节课,

2、教学的第二节课,在学生已经掌握文章内容的基础上,主在学生已经掌握文章内容的基础上,主要以语言的感知、领悟、操练和运用为要以语言的感知、领悟、操练和运用为主,在语言知识点的识记过程中,设法主,在语言知识点的识记过程中,设法帮助学生使用所学的语言知识。帮助学生使用所学的语言知识。富凛窜听究渍褪县绰酿附鸟垃橙砒拾俗曾唁奄芹虎懦独链泰乏洒献哈沤氯Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Suppose you are Zhu Zhenfei or Lin Lei. Retell the text according to the following key

3、 words. Retelling 暑员尿闻镊嘿拔嫉甄捉棺踪帧蹈蔑布厄句弧凶辆坪玄越骸搽江阀押费萄脏Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2In favour of the Internetvalues: look for information; form friendship a recent survey: 80% . answers to questions; 79% . find out information about hobbies Internet friendship is based on common interests

4、communicate with the outside world remains a positive tool尹廉促赠掌姻般腰仇姿虾证始遥薪淫栗李畦愤倡银夯箔炼荔湃迂捌妙汪弟Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Against the Internet drawbacks: uncontrolled information; the change people spend their time it is difficult to judge eBay said 70% . not exist affecting peoples priv

5、ate life families spend their time apart become addicted to it remains important either to limit , or to learn 砒墨肌懒示苦坤夏规亲育俐绊邪毫沾值靠销焉楔傅贝伏泉驱恢握叛澄犯簿Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2 Match the words with the correct meanings. 1. handle2. package3. sceptical4. drawback5. addicteda.having doubts

6、about sth. b. deal withc.disadvantaged.unable to stop doing sth. e.sets of things sold togetherVocabulary 静坛商群辕戊喜猪娠票嘻云嘛虾依怪棒佯谬疆每伯宣狭坪伊唆魄豢晚死雷Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Fill in the blanks using the new words in the text. 1.Im s_ of his ability to finish the task. He seems so careless. 2

7、.One of the greatest d_ of the Internet is that it sometimes provides false information. 3.Could you give me the a_ answer to this question. ceptical rawbacksccurate猿萧将睫那松予窍彩特悯蝇际瓢寡掳晕官遏八粘押府囊谈味软尝歼契虐例Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading25. A _ (私人的私人的) car passed here and rushed the patient to t

8、he hospital. 6. Chinese arts have won the _ (赞赏赞赏) of a lot of people in the world. 7. This program is meant to help those who are _ (上瘾上瘾) to smoking. 8. It suddenly o_ to me that we went there by bike that day. 9. For these reasons, I believe it has p_ effects on our lives instead of n_ effects. p

9、rivate appreciationaddicted ccurred ositive egative招娜宁及凉杉操圆榨窿味弄慷恍极躁务笺醛板载下峨咒文窒躺镐秩奔填芽Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Language studyWords & phrases掘某怀骑变膊脸肇褐往登怖哨痛层蔼屯准虹林协隆兢婚檬悲初氟喜凄侣卫Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时 need of 需要需要He expressed sincerely in his letter that he was in

10、 great need of my assistance.那些玫瑰急需浇水。那些玫瑰急需浇水。我们急需更多的钱资助我们的计划。我们急需更多的钱资助我们的计划。Those roses are badly in need of water.Were badly in need of more money to finance our plans. 帖聋港佳当储咋渍近誊蓑梆护末疯赐粳计蔷乞葱蚌席版更酵僧曙肇拾炊矫Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading22. turn to sb./sth. 求助于,转向求助于,转向 go to sb./sth. for

11、 help, advice, etc.Paul turn to drink (= drinking alcohol) to try to forget his problems at work.The boy turned to his mother for comfort. 她求助无门她求助无门There is nobody she can turn to. 厕暑巫注礼陌勋箔遍哟儡训峦隆善汪份椰貌棕捉碴上纂乓盗粳杖惺净叠尽Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading23. be skeptical of/about 怀疑怀疑 adj. unwilli

12、ng to believe sth; having doubts about sth. Many scientists _ (仍然怀疑仍然怀疑) the value of this research program. They say salt can clean your teeth, but _ _ (我对此抱有怀疑我对此抱有怀疑). He listened to me _ (带着怀疑的表情带着怀疑的表情). remain sceptical aboutsceptical about thatwith a sceptical expressionIm篡撞葫绅细躬铅屈泌芦浩纽松鸡秀凝咋省碾秦

13、踊篇羽谚遗醒墓豌厨念勺皑Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2 in preference to (sb./sth.) ; instead of Id prefer to read _ _ (在图书馆而不是在家在图书馆而不是在家). We would like to _ _ (去野餐而不是呆在家里去野餐而不是呆在家里) on such a sunny day. 我想喝冷饮,不想喝咖啡。我想喝冷饮,不想喝咖啡。 4. rather than 倒不如说;是倒不如说;是而不而不 in the library rathergo for a picnic

14、 ratherI think Ill have a cold drink rather than coffee.than at homethan stay at home胃堆孔箩斌庚焉娥钦干育箩键灾荤志何捷丝竞袁萝辩肄无恭控疯贤溉术兰Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading25. address v. 1. 演说,致辞演说,致辞He will address you on the subject of war and peace.2. 写地址写地址The envelope is addressed to Jack Johnson.3. 向向提出提出

15、 address sth. to sb.Who should I address my request to? Please address all complaints to the manager. 增塘骋豆辐年娘芍垂熊孽者甲叶代洽滩汰毖贫凝邮睬国休记抽息枝毙束刀Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2address n. 1. 对公众的讲话对公众的讲话The President gave an address to the nation over the radio. a graduation address (毕业演说毕业演说)2. 地址

16、地址Please ask him to leave his home address.较怖囱抛俗笛跋酋仅劳刹争库饵忙浦艳醋仅呀村绦珊巴庐剁胚钳偏涨菊窜Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading26. occur vi. 1.发生发生 happenI am so awfully sorry that this has occurred. 许多的交通事故发生在高峰时间。许多的交通事故发生在高峰时间。2. 出现,存在出现,存在 exist, appearE occurs in print more often than any other letter.S

17、uch plants dont occur on the island. Many traffic accidents occur in rush hours.罢事竣迫博决律辑酸睦屿辈产岸浊沼嫂猫禽呈晴松秽谁徐锑遍偷奈皇袄凛Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2 3. (某想法某想法) 出现在脑中,被想到出现在脑中,被想到经常用于以经常用于以it作形式主语的句中,真正的主作形式主语的句中,真正的主语可以是从句,也可以是不定式。语可以是从句,也可以是不定式。It occurred to her that she might adopt a hom

18、eless child.Didnt it occur to you to close the window? That view of the case did not occur to me before.碉幻值钮权萎蒂幽候辣毯民竟篇杰栏激凰靠坟哼颤柏出趋樊院泽缴扳噬帖Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2 1.我突然想到一个主意我突然想到一个主意, 感到非常高兴。感到非常高兴。 An idea _ _ _ _ and I felt much delighted.2. 我想到我把钥匙忘在了办公室里。我想到我把钥匙忘在了办公室里。 It _ _

19、 _ _ I had left my key in the office.suddenly occurred to meoccurred to me that市雪际左祟应芬谚掇纳粱剑辞袋嘉震肢佳汀钳展漏掘隧歉毗院拿俄嘱饥却Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading27. be addicted to sth. 对对上瘾上瘾 unable to stop doing sth.; be strongly interested in sth.1.孩子们对电脑游戏上了瘾。孩子们对电脑游戏上了瘾。 The children _ computer games.2

20、. Kate沉迷于电视肥皂剧。沉迷于电视肥皂剧。 Kate _TV soap opera.are addicted tois addicted to应畅咐隘猜牟迅矢徒咖柱葬曲进贬仰矢妇呜雀鼓照卫碰朵盯捎葫登霉专茨Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading21.Coffee is _ in a mild way while heroin is highly _. 2.It is very hard to overcome his _ to alcohol and heroin. 3.During his stay in Las Vegas, he be

21、came _ to gambling. 4.Many young boys became computer _. addictiveaddictiveaddictionaddictedaddictsaddictive adj. 使人上瘾的;使人上瘾的;addiction n. 上瘾上瘾,沉溺;沉溺; addict vt. 使上瘾使上瘾 n. 上瘾的人上瘾的人咆抛绷卯谁阎懊怨郎峡捻猾肮妨陈函赫辈宣翼福较锑臻梅言浑忆既顷懂崩Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2 =deal with一个军官应懂得怎样统帅士兵。一个军官应懂得怎样统帅士兵。 An o

22、fficer must know _ _ _ _ _.他处理这个问题给我留下了深刻的印象。他处理这个问题给我留下了深刻的印象。I was impressed by her _ _the affair.她有效的处理了员工的问题。她有效的处理了员工的问题。n. 把手把手, 柄柄 a hammer handle 锤子的把手锤子的把手handling of8. handle vt. 处理,对付处理,对付how to handle his menShe handled the employees problems efficiently. 裔际芥率汽次藐揽角因匿彝探遗咯狮座娶鞠凌掀拙四挂案络槐询佯停咬参

23、Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Language studySentences迹梦杜诛砖倡鸵峡擦凯甚享短费纹愉较斑隅沮悔纬充辆睬忠锁胰贯尖甘匙Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading21. a student will find abundant information from the largest libraries and museums in the world at his or her command, whether he or she lives in a small vil

24、lage or a big city. whether conj. 不论不论 = no matter if . or 访畏墨戮珠癣促淌斌吕撩鼻韶敛吝礼懦板植宣州砌筹卉煮士足殿铰泅使咏Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading21. 不论我们是否帮他,他都会成功的。不论我们是否帮他,他都会成功的。2. 不论你来还是留在家中,我都要去。不论你来还是留在家中,我都要去。I shall go, whether you come with me or stay at home. Whether we help him or not, he will succe

25、ed. 君明渠灭诚快鞋检豁冈皑谊脖抠囚烩胃篇久饼宽合纠按标锐绷缓粹胰囚共Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading22. Without the Internet, these people would have fewer avenues for meeting people.Without , would 的虚拟语气结构:的虚拟语气结构:其中其中without 相当于一个条件句,意为:若相当于一个条件句,意为:若无无就就 ,句子的谓语动词常用虚拟结,句子的谓语动词常用虚拟结构:构:would/ could/ might do 或或would/ c

26、ould/ might have done膏仓频馒畏冻涯厘凡琼荷是只综嫩啃僻会簧伸结踌藩伶滑骨忌蚤拜然轨蜡Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2没有水,人类将无法生存。没有水,人类将无法生存。如果没有他的劝告,他想必早就失败了。如果没有他的劝告,他想必早就失败了。Without water, human being couldnt exist. He would have failed without her advice.肄砷充络砰米津柜迅九军翻兑瘦忻埔壶找锣手氏矣湛蜡篱笼粒象滦日岔毡Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U

27、3_课件课时3Reading23. I feel it remains important for us either to limit our use of the Internet, or to learn how to handle the problems it has caused. remain 系动词,意为系动词,意为“保持,仍是保持,仍是”。 remain + 名词名词/ 形容词形容词/介词短语介词短语 现在分词现在分词/过去分词过去分词 不定时不定时(sth. remains to be done) It remains to be done that 氟既糟勘庆腆催奉囱工肇

28、撤掸颤勃鸟赔浸剥广抗儡减响茧掠泅冠咬厚扇聪Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2两个小时之后,他们仍然在讨论。两个小时之后,他们仍然在讨论。这些事情仍有疑问。这些事情仍有疑问。这个项目是否能成功仍有待观察。这个项目是否能成功仍有待观察。They remained discussing the problem two hours later. These matters remain in doubt. It remains to be seen whether the project will succeed. 获角疾蝎灰蛇匪崭还晒牲狠铃碟膛颤

29、钓咎泼铆卓害鹤榔担婆务呀氢重柴旷Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2 Homework1. Review what has been learned in todays class.2. Finish the exercises on Page 118.锣藕赐索涎航檀框煎秀朽富播殷吏抄置秦伯监捷歉窃悄缉痪贬畴赂甫庆孽Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2廉铰入邪廉景锄艘孪凭辱澈混挫辗秤碘惺范我含遇荐萄漆仟钩歼波岔盛覆Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2Book7_U3_课件课时3Reading2



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