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1、第二版第二版1. exist【亲身体验亲身体验】. 用用exist的适当形式将下列句子补完整。的适当形式将下列句子补完整。a. 这个小女孩只靠牛奶生存了十年。这个小女孩只靠牛奶生存了十年。 The little girl _ only on milk for ten years.b. 不管你喜欢与否,这个世界照样存在。不管你喜欢与否,这个世界照样存在。 The world _, whether you like it or not.c. 你相信有鬼的存在吗?你相信有鬼的存在吗? Do you believe in the _ of ghosts?existedexistsexistence.

2、同义句转换。同义句转换。d. We cannot exist without air, food or water. _ _【小贴士小贴士】exist意为意为“存在;生存;生活存在;生存;生活”,是不及,是不及物物动词,近义词是动词,近义词是live,其名词形式是,其名词形式是existence。exist on 表示表示“靠靠生存;靠生存;靠生活生活”;exist in 表示表示“存在于存在于”。We cannot live without air, food or water.2. find & found【亲身体验亲身体验】用用find和和found的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。a.

3、The town was _ by English settlers (殖民者殖民者) in 1790.b. I looked everywhere and at last I _ the toy.c. Did you _ the English club? Yes, it is on Renmin Road. Some young people _ it two years ago.founded / foundfoundfindfounded【小贴士小贴士】found作动词,有作动词,有“创建;创办;建立创建;创办;建立”之意,之意, 相当于相当于build, set up等,其过去式为等

4、,其过去式为founded;found也是也是find的过去式,意为的过去式,意为“发现;找到发现;找到”。另外,另外,found sth. on sth. 表示表示“某事物建立某事物建立在另一事物的基础上在另一事物的基础上”,通常用于被动语,通常用于被动语态,态,be founded on 表示表示“建立在建立在基础基础上上”,相当于,相当于be based on。如:。如:a novel founded on fact 根据事实写成的小说根据事实写成的小说3. amusement【亲身体验亲身体验】用用amusement的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。a. Lets meet in fro

5、nt of the _ park.b. They talked to him and tried to _ him.c. We saw a very _ movie last night.d. The children were _ by the story about the cat.amusementamuseamusingamused【小贴士小贴士】amuse 作动词,意为作动词,意为“逗逗(某人某人)笑;使消笑;使消遣;使发笑;使愉快遣;使发笑;使愉快”;amusement是名词,是名词,意为意为“消遣;娱乐活动;乐趣消遣;娱乐活动;乐趣”;amusing 是形容词,意为是形容词,意为

6、“有趣的;好玩的;引人有趣的;好玩的;引人发笑的发笑的”;amused 是形容词,意为是形容词,意为“愉快的;顽皮的;愉快的;顽皮的;被逗乐的被逗乐的”。点击点击1【一试身手一试身手】选择填空。选择填空。 Excuse me, could you tell me the meaning of “fierce”? Sorry, I dont know. You can _ in the dictionary.A. look it up B. look for itC. look it at D. look after it【要点链接要点链接】look up 意为意为“查找查找”,up为副词,当其

7、为副词,当其宾语是代词时,代词应置于宾语是代词时,代词应置于look up中间,中间,即即“look+pron.+up”;当宾语是名词时,;当宾语是名词时,可可以置于以置于look up之间或之间或look up之后。如:之后。如:You can look up her address in thenotebook.= You can look her address up in the notebook. 你可以在笔记本中查到她的地址。你可以在笔记本中查到她的地址。look up还有还有“向上看向上看”的意思。如:的意思。如:Please look up at the moon! How b

8、eautifulit is! 抬头看月亮,多漂亮啊!抬头看月亮,多漂亮啊!由由look构成的常用短语有:构成的常用短语有:look at (看看); look for (寻找寻找);look after (照看照看)【一试身手一试身手】同义句转换。同义句转换。Jacks grandfather bought him a new bike._【要点链接要点链接】buy sb. sth.= buy sth. for sb. 意思是意思是“为为某人买某物某人买某物”。如:。如:She is going to buy her mother a pair ofgloves as a birthday g

9、ift.= She is going to buy a pair of gloves for her mother as a birthday gift. 她打算给妈妈买一双手套作为生日礼物。她打算给妈妈买一双手套作为生日礼物。点击点击2Jacks grandfather bought a new bike for him.【一试身手一试身手】. 根据汉语提示,完成下列各句。根据汉语提示,完成下列各句。1. 李明和张涛一样高。李明和张涛一样高。 Li Ming is _ _ _ Zhang Tao.2. 这道题不如那道难。这道题不如那道难。 This question is not _ _ _

10、 that one.点击点击3as tall as as / so difficult as. 同义句转换。同义句转换。1. The desk is as long as that one. _2. His bag isnt as big as mine. _ _【要点链接要点链接】as.as 表示表示“与与一样一样”,两个,两个as中间用形容词或副词原级,其否定形式中间用形容词或副词原级,其否定形式为为not as as,表示,表示“不如不如”,也可以,也可以用用not so as。 如:如:The desk is the same length as that one.His bag is

11、 smaller than mine. / My bag is bigger than his.He is as careful as Nancy. 他和南希一样细心。他和南希一样细心。My home is not as / so far as yours fromhere. 我家没有你家离这儿远。我家没有你家离这儿远。“as +形容词形容词+as”= the same+名词名词+as。如:如:I am as tall as my sister. = I am the sameheight as my sister.“not as / so+形容词形容词+ as”=“形容词比较形容词比较级级+

12、than” 如:如:This ruler is not as long as that one. 这把尺子不如那把尺子长。这把尺子不如那把尺子长。= This ruler is shorter than that one.= That ruler is longer than this one.形容词形容词名词名词big / smallsizetall / highheightlonglengthheavyweight下面是常用的形容词和与之对应的名词:下面是常用的形容词和与之对应的名词:点击点击4【一试身手一试身手】单项选择。单项选择。1. The poor boy died _ lung

13、cancer 2. (肺癌肺癌) at last.A. of B. for C. out D. in2. In a cold winter, wild animals can die _ lack (缺乏缺乏) of food.A. out B. for C. from D. in3. The wolf died _ in Britain hundreds of years ago. Now no one knows what it looked like.A. of B. for C. out D. from【要点链接要点链接】die作动词,意为作动词,意为“死;死亡死;死亡”,其过去,其过

14、去式为式为died,现在分词为,现在分词为dying,形容词形式,形容词形式为为dead,名词形式为,名词形式为death。常见短语有:常见短语有:die of (from) 指指“死死于于 ”;die out指指“灭绝灭绝”; be dying forsth. / to do sth.指指“极想;渴望极想;渴望”。如:。如:Im dying for something to eat. 我极想吃点东西。我极想吃点东西。【动词短语动词短语&短语动词短语动词】become a star 成为明星成为明星buy sb. sth. 为某人买某物为某人买某物climb out 爬出来爬出来deliver

15、 mail 递送邮件递送邮件die of 死于死于die out 灭绝灭绝exist on Earth 在地球上生存在地球上生存get a job 获得一份工作获得一份工作go for a walk 去散步去散步learn about 了解到;获得了解到;获得leave school 毕业毕业look up 查找查找sell newspapers 卖报纸卖报纸win a free trip to 赢得去赢得去的免费旅游的免费旅游【其他短语其他短语】a number of 许多许多all year round 全年全年amusement park 游乐园游乐园as small as 像像一样小一

16、样小as big as 像像一样大一样大at the same time 同时同时be born 出生出生be based on 以以为基础为基础for fun 为了消遣;为了好玩为了消遣;为了好玩in the newspaper 在报纸上在报纸上more than 超过;多于超过;多于第三版第三版Chapter 3. 根据要求写出相应的单词或短语。根据要求写出相应的单词或短语。1. exist (过去式过去式) _2. human being (复数复数) _3. gentle (副词副词) _4. plant (动词动词) _5. fierce (反义词反义词) _6. found (过去

17、式过去式) _Words & phrasesexistedhuman beingsgentlyplantgentlefounded7. mend (同义词同义词) _8. roof (复数复数) _9. container (动词动词) _10. die (现在分词现在分词) _. 汉译英。汉译英。1. 查找查找 _2. 灭绝灭绝 _3. 全年全年 _4. 毕业毕业 _fixroofscontaindyinglook updie outall year roundleave school5. 以以为基础为基础 _6. 了解到了解到 _7. 人类人类 _8. 同时同时 _9. 递送邮件递送邮件

18、_10. 为某人买某物为某人买某物 _be based onlearn abouthuman beingsat the same timedeliver mailbuy sb. sth. 根据汉语提示完成句子。根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Man cannot _ (生存生存) without air.2. Its so easy that _ (甚至甚至) a child can answer it.3. Our horse is very _ (温顺的温顺的), so you can touch it.4. Disneyland is an interesting _ (娱乐娱乐) park

19、.5. They _ (创建创建) the company by themselves thirty years ago.existevengentleamusementfounded6. The kids enjoyed watching the _ (卡通卡通) film.7. They are the two main _ (人物人物) in the play.8. Is there any _ (邮件邮件) this morning?9. I lost my bag yesterday. It _ (包含包含) some money and one photo.10. There is

20、 a bird singing on the _ (屋顶屋顶) of the house.cartooncharactersmailcontainedroof. 根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1. Their dog was so f_ that no one dared (敢敢) come near it.2. They followed the f_ of a deer in the snow.3. If we dont take good care of pandas, they will d_ out one day.4. Would you plea

21、se help me m_ the bike this afternoon?5. His book was b_ on his own life.fiercefootprintsdiemendbased6. You should put an a_ in the newspaper to sell your car.7. The boy began to d_ newspapers for money when he was only fifteen years old.8. The greatest damage to the earth is done by h_ beings.9. Of

22、 all the p_, I like the ginkgo (银银 杏杏) best.10. Who is your favourite sports s_? I like Liu Xiang best.advertisementdeliverhumanplantsstar. 从方框中选择适当的短语并用其正确形从方框中选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空。式填空。die out, leave school, be based on,be born, all year round, look up, for fun,human being, deliver mail, go for a walk1

23、. My parents and I usually _ in the park after supper.2. When I _, I want to work as a bank clerk.go for a walkleave school3. Kunming is green _. Many people like to enjoy themselves there.4. The result _ a survey, and it shows that 90% of the students like the song.5. The worker _ in a small villag

24、e, and he sometimes goes back there with his family.6. The postman _ very early every day.all year roundis based onwas borndelivers mail7. If you dont know a word, you can _ it _ in the dictionary.8. If we keep killing the tigers, they will _ some day.9. Marco was very busy and he had little time _.

25、10. He was the only _ on the island. look updie outfor funhuman being. 仔细分辨下列单词或短语,并用其适当仔细分辨下列单词或短语,并用其适当形式完成下列各句。形式完成下列各句。a) look up; look for; look at; look after1. What are you _, Jim? My English book. I cant find it.2. Boys, _ the blackboard, please!3. I cant go to the cinema with you, because I

26、 have to _ my little sister.4. I will _ her telephone number in the telephone book.looking forlook atlook afterlook upb) find; found5. The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) was _ in 1921.6. The boy was lost, he could not _ his way home.foundedfindc) die out; die of; die for7. People are afraid whales mi

27、ght _ because so many whales are killed every year.8. In Africa, many children _ hunger (饥饿饥饿) last year.9. I am so thirsty that I am _ a glass of water.die outdied ofdying ford) even; event10. It was cold there _ in summer.11. It was one of the most important _ in history.eveneventsSentences . 根据句意

28、,用所给词的适当形式填空。根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。1. There are _ than 50 students in my class. (many)2. This building is the same _ as that one. (high)3. After _ her homework, she helped her mother do some cooking. (finish)4. Some old customs are still existing and _ are beginning to die out. (other)5. The old man is f

29、amous for _ the worlds biggest college. (found)moreheightfinishingothersfounding. 按要求改写句子,每空一词。按要求改写句子,每空一词。1. The Greens lived in Shenzhen for more than twenty years. (对划线部分提问对划线部分提问) _ _ did the Greens live in Shenzhen?2. Walt Disney is famous for his cartoon characters. (对划线部分提问对划线部分提问) _ _ Walt

30、Disney famous for?How long What is3. Mr. Brown founded the music club. (改为同义句改为同义句) Mr. Brown _ _ the music club.4. This is a footprint. (改为复数句改为复数句) _ _ footprints.5. Is this bag as big as that one? (作否定回答作否定回答) _, _ _.set upThese areNo it isnt6. Are those dinosaurs in the picture gentle or fierce?

31、 (改为单数句改为单数句) _ _ _ in the picture gentle or fiece?7. He looked for his dog everywhere, but he couldnt find it. (改为同义句改为同义句) He looked for his dog _ _ _, but he couldnt find it.8. Hello, this is Lucys mother speaking. (对对 划线部分提问划线部分提问) Hello, _ _ _ speaking?Is that dinosaur here and there who is tha

32、t. 根据所给的中文补全下列英语句子,每根据所给的中文补全下列英语句子,每空一词。空一词。1. 我给女儿买了一件新上衣。我给女儿买了一件新上衣。 I _ _ _ a new coat.2. 他已经在这家公司工作十多年了。他已经在这家公司工作十多年了。 He has worked in the company for _ _ ten years.3. 操场上,一些学生在跑步,另一些在打操场上,一些学生在跑步,另一些在打 篮球。篮球。 _ students are running, and _ are playing basketball on the playground.bought my d

33、aughtermore thanSome others4. 蒂姆和吉姆一样重。蒂姆和吉姆一样重。 Tim is _ _ _ Jim.5. 有人知道恐龙为什么突然灭绝了吗?有人知道恐龙为什么突然灭绝了吗? Does anybody know why dinosaurs _ _ suddenly?6. 你可以通过阅读这本书了解法国。你可以通过阅读这本书了解法国。 You can _ _ France by reading the book.7. 毕业之后你打算做什么?毕业之后你打算做什么? What are you going to do after _ _? as heavy as died o

34、ut learn about leaving school8. 圣诞老人是以历史上一个真实人物为基圣诞老人是以历史上一个真实人物为基 础的。础的。 Father Christmas was _ _ a real person in history.9. 这两个运动员几乎是同时到达终点的。这两个运动员几乎是同时到达终点的。 The two runners almost arrived at the finishing line _ _ _ _.10. 对我们而言,所有的人都是平等的。对我们而言,所有的人都是平等的。 For us, all _ _ are equal. based on at the same time human beings第四版第四版A篇篇 15 CDBBA B篇篇 15 ADBBC



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