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1、The history of computersthe second generation (1956-1963)the third generation (1964-1971)the fourth generation (1971- ) The first generation (1945-1956)1243561. monitor 2. screen 3. CD-ROM4. mouse 5. keyboard 6. hard diskLabel each part1 A monitor is2 The screen is3 A keyboard is4 A mouse is5 A CD-R

2、OM is6 A hard disk is (a) the part of a computer that stores information.(b) the part of the computer that you type on.(c) the part of the computer that looks like a television(d) something you use to click on things (files, etc.).(e) the part of the monitor that you look at.(f) The main device that

3、 a computer uses to store information.Match the words with their meanings.keyboardmousemodemscannerprinterspeakerHow useful computers are!school workgamesemailsmusic and filmschatinformationphotosshoppingInternetAsk and answer questions in pairs.1. use computer for school work You Your partner2. pla

4、y games on the computer3. send emails to friends4. surf the Web for fun5. download music and films6. chat online7. search for information 8. look at photographs9. do shopping onlineHow do you use computers and the Internet? Write out all the words you know about putermonitorclicksoftwaresearchupdate

5、downloadInternetkeyboardTalk freelyDifferent attitudes towards computers.parentsschoolstudents advantages we cancommunicate with friends listen to the music see films & watch news play games do shopping save a lot of time do a lot of useful things DisadvantagesSome people especially the teenagers ab

6、andon (沉迷于沉迷于) themselves to the computer games and chatting on the Internet. As a result, they have little time to study .Some people use the computer wrongly 1. technology n. 科技 technological adj.科技的 technologically adv. 2. calculate vt. 计算 calculator n. . 3. finance n. 金融 financial adj.金融的 financ

7、ial crisis金融危机 financially adv.4. real adj. 真的 realistic adj.真是的,现实的 really adv. reality n. 真是,事实,现实. 5. revolution n.革命 revolutionary adj. 革命的 revolutionize vt. Vi. 改革,革命 revolutionist n.革命家. 6. arise arose arisen Vi 出现发生7. solve the problem 解决 v. solusion 解决 n8. appearance n. 外表,出现 appear v. disap

8、pear v. 9. personal 个人的 adj. personally 就个人而言adv. personalize 个人化,私人化v. 10. logical 合逻辑的 adj. logically adv. logic 逻辑 n. 11. application 应用,申请 n. applicate for 申请 vi applicant 申请人,请求者n. 12. simplify 简化 vt. simple简单的 adj. simply简单地 adv. simplification 简化n. 13. explore 探索 v. exploration探索 n. explorer

9、n. 探测者,探测器;探险家 exploring 勘探的 adj. 14. intelligence 智力,只能 n. intelligent 智能的,聪明的adj. 15. character 性格,特点n. characteristic 特有的典型的, adj. n.特征;特性;特色 .16. artificial adj. 人工的人工的, 人造的人造的artificial flowers/limbs/pearls 假花假花/假肢假肢/假珍珠假珍珠 17. analytical adj.分析的分析的, 解析的解析的 analyse vt. 分析分析;研究研究 analogy n. 相似相似

10、;类似类似 analysis n. 分析分析;研究研究 analyst n. 分析家分析家 analytic adj. 分析的分析的;分解的分解的18. totally adv. 整个地整个地; 完全地完全地 total adj. 1. fromon 从起 From now on , I will study English hard2. As a result 结果 She didnt study hard; as a result, she failed the exam.3. So that. 如此以至于 He studied so hard that he passed the exa

11、m.4. Have in common 有共同之处 We have a lot in common.5. In a way = to some extent 从某种程度上说 In a way our design is good.6. With the help of在的帮助之下 With the help of the computer, I work out the problem quickly. 7.Deal with 处理,对付,对付 With the help of my teacher, I dealed with the problem quickly.8. Watch ove

12、r 看守监视 The police watched over the prisoner.9. Begin as 作为的开始 Begin as the party, I sang a song.10. Conect with与有关 The problem connected with the nature11. Go by 从身边走过 A begger went by me. As time went by, we learned a lot from our teacher.12. sharewith 和一起分享 I always share my sadness(悲伤n.) and happ

13、iness(快乐n.) with my good friends13. Make up 化妆 My mather never make herself up. 我妈妈从不化妆 I make up a story.我编造了一个故事14. After all 毕竟 After all, he is a good student.15. In ones opinion 以某人的观点来看 In my opinion, we should make good use of the computer to study English. Task 2 Fast reading1. Where were yo

14、u in 1642? In France.2. What happened to you after nearly two hundred years? I was built as an Analytical Machine by Babbage.3. What were you called in 1936? A universal machine.4. What happened to you in the 1970s? I have been used in offices and homes.16421822The analytical machine was made by Cha

15、rles Babbage.1936The computer began as a calculating machineThe computer grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower.Task 3 Careful reading1940s The first family of computers was connected to each other.1970s nowComputers had grown as large as a room.1960sComputers were used in offices and homes.Com

16、puters connect people all over the world together.Paragraph 1Paragraph 2Topic sentenceSupporting detailsOver time I have been changed quite a lot.Calculating machineAnalytical machineUniversal machinePClaptopThese changes only became possible as my memory improved.tubestransistorschipsnetworkWorld W

17、ide WebParagraph 3Topic sentenceSupporting details communications finance trade robots mobile phones medical operations space rockets providing a life of high qualitySince the 1970s many new applications have been found for me.1. Have in commonhave nothing in common 无共同之处have little in common 几乎无共同之

18、处have a lot in common 有很多共同点have something in common 有一些共同之处Sentences1). you and I have one thing in common我和你有很多共同点我和你有很多共同点2) We just had nothing in common and I couldnt communicate with you.我们我们没有什么共同点,我跟你无法沟通没有什么共同点,我跟你无法沟通3) I suddenly felt we had a lot in common.我突然觉得我们有我突然觉得我们有很多共同点很多共同点2. GO

19、 byAs time went byGo throughGo over3. As a resultAs a result 结果As a result of 由于 因为Result in 导致Result from起因于as a result 结果;终于;因此结果;终于;因此考例考例 My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; _, he could neither eat nor sleep. (江西江西2005)A. as a result B. after all C. any way D. otherwise点拨点拨 考查短语

20、辨析。考查短语辨析。as a result结结果;果; after all毕竟;毕竟; any way不管怎样;不管怎样;otherwise 否则。否则。由句意可知要选由句意可知要选as a result。so that 如此如此以致(以致(that后面后面+从从句)句)与与 tooto 句型的相互转(句型的相互转(to 不定式不定式+动词短语)动词短语)He is so old that he cant carry the box.He is too old to carry the boxSo that.I study hard, so that I can catch up with o

21、thers4. so that5. SharewithI always share my happiness and sorrows with my friends.我经常和我的朋友分享我的快乐和悲伤6.applicationapplication n 应用,用途,申请He is busy writing a job application.application form申请表make an application to sb for sth向某人申请apply vt. 申请,请求 vi. 应用,运用Any of them can apply for the job.每个人都可以申请这份工作

22、In this way they can better apply theory to practice用这种方法,我们更好地把理论应用于实践7.exploreexplore vt探究,探索Before you discover , you must explore.Exploration n 探索Space exploration is still in its infancy.8.Provide sb with sthProvide 提供,供给Provide sb with sth向某人提供某物They provided him with money and clothes.Goal 目标

23、,球门,(进球)得分Achieve ones goal实现目标Home work1 我和我妈妈有很多共同点。相反,我和我爸爸没有什么共同点,因此,我难以跟他沟通(havein common, as a result)2 随着时间的推移,她慢慢习惯了高中的生活(go by)3 他努力学习,以至于,他取得了很大的进步as a result)4 在现代,由于电脑的聪明才智越来越多的人趋向于使用电脑学习,工作,娱乐(as a result of, intelligence, entertain)1. I have a lot in common with my mother. Instead, I h

24、ave nothing in common with my father, as a result, it is difficult for me to communicate with him.2. As time went by. She got used to the high school life.3. He studied hard, as a result, he made a great progress 4. In modern times, morn and morn people tend to use computer to study, work and entert

25、ain(娱乐) as a result of its intelligence5 真正的朋友是一个你可以跟他一起分享你的快乐和悲伤的人(share with)6 如果你想申请这份工作,你要填一份关于你个人信息的申请表(apply for, application form, personal)7 政府给灾区人民提供了食物和水(provide.with)8 在美国,2008年发生了金融危机( financial crisis,arise)9 电脑的发明被看做是一次科技的改革( technological rexolution)5A true friend is the one who you c

26、an share your happiness and sorrows with.6If you want to apply this job, you need to fill an application form about your personal information.7. The government provided the people who were from the disaster-hit area with food and water.8. A fanancial crisis arose in American in 2008.9. The invention of the computer was considered as a technological revolution.



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