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1、愚人节愚人节n nApril fools day is coming soon. How much do you know about April fools day ?April fools day festival, several hundred years of history. About his origin, the osce cloud. One of the most popular saying think it first started in France.In sixteenth-century France, on April 1, people celebrate

2、 New Years day, exchanging gifts, have a party to celebrate. Then celebrate method and yielding around now. Every year, the French king Charlie 1582 nine world decided to adopt a new calendar - Craig Gregory calendar, New Years day to change in January 1st. In the new calendar implementation of proc

3、ess, there are still some people around or is not willing to accept the new calendar, or dont know this date changes, still in the April 1 day to spend the New Year. Other people would then be playing tricks on their giving them false gift, and invited them to false celebration, leading them to run

4、errands, or make them to a non-existent things done. These mark called April fools.愚人节又称万愚节,已经有几百年的历史了。关于他的起源,众说纷云。其中最为流行的说法认为愚人节起源于法国。十六世纪的法国,人们在4月1日这天过新年,互赠礼物,举办晚会,庆祝新年。当时的庆祝方法与现在相差无几。1582年年,法国国王查理九世决定采用一种新的历法格高利历法,新年改在1月1日。在新历法的推行过程中,各地仍有一些人或是不原意接受新历法,或是不知道这一日期的更改,仍然在4月1日这天过新年。其他的人便捉弄他们,赠送他们假礼物,邀


6、能是指一只呆鸟吧People on April 1, the day he fooled each other, as time went by, he became France popular custom. The 18th century, April fools day custom to Britain. Later, as the British immigration and spread to the United States. With the passage of time, this custom has become an international festiva

7、l, in Europe, North America, many countries are popular. On that day, people can not stick to one pattern USES relaxed once. Of course the technique is to fool people pattern 100.By April fool, about in different countries give different titles. Most people call them April fools. But sometimes, some

8、 countries have other titles. In the French people ShangDangZhe called April fish, probably because in April, the most likely to take the bait fish go; In Britains Scotland, would be called cuckoo, the likelihood is to show a stay birds每年的4月1日,是西方许多国家的人们最开心的日子之一,因为这一天是闻名世界的“愚人节”。这一天,人们尽可以发挥自己丰富的想象力,

9、哄骗、取笑、愚弄别人。而且,不管这样做之后出现什么样的后果,人们也不负任何法律责任。现在这一节日也开始在我们中国流行,尤其是在大学生中间。由此看来,愚人节不仅仅是西方人的事情,也影响到东方。Every year on April 1, is many western nations of one of the most happy people, because this day is world famous April fools day. This day, people can play their own rich imagination, coaxing, teasing, foo

10、l others. And, no matter what to do so after the consequences, people appear shall also any legal liability. Now this festival also began in our Chinese popular, especially among the college students. Consequently, April fools day is not only westerners thing, also influence to the east.n n The cust

11、om of April fools dayn nApril fools day , people often April fools day , people often organization family reunion, the organization family reunion, the room with daffodils and Daisy room with daffodils and Daisy decorate new. Typical decorate new. Typical traditional practices narcissus traditional

12、practices narcissus and daisiesand daisiesn nIs to arrange the fake Is to arrange the fake environment, can decorate the environment, can decorate the room like Christmas. Also can room like Christmas. Also can be decorated as same as New be decorated as same as New Year, entertain guests when Year,

13、 entertain guests when coming person, then coming person, then congratulations on their merry congratulations on their merry Christmas or happy New Christmas or happy New Year, making people feel chic Year, making people feel chic interesting.interesting.n n愚人节时,人们常常组织家庭愚人节时,人们常常组织家庭聚会,用水仙花和雏菊把房间聚会,

14、用水仙花和雏菊把房间装饰一新。典型的传统做法装饰一新。典型的传统做法 水水仙和雏菊仙和雏菊n n是布置假环境,可以把房间布是布置假环境,可以把房间布置得像过圣诞节一样也可以置得像过圣诞节一样也可以布置得像过新年一样,待客人布置得像过新年一样,待客人来时,则祝贺他们来时,则祝贺他们“ “圣诞快乐圣诞快乐” ”或或“ “新年快乐新年快乐” ”,令人感到,令人感到别致有趣。别致有趣。n nOn April 1, fish feast. Also is entirely new. Attend color, usually an invitation to the On April 1, fish f

15、east. Also is entirely new. Attend color, usually an invitation to the banquet color fisher made out of cardboard. Table with green, white dichromatic banquet color fisher made out of cardboard. Table with green, white dichromatic adornment up. Put among aquarium and small and exquisite on the fishi

16、ng rod, each is adornment up. Put among aquarium and small and exquisite on the fishing rod, each is a green ribbon on the fishing rod, hanging to give guest gift - or an exquisite celluloid a green ribbon on the fishing rod, hanging to give guest gift - or an exquisite celluloid fish, or a fish bas

17、ket filled with candy. Self-evident, fish feast on all the dishes are fish, or a fish basket filled with candy. Self-evident, fish feast on all the dishes are made with fishmade with fish. .n n4 4月月1 1日的愚人节的鱼宴。也是日的愚人节的鱼宴。也是别开生面的。参加色宴的请帖别开生面的。参加色宴的请帖,通常是用纸板做成的彩色小,通常是用纸板做成的彩色小鱼。餐桌用绿、白两色装饰起鱼。餐桌用绿、白两色装饰

18、起来中间放上鱼缸和小巧玲珑来中间放上鱼缸和小巧玲珑的钓鱼竿,每个钓竿上系一条的钓鱼竿,每个钓竿上系一条绿色飘带,挂着送给客人的礼绿色飘带,挂着送给客人的礼物物- -或是一个精巧的赛璐珞鱼或是一个精巧的赛璐珞鱼,或是一个装满糖果的鱼篮子,或是一个装满糖果的鱼篮子。不言而喻,鱼宴上所有的菜。不言而喻,鱼宴上所有的菜都是用鱼做成的。都是用鱼做成的。 Actually havent eaten couples lung people once thought that is made of ox lung delicacies, actually otherwise, the real couple

19、lung are cattle miscellaneous and refined, as to why call lung small make up have been for the confusion, but sometimes also lazy much thought, gourmet yao, delicious become HeXu think so many.This is perhaps the most frightening vegetables, how people lung still can make it cate, that wont do is lu

20、 xuns novel the blood of steamed bread?Couples lung 夫妻肺片这恐怕是最吓人的菜名了,怎么人肺还能做成美食,那不成是鲁迅小说中的“人血馒头”?其实没吃过夫妻肺片的人一度以为那是牛的肺做成的美食,其实不然,真正的夫妻肺片是牛杂精制而成的,至于为什么叫肺片小编也一直为之困惑,不过有时也懒得多想,美食么,好吃就成何许想那么多。Ants climbing a tree蚂蚁上树This dish is actually the most simple ground meat Fried fans, neither the nutrition is als

21、o not too delicious.But many busy making simple family of choice.Actually small make up in a bold idea, is really use ant to make the dish, the study found, because through higher in ant protein content, to the persons body very beneficial, now many dishes will join the ant production price also doe

22、s not poor.So why not take this way dishes make it worthy of the name ants on the tree.这道菜其实就是最简单的肉末炒粉丝,既无营养也不算太美味。但是制作简单方便时很多忙碌家庭的首选。其实小编在有个大胆的想法,就是真的用蚂蚁来做这道菜,因为经过研究发现,蚂蚁中有较高的蛋白质含量,对人的身体相当有益,现在很多菜里都会加入蚂蚁制作价钱也不菲。既然如此为何不将这道菜品做成名副其实的“蚂蚁上树”。Fish pork is probably the most common Chinese dining table of

23、dishes. But few people on this word no fish sweet food fish once put forward questions, but it often beats our international friends, why Chinese people will put no fish dish called fish sweet pork? Actually pork is only used as fish cooked fish commonly used seasoning and become, chefs feel so a ta

24、sty dishes with fish it.鱼香肉丝可能是中国人饭桌上最常见的菜了。可是很少有人对这道没有鱼肉的“鱼香”菜提出过疑问,可是这常常难倒我们的国际友人,为什么中国人要把没有鱼的菜叫做“鱼香”肉丝呢?其实鱼香肉丝只不过是用做鱼常用的调料烹制而成的,厨师觉得这样做出来的菜品具有鱼的鲜美而已Fish pork愚人节愚人节- 世界名人世界名人“被涮史被涮史” April Fools Day - the world famous is rinse History 以下回顾了那些不幸被涮的名人The following review of those unfortunate enough

25、to be fooled celebrities: 1992, April fools day, the 1992, April fools day, the American public radio reported American public radio reported because of because of watergatewatergate, the ouster , the ouster of former President Nixon and of former President Nixon and return to compete for the return

26、 to compete for the President has announced the President has announced the throne. Program has broadcast throne. Program has broadcast a period of Nixon speech, a period of Nixon speech, announced his return, saying announced his return, saying never do miss anything. never do miss anything. After

27、televised audience After televised audience response intense, were calling to response intense, were calling to radio protest, host talent radio protest, host talent recognizes the facts: actually recognizes the facts: actually Nixon speech just comedians Nixon speech just comedians performanceperfo

28、rmance. .n n19921992年的愚人节,美国公众广播年的愚人节,美国公众广播电台报道说,因电台报道说,因“ “水门事件水门事件” ”而下台的前总统尼克松已经宣而下台的前总统尼克松已经宣布复出,角逐总统宝座。节目布复出,角逐总统宝座。节目中还播出了一段中还播出了一段“ “尼克松尼克松” ”的的演讲,宣布他的复出,并称演讲,宣布他的复出,并称“ “从来没有做错过任何事从来没有做错过任何事” ”。节。节目播出后,观众反响强烈,纷目播出后,观众反响强烈,纷纷打电话到电台抗议,纷打电话到电台抗议,主持人主持人才道出事实真相:其实尼克松才道出事实真相:其实尼克松的讲话只是喜剧演员的表演。的讲话

29、只是喜剧演员的表演。 April 1, 1991, the British The Independent reported that a 65-year-old farmer from Wales, the British Queen Elizabeth II, the illegitimate son of George V, grandfather, in other words, he has inherited the powers of the British throne.This report to the throne of the Queen is threatened i

30、n the title, will describe the farmers life experience was rhythmic, also said that the throne of the legal heir has to the local court filed suit to require recapture should have their own line of succession.Later, people suddenly realized: this is April Fools!1991年4月1日,英国独立报报道,有一位65岁的威尔士农夫是英女王伊丽莎白

31、二世祖父乔治五世的私生子,换句话说,他拥有继承英国王位的权力。 这一报道以“女王的王位受到威胁”为题,将这位农夫的身世形容得有板有眼,还称这位王位的合法继承人已经向当地法院提起诉讼 ,要求重新夺回本应属于自己的王位继承权。 后来人们才恍然大悟:这是个愚人节玩笑!英国女王冒出亲叔叔 Queen emerge Qin Shushu April 1, 2002, the Canadian city of Montreal, Quebec, a French radio stations two comedy broadcasters decided to April Fools Day to fin

32、d a more difficult to cheat the guy, to happy about, so they called the company headquarters, said is the Canadian Prime Ministers Office staff, let Gates answered Jean Chretien Prime Minister of the phone. Surprisingly, the Gates s assistant did not verify the identity of each other so easily conne

33、cted to the boss on the phone. Thus, these two liar, posing as Jean Chretien and Bill Gates had a 10-minute telephone conversation. Finally, Chretien free to come to Canada are also invited to play Bill Gates, Gates embraced. 2002年4月1日, 加拿大魁北克省蒙特利尔市一家法语电台的两位喜剧播音员决定愚人节要找个“更难欺骗的家伙”来“开心”一下,于是他们打电话给微软公司总部,声称是加拿大总理办公室工作人员,要让盖茨接听克雷蒂安总理的电话。 令人惊讶的是, 盖茨的助手竟然没有核实对方身份就轻易接通了老板的电话。于是,这两个“骗子”冒充克雷蒂安与盖茨进行了10分钟的电话交谈。 话题天马行空,从经济到Windows XP ,谈得十分投机。 最后,“克雷蒂安”还邀请盖茨有空来加拿大玩,盖茨欣然接受比尔盖茨不幸成“愚人” Happy April Fools Day!



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