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1、unit3 A helping handBelize 伯利兹城-Central American nation-“the jewel of Caribbean”-the only country that take English as the official language-Belmopan is its capital-has the worlds second largest coral reef1、thousands of 成千上万的如:非常感谢你的好意。A thousand thanks for your kindness.eg: one in a thousand杰出的;稀有的

2、;百里挑一2、have/take + 时间+ off 表示“在.期间”休息3、work as (+ 表示职业的n.) 做.的工作 充当 work for (+单位、部门、机构) 为.而工作;效劳;受雇于. 如:我在一所初中当美术老师。I work as a painter in a secondary school.4、volunteer v./n.v. 自愿效劳;自动提供volunteer to do sth如:战士们主动献血。eg: The soldiers volunteered to give their blood.如:他自愿担任这次战争的记者。eg:He volunteered a

3、s a correspondent for the war.n. 自愿者volunteer tutoring/guide 5、hold/have a converstation with sb=have a talk with sb 和某人交谈甚欢have a pleasant converstation with sb6、想要做某事want to do sth feel like doing sth would like to do sthwish to do sthbe willing to do sthbe eager to do sthdesire to do sth 7、protec

4、t = defend 保护;防卫protect .from sth 保护.免受.的侵袭、迫害如: 老年人应该保护他们自己免受心脏病的伤害。The elder people shoud protect themselves from heart disease.8、pollute v. 如:任何一代都无权污染地球。No generation has the right to pollute the planet.n. pollution strengthen pollution control 加强污染控制 8、die -dead-death9、do (some)research on sth

5、对.研究、调查/ 在某方面做研究(固定搭配)如: 警官对青少年犯罪的增长进行了研究。eg; The policemen did some research on the increase in teenage delinquency.10、dying die的ing形式:v. 死亡 adj. 临终的,垂死的 a dying request 临终嘱托 the dying moments of the match 比赛即将结束的时候11、help sb do sth help sb to do sth help sb with sth help you with the conversation1

6、2、travel around sp. 环绕.旅行 travel around the world现在进行时作用:表示现在/现阶段正在发生,或者马上要发生的动作。结构:be + V.-ingBe动词:is am are一般动词变为其ing形式的规则,如下:1、一般情况下直接加ingeg: think-thinking, study-studying, carry-carrying2、以“辅+元+辅”结尾的单词,一般情况下,变ing形式,为双写末尾辅音字母再加ingput-putting, cut, get, begin, dig ,sit , run 等。3、以不发音的字母e 结尾的单词,去e

7、再加inghave -having, make-making, come-coming, take-taking,forget-forgetting肯定句: 主语+ be动词(is am are)+v.-ing+ 其他。eg: I am having my breaktfast.否定句: 主语+ be动词(is am are)+ not +v.-ing+ 其他。一般疑问句:直接把肯定句中的be动词和主语调换一下位置,句末句号变问号,即可。eg:Are you having your breakfast?对一般疑问句的答语: 肯定:Yes, 主语+be动词(is am are). 否定:No,

8、主语+ be动词(is am are)+ not.vocabularydo the/ some cooking, do the /some ironing, (熨烫/熨衣服)do the/ some washing, do the / some shopping, do the/some washing( washing-up/wash up)do the/some cleaningdo the/some readingA healthy life1、exercise 用于“广义上的锻炼”时, 不可数2、sumo (日)相扑sumo wrestler 相扑运动员 eg: You can do

9、exercises to strengthen your(abdominal) muscles.eg: 许多老人在广场上晨练。A lot of elder people do morning exercise in the square.用于具体的某项活动、锻炼,和当做“练习”讲的时候是可数的。3、keep fit 保持健康(多指外在的体型方面的健康,苗条)keep healthy 保持健康(多指内在的身体系统的健康)4、calory 卡路里5、 It is/was + adj. +(for sb) + to do sth 对于某人来说做某事是怎么样的该句型中的形容词通常是用来形容真正主语对某

10、人来说是怎么样的一些形容词,比如:necessary, difficult,easy, important,natural,beneficial, hard, dangerous, safe ,useful, likely,interesting,如:尽可能多的读一些 英文文章,对提高你的口语有好处。eg:In order to improve your spoken English, it is useful for you to read some english articles as much as possible.6、英国:第一层:the ground floor 第二层:the

11、1st floor美国:第一层:the first floor/story 第二层:the second floor/story go straight along . 沿着.一直往前走7、straight adj./adv. 笔直的;直的;直接地;径直地 一直往前走go straight ahead 8、weigh v. 称.的重量;权衡 link v. 重达 (其后通常接数词做表语) 斟酌自己的话weigh ones wordsweigh oneself 称某人自己的重量n. weight 重量9、keep down 控制:缩减小声点!Keep your voice down,please

12、!10、drink n. 一杯或一份酒;酒,饮料have a drink 喝一杯(饮料或酒)11、fit v. 安装;使.适应;与.相符 fit in with (使)适合/与.一致 fit a handle on the door 给门安上一个把手fit in with (使)适合/与.一致如:我的助手与那些人格格不入。 eg:My assistant doesnt fit in with these people.adj. 恰当的;健康的feeling fit and healthy感觉身体良好和健康12、go for a walk have a walk take a walk go w

13、alking13、there is no need to do sth 没有必要做某事there is no need for sb to do sth如:没有必要把问题复杂化。eg:There is no need to complimate the matters.常见不可数名词ricemeatsugarbreadwaterfruitpaperteamilkadvicea bag of some(一些), much(许多),a little , littlea piece of a lump of a bottle of a bowl of a pail ofa cup of a glas

14、s of anya, ansome , many , a few, fewany some用于肯定句,在否定句和一般疑问句中把some换为any, 而 many ,much 可以直接用于否定句和一般疑问句。Culture in mind1、cereal n. 谷物;谷类食物,麦片粥cereal crop 谷类粮食作物2、depend vi. 依赖;取决于 (常跟介词on)depend on sb /sth 取决于/依赖于sb/sth eg: Success often depends on temperament.成功常常取决于一个人的性格。3、The chips are down. 情况危急

15、。4、holiday n. 假日; 节日go on holiday =be on holiday holiday resort holiday words official holiday paid holiday take a holiday a holiday atmosphere 去休假、度假度假胜地奉承话;客套话法定假期带薪休假度假;休假节日气氛5、take sb out 带某人出去take on take place take over take notes take a breaktake a walktake action take care of 呈现:承担; 雇佣发生(没有被动)接管,接受记笔记eg: I take on so much work that I have to stay up late until midnight.



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