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1、. the Passive Voice (被动语态)(被动语态)文综之家 http:/ 被打的豆豆被打的豆豆被动语态被动语态遥远的小岛上,住着一个倒霉蛋,它叫豆豆,遥远的小岛上,住着一个倒霉蛋,它叫豆豆,那里的人只有三件事要忙,吃饭,睡觉,打那里的人只有三件事要忙,吃饭,睡觉,打豆豆。豆豆。你看,它总是被打,还不知道是你看,它总是被打,还不知道是谁打谁打的。的。Doudou is always beaten by someone.昨天晚上昨天晚上 ,夜黑风高,它又,夜黑风高,它又被打被打了。了。Doudou was beaten yesterday evening.明天,豆豆还会面临明天,豆豆

2、还会面临n n顿顿暴打暴打,可怜的豆豆啊,可怜的豆豆啊。Tomorrow,Doudou will be beaten several times .可怜的豆豆,已经可怜的豆豆,已经被被这样这样打打了很多年。了很多年。命运一直没有改变。命运一直没有改变。Poor Doudou has been beaten for many years. 我们亲爱的豆豆现在在干嘛,不用问,一定是我们亲爱的豆豆现在在干嘛,不用问,一定是正在被正在被打打 。Our dear doudou is being beaten now .随时随时可能被打可能被打的豆豆啊,谁来救救它啊。的豆豆啊,谁来救救它啊。Poor Do

3、udou may be beaten anytime .1.Weplantedthetree.2.Thetreewasplantedbyus.在英语中,动词有两种语态在英语中,动词有两种语态:_语态语态和和_语态语态(一一)、定义定义:1.主动语态主动语态:主语主语是动作的是动作的_。主语和谓语之间主语和谓语之间是是_关系。关系。2.被动语态表示被动语态表示主语主语是动作的是动作的_。主语和谓语之间是主语和谓语之间是_关系。关系。主动主动被动被动执行者执行者承受者承受者主动主动被动被动be+_( (二二) )被动语态的被动语态的结构结构: :过去分词过去分词be有有_、_和和_的的变化的的变化

4、数数人称人称时态时态Theycleanedtheclassroomyesterday.昨天昨天他们他们打扫了教室。打扫了教室。Theclassroomwascleanedbythemyesterday.昨天昨天教室教室被他们打扫了。被他们打扫了。1 1. .规则动词的过去分词:规则动词的过去分词:1)1)_watchwatched2)2)_practicepracticed3)3)_studystudied4)4)_stopstopped动词过去分词的变化动词过去分词的变化:直直去去双双改改2 2. .不规则动词的过去分词不规则动词的过去分词:amisarewaswerebeenhavehas

5、haddodonewritewrittengogone动词过去分词的变化动词过去分词的变化:be+过去分词过去分词有各种有各种_的变化的变化时态时态Our classroom _(clean) every day._+过去分词过去分词被动语态被动语态有各种时态的变化有各种时态的变化1、一般现在时一般现在时的被动语态的构成:的被动语态的构成:is/am/areis cleaned1. Now English _ by more and more people all over the word. A. speaks B. is spoken C. was spoken一般现在时的被动语态:一般现

6、在时的被动语态:am/is/are + 过去分词过去分词Our classroom _(clean) yesterday. _+ 过去分词过去分词2、一般过去时一般过去时的被动语态的构成:的被动语态的构成:was/were was cleaned 2. The lost boy _ at the street corner last night. A. was found B. is found C. was looked for一般过去时的被动语态:一般过去时的被动语态:was/were + 过去分词过去分词3、一般将来时一般将来时的被动语态的构成:的被动语态的构成:_+_+过去分词过去分词

7、_+_过去分词过去分词 A new school _(build) next year. A new school _(build) next year.willbeis/am/aregoingbewill be builtis going to be built3. More man-made satellites _ in the future. A. will send up B. will be sent up C. are sent up一般将来时的被动语态:一般将来时的被动语态: will + be + 过去分词过去分词be going to + be + 过去分词过去分词4、含有

8、含有情态动词情态动词的被动语态的构成:的被动语态的构成:_+_过去分词过去分词 That old woman _(send) to hospital at once. 情态动词情态动词be +must be sent4. Flowers _ every day. A. has been watered B. should be watered C. should water含有情态动词的被动语态:含有情态动词的被动语态:情态动词情态动词 + be + 过去分词过去分词各种时态的各种时态的被动语态:被动语态:一般现在时:一般现在时: 一般过去时:一般过去时: 一般一般将来时:将来时:含情态动词:

9、含情态动词: _ +过去分词过去分词_+过去分词过去分词_+_+ 过去分词过去分词 _+过去分词过去分词 _+过去分词过去分词 is/am/are was/wereis/am/are going to bewill be情态动词情态动词be表格:被动态基本结构时态时态被动语态结构被动语态结构一般现在时一般现在时一般过去时一般过去时一般将来时一般将来时含情态动词含情态动词am/is/are was/were shall/will/be going to be情态动词情态动词_+done_+done_+donebe_+_+donebyWelikehimHeisliked主格主格把主动语态的把主动语

10、态的_变为被动语态的变为被动语态的_。(如果是如果是宾格宾格要变成要变成_。)us.把主动语态的谓语动词变为把主动语态的谓语动词变为_+_形式形式,并根据主语判并根据主语判 断断be的单复数和时态的单复数和时态.动词的过去分词动词的过去分词be把主动语态的主语改成把主动语态的主语改成by短语短语 by短语可以省略。短语可以省略。by+名词或代词的名词或代词的_格形式。格形式。宾宾主语主语宾语宾语(三三)主动语态变被动语态的主动语态变被动语态的方法方法1.找主语找主语2.改谓语改谓语3.改改by短语短语by many students.1.Many students study English.

11、English is studied2.They make shoes in that factory.Shoes are madeby them in that factory.练习一练习一:把下列主动语态变被动语态:把下列主动语态变被动语态我我吃吃苹果。苹果。苹果苹果被被我我吃吃了。了。I _ apples.Apples _ by me. 练习二练习二:eat are eaten 他他杀杀鸡。鸡。He_chicken.鸡鸡被被他他杀杀了。了。Chickenbyhim.is killed kills 怪兽怪兽抓抓了公主。了公主。Beasttheprincess.公主公主被被怪兽怪兽抓抓走了。

12、走了。Theprincessbybeast.catches is caught 人们人们读读名著。名著。Peoplegreatbooks.名著被人们读。名著被人们读。Greatbooksbypeople.read are read 他们他们种种花。花。Theyflowers.花花被被他们他们种种。Flowers by them.are planted plant 他他打打篮球。篮球。Hebasketball.篮球篮球被被他他打打。Basketball by him.is played plays He the motorbike to his factory every day.The mot

13、orbike to his factory every day.他每天他每天骑骑摩托车去他的工厂。摩托车去他的工厂。摩托车摩托车每天每天被被骑骑去他的工厂。去他的工厂。is ridden rides We the snowman Mr. Strong.The snowman Mr. Strong.我们我们称称这个雪人强壮先生。这个雪人强壮先生。这个雪人这个雪人被称为被称为强壮先生强壮先生。is called callHe some fruits yesterday. Some fruits yesterday.昨天他昨天他买买了一些水果。了一些水果。昨天一些水果昨天一些水果被买被买。were

14、bought bought They an evening party tomorrow.An evening partytomorrow.明天他们准备明天他们准备举行举行一次晚会。一次晚会。一次晚会准备在明天一次晚会准备在明天被举行被举行。is going to be had are going to have She her homework in half an hour.Her homeworkin half an hour.半小时之后,她会半小时之后,她会完成完成作业。作业。她的作业将在半小时之后她的作业将在半小时之后被做完被做完。will be finished will fini

15、shHe the basket easily.The basket easily by him.他可以很容易地他可以很容易地拿起拿起篮子。篮子。这个篮子可以很容易地这个篮子可以很容易地被拿起被拿起。may be may carrycarried They some beautiful songs.Some beautiful songs by them.他们会他们会唱唱一些优美的歌曲。一些优美的歌曲。一些优美的歌曲一些优美的歌曲能被能被他们他们唱唱。can sing can be sung A recorder is used in our English class every day. a

16、 recorderinour English classuseis useduse forA camera is used for taking photos.a camera take photos is used forplayfootballFootball is played all over the world.is played all over the worldrob A bank was robbed yesterday.a bankyesterdaywas robbed send uplast yearA man-made satellite was sent up int

17、o space last year.a man-made satellitewas sent up must planton the groundThe tree must be planted on the ground.the tree must be plantedcover within a few years timeThe ground will be covered with trees in a few years time. the groundwill be covered with send tothe hospitalThey will be sent to the h

18、ospital right now.theywill be sent to right nowa talk A talk will be given soon.give soonwill be given eat up the foodThe food has been eaten up already.alreadyhas been eaten up1.He gave me a book. _ _ _ _.(以以I做主语)做主语) _ _ _ _ _ . (以物(以物book作主语)作主语)2.He teaches us English. _ _ _ _ . (以人当主语)(以人当主语) _

19、 _ _ _ _ . (以物作主语)(以物作主语)Itowas givenA bookby hima bookwas givenmeby himEnglishare taughtWeby himEnglishis taught toby himus4、带、带双宾语双宾语的句子的被动语态的句子的被动语态3.He made me a card. _ _ _ _.(以以I做主语)做主语) _ _ _ _ _ . (以物(以物card作主语)作主语)4.His father bought him a bike. _ _ _ _ . (以人当主语)(以人当主语) _ _ _ _ _ . (以物作主语)(

20、以物作主语)Iforwas madeA cardby hima cardwas mademeby hima bikewas boughtHeby his fatherA bikewas bought forby his fatherhim4、带、带双宾语双宾语的句子的被动语态的句子的被动语态常见的后接双宾语的动词有常见的后接双宾语的动词有: to: give.to, teach.to; 改为改为:_,_for: make.for, buy.for改为改为:_,_带带双宾语双宾语的句子的句子变变被动语态被动语态有两种变法:有两种变法:用“人人”当主语时当主语时,_照抄下来。照抄下来。用“物物”当

21、主语时,在保留的间接宾语当主语时,在保留的间接宾语(人人)前必须加前必须加_或或_.加加_或或_由前面的由前面的动词动词决定。决定。直接宾语直接宾语tofortoforbegiventobetaughttobemadeforbeboughtfor1.I hear him play the guitar . _ _ _ _. Heplay the guitartois heardwere heardsingintheclassroomto2.Weheardthemsingintheclassroom.They _ _ _ _ _ . 5、含宾语补足语的被动语态、含宾语补足语的被动语态3.Isaw

22、himplaybasketballlastSunday. _ _ _ _ _. 4.I saw him go into the office building. _ _ _ _.Heplay basketballtois seenlastSundaygo into the office buildingwas seenHeto5.The boss made him work all day. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 6.Hismothermadehimfinishhishomework _ _ _ _ _ _ . bywas madeHethe bossworkall daytobyw

23、as madeHefinishhishomeworkhismotherto7.Thelittleboy_bythebigsoundthismorning.AwasmadetocryBwasmadecryCmadetocryDmadecry5、含宾语补足语的被动语态、含宾语补足语的被动语态在在一一感感_二二听听_、_三三让让_、_、_四四看看_、_、_、_这这十十大动词后跟大动词后跟不带不带to的不定式作宾语补的不定式作宾语补足语足语,但改成被动语态时,必需带但改成被动语态时,必需带to,以便隔以便隔开两个动词。开两个动词。feellisten tohearletmakehaveseewatch

24、noticelook1.Weplantedthetree.2.Thetreewasplantedbyus.英语动词有两种语态英语动词有两种语态:_语态语态和和_语态语态(一一)、定义定义:1.主动语态主动语态:主语主语是动作的是动作的_。主语和谓语之间是主语和谓语之间是_关系。关系。2.被动语态表示被动语态表示主语主语是动作的是动作的_。主语和谓语之间是主语和谓语之间是_关系。关系。主动主动被动被动执行者执行者承受者承受者主动主动被动被动抄笔记抄笔记be+_( (二二) )被动语态的被动语态的结构结构: :过去分词过去分词be有有_、_和和_的的变化的的变化数数人称人称时态时态byWelike

25、himHeisliked主格主格把主动语态的把主动语态的_变为被动语态的变为被动语态的_。(如果是如果是宾格宾格要变成要变成_。)us.把主动语态的谓语动词变为把主动语态的谓语动词变为_+_形式形式,并根据主语判并根据主语判 断断be的单复数和时态的单复数和时态.动词的过去分词动词的过去分词be把主动语态的主语改成把主动语态的主语改成by短语短语 by短语可以省略。短语可以省略。by+名词或代词的名词或代词的_格形式。格形式。宾宾主语主语宾语宾语(三三)主动语态变被动语态的主动语态变被动语态的方法方法1.找主语找主语2.改谓语改谓语3.改改by短语短语4、带、带双宾语双宾语的句子的被动语态的句

26、子的被动语态常见的后接双宾语的动词有常见的后接双宾语的动词有: to: give.to, teach.to; 改为改为:_,_for: make.for, buy.for改为改为:_,_带带双宾语双宾语的句子的句子变变被动语态被动语态有两种变法:有两种变法:用“人人”当主语时当主语时,_照抄下来。照抄下来。用“物物”当主语时,在保留的间接宾语当主语时,在保留的间接宾语(人人)前必须加前必须加_或或_.加加_或或_由前面的由前面的动词动词决定。决定。直接宾语直接宾语tofortoforbegiventobetaughttobemadeforbeboughtfor1.He gave me a bo

27、ok. _ _ _ _.(以以I做主语)做主语) _ _ _ _ _ . (以物(以物book作主语)作主语)Itowas givenA bookby hima bookwas givenmeby Tom2.His father bought him a bike. _ _ _ _ . (以人当主语)(以人当主语) _ _ _ _ _ . (以物作主语)(以物作主语)a bikewas boughtHeby his fatherA bikewas bought forby his fatherhim5、含宾语补足语的被动语态、含宾语补足语的被动语态在在一一感感_二二听听_、_三三让让_、_、_

28、四四看看_、_、_、_这这十十大动词后跟大动词后跟不带不带to的不定式作宾语补的不定式作宾语补足语足语,但改成被动语态时,必需带但改成被动语态时,必需带to。feellisten tohearletmakehaveseewatchnoticelook1.I hear him play the guitar . _ _ _ _. Heplay the guitartois heard2.IsawhimplaybasketballlastSunday. _ _ _ _ _. Heplay basketballtois seenlastSunday3.The boss made him work a

29、ll day. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . bywas madeHethe bossworkall dayto6、含有、含有短语短语的主动语态改为被动语态时的主动语态改为被动语态时后面的介词不能丢。后面的介词不能丢。They take good care of my child. _ _. I turned off the radio. _ _ _. My childThe radiowas turned off(by me)is taken good care of含有含有动词短语动词短语的被动语态,介词不能丟:的被动语态,介词不能丟: take care of _ cut down _

30、 laugh at _ look after_be cut downbe laughed at be looked afterbe taken good care of下列这些短语本身即是被动语态的形式,下列这些短语本身即是被动语态的形式,不需再加不需再加by: be covered with _ be interested in _ be surprised at _ be made of (from)_用用覆盖着覆盖着对对感兴趣感兴趣对对感到惊奇感到惊奇用用制造的制造的1.WespeakEnglish.主语主语谓语谓语宾语宾语English主语主语谓语谓语宾语宾语_语态语态被动被动issp

31、okenby us.主动主动_语态语态练习一:练习一:2、 She likes English .3、 Theyusedcomputersinclass.4、Imusthelphimatthattime. English is liked by her .Computers were used by them in class. He must be helped by me at that time 5. Wu Yifan sings this song .This song Wu Yifan is sung by Wu Yifan by the teacher.1.The teacher

32、often asks him questions.Heis asked questions一般现在时一般现在时的被动语态的被动语态练习二练习二:各种时态各种时态的的被动语态的的被动语态1. They bought ten computers last term by them last term.last year.2.We planted many trees last year.Many trees were plantedTen computerswere bought一般过去时一般过去时的被动语态的被动语态1.They will finish the work in ten days.

33、by them in ten days.The work will be finished2.Tom will clean the room tomorrow.The roomwill be cleaned byTom tomorrow.一般将来时一般将来时的被动语态的被动语态1.Amy can take good care of Gina by Amy.Ginacan be taken good care of2.You should drink more water.More water should be drunk by you.含含情态动词情态动词的被动语态的被动语态练习三练习三:各

34、句均有一处错误,请找出并改正过来。各句均有一处错误,请找出并改正过来。1)Ihavealotofhomeworktobedonetonight2)Isyourteacherlistenedcarefullyinclass?3)LeiFengsnamerememberedbyallChinesepeople4)Themusicissoundedbeautiful.5)BywhowasthisneweducationalCD-ROMdesigned?dotoissoundswhom练习四练习四:用所给用所给动词的适当形式填空动词的适当形式填空1.Trees _ (water) every day.

35、 2.Maths _ (teach) in our school.3.His bike _ (buy) two years ago.are wateredis taughtwas bought4.The work _ (finish) next week.5.They _ (tell) to come on time last night.6.The trees_(plant) yesterday .will be finished/is going to be finishedwere toldwere planted 7.All the windows _ (close) by me al

36、ready.8.The station _(build)now. 9.Our homework must_ (finish)on time.have been closedis being builtbe finishedAnswerrightorwrong练习五练习五:1.必须照看好孩子们。必须照看好孩子们。Thechildrenmustbetakengoodcare.()Thechildrenmustbetakengoodcareof.()2.这本书是鲁迅写的。这本书是鲁迅写的。ThisbookwaswrotebyLuXun.()ThisbookwaswrittenbyLuXun.()3.昨天那支笔是他给我的。昨天那支笔是他给我的。Thatpencilwasgivenmebyhimyesterday.()Thatpencilwasgiventomebyhimyesterday.()4.这辆自行车能修吗?这辆自行车能修吗?Canthisbikemended?()Canthisbikebemended?()5.街道已由他们清理了。街道已由他们清理了。Thestreethasbeencleanedbythey.()Thestreethasbeencleanedbythem.()



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