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1、Starter Unit11.Topic: Meeting friends and know the eight figures and their names from the book.2.Functions: Greet people and reply to a greet. 4. Letters, words & expressions5. Pronunciation: 1) Read the letters from A to H; 2) Read the sounds: ei, , i:, e3.Grammar: 1) “be”: am/are; 2) “I” and “you”

2、 6. Culture: Know the abbreviation meaningsPeriod 2(3a 4d)Good MorningStarter Unit 13LearningObjectives1. 学学习使用不同使用不同时段打招呼的用段打招呼的用语。2. 学会一首英学会一首英语歌曲。歌曲。3. 巩固本巩固本单元所学字母,元所学字母,单词及句型。及句型。4. 学会将相同音素字母和学会将相同音素字母和单词归类。 How to greet others at different time?Good morning!Good afternoon!In the morning6:00-12

3、:00In the afternoon12:00-18:005In the evening18:00-22:00Good evening!Good night!Good morning! 早上好!早上好! 早上起床至中午十二点前用。早上起床至中午十二点前用。Good afternoon! 下午好!下午好! 午后至大阳落山前用。午后至大阳落山前用。Good evening!晚上好!晚上好! 太阳落山(黄昏)到入睡前用。太阳落山(黄昏)到入睡前用。Good night! 晚安!晚安! 不是不是问候候语,而是晚,而是晚间告告别用用语。How to greet others at different

4、time?79:00Good morning!Good morning!Good morning!Dale!Good morning, Miss Liu!Miss LiuDale14 : 30Good afternoon, Bruce!Good afternoon,Peter!BrucePeter18:00 Good evening, Henry!Good evening, Nick! NickHenry3a Listen and number the pictures 1-3.听录音,为图片编号。听录音,为图片编号。233c Listen to the conversation. Then

5、practice it with your partner.Good afternoon, Dale!Hi, Cindy! How are you? Im fine, thanks. How are you? Im OK. 如果你还没有英文名字,请选一个哦!如果你还没有英文名字,请选一个哦!Lucy JennyAlan JimSally GinaTony TomMary LindaMike JackNancy JoyPeter DavidKate JaneJohn PaulAnna EmmaWilliam Henry Tina SusanMark TedA: Hi, Helen! How ar

6、e you?B: Hi, Eric! Im fine, thanks.3d Choose an English name for yourself. Then greet each other.根据所选姓名与所给时间进行对话练习根据所选姓名与所给时间进行对话练习 ( 1 ) 8:00 a.m.( 2 ) 3:00 p.m.( 3 ) 7:00 p.m.How to greet each other at any time?A: Hi, _B: Hi,_A: How are you?B: Im fine, thank you. And you?A: Im fine too.A: Are you

7、fine today?B: Im OK, thank you. And you?A: How do you do?B: How do you do?How to greet new friends?A: Hello! Im _. What is your name?B: Hello! Im _. Nice to meet you!A: Nice to meet you too!A: Hello! You are _, right?B: Yes, I am. / No, Im not, I am_.A: Nice to meet you!B: Nice to meet you too! Good

8、 morning, Cindy! Hello, Bob! Hi , Alice! Good afternoon, Eric!Good evening, Dale!Greet people 问候他人候他人 How are you?Im fine, thanks. How are you Im OK. 1. Hi 和和 Hello 可以在一天的任何时间问候别人;可以在一天的任何时间问候别人;2. Good morning 是在早上第一次见面问候时说的;是在早上第一次见面问候时说的;3. Good afternoon 是在下午第一次见面问候时说的;是在下午第一次见面问候时说的;4. Good eve

9、ning 是在晚上第一次见面问候时是在晚上第一次见面问候时A说的。说的。 How do you greet others in different ways?AliceBobCindyDaleEricFrankGraceHelenDo you know their names? 你知道他你知道他们的名字的名字吗? 4a Write down the names of the children below the pictures. BobCindyDaleGraceHelenEricFrank4b Listen and repeat. 听听录音并跟音并跟读。A A H Dale Grace F

10、rank thanksE B C D E G evening F Helen ei i:e4c Read the letters and word in column 1. Try to read the new words in column 2. 12A A H Dale GraceAge Frank thanksHandE B C D E G evening He F Helenbed ei i:e一、汉译英。1. 好的_2. 早晨;上午_3. 你好;喂_4.下午_5. 晚上;傍晚_6. 怎样;如何_7. 你;你们_8. 健康的;美好的_9. 感谢;谢谢_二、 句型及交际用语1. 早上好

11、!_ _!2. 晚上好!_ _!3. 下午好,戴尔!嗨,辛迪!你好吗?我很好,谢谢。你好吗?我很好。_ _, Dale!_, Cindy! _ _ you?Im _, _. _ _ you?Im _.三、写出相邻字母的大小写1. _ Dd _2. _ Ff _3. _ Bb _4. _ Gg _5. _ Cc _6. _ Ee _四、写出字母Aa至Hh中含有下列读音的大小写字母1. /ei/ _ _2. /e/ _3. /i:/ _ _ _ _ _课堂堂练习五、单项选择1.Good morning._.A. GoodB. Good morningC. Good afternoonD. OK2.

12、 How are you?_.A. Thank youB. Sit down, pleaseC. Im fineD. Good morning3. Hello!_A. Hello!B. Im Li Hua.C. Whats your name?D. Thank you.4.How are you?Im fine, thanks. And you?_A. How do you do?B. How are you?C. Oh, good!D. Im OK.5.How is your mother?_.A. Im fine, thank youB. She is well, thanksC. He

13、is fine, thanksD. They are well, thank you6. 下面属于元音字母的是_。A. cB. hC. fD. e7. 下列小写字母中书写占上中下三格的是_。A. cB. hC. fD. e8. 与字母B发音有相同之处的是_。A. CcB. FfC. AaD. Hh9. 与Im fine. 意思相同的是_。A. Thank you.B. How are you.C. Im OK.D. Good morning.Homework (课后作后作业) (1)大声朗)大声朗读4a和和 4b 中的字母和中的字母和单词。(2)试着朗着朗读下列下列词汇 : game, fac

14、e, and, dad, bag, he, bed, egg (3)熟唱字母歌)熟唱字母歌 。(4)听)听读背第三背第三页中的中的对话。 参考答案及解析一、1. good2. morning3. hello4. afternoon5. evening6. how7. you8. fine9. thanks二、1. Good morning2. Good evening3. Good afternoon; Hi; How are; fine; thanks; How are; OK三、1. Cc; Ee2. Ee; Gg3. Aa; Cc4. Ff; Hh5. Bb; Dd6. Dd; Ff四、

15、1. Aa; Hh2. Ff3. Bb; Cc; Dd; Ee; Gg五、1. B【解析】回答Good morning.还是用Good morning.2. C【解析】回答How are you? 可用Im fine./ Im OK./ Im well.。3. A【解析】Hello! 问候还是用Hello!应答。4. D【解析】回答How are you?可用Im fine. / Im OK./ Im well.。5.B【解析】第一句话问“你母亲好吗?”应当回答“她很好”。回答时用she代替母亲。She is fine./She is OK. /She is well.再加 Thanks.或Thank you。well作形容词可指身体好。6. D【解析】元音字母共有五个:a,e,i,o,u。7. A【解析】26个字母中在四线格占上中下三格的字母只有f和j。8.A【解析】字母Bb中含有/i:/,含有此音的字母有Cc,Dd,Ee,Gg,Pp,Tt,Vv,Zz。9.C【解析】Im fine意为“我很好”,与其意思相同的有Im OK和Im well。



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