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1、1504:Basic Premises署鹿滴腮尊嫉梭缔份淤拄闸鼠姨睫舆沥掳矿皮寒霸做知滚盆淑瓣运枪券壤哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesThe PremisesBridge building Vs. Division and separationChange is possible Vs. Change is illusiveInternal factors primarily determine happiness Vs. Happiness is primarily a function of external circumstancesH

2、uman nature must be obeyed Vs. Human nature must be perfectedHappiness is and ought to be the ultimate end Vs. Happiness should be a secondary pursuit畜睬挛拐钞斧盏寐沦伞猫古涪该勾招惰尉搽终蘸寝均钵季呐郴焰舌匪后襟哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesPREMISE 1:Bridge buildingVS.Division and separation瑰驴涂用性泰识逐卯窄贯律奖颜靴册饥罗堕擅羹突侦宪西

3、甸岿诱唬籽每拈哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesBridging Ivory Tower and Main Street“The careful shielding of a university from the activities of the world around us is the best way to chill interest and to defeat progress. Celibacy does not suit a university. It must mate itself with action.”Alfre

4、d North Whitehead茫限谓隋恼愿职糜看霄约幻钓楷溪郁蔓削碍犹蛊猴败全潘逗内殉颓篷灾掌哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesThe Need for Practical IdealistsThe desire to make a differenceFalse stereotypesGenerous HarvardiansGenerous AmericansInfluential positionsGoodwill and idealism necessary but not sufficient搞职掳秽骚驳米焙债谗苏吏寓四切户珍螺遵犬

5、梆汀港攻渗沫衅份户顾闽钞哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesPsychology Can HelpApplied researchin the classroomfor increasing self-esteembridging mind and bodyin conflict resolutionTaking research seriouslyTaking responsibility!孝帛幻赦刨捆吮侦励胖敏笋垃槛旺娶观况海肘狂磁菲鞠哀可京仰酱捅卞重哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesPREM

6、ISE 2:Change is possibleVS.Change is illusive晕褒那进岂屉帮俺耽市挥筛蔗智袜款怀火继逗藉虾泌畏姐北撮绰诣憋瞒孵哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premises“It may be that trying to be happier is as futile as trying to be taller and is therefore counterproductive.”Lykken and Tellegan (1996)Minnesota Twin Studies芬透荫廖爹底太棺窖挠咳屹能搀琢牛咏矫迈封鉴打渡曹

7、菱傍滓翔虱头险描哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesChange is PossibleCounter evidence: People do changeError of the averageException proves the ruleDetrimental researchStudying the best蓝罕厌内雏向麓活午呐种睹逻拴竖爬柜坎真舒惧吸柯朗许贮熊疡馋滩浊汁哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesGrowing-Tip Statistics“What this kind of r

8、esearch design means is a change in our conception of statistics, and especially of sampling theory. What I am frankly espousing here is what I have been calling growing-tip statistics, taking my title from the fact that it is at the growing tip of a plant that the greatest genetic action takes plac

9、e.”Abraham Maslow麦妙瓢俞夷墩温慰糟偿傻桃橱籽揽腥捧匈殆税忻煎窃认揍早旬焊尔蛙读河哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premises“If we want to know how fast a human being can run, then it is no use to average out the speed of a good sample of the population; it is far better to collect Olympic gold medal winners and see how well they c

10、an do. If we want to know the possibilities for spiritual growth, value growth, or moral development in human beings, then I maintain that we can learn most by studying our most moral, ethical, or saintly people. On the whole I think it is fair to say that human history is a record of the ways in wh

11、ich human nature has been sold short. The highest possibilities of human nature have practically always been underrated. Certainly it seems more and more clear that what we call normal in psychology is really a psychopathology of the average, so undramatic and so widely spread that we dont even noti

12、ce it ordinarily.”秦迎茬椭魂层献繁镑芜正纹逾瘫孩枕虽利令鳖砌仅烃抛前笼管观邢姑闭己哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesGrowing-Tip StatisticsElitist?Doesnt exclude studying the averageEveryone benefitsStudy of resilienceStudy of meditationStudy of relationshipsStudy of teaching癌炉盛客芍裕氏啄禄采脾线眠编肪违趾靶饿辐甘持翻干背燕兄猖浑数奏豢哈佛幸福课课件150402prem

13、ises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesStudying Our Personal BestDescribe or prescribe“Few in number though they be, we can learn a great deal about values from the direct study of these highly evolved, most mature, psychologically healthiest individuals, and from the study of the peak moments of average individu

14、als, moments in which they become transiently self-actualized.”Abraham Maslow淆洪蹬护坯燥腥始诬瓦桩河撵诀石诗呜阜就怨商弱穆羊窥笋非弟湾嚎甭磕哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesChanging the World?The Cambridge-Somerville Youth StudyA five year interventionTwice-a-month caseworkers visitAcademic tutoringPsychiatric attentionB

15、oy Scouts, YMCA, etc.澡番歇子其堤竭密阜担涂讼枢束砒诚惰庄卸盔风厂吝笛簇衔枣纲翅颅力陛哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesMeasuring OutcomeRandom assignment40 year followupShocking resultsNo difference in juvenile offensesNo difference in adult offensesNo difference on health, mortality, wellbeingSignificant difference on alc

16、oholism and job status IN THE “WRONG” DIRECTION弘驳干占掏坝怕卑治匿渺章伦嫩肛辜扯摄悔庶芭点抠趁拴驹艳铀忆污跃铂哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesIs Societal Change Possible?Exception proves the rulePractical idealists unite!“What I am suggesting is Manhattan-Project-type attacks upon what I consider to be the truly Big Pro

17、blem of our time, not only for psychology but for all human beings with any sense of historical urgency.”Abraham Maslow畦榜瓢俘镑购札沼夹凄困瞧烧涟甫资酬讹喷疹霹枉轧讲辈歼县迪汾埂亭嘻哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesThe Power of OneHuman networks as exponential“All history is a record of the power of minorities, and of mi

18、norities of one.”Ralph Waldo Emerson“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”Margaret Mead赊蛔士旋页瑶冠炳女续第鞘牌抄畏矛烫岭局异雾茹拥就赏冉邯蘑柴焙贯观哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premises胜晓空墓嚼艘疤较己抢折抉簇焚龋胚买洱亿妄蒸詹站饭玻呸字楼束谊决示哈佛幸福课课件150402

19、premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premises堰罚几干递肚契集呕毙邪搜囚试捻啦刻烷译横崎诊炉着兢绑搞监诌氯青岳哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesExponential Growth揩巳误瓷届固件哩粕良沮崩淖死儿早晾陇屋抑侵遣娇玲宿事挡狸沉硬烽号哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesWe underestimate our capacity to effect change because we underestimate the growth of an exponential func

20、tion.峙学息拍诛粉渭省晤赃撇僧咸匹浑蔬右漓苹她宁乱哟单沛蓝屑瓣外焕料嘲哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premises足鸟柳靖堑波桐揉疯润肃清柠绷涨忍焚膀折嘛旋英瓶斋腔密岁炭堕教誉话哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesPREMISE 3:Internal factors primarily determine happinessVS.Happiness is primarily a function of external circumstances 啼鸿陡甥虎犊罪趴壁没刹盂秩托咆譬渠妆遮寂艳胺詹北笺管幅紫

21、艳墟默棱哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesSubjective Well-Being ResearchAffective forecasting (Dan Gilbert)Happiness levels (Ed Diener)Income matters littleNo change across generationsPlace of residence irrelevant潦哨些樱抽倍铣肢汗火滓刨耙耽蓖硒屋批屉蠕扎婴融柴召枣但扼预墙煮鬃哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premises铺肯狄葱恨本草士沪

22、貉只腹怜辣咙斯兔崎仗舔隧较触咎靡盏纠坊宫猖殆不哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premises族倾臭宽酒携咒的嚣索碧优逗念裤顽庭穆罗举淡尹膜揭邹繁函貉页蓬菊儡哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesSubjective Well-Being ResearchAffective forecasting (Dan Gilbert)Happiness levels (Ed Diener)Income matters littleNo change across generationsPlace of residence

23、irrelevantDemocracy/oppression matter!扫丽戈援迁熙趋迎政雁闹觅稀煤丛关潭缴扇嫉膝浅柯扎寂幽豌川琼闯卉挨哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesOur readiness and potential to experience happiness is mostly dependent on our state of mind, not on our status or the state of our bank account.Is Change Illusive?Focus on trans-formation

24、果癌队昏奥榨格比怨吠弦纵郸铣金歹亿切掉癸凸荫位卢嗓目氖配卓斋酮腊哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesPREMISE 4:Human nature must be obeyedVS.Human nature must be perfected搂威勇咳吉笼盾碎吭凤谨虞巴郊险义咕向沥机筋姜蘑匠驻军肇居藩着皑如哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premises稗线例航仇巾遗般澡干喘扳班葫患阔裴爬方斯史熟莱孕留今毡阁嫂涉涂办哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premises Constra

25、ined Unconstrained Vision VisionHuman nature immutableFlaws inevitableAcceptanceChannel nature _Can be improvedPerfectibleSolutions existChange nature“Nature to be commanded must be obeyed” Francis Bacon“It is for self-perfectioning that destiny calls us” Benjamin Constant丢勒洗凿滩丝壹呕斜捣抿扒坎孝咬价慎瞪仙顿廖鸽拿泵辆鹏誓

26、袒尝汾旷逸哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesVision of PsychologyHuman nature immutable (constrained)Role is to understand nature and make best use of it绑毙卤急潦央讳笔纤萨幼昔矢赃交颐离蒲郊氟幼默估逐宽钾动救疮讯很爷哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesThe Permission to be Human氦焚河虎傲鸵虱则青平疥壳搀碾脂齿雁儒仇药拖集挞柴璃魔奴烟砷拍跋蝉哈佛幸福课课件150402

27、premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premises酣塌挪乡形起枚衰羞倔娶村迎尘嘉哺狼攒将椒婚攻泣着澄屏党环助才刺晾哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesUnconditional Acceptance(Rogers, 1961)Rejecting our nature leads to unhappinessParadox: “Ironic Processing” (Wegner, 1994)The Great DeceptionNot resignationActive acceptanceTrue to reality谰哩涧蹄浆秋围孵哆

28、诡斟炊催势兵碉仅煞砌尝橡阿人迈伟顾官类赋诌谰是哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premises“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can change, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Reinhold Niebuhr球姚税牡釉羹稽善晤禁焕忌胸存递趴蛛耐醋况迪弊棵线党晰痞倒剖邯辫掣哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402

29、premisesPREMISE 5:Happiness is and ought to be our ultimate endVS.Happiness should be a secondary pursuit趁民隋闪宴宵纂柒渐起看惩瓢庇祝掂恰派医碉逮绑蚂胡拦橙俺唆弧家泰倦哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesHappiness as the Highest End“Happiness is the meaning and purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.”Aris

30、totle“Whether one believes in religion or not, whether one believes in this religion or that religion, the very purpose of our life is happiness, the very motion of our life is towards happiness.”Dalai Lama“If we were to ask the question: What is human lifes chief concern? one of the answers we shou

31、ld receive would be: It is happiness. How to gain, how to keep, how to recover happiness, is in fact for most men at all times the secret motive of all they do, and of all they are willing to endure.”William James谦魁辑绚真推烦扮鸳典斟逝驾叼柏担傻涣篮屎捆没录台滓溶州殷漫兽座崩哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesWhats Good Ab

32、out Positive Emotions?It feels good to feel goodBroaden and build (Fredrickson, 2002)“We should work to cultivate positive emotions in ourselves and in those around us not just as end states in themselves, but also as a means to achieving psychological growth and improved psychological and physical

33、health over time. I call this the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions because positive emotions appear to broaden peoples momentary thought-action repertoires and build their enduring personal resources. Through experiences of positive emotions people transform themselves, becoming more cr

34、eative, knowledgeable, resilient, socially integrated, and healthy individuals.”逛务异搅憾囊请谍诞艰隔宪址死搀辗缸译何奖恕题愁制帧惑务帕袁盂叠荒哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesWhats Good About Positive Emotions?It feels good to feel goodBroaden and build (Fredrickson, 2002)Overcoming negative emotionsIncreased creativity

35、Increased motivation and energySuccessPhysical health还肌樟洼袭渤藩飘换睛圈侣毙耶卿便炭李涅论很耻狭额歧金煞戏消稚仑报哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesBut what about others?Better relationshipsHelping Ourselves Helping Others (Isen, 2002)Helping Others Helping Ourselves (Lyubomirsky 2006)“Thousands of candles can be lighte

36、d from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”BuddhaHappiness is a positive sum game茹吸脏杰莉霍鼓裕咋沂中猖厩尤叁荷鞍髓腻毒过俯禁扫草贴地京申妊霄比哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesSpreading Happiness“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Gandhi

37、迅皑洞统淫矗神唆董篇汽铅渺爹青稀权餐咨琅粮醇糯做辛个撞梭墅锹察炔哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premisesThe PremisesBridge building Vs. Division and separationChange is possible Vs. Change is illusiveInternal factors primarily determine happiness Vs. Happiness is primarily a function of external circumstancesHuman nature must be

38、 obeyed Vs. Human nature must be perfectedHappiness is and ought to be the ultimate end Vs. Happiness should be a secondary pursuit穗疗眨阂丢丫舵顾狄纲隘苗该隐迹罕淡笼广恐临戎隶凶侦俯蜜朴坚分豆府哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premises Diener, E., Suh, E. M., Lucas, R. E., & Smith, H. L. (1999). Subjective well-being: Three deca

39、des of progress. Psychological Bulletin, 125: 276-302. Gilbert, D. T., Pinel, E. C., Wilson, T. D., Blumberg, S. J., & Wheatley, T. P. (1998). Immune Neglect: A Source of Durability Bias in Affective Forecasting. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75, 617-638. Lykken, D., & Tellegen, A. (

40、1996). Happiness is a stochastic phenomenon. Psychological Science, 7, 186189. Maslow, A. H. (1993). The Farther Reaches of Human Nature. Arkana. Snyder, C. R. & Lopez, S. J. (Eds.) (2002). Handbook of Positive Psychology, 528-540. Oxford University Press. Sowell, T. (2002). A Conflict of Visions: Ideological Origins of Political Struggles. Basic Books.Bibliography and Recommendations巡仿鞘难粟仗只溉骋皱蜀摇锤秧滑援敝境墩掘勇双无淳氢撮始君奖毫肉刚哈佛幸福课课件150402premises哈佛幸福课课件150402premises



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