新版PEP三年级下册Unit2 A Let27s learn

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1、Unit2 My familyA Lets learn学习目标学习目标1. 能听说认读单词:能听说认读单词:father(dad), man, mother(mum), woman.2.掌握句型:掌握句型:Whos that woman? Shes my .3.熟读并理解熟读并理解Lets chant 的句子。的句子。sheShe is a girl.heHe is a boy.Task 1 同学们,请根据老师的提同学们,请根据老师的提示来回答下列问题哦,示来回答下列问题哦,看谁能最快回答出来!看谁能最快回答出来! Shes my friend.ShShes es AmyAmy. .SheSh

2、es a s a girlgirl. .SheShes a student.s a student.SheShes from s from the UKthe UK. .Introduce my friend介绍我的朋友Shes Sarah.那个女孩是那个女孩是谁谁?Whos that girl?Whos ?Hes Zhang Peng.that boyTask 2 请认真根据下列问题的提示请认真根据下列问题的提示来掌握今天要学的单词,看来掌握今天要学的单词,看谁学得最快读得最标准哦!谁学得最快读得最标准哦!Come onmanfatherWhos that男人男人?Hes my father

3、.Hes my dad.dadLets chantMan, man, whos that man?Father, father, hes my father.Man, man, whos that man?Dad, dad, hes my dad.woman女人女人Whos that?Shes my mother.mother(mum)Shes my mum.Woman, woman, shes a woman.Mother,mother,shes my mother.Woman, moman,shes a woman.Mum,mum,shes my mum.Lets chantTask3:师

4、傅检查徒弟认读单师傅检查徒弟认读单词,有不会读的要帮助小徒词,有不会读的要帮助小徒弟哦。弟哦。2 2分钟后期待徒弟们的精彩回答分钟后期待徒弟们的精彩回答! !fathermothermanwomandadmumTask 3 :火眼金睛,看谁能最快火眼金睛,看谁能最快说出这些单词!说出这些单词! 下面根据下面根据刚才所才所学的句的句子子来回答下面的回答下面的问题!Task 4: Let spractise!Whos that man?Hes Yao Ming.Whos_ ?Shes Amy.that girl她是我的朋友。她是我的朋友。Shes my friend.Find the wrong

5、places(找茬(找茬 )Rule: 找出错误,并改正。找出错误,并改正。如果本题有如果本题有多种改法,尽量用本单元所学单词。多种改法,尽量用本单元所学单词。当堂训练当堂训练1.Who is she? He is my mother. He is my father.She is my mother.2. Who is he? She is my father.XX4.Who is that man? He is my father.3. Who is that girl? He is my sister. XShe is my sister.填空练习:1. _ is a boy. (he/she)2._ is a girl.( he/ she)3. Is _ a man. (he/she)4. Is _ woman. (he/she)5.Who is that_(man/ woman) He is my friend.6.Who is that _ (man/woman) She is my mother.HeSheheshe manwoman听听录音音学习Lets chant,看看谁最棒哦!最棒哦!Task 5Homework1、抄写今天所学的六个、抄写今天所学的六个单词,每个一行。单词,每个一行。2、熟读、熟读Lets chant.



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