人教版高中英语必修二 Unit 2《The Olympic Games》-Learning about language[课件]

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1、Learning about languageCan you tell me the similarities and differences between the ancient and the modern Olympics? (each student says one point) Revision1. to take part in a sports event2. to allow to enter (a course or sports competition ) 3. someone who takes part in a sports competition4. level

2、 of abilitycompeteadmitathletestandardFind the word or expression for each of the following meanings from the text.5. happening every time with the same amount of time in between6. to take the place of 7. short sentence or phrase expressing the beliefs of a person or group regular basisreplacemotto8

3、. duty to be in charge and get in trouble if things go wrong9. special hall for physical exercise10. to join inresponsibilitygymnasiumtake part inLanguage pointsHe used to drive his ancient car. 他过去常常开他的他过去常常开他的老式车老式车。 To my surprise, the ancient custom is popular today. 让我惊奇的是让我惊奇的是, 这种古代习俗今这种古代习俗今

4、 天还流行。天还流行。1. ancient adj. old-modern2. compete (v.)competition (n.) competitor (n.)competitive (adj.)in in ancient timesin modern times I hope all of us can compete _ race / running. I know my English cannot compete _ _ his.with /againstDo you like watching boxing _.I prefer to play a _ of chess.Sh

5、e took the first place in the speech _.matchesgamecontest/competitiongame / match /contest / competitionThey are both in _ with each other for the gold petition区别区别:game 游戏游戏,比赛比赛,运动运动,球赛为美式英语球赛为美式英语, 指棋指棋类、桥牌类;复数为运动会;类、桥牌类;复数为运动会;match 球赛为英式英语球赛为英式英语, 指预先安排好的正式指预先安排好的正式比赛比赛,如摔跤如摔跤, 拳击等拳击等;contest 指

6、智力和知识竞赛指智力和知识竞赛 (=competition)competition 通过个人体力通过个人体力, 智力智力,技能技能 等获取名次。等获取名次。(1)Its certain that he will win a silver _ for racing.(2)He did win the first _ in the 100 meters race.medalprize3. prize / medal / reward / award(3).The winner received a gold medal as an _.(4). A large _ will be offered

7、to whoever finds the missing ring.awardrewardmedal 奖牌奖牌/章章; prize 奖金奖金, 奖励奖励, 获奖名次获奖名次;award 奖品奖品, 奖金奖金; reward 报酬报酬, 回报回报4. 特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+一般疑问句的插一般疑问句的插 入语入语+ 陈述句陈述句(常用此类插入语的动词为常用此类插入语的动词为: think, believe, suppose, imagine, consider, suggest, say等等)(1). Where do you think _ (他们已经去他们已经去 哪里了哪里了)?(2). Wh

8、o do you suppose _ _ (会获得第一名会获得第一名)?(3). When do you suggest _ _ (我们去度假我们去度假)?they have gonewill winthe first prize/placewe spendour holiday 方法方法: 还原法还原法: Do youwhere /who+主谓主谓Mum is coming; what present _(你希望她有你希望她有) for your holiday? (05福建高考福建高考)do you expect she has got 5. When and where will the

9、 next Olympic Games be held? 考点考点 一般将来时的被动语态。一般将来时的被动语态。考例考例 Your job _ open for your return. Thanks. (北京(北京 2006)A. will be kept B. will keep C. had kept D. had been kept点拨点拨 keep the job open使工作处于空使工作处于空缺状态。由句意缺状态。由句意“随时欢迎你回来工作随时欢迎你回来工作”可知应用一般将来时的被动语态。可知应用一般将来时的被动语态。D项项是过去完成时的被动语态,是过去完成时的被动语态,B、C项

10、是项是主动语态,均与题意不符,故选主动语态,均与题意不符,故选A项。项。(1)Its so boring to wait here, John, go to _ when the plane will arrive, will you?(2) On the way home I _ a watch lying on the road.find outfound6. find /find out / discover(3) Theyre trying to _ the secret.(4) Columbus _ America in 1492.(5) Can you _ Mr. Lius add

11、ress for me?find outdiscoveredfind outfind 指偶然发现指偶然发现; find out 指有意识地去发现指有意识地去发现, 打听打听或者询问或者询问;discover 强调新的发现或科学的强调新的发现或科学的发现。发现。注意注意:7. interview (n./v.) 采访采访, 会见会见, 面试面试 interviewer(采访者采访者) interviewee(被采访者被采访者) Tomorrow Ill have an interview for a new job. I interviewed 20 people for the job. a

12、job / telephone / TV interview8. I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and I used to write about the Olympic Games a long time ago. 点拨点拨 what you call “Ancient Greece”是介词是介词in的宾语。介词的宾的宾语。介词的宾语为一个句子时,其引导词根据这个语为一个句子时,其引导词根据这个句子的意思决定。如:句子的意思决定。如: A modern gymnasium has been set up in what was a was

13、teland ten years ago. We havent settled the question of whether it is necessary for him to study abroad. Do you ever get confused about where you are heading?9. be to do sth.(1). 表命令表命令, 义务义务, 职责职责 (应该应该, 必须必须 “长辈对晚辈长辈对晚辈”) You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.(2) 表计划表计划, 安排安排, 打算打算 T

14、hey are to get married on National Day.(3) 不可避免要发生不可避免要发生, 命中注定命中注定 This chance is to come.10. every four years= every fourth year every other day = every two days every few days (不用不用a few) (注意注意:every 不能换成不能换成each)11. admit sth. / doing sth. / that-clause 容许容许, 承认承认, 接纳接纳 (1). The thief admitted h

15、is crime. (2). I had to admit that I had done wrong. (3). She admitted having stolen the necklace.(4). At last he was admitted to Beijing University.(5). I admit it to be true.12. Earlier you said that athletes are invited from all over the world. 点拨点拨 earlier意为意为“先前,早些时候先前,早些时候”,表示在这之前发生的动作或存在的状,表示

16、在这之前发生的动作或存在的状态。它可放在态。它可放在this year, this month等前,等前,表示今年年初、这月初等,也可以放在表示今年年初、这月初等,也可以放在表示一段时间的词后,意为表示一段时间的词后,意为“在在前前”。如:如: Earlier you told me that you would advertise the product in the newspaper. Earlier this year, we took part in the training run. He recalled a cold windy evening 24 years earlier

17、. When do you think China will host the World Cup?13. host v. 主办;举办主办;举办 host n. 主人主人 Mr Brown was our host at the party.14. Theres as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals. 点拨点拨 as . as .意为意为“像像一样一样”,用于描述人与人、事与事之间在某一方用于描述人与人、事与事之间在某一方面相同;既可用于肯定句,也可用于否面相同;既可用

18、于肯定句,也可用于否定句。定句。so . as .只用于否定句中。使用只用于否定句中。使用时要注意:时要注意:1)第一个)第一个as为副词,其后接为副词,其后接adj.或或adv.,也可接其他成分。第二个,也可接其他成分。第二个as为连词。为连词。2)表示倍数、几分之几等的词)表示倍数、几分之几等的词要放在要放在as . as .前。前。如:如:This competition is as interesting as that one.He speaks English well indeed, but of course not as / so fluently as a native s

19、peaker.Teaching is as much an art as it is a science.Mr. Smith got twice as many medals in 2006 as the year before. 15. The 2008 Olympics will be held in Beijing, China. 考点考点 will be held 为一般将来时的被为一般将来时的被动语态。其一般结构为:动语态。其一般结构为:shall / will + be + 过去分词。过去分词。shall 用于第一人称,用于第一人称,will 用于各人称。用于各人称。考例考例 Yo

20、ur job _ open for your return.Thanks. (北京北京2006)A. will be kept B. will keep C. had kept D. had been kept 点拨点拨 本题考查时态和语态。由本题考查时态和语态。由your job和和keep之间是被动关系,排除之间是被动关系,排除B、C项。另由对话情景可知,此处可以用现项。另由对话情景可知,此处可以用现在完成时或将来时,故选在完成时或将来时,故选A。 The old machine should be replaced by new ones. You have to replace the

21、 book where they were.16. replace (vt.) 代替代替; 放回原处放回原处17. (1). I didnt go there. _ _her. (她也是她也是)(2). She was a teacher. _ I. (我也是这样我也是这样)(3). Im a student and I like English. _ him. (他也是如此他也是如此)Nor /neitherdidSo wasSo it is with(4). - He says he will travel abroad. - So_ I if he travelled. (我也是我也是)

22、it is with(1). I have come to find out about the modern Olympics. A. recent B. present day C. earlier D. futureI. Find the similar words.(2) Every four years, athletes compete from all over the world. A. competitions B. competitors C. conductors D. cousins(3) Events with horses are part of the Summe

23、r Olympics. A. Compositions B. Competitions C. Sports D. Races(4) Those who do well in the Olympic Games with medals. A. prizes B. money C. prices D. progressII. 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. I am very interested in _(Greece) and Roman stories.2. As the people of the great nation, we shall take o

24、ur _ (responsible) to make it stronger.3. There are many _ (similar) between the two brothers.Greekresponsibilitiessimilarities4. In the morning, we went on a _ (magic) journey into a world of dreams at Disneyland. 5. Groups of young boys and girls are having their physical training in the _ (gymnas

25、t).gymnasiummagic(al) III. 用适当的介词填空。用适当的介词填空。1. The volunteers are _ their journey to study abroad, preparing for the coming games.2. He was admitted _ a member of the baseball team.3. They competed _ each other for the chance to going to Beijing. 4. The motto _ the Olympics is well known to lots of

26、 Chinese. onaswith / against of5. The women play an important role _ making our county more and more beautiful.6. When I heard _ the rules, I felt hopeless and was afraid I would fail again.7. Mr. Wang stopped to pick _ the bottles which were thrown by the students.8. She will be married _ a man who

27、 has much money. inofuptoIV. 根据括号内所给的提示将下列句子根据括号内所给的提示将下列句子翻译成英语。翻译成英语。1.这学期我们将有一门古代史课程。这学期我们将有一门古代史课程。 (ancient)2. 二十位姑娘参加了赛跑。二十位姑娘参加了赛跑。(compete)Twenty girls competed in the race.We will have a course in ancient history this term.3. 这是他们首次参加亚洲杯,但是他们这是他们首次参加亚洲杯,但是他们首场比赛的表现令人失望。首场比赛的表现令人失望。(take par

28、t in)4. 她在上届奥运会女子马拉松她在上届奥运会女子马拉松(marathon)赛跑中赢得金牌。赛跑中赢得金牌。 (medal)This is the first time that they have taken part in Asia Cup, but what they did in the first match is disappointing.She won the gold medal in the womens marathon at last Olympic Games.The letter “x” stands for an unknown number.5. 字母字

29、母x代表未知数。代表未知数。(stand for)6. 当时,波兰妇女是不允许进大学当时,波兰妇女是不允许进大学的,因此,玛丽决定去巴黎学习。的,因此,玛丽决定去巴黎学习。(admit)At that time women were not admitted to universities in Poland, so Mary decided to go to Paris to study.7. 在在2012年时,伦敦将成为第一个三次年时,伦敦将成为第一个三次承办现代奥运会的城市。承办现代奥运会的城市。(host)London will become the first city to hos

30、t the modern Olympic Games three times in 2012.8. 鲁迅不仅是一位伟大的作家,而且是一鲁迅不仅是一位伟大的作家,而且是一位伟大的思想家。位伟大的思想家。 (not only . but also .)Lu Xun is not only a great writer but also a great thinker.9. 下个月经理外出时,由李先生来负责下个月经理外出时,由李先生来负责整个公司。整个公司。(in charge of)Mr. Li will be in charge of the whole company next month w

31、hen the manager is away.10. 他过去起床很晚,但现在他已习惯他过去起床很晚,但现在他已习惯早起了。早起了。(used to)He used to get up late but now he is used to getting up early.11. 玛丽还有汤姆和麦克已经决定参加玛丽还有汤姆和麦克已经决定参加这次冒险活动。这次冒险活动。(as well as)12. 我们最近没收到他们的信,我们也我们最近没收到他们的信,我们也不知道他们的新地址。(不知道他们的新地址。(nor)Mary as well as Tom and Mike has decided to

32、 join in the adventure.We havent heard from them recently, nor do we know their new address.V. 每空填一词,使该句与所给句子的意每空填一词,使该句与所给句子的意思相同。思相同。1. We study not only Chinese but also English.We study Chinese _ _ _ English.2. Will you admit that you have broken the window?Will you admit _ _ the window?as well

33、ashaving broken3. He promised that he would come back before dark.He promised _ _ _ before dark.4. She has taken the place of her as our English teacher.She has _ her as our English teacher.to come backreplaced5. The World Cup is held every four years.The World Cup is held _ _ _.6. Ten foreign teams

34、 take part in Indonesias kite festival.Ten foreign teams _ _ Indonesias kite festival.7. I would get up very early when I was young.I _ _ get up very early when I was young.every fourth yearjoin inused to8. The email plays an important part in our communication.The email _ _ _ _ in our communication

35、.9. The computer is widely used in every school at present._ the computer is widely used in every school.plays an important roleNowadays / Now10. She thought I was talking about her daughter. In fact, I was talking about mine.She thought I was talking about her daughter. _ _ _ _ _, I was talking abo

36、ut mine.As a matter of fact2. Fill in the suitable prepositions.(1)Some of the athletes have competed _ two Olympic Games.(2) He will compete _ seven other athletes from foreign countries.inwith/against(3) All the players compete _honors as well as medals.(4) He was admitted _the skating club in 2003. forinto(5) Athletes from all over the world are admitted _ competitors.(6) These words are related _ each other in meaning.(7) What she has said does not relate_ the facts.astoto/with HomeworkGo over the useful words and expressions. 同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全同学们来学校和回家的路上要注意安全



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