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1、2014年年12月高月高职高高专院院校英校英语应用能力考用能力考试A级真真题PRETCOSection A1. a. production planning b. financial affairs c. public relations d. import and export2. a. More workers are needed b. Advertising costs more c. Raw materials are more expensive d. Workers salaries are higher3. a. to look for a dream job b. to vi

2、sit his friends c. to continue his study d. to find a chance to do business4. a. He is good at programming b. His is suitable for the job c. He is nice and kind d. He finds the job difficult5. a. interviewer and interviewee b. buyer and seller c. doctor and nurse d. shop assistant and customerSectio

3、n BConversation 16. a. He is too busy b. He got a new offer c. His company has moved away d. His company has closed down7. a. to have his own business b. to do social work c. to move to another city d. to go to study abroadConversation 28. a. the chief engineer b. the manager assistant c. the office

4、 secretary d. the sales manager9. a. Hes giving a lecture b. Hes attending a meeting c. Hes speaking on another phone d. Hes away on a business trip10. a. telling him to meet tomorrow b. telling him to send a sample c. asking him to call back d. asking him to attend a partySection CLadies and Gentle

5、men, Its my honor to be the guide to show you around our company. First of all, Ill introduce our factory to you. Our company _11_ in the 1980s. we mainly produce electronic goods and export them all over the world. We _12_ of about US$80 million last year, and our business is growing steadily. We n

6、ow have offices in Asia, North American Europe, with about 1500 employees, and we are working gladly to _13_ of our customers. In order to further develop our overseas market, we need more agents to _14_ our products. I hope you will _15_ doing business with us. Thank you!Section D16. What did the s

7、peaker talk about last time? The _ of an oral presentation.17. What does the speaker want to talk about today? The _ of an presentation.18. What does a typical presentation consist of? The beginning, _ .19. Why is a beginning of a presentation the most important part, according to the speaker? Becau

8、se it is the _ to your listeners.20. What is the role an effective beginning can play in your presentation? It can draw _ and set the proper tone. Section A1. a. production planning b. financial affairs c. public relations d. import and export2. a. More workers are needed b. Advertising costs more c

9、. Raw materials are more expensive d. Workers salaries are higher3. a. to look for a dream job b. to visit his friends c. to continue his study d. to find a chance to do business4. a. He is good at programming b. His is suitable for the job c. He is nice and kind d. He finds the job difficult5. a. i

10、nterviewer and interviewee b. buyer and seller c. doctor and nurse d. shop assistant and customerSection BConversation 16. a. He is too busy b. He got a new offer c. His company has moved away d. His company has closed down7. a. to have his own business b. to do social work c. to move to another cit

11、y d. to go to study abroadConversation 28. a. the chief engineer b. the manager assistant c. the office secretary d. the sales manager9. a. Hes giving a lecture b. Hes attending a meeting c. Hes speaking on another phone d. Hes away on a business trip10. a. telling him to meet tomorrow b. telling hi

12、m to send a sample c. asking him to call back d. asking him to attend a partySection CLadies and Gentlemen, Its my honor to be the guide to show you around our company. First of all, Ill introduce our factory to you. Our company _11_ in the 1980s. we mainly produce electronic goods and export them a

13、ll over the world. We _12_ of about US$80 million last year, and our business is growing steadily. We now have offices in Asia, North American Europe, with about 1500 employees, and we are working gladly to _13_ of our customers. In order to further develop our overseas market, we need more agents t

14、o _14_ our products. I hope you will _15_ doing business with us. Thank you!was set upmade a profitmeet the needspromoteconsiderSection D16. What did the speaker talk about last time? The _ of an oral presentation.17. What does the speaker want to talk about today? The _ of an presentation.18. What

15、does a typical presentation consist of? The beginning, _ .19. Why is a beginning of a presentation the most important part, according to the speaker? Because it is the _ to your listeners.20. What is the role an effective beginning can play in your presentation? It can draw _ and set the proper tone

16、. listeners attention importancestructuremiddle and ending introduction of yourself 1-5 b c d b a 6-10 c a d b c11-15 was set up made a profit meet the needs promote consider16-20 importance structure middle and ending introduction of yourself listeners attention Part II Vocabulary and StructureSect

17、ion A21. _ the number in full-time employment fell by 2 million, the number of people in part-time work doubled to over 4 million. a. Unless b. Until c. While d. Since22. It was your recommendation _ enabled me to be an engineer in this world-famous company. a. when b. who c. what d. that23. Now the

18、 pollution caused by increasing number of cars _ more and more serious in many cities. a. become b. became c. is becoming d. had become24 We understand you need easy access _ up-to-date information about your accounts in our bank.a.in b. to c. for d. with25. It is common practice _ a battery when it

19、 still has some life in it.a.to charge b. charge c. charged d. having charged26. We have to investigate as _ customers as possible in order to make sure of the potential of the market.a. many b. much c. more d. most27. As long as you keep on _ hard, youll get promoted sooner or later.a. work b. be w

20、orking c. worked d. working28. There are 4.9 million businesses in the U.K, 99% of _ are small businesses. a. which b. that c. whose d. it29. _ by all the team members, they finally got the big project for their company. a. To be supported b. Having supported c. Supporting d. Supported30. This artic

21、le tells the readers _ they can look for in an employees abilities. a. that b. what c. which d. howSection B31.Theproposalthattheheadoftheteammadeatthemeetingsounds(reason)_.32.Generallyspeaking,onceyou(make)_thepayment,thegoodsshouldbedeliveredwithinaweek.33.itissaidthatadvertisingisthe(expensive)_

22、ofallthepromotionalactivitiesundertakenbybusinesses.34.Thecompanysufferedgreatlyduringtheeconomiccrisis,withconsiderablelossofits(invest)_.35.Itisreportedthataninternationalconference(hold)_inLondonnextFriday.reasonablemost expensivemakeinvestmentwill be held21-25 c d c b a 26-30 a d a d b 31-35 rea

23、sonable make most expensive investment will be heldPart reading comprehension Task 137.【答案】B 【解析】关键词core value(核心价值观)。 定位到文章第一段第三行At GFL,safety is more than a program; it is a core value of our company,意思为“在GFL,安全(问题)不仅仅是一个计划;它(还是)我们公司的核心价值观”。答案为B,safety。36.【答案】D 【解析】关键词doesnt allow,不允许。定位到文章第一段第二行W

24、e never tolerateany conduct that puts our customers and the communities we serve at risk “never tolerate”,从来都不能忍受,与doesnt allow 同义。“put sth at risk”,将某物置于危险之地。因此答案为D,do harm to its customers(对消费者造成伤害)。38.【答案】C 【解析】定位到原句,句中由and连接两个分句。and连接的句子前后意思相同,结构对称,因此we believe与we are always mindful of意思相同。选项中与“

25、相信”意思相同的为C,“we are always aware of”。40.【答案】B 【解析】关键词“green”programs,定位到文章第三段最后一句Our new“green”waste management program is now gaining respect and popularity in the community。意思为“我们新的绿色垃圾管理计划目前在社区得到越来越多的尊重和喜欢。因此答案为B, The program is becoming more and more popular(该计划越来越受欢迎)。39.【答案】A 【觯析】关键词its worker

26、safety and environmental practices,定位到第二段第一句We are committed to the safety of our workers and have programs in place to continually upgrade our worker safety and environmental practices。意思为“我们以员工的安全为己任,并实施计划去不断提升员工的安全和环境措施”。因此答案为 A,continually upgrade them(不断升级)。41.【答案】A 【解析】题目给出原因“advances in techn

27、ology and global economic changes(科技和全世界经济的变化),需要去文中寻找结果。定位到文章第一段第二句Some occupations had already been declining for years due to advances in technology and changes in global economy,句中due to(因为)表明了因果关系。因此答案为A,many jobs are disappearing sharply(很多工作急剧消失)。 Task 243.【答案】B 【解析】关键词using new technologies

28、in the office,定位文章第四段最后一句“Moreover, technologies like voicemail and easy-to-use word processors have enabled professionals to do their own office work(再者,像语音和使用方便的文字处理等技术让很多专业人员可以自己做自己的工作)”。因此答案为B。42.【答案】D 【解析】关键词stage performers,定位文章第二段。由第二段第二句话得知“stage performances have fallen out of fashion(舞台表演已

29、经不再流行)”,因此答案为D, stage performances have become less popular(舞台表演越来越不流行)。44.【答案】D 【解析】关键词2018。定位到文章第五段最后一句“The occupation has been steadily losing jobs in the last five years and there might be a 24% decline by 2018(这份工作 在过去的5年逐渐减少,到2018很可能减少24%)”。答案为D。45.【答案】C 【解析】主旨分析题。文章一开始提到了由于某些原因,一些工作正在减少。之后一一阐

30、述逐渐减少的5种工作,提到了它们减少的原因及减少的幅度。因此答案为C,disappearing careers(消失的职业)。 46.【答案】【答案】the communities 【解析】关键词aims,give back to。定位到文章第一段第三行We also believe whole-heartedly in giving back to the communities in which we operate(我们同时也衷心相信能够给我们经营的社区一些回报)。因此同时也衷心相信能够给我们经营的社区一些回报)。因此 答案为答案为communities。47.【答案】【答案】work

31、hard 【解析】关键词features,willingness。定位文章第二段第二句Just the willingness to work hard,意为“仅仅(需要)努力工作的 决心”。48.【答案】【答案】selling 【解析】关键词features,focus on。定位文章第二段第二行What makes American Income Life unique is that our work system enables our sales team to focus on selling, which is what makes this career truly oppor

32、tunity limited,意思为“让American Income Life公司真正特别的是我们工作系统让我们的销售团队能注重销售,这也是使这类工作机会有限的原因”。49.【答案】【答案】free 【解析】关键词benefits,training opportunities。定位文章第三段第二句 You will also find free training opportunities, and leadership experience, too意思为“你也能获得免费的培训机会和领导经验”。50.【答案】【答案】leadership 【解析】定位文章第三段第二句You will als

33、o find free training opportunities, and leadership experience, too。Task 351. F,J52. L,Q53. D,I54. M,O55. G,N Task 4 56.【答案】【答案】private student 【解析】关键词,A Wells Fargo。定位到文章第一段“Make no payments while in school with A Wells Fargo private student loan(用A Wells Fargo个人学生贷款让你在学校不用支付)”。57.【答案】【答案】education-

34、related 【解析】关键词expenses,be paid,loan。定位到文章第二段第二句Wells Fargo private student loans may be able to help you pay for all eligible education-related expense(Wells Fargo 个人学生贷款可以帮助你支付所有有资质的与教育相关的费用)58.【答案】【答案】leaving school【解析】细节题,根据第三段第一点.until six months after leaving school 可知,毕业6个月后才开始还款。59. 【答案】【答案】

35、getting approved【解析】根据第四段第一句.improve your chance of getting approved and., 可知申请时如果有担保人,可以提高你申请成功的机会。60. 【答案】【答案】the process 【解析】细节题,根据第六段第一句.help you through the process, 可知我们的学生贷款专员会在这里全程帮助你。 Task 561 B-C-A 62 C-A-B 63 A-C-B 64 B-A-CPart IV Translation-English into Chinese65. According to your requ

36、est, we will 1) correct or update your personal information; 2) stop sending emails to your email address; 3) stop sending messages to your phones; and 4) stop your account to prevent any future purchases through that account. You can make these requests at the Customer Information Department, or by

37、 telephoning, or emailing your request to the Customer Service Department at . Please do not email your credit card number or other sensitive information.65 根据您的要求,我们将1)纠正或更新您的个人信息;2)停止发送邮件到您的邮箱地址;3)停止发送信息到您的电话;同时4)冻结您的账户以防未来任何通过该账户发生的购买行为。您可以在客户信息部门提出这些要求,或致电,或电子邮件发送请求到客户服务部门,邮箱地址为cslightinthe 。请不要

38、通过电子邮件发送信用卡卡号或其他敏感信息。Part V Writing 说明:假定你是公寓管理员Jeffrey, 请根据下列内容给公寓住户Smith先生写一封信。写信事由:1.已收到Smith先生的来信,回复他借用公寓公用房间出售旧物的请求;2.不同意Smith先生的请求,理由是:公寓规则规定,公寓公用房间不能用于出售物品的活动;3.建议使用露天停车场,但需提前一周告知我,并将计划告知其他住户。Words for reference:公共用房 common room 公寓规则 apartment rule请注意书信格式! December 21, 2014Dear Mr. Smith, I h

39、ave received your letter, and you said you want to borrow the common room in the building to sell some old stuff. Im very sorry to inform you that I cannot lend the room to you. According to the apartment rule, the common room cannot be used as a place for selling stuff. Personally, I suggest that you use the open-air parking lot. Its large and suitable for displaying your stuff. If you want to use the place, please inform me one week in advance and inform the other residents in the building.Looking forward to your reply. Sincerely yours, JeffreyPart V Writing



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