高二英语选修7 unit 2

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《高二英语选修7 unit 2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高二英语选修7 unit 2(77页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Welcome to My Class机器猫机器猫Unit 2 Robots What is a robot? A robot is a machine _ to do jobs that are usually _ by humans . Robots are _ and _ by a computer. designedperformedprogrammedcontrolledHave you ever played with robot toys? Do you want to play with the real robots?Guess what these robots are d

2、oing.DiscussionWhat can a robot do?It can do many different things.robot workerIndustrial robots 工业机器人工业机器人Entertainmentrobotsplay musicsingThe robot which can dance with men sweep the floorpour tea cook dinnerHousehold RobotsPlay sportsexplore dangerous placesThe robot which can mow the lawn (除草机器人

3、除草机器人)The robot which can do rescue workThe robot which is used to find the landmines (地雷地雷) Military robots Riding/Cycling play with usclean the planeDo the labour work Say hello to people Talk with peopleserve us lead the wayThe robot which can play with children.The robot whichcan speak to people

4、.Nowadays robots can be made into various shapes for various uses.RobotsPlay with humantake care of humanrescue workHouseworkAnd so onA robot can do all the housework. It can cook dinner, do the laundry(洗衣服)洗衣服), iron(熨)(熨) shirts, make the bed, sweep the floor and wash the dishes. A robot can also

5、look after children. Children all like to play with robots. A robot can be a teacher. It knows everything and remembers everything well. It can help me with homework. It can also help scientists explore dangerous places, like the sea and outer space. what can robots look like?SpiderDinosaur Dragonfl

6、y SnakeMantis (螳螂螳螂)螳螂HumansHuge armWhat kinds of work are robots usually used for?Robots are made to perform different tasks. Many of them are used for tasks that are either dangerous or unpleasant for us human beings. In other cases, robots are used in repetitive, or boring tasks in which human pe

7、rformance might degrade (降低降低价值价值) over time. Robots can perform these repetitive, high-precision operations 24 hours a day without fatigue.Why use Robots?There are many benefits to using robots instead of humans. The good thing about robots is that they will never get bored, and they will do things

8、 more efficiently than people. Also, robots never get sick, or need to rest. They will never need time off, or lunch breaks. Sometimes, when a task is too dangerous or difficult for a human, a robot will be able to do it without any risks or problems. Why we study robots?Search enginesLaborScienceMe

9、dicine/DiagnosisAppliancesWhat else?诊诊断断Lets look at some movie posters below which are about robots. Do you know the names of these movies?I, Robot 机械公敌机械公敌Terminator 终结者终结者Edward Scissorhands 剪刀手爱德华剪刀手爱德华 The Matrix 骇客帝国骇客帝国 AI - Artificial Intelligence 人工智能人工智能 Robots 机器人历险记机器人历险记Doraemon 机器猫机器猫

10、Do you know who he is?Whats the relationship between Isaac Asimov and robots?Isaac Asimov最早提出机器人这个概念的人是科幻作家阿西莫夫最早提出机器人这个概念的人是科幻作家阿西莫夫最早提出机器人这个概念的人是科幻作家阿西莫夫最早提出机器人这个概念的人是科幻作家阿西莫夫(Isaac (Isaac AsimovAsimov) ),二十世纪四十年代他在一本短篇小说中用到了,二十世纪四十年代他在一本短篇小说中用到了,二十世纪四十年代他在一本短篇小说中用到了,二十世纪四十年代他在一本短篇小说中用到了roboticrob

11、otic这个单词。在那篇短文中,阿西莫夫提出了三个指导机这个单词。在那篇短文中,阿西莫夫提出了三个指导机这个单词。在那篇短文中,阿西莫夫提出了三个指导机这个单词。在那篇短文中,阿西莫夫提出了三个指导机器人行为的准则,也就是著名的机器人三大定律器人行为的准则,也就是著名的机器人三大定律器人行为的准则,也就是著名的机器人三大定律器人行为的准则,也就是著名的机器人三大定律 First Law : First Law : A robot must not injure human beings or allow A robot must not injure human beings or allow

12、 them to be injured.them to be injured.Second Law : Second Law : A robot must obey the orders given to it by human A robot must obey the orders given to it by human beings (as long as human being are not injured beings (as long as human being are not injured ). ).Third Law : Third Law : A robot must

13、 protect its own existence (as long as A robot must protect its own existence (as long as human beings are not injured; and as long as human beings are not injured; and as long as the robot does not disobey the human beings).the robot does not disobey the human beings).Asimovs three laws1. 1.机器人不能伤害

14、人类,或坐视人类受到伤害而袖手旁观。机器人不能伤害人类,或坐视人类受到伤害而袖手旁观。机器人不能伤害人类,或坐视人类受到伤害而袖手旁观。机器人不能伤害人类,或坐视人类受到伤害而袖手旁观。2. 2.除非违背第一法则,机器人必须服从人类的命令。除非违背第一法则,机器人必须服从人类的命令。除非违背第一法则,机器人必须服从人类的命令。除非违背第一法则,机器人必须服从人类的命令。3. 3.在不违背第一和第二法则前提下,机器人必须保护自己。在不违背第一和第二法则前提下,机器人必须保护自己。在不违背第一和第二法则前提下,机器人必须保护自己。在不违背第一和第二法则前提下,机器人必须保护自己。 Do you t

15、hink it is possible for a robot to:1.think for itself2.have feelings 3.have its own needs and desires4.look and feel like a human beingReadingSatisfactionGuaranteed1. desire v.1) 渴望渴望;希望希望(做某事做某事):_2) 要求某事要求某事_3)要求要求(请求请求)某人做某事某人做某事_4)desire thatdo/should do; desire to do sth.desire sth.desire sb. t

16、o do sth.我请您立即回信。我请您立即回信。 I desire _ of yours.我们希望有个好结果。我们希望有个好结果。 _去请他进来。去请他进来。_Exercisean immediate answer We desire to have a good result. Please desire him to come in.他们要求你马上回来。他们要求你马上回来。They desire _.that you should come at oncedesire n. (1) 愿望愿望; 欲望欲望 (2) 要求要求 (3) 食欲食欲 (4) 向往的东西向往的东西他有强烈的求知欲。他

17、有强烈的求知欲。He has _.a strong desire for knowledge / to learnmeet ones desirehavefeel a great desire forat ones desire满足某人的欲望满足某人的欲望强烈渴望得到强烈渴望得到照某人希望照某人希望2. satisfaction n. ( opp. dissatisfaction)满意地满意地_令某人满意的是令某人满意的是_对对表示满意表示满意_获悉她身体康复非常欣慰。获悉她身体康复非常欣慰。 It is a satisfaction to know she is well again.wit

18、h satisfactionto sbs satisfaction/ to the satisfaction of sb. express ones satisfaction at/ with1) 满足满足; 满意满意; 舒服舒服 (at; with) 2)令人满意的事物令人满意的事物satisfy vt.satisfied adj.satisfying adj.satisfactory adj.满足满足; 使满足使满足满意的满意的; 满足的满足的令人满意的令人满意的令人满意的令人满意的1.Its not easy to satisfy him.2.I am satisfied with th

19、e result of the exam. The result of the exam is satisfying. 3.Its a satisfactory excuse for his absence. 3. experiment with4. test out5. alarm n. 警报警报; 惊慌惊慌; 恐慌恐慌 火灾引起很大恐慌。火灾引起很大恐慌。 _The fire caused much alarm.alarm vt. 使警觉使警觉; 惊动惊动; 使惊慌使惊慌不要惊慌不要惊慌 Dont alarm yourself.be alarmed at6. sympathyn. 同情同情

20、; 同感同感; 同情心同情心相关短语:相关短语:feel sympathy for, have sympathy for 同情同情in sympathy with 赞成赞成; 跟着跟着; 和和一致一致7. favourn. 喜爱,恩惠喜爱,恩惠 v.偏爱偏爱Will you do me a favour?She won her bosss favour.A teacher must not show too much favour to one of his pupils.A teacher must not favour to one of his pupils.Which side do

21、you favour?I am in favour of his plan.9. with wonder: 疑惑地疑惑地 with + n 作状语作状语 with surprise / embarrassment / fear 10. reach for / reach out ones hand for e.g.He reached out his hand for an apple. n. reachwithin ones reach out of ones reach= beyond ones reach 8. Or ratherHe lives in London, or rather

22、, he lives in a suburb of London.11. accompany v. 1) to go / stay with Id like you to accompany me to the supermarket.What accompanies him is always a dog.2) to exist at the same time 和和一起发生一起发生 Lightning usually accompanies thunder. She accompanied the singer on the piano.Ill keep you company while

23、 you are waiting.12. affair n. 事情事情/ 暧昧关系暧昧关系/ 私通私通 pl 业务业务/ 事务事务/ 事态事态Affairs at present in that country are unsettled.那个国家当前的局势动荡不安那个国家当前的局势动荡不安.current/foreign/world affairs 时事时事/外交事务外交事务/ 世界事务世界事务 affairs of state 国事国事/ 国务国务/ 政务政务She is having an affair with her boss.13. Strike1)The clock struck

24、 eight.2)The ship struck against the rock.3)A big earthquake struck that country.4)He struck a match.5)It struck me that she was accusing me.6)They are striking for better working conditions.14. declare vt. 宣布宣布; 声明声明; 表明表明; 说明说明; 宣称宣称1) declare +n. 宣告宣告 他们将很快宣布选举的结果。他们将很快宣布选举的结果。 _ _2) declare+n.+(

25、to be) n./ adj. 宣布宣布为为 裁判宣布他为比赛的冠军。裁判宣布他为比赛的冠军。 _ _3. Do you have anything to declare?They will declare the results of the election soon.The judge declared him (to be) the winner of the competition.15. more than + n _ + adj._ +num._不仅仅是不仅仅是, 不止不止很很 / 非常非常超过超过more + adj / adv / n / v + than 与其说与其说, ,

26、不如说,不如说e.g.What he wants is more than money. He is more than scared of cats.He is more scared than ill. 他与其说是病了他与其说是病了, 倒不如说他是受了倒不如说他是受了惊吓。惊吓。16. envy vt. & n. 忌妒忌妒; 羡慕羡慕I felt envy at his success.She always envies me my curly hair.17. leavealone 不管不管; 不打扰不打扰; 让让 独自待着独自待着 不要动我的书不要动我的书. _ 由我来做吧由我来做吧.

27、 _Leave my book alone.Leave me alone to do it.leave behind 留下留下; 忘带忘带; 遗留遗留leave out 省去省去; 排除排除; 遗漏遗漏leave off 停止停止leave over 推迟某事推迟某事; 剩下剩下18. have doing = cause sb to do sth 1) 让让做做I wont have him cleaning his bike in the kitchen. She wont have her children sitting down to dinner with dirty hands.

28、 2) 鼓励鼓励, 教会教会, 劝说劝说Ill have them all talking in English in the classroom. As soon as I got there, I tried to have John find me a house.She had us all laughing at her jokes.1.就我个人而言,我偏爱科幻小说。就我个人而言,我偏爱科幻小说。2. 14岁以下的儿童必须有成年人陪伴。岁以下的儿童必须有成年人陪伴。3. 他声明他支持政府的决定。他声明他支持政府的决定。4. 她一直嫉妒我的成功。她一直嫉妒我的成功。5. 听到一声巨响,这个男孩与其说害怕不如说惊讶。听到一声巨响,这个男孩与其说害怕不如说惊讶。6. 我突然意识到我不应该将我突然意识到我不应该将Tom一个人留在山上,一个人留在山上, 因为那样很危险。因为那样很危险。7. 她不容许孩子在公共场合无理顶撞。她不容许孩子在公共场合无理顶撞。8. 他是如此恐慌以致于让灯一晚上一直亮着,不敢睡觉。他是如此恐慌以致于让灯一晚上一直亮着,不敢睡觉。9. 他并不仅仅是想取悦于她,更确切的说是爱上了她。他并不仅仅是想取悦于她,更确切的说是爱上了她。10. 这个小男孩有很强的求知欲让人很欣慰。这个小男孩有很强的求知欲让人很欣慰。



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