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1、Find the following phrases/sentences1.参加期末考试参加期末考试2.学校放假了学校放假了3.在英语考试中你做的怎样?在英语考试中你做的怎样?4.制作一张长的清单制作一张长的清单5.在太阳下玩耍在太阳下玩耍6.那将会是一个很棒的夏天。那将会是一个很棒的夏天。7.过一个愉快的暑假吧!过一个愉快的暑假吧!take final examsSchool is over.How did you do on the English exammake a long listplay in the sunIts going to be a great summer Have

2、a good summer! Lesson 44Volunteering in SummerNew words1.care 照料;保护 ke(r) 2.pet 宠物 pet 3.alone 独自(的)ln 4.field 旷野;领域 fi:ld 5.rights 权益;权利 rats 6.luckily 幸运地 lkl 7.rocket 火箭 rkt 8.puppy 小狗,幼犬 pp A puppy is a young dog. listening Listen to the tape and answer these two questions. 1.What do the letters

3、 “ARG” stand for (代表代表) ?2.What does ARG do for pets without a home (无家可归的宠物们无家可归的宠物们)?Animal Rights GroupARG takes care of pets without a home.Read and answer the questions.1.What happened to Rocket ?2.Why is the boy going to volunteer at ARG ? 3. Why are pets taken to ARG? List two reasons .His fa

4、mily left him alone in a fieldARG needs a lot of volunteersSometimes, people move away and they cant take their pets with them. Other times, people are too old or sick and they cant take care of their pets.Structures and Expressions1.照顾;照料 take care of ARG takes care of pets without a home.(同义句)ARG

5、looks after pets without a home.2.搬走;离开 move awaySometimes, people move away(搬走)and they cant take their pets with them. 3.遛狗 walk the dogI will walk the dogs(遛狗 )and Ill help the other animals, too. 4.不管;撇下一人 leavealoneHis family left him alone(留下他一人)in a field.5 .Or sometimes, people are not nice

6、to their pets. 或者有时候,人们对他们的宠物不好。6. Luckily , ARG found Rocket and took him to the animal centre. 幸运的是 ,ARG发现了火箭,把他带到了动物中心。7 .ARG needs a lot of volunteers. ARG需要很多志愿者。. Im going to volunteer four times a week. 我打算一周做四次志愿服务。 Difficulties :1 .A volunteer is someone who gives their time for free.志愿者就是免

7、费奉献时间。2.Volunteering is a good way to learn some new skills and give back to the community.志愿服务是学习一些新技能回报社会的好方法。3.You can help out at: 你可以在以下地方提供帮助after school clubs, libraries, homeless shelters, old age homes and lots more课外俱乐部、图书馆、无家者收容所、老年之家及更多其他地方。Summary take care of= - -move away walk the dog

8、Volunteer leavealone=are not nice totook him to the animal centre.luck 名词 形容词 副词 Do some exercises1.The famers are working in the field.(田野里)2.The old man lives alone(单独), but he doesnt feel lonely.3.We should take care of (照顾)the old.4.Dont leave children alone (单独留下)outside.5.The old man often wal

9、ks his dog(遛狗) after supper.6.ARG needs a lot of volunteers(志愿者).7.His family has three puppies. (puppy) My Plans for the Summer Holiday Hi, Im Tony. Im a Canadian boy. Im in Grade 7.The summer holiday is coming. I make big plans for it.Im going to go to the beach and swim in the sea. And Im going to play sports every day. Im good at playing tennis. Its my favourite.I will do my homework and read some books ,too.And I will have a picnic and go on a trip with my friends. Well be very happy. I will have an exciting holiday! Thank you!



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