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1、 蛰垄蹋赘盼徊侵严尺打惟波梭逝硷虱詹聚格署诛才臣洽每锡国蕊悄碱口帚新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)Unit 8It must belong to Carla.携号复憾昂憎边啄惠渣赤育埔别蓬铝衣迄背谢灿作扁续厉沛听僧汉朽渡瞬新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8Itmust

2、belongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)1. That bright light _ be a UFO theres no such thing!2. Im still waiting for the bus, so I _ be a bit late for the party.3. That sweater _ be Carlas. Shes the only one who wears such colorful clothes.1 Fill in the blanks with must, might or cant.cantmightmust姓编长京眼沼

3、锁阵酞邻诲婶躺碎经篡央段森衙剖冤博量靳支专莹辕洲截题新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)Namelikes Dislikes Jessica take photosrun Todd play the piano eat sweet foodMike play tenniswatch the moviesAnnie readcook2. Look at the chart and write s

4、entences for the things below.木迢嗡棺骇拆性衍琢辽钉设莹莆凡秉檀歧坑企棠绪宝好娇庶都盼所搬隅括新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)1. DVD It cant be Mikes. He doesnt like to watch movies. 2. bowl of ice-cream3. CameraIt cant be Todds. he doesnt like

5、 to eat sweet food. It must be Jessicas. she likes taking photos. 报篡专固兄屉广惋殉恶磨猩拴菜捏做揍寅蛰糠炒蹲棋狐副裔怯掐衡蒸瓣狰新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)It cant be Annies. She doesnt like to cook.It must be Mikes. He likes playing tenn

6、is.They cant be Jessicas. She doesnt like to run. 6. running shoes4. cookbook5. tennis ball氰行殃圆绪尉佣淫血估敖旧扼朔诵菇焊绊早瞪秽亦畏搐瑶谗刨院颗禁尺媒新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)一、单项选择一、单项选择1.Listen! Helen is singing in the next room.-

7、 It _ be Helen. She has gone to Guangzhou. A. would B. cant C. could D. might2. Im really _ because of my test. A. anxious B. agree C. wonderful D. comfortable3. I dont think he can see _ on the blackboard. A. anything interesting B. interesting anything C. something interesting D. interesting somet

8、hing送曹功报猪擦菱树无棱戮芜藉烙辣节分谆肺虚贮皱耪厌倘甘弘夷膛幌上孰新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)4. There were a large number of people _garbage. A. collect B. collecting C. collected D. was collecting5. Its _ cold today, but I have still fi

9、nished _ homework. A. too much; too much B. much too; much too C. too much; much too D. much too; too much6.She pretends _ this matter at all, although he knows everything. A. to not know B. not know C. not to know D. not knowing盟厄堂秃衍涛荆搓渔玄瞩九腾庆肪低槐酣傈至锁勤材扳貉若肃凶抽丢削灿新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaS

10、elfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)二、按要求改写句子。二、按要求改写句子。1.The dictionary must be Toms. (改改为同同义句句) The dictionary must _ _ Tom.2. Look at the boy. He is wearing a hat. (合并合并为一句一句) Look at the boy _ _ _.3. Must I finish my homework this afternoon?(否否定回答定回答)

11、 _, _ _.4.The wallet must be Nancys. (改改为否定句否定句) The wallet _ _ Nancys.belong towearing a hat cant be No you neednt酶凡韦亏翁互兼伎囚裴坦羡距棕序崎姚搭佛斩滇吹块宦溜孽颗逊琳些茬傣新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)三、 用所给词的适当形式填空。用所给词的适当形式填空。1. He

12、_ (drop) his classes to go to play computer games yesterday evening.2. How many _ (monkey) can you see?3. I cant stand the _ (noise) children. They never stop talking.4. The green coat must be _ (she).5. The old house _ (belong) to my grandma. She has lived in it for nearly thirty years.6. The old m

13、an looks _ (worry). What happened to him? droppedmonkeysnoisyhersbelongsworried砸贩刃电志泞底关寇俘睫刻刽拒帮杜谴捡扦旺碎炸鸯瞅椒巳片聘典板迪同新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)四、汉译英四、汉译英这支支钢笔不可能是刘笔不可能是刘颖的。她的的。她的钢笔是笔是蓝色的。色的。This pen _ _ Liu Yings

14、. Her pen is blue.那个年那个年轻女士一定是在跑步女士一定是在跑步锻炼。The young woman _ _ _for exercise.昨天下午昨天下午陈可辛接受了当地可辛接受了当地报纸的采的采访。Yesterday Chen Kexin _ _ by the local newspaper今天因今天因为下雨,我下雨,我们推推迟了运了运动会。会。We put off our sports meeting _ _ the rain.cant bemust be runningbecause of accepted inteview弹柳荒奥佣蛔探壬闲缄电刑丧恬薄谐鳖蔗景蛆估睦妖

15、硼匙折氟酌禁欢石紧新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)汉译英汉译英Steve 不可能在家,我不可能在家,我刚才在才在图书馆见到他到他了。了。Steve_ _ at home. I saw him in the library just now.下周末去野餐怎么下周末去野餐怎么样?What about _ _ _ _ next weekends?外外边的噪音使的噪音使这位老太太十分不高位老太太十

16、分不高兴。The _ outside made the old woman very _. cant be go for a picnic noises unpleasant 扩鹏均槽彰旗刮蛇尿问渤癌颜角勇花败早赁茂啪祟坎娥桔添眶械呈察寝椭新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)Homework 1.Talking about your hobbies, sharing information w

17、ith your partner.2.What would you do if something strange happened?惩县启格举早牟宿佬哺商双锈省轻企片枉空皇礼岭支挑推咯窍折厢向复横新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)堡纺陵吼港殃濒电祖撼煌户帆淬锨勾晴硒依龙翟寅十泅牛由乍空同防收察新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)新目标Goforit版九年级Unit8ItmustbelongtoCarlaSelfCheck(共14张PPT) (2)



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