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1、高考英语写作功能词“专心致志”表达详解一、主要英语对应词及其用法结构1.动词 ( attend, absorb, concentrate, devote, dedicate, bend, immerse)attend 专心;注意They do not attend to their work.(他们工作不用心。)absorb 全神贯注Business absorbs him.(他专心致志地处理业务。)concentrate 集中注意力;使集中于一点The students could not concentrate(on their studies) with all that noise g

2、oing on. 吵闹声不绝于耳,学生们精神无法集中(于学习)。We must concentrate our efforts on protecting our environment. (我们必须致力于保护环境。)He concentrates his energy on studying law. (他专心致志地攻读法学。)to concentrate ones attention/mind on./to concentrate mainly on. 把注意力/思想专注于devote 把奉献to devote all ones efforts to ones task 全力以赴地工作to

3、 devote oneself to. 致力于dedicate 奉献;贡献to dedicate oneself to ones work 专心致志地做工作to dedicate ones life to sth./doing sth. 将毕生致力于某事物/做某事immerse 沉浸to immerse oneself to tally in ones work 埋头工作/专心工作bend 专心致志He couldnt bend his mind(bend himself) to his studies. (他不能专心学习。)2.形容词 (absorbed, concentrated, dev

4、oted, dedicated, immersed, bent, engrossed, rapt, assiduous, webbed, married, single-minded, constant)to be absorbed in ones book 埋头读书with concentrated attention心思专一;全神贯注with concentrated effort专心致志的努力to be devoted to ones studies 专心学习a dedicated artist/teacher 专心不二的艺术家/有献身精神的教师to be immersed in bus

5、iness/a book埋头事务/专心读书to be bent on sth./doing sth.专心致志于(做)某事to be engrossed in ones (work)全神贯注于工作to be rapt in thought/devotion一心一意地思考/奉献to be assiduous in ones duties专注地履行职守the result of years assiduous research数年苦心钻研的成果to be webbed/married to ones work(career) 专心致志于自己的工作/事业to be too single-minded

6、to be distracted by failures 专心致志百折不挠to be constant in love 爱情专一3.副词(single-mindedly)to work single-mindedly at sth.一心一意做某事4.名词 (attention, absorption, concentration, devotion, devotee, dedication, assiduity, singleness, single-mindedness, immersion)to give ones full attention/mind to sth.全神贯注于to fi

7、x ones whole attention on.全神贯注于His work suffered because of his total absorption in sport.(他热衷于运动而影响了工作。)This is a book that requires great concentration. (这是一本需要全神贯注才能看懂的书。)It requires/demands/needs considerable concentration to do this kind of job.(做这种工作需要精神高度集中。)The teachers devotion to her task

8、has been much admired.(这位老师全心全意投入工作的态度受到人们很大的敬重。)He is a devotee of music.(他致力于音乐。)We admire the teachers dedication.(我们敬佩这位教师的执着和奉献精神。)Mr. Wu shows great assiduity in his work. (吴先生对工作兢兢业业。)with singleness of mind 一心一意with singleness of purpose 专心致志We had a passionate single-mindedness which they l

9、acked.(我们有他们所缺少的热诚专一。)二、常用的相关短语或表达专心于/致力于to betake oneself to sth.;to bury oneself in;to commit oneself to;to confine oneself to;to drown oneself in;to apply/devote/direct ones energies to;to give oneself to;to be intent(up) on;to lose oneself in;to be lost in;to be married to;to put/set/turn ones m

10、ind to;to be occupied in/with;to occupy oneself in/with;to take ones preoccupation with;to be wedded to;to work toward;to be thoroughly engrossed in;to be wholly given up to;to keep ones mind on;to put ones back/heart/whole heart and soul into;to throw oneself heart and soul into;with single-hearted

11、 devotion一心扑在工作上to hurl oneself into ones work;to immerse oneself in ones work;to be married to ones work埋头工作 to bury oneself in ones work埋头读书 to consecrate oneself to study手不释卷 to be a glutton of books全神贯注于某事to have sth. on the brain;to be engrossed in sth.;to forget oneself in sth.;to give ones mi

12、nd to sth.;to keep ones mind on sth.;to put/set ones mind to sth. ;to give ones undivided attention to sth.;to settle down to sth.;to put ones heart and soul into sth.;to stretch every nerve to do sth. ;to sink ones teeth into;to bury oneself deep in sth.专心做自己的事 to stick to ones business孜孜不倦地做某事to p

13、ut ones back into sth.全神贯注地听课 to be all ears in class专心阅读书籍to be deep in a book;to have ones nose in a book;to pore over/on/upon a book专心/热心做某事to be studious of sth. /to do sth.专心于学习/专心于看书/沉思to be deep in study/a book/thought全神贯注地with all ones mental faculties on the stretch闭门读书to immure oneself for

14、 study埋头于文牍工作to be submerged by paperwork一心一意地沉思/思考/奉献to be rapt in contemplation/thought/devotion使某人全神贯注(of sth.) to occupy sb.s mind钻研精神enquirying mind分散注意力to create/make a diversion对功课非常马大哈to be too slaphappy in ones attitude to schoolwork工作马马虎虎to do ones work slap-dash/in a slapdash way使某人分心/分散注

15、意力to distract sb. from sth.根本心不在焉to lend a very distracted attention;to be absent-minded思想老是开小差,去想着要做某事ones mind kept branching off onto (doing)sth.三、情景译例精选What research are you applying your mind to?你在专心于 研究什么项目?What research are you applying yourself to?我们必须全力地想出一个解决的办法。We must apply our energies to finding a solution.我们应该把全部精力用在这项工作上。We must bring all our energies to bear upon this task.这个男孩正在专心致志地做家庭作业。The bo



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