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1、高考英语话题词汇一、科普知识与现代技术3【核心单词】名词breakthrough 重大进展,突破;convenience 方便,便利;drawback 缺点,不利条件;factor因素; function 作用,功能;procedure 程序; replacement替代品;research 研究,调查; success 成功;system 体系,系统; technique 技巧;technology 技术动词calculate 计算; download 下载;introduce 介绍; predict 预言;process 过程; provide 提供;replace 取代; simplif

2、y 使简化,使简易;support 支持,赞助;suppose 猜想,假定,料想形容词automatical自动的;fundamental 十分重大的,根本的;hopeful 有希望的,有前途的;modern 现代的; potential 潜在的,可能的;successful 成功的,有成就的;universal普遍的太空科技atmosphere n.大气,大气层;gravity n.重力,地球引力前沿科技cloning n.克隆;transplant n.& vt.移植互联网connect vt.连接,把联系起来;convenient adj.便利的,方便的;cyberspace n.网络空

3、间;instant adj.立即的,即时的;Internet n.互联网,因特网;network n.网络;website n.网址;WeChat n.微信;worldwide adj.遍及全球的,世界范围的【高频短语】benefit from从获益;be in the lead领先;follow the fashion追随时尚;have access to/be accessible to能使用;in the field of science在科学领域;with the development of 随着的发展;change ones life改变某人的生活前沿科技artificial in

4、telligence人工智能;GMF=genetically modified food转基因食品;household robot家用机器人;intelligent terminal智能终端互联网electronic books 电子书;have a negative effect 有负面影响;text message手机短信;with the popularity of the Internet随着网络的普及【经典句式】1. I have long been interested in space exploration and I believe I can learn a great d

5、eal from him about it.长期以来,我一直对太空探索感兴趣,我相信我可以从他那里学到很多关于太空探索的知识。2. DNA testing, a new technique, which is tested by analyzing the saliva sample, appears in the foreign medical industry.DNA检测,一种新的技术,通过分析唾液样品进行测试,出现在外国医疗行业。3. As for its functions, not only can the technique be used to predict major dis

6、eases, but it also enables people to foresee the examinees food preference.关于其功能,这项技术不仅可以用来预测重大疾病,它还能使人们能够预见受测者的食物偏好。4. What is known to all is that shoes play an important role in our life, for they can protect our feet from being hurt.众所周知,鞋子在我们的生活中起着重要的作用,因为它们能保护我们的脚免受伤害。5.In a word, if we had su

7、ch a magic watch, our life would become more convenient.总之,如果我们拥有这么一块有魔力的手表,我们的生活将会变得更加方便。6.On the contrary, the volunteers always claim that they are tired of the life on earth, so they are eager to experience the future life on Mars.相反,这些志愿者总是抱怨他们厌倦了地球上的生活,因此他们渴望体验未来在火星上的生活。7.However, no matter ho

8、w attractive the Internet is, weshouldnt be separated from our beloved ones. Therefore, we should stop surfing the Internet and spend time with ourfamily, enjoying the time when we are together.然而,无论网络有多诱人,我们都不应该与我们所爱的人分开。因此,我们应该停止上网,与家人一起享受美好的时光。8. It goes without saying that modern technology brin

9、gs us convenience and comfort in life.不言而喻,现代科技给我们的生活带来方便和舒适。9.It is obvious that the iPod is of great help to our study, especially to our English listening.显而易见,iPod对我们的学习有很大的帮助,尤其是对我们的英语听力。10.In the last decades, advances in medical technology have made it possible for people to live longer than

10、in the past.在过去的几十年间,医疗技术的进步已经使得人们比过去活得更长成为可能。二、文娱与体育【核心单词】名词amusement 娱乐; champion 冠军;championship 锦标赛;competition 比赛,竞赛;courage 勇气; instrument 乐器;medal 奖牌; organization 组织,机构;performance 演出,表演; recreation娱乐,消遣;regulation 规则,规章;quality 质量; viewer观众动词applaud 鼓掌; cancel 取消;compete 比赛,竞赛; defeat 击败,战胜

11、;delay 延误,延迟,耽搁; deserve 应得,应受;host 主办; organize 组织;participate 参加,参与; perform 表演,履行;refresh 使恢复精力,重新振作;relax (使)放松,轻松; advance前进,发展形容词part-time 兼职的; perfect 完美的,极好的;regular 有规律的,频繁的;worth 有价值;worthwhile 值得做的;worthy 值得的音乐broadcast vt.广播,播放 n.广播;conduct vt.指挥,引导;clap v.鼓掌;live adj.现场直播的 adv.在现场直播影视ad

12、mission n.准入,接纳;admit vt. 承认,准许(入场,入学,入会);direct vt.导演(电影); plot n.故事情节;release vt. 发行,发布; ticket n.入场券体育athlete n.运动员; captain n.队长;cheerleader n.拉拉队队员; coach n.教练;honour/honor n.荣誉,光荣vt. 尊敬,给予荣誉;judge n.裁判;vt. 判断,断定;sponsor n.赞助者,赞助商;tournament n.锦标赛【高频短语】be beneficial to对有益;break the record打破纪录;b

13、ecome the pride of the nation成为国家的骄傲;compete in在方面竞争;go all out全力以赴;rather than而不是;stand for代表;take exercise锻炼;be regarded as.被认为音乐form a band组建乐队;start touring开始巡回演出体育approach the finishing line接近终点;set a new world record 刷新世界纪录【经典句式】1. The team will hold a range of activities, including some train

14、ing and matches.球队将举行各种各样的活动,包含一些训练和比赛。2. Im sure it will appeal to you, for youve been enthusiastic about sports.我确定它会对你有吸引力,因为你一直热衷于体育运动。3. By the way, I am now a volunteer for the 13th National Games, which will be held at the end of August in Tianjin.顺便一提,我现在是第13届全国运动会的志愿者,它于8月底在天津举行。4.Second, g

15、oing outdoors and playing team games with your friends is an effective way to get rid of anger.第二,到户外和朋友一起做团队游戏是一种有效的排解愤怒的方式。5.I propose that our school should organize this kind of activity more frequently.我建议我们学校应该多组织这种活动。6.So I suggest you should keep the balance between your study and entertainment, such as doing sports, listening to music and so on.因此,我建议你应该保持学习和娱乐之间的平衡,例如做运动、听音乐等。7.Moreover, listening to some s



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