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1、LOGO篓芒稚名驭募捧汁徽蜜译社寨习般戚貌劲煽王肃浩景峨驰砌瘴多洛踌删沾第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版广东高考英语总复习广东高考英语总复习(一轮用书一轮用书)广东省出版集团广东省出版集团广东省出版集团广东省出版集团 广东教育出版社广东教育出版社广东教育出版社广东教育出版社秸镣荐怜网涸颇粒爬区窜挡专叫娜显掖住凄匀舆泳貉宏澜护诅毋栏枚趋衫第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版LOGO篓芒稚名驭募捧汁徽蜜译社寨习般戚貌劲煽王肃浩景峨驰砌瘴多洛踌删沾第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版Book 8 Unit 2 Cloning第一部分第一

2、部分 模块单元配套复习模块单元配套复习靛寺咳买帘菜物酝性闯存屁粱蔷丰漾霸对氧魁焉阮涂肿舰坤惺盖焚元询随第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练 疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累经典美文诵读23 23. Natural Resources Nature has provided us with many kinds of resources. Almost everything we use in our everyday life comes from Nature. The food we eat, the water we drink, th

3、e clothes we wear, the concrete and bricks to build our houses, the materials to make bikes we ride, etc. all come originally from Nature.People have been making use of these natural supplies for thousands of years. With the development of technology and the increase of the population,姜来拭慎惮踞靛将舰装浑底界痉

4、谆滇误幂早喳课逾秤皇红享废猎诛喻芭振第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练早读晚练 疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累疯狂积累经典美文诵读23 the amount and range of materials taken has increased. It is estimated that this tread will continue in the years to come.However, natural resources are not in exhaustible. Some resources are already nearly used

5、up. For example, the end of the worlds fuel is already within sight. Such an essential daily item as water is in short supply in many parts of the world. We can no longer thoughtlessly use the many resources provided by Nature. We must learn to conserve what remains.纵崭贯缸储响允碾瞒直目墓柳甩引铸扭唐龋纷浅摊梯裳僵篓黎捷愤丫隘汰第

6、一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关一一 词语词语回顾回顾A 单词单词 写出下列英语单词的中文意思或根据音标和写出下列英语单词的中文意思或根据音标和中文意思写出下列英文单词。中文意思写出下列英文单词。1. _ i zkt adj. 准确的;精确地;准确的;精确地;2. _ :lt eadv. 总共;完全总共;完全地地3. _bteinvt. 获得获得, 得到得到; 买到买到4. _tein vt. 获得;到达(水平、获得;到达(水平、年龄、状况等)年龄、状况等)5. _m rl adj. 道德(上)的;伦道德(

7、上)的;伦理的理的6. _fbid vt 禁止;不准禁止;不准7. _ lufn. 一条(面包)一条(面包)exactaltogetherobtainattainmoralforbid loaf察候酞肥唐蔷攘脐话剃朋脐帅根敷粕米初筷隙寓荆发鳖触憋柳炔刮遁痈桂第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关8._u vt. 欠欠(账、钱、人情等);账、钱、人情等);归功于归功于9._ ritaivi. 退休退休; 离开离开10._bvt.打扰打扰 vi.操心操心 n.烦心烦心11._ veinadj. 虚荣的;自负虚荣的;

8、自负的;徒劳的的;徒劳的12._rizist vt. 抵抗;对抗抵抗;对抗13.adore d: vt. _mercial km:l adj. _owe商业的;贸易的商业的;贸易的; retire bothervain resist崇拜;爱慕;崇拜;爱慕;询绚哼老鞠已脑青迸询彦罢遵属犬睫窝罚俘撬捎蛮博殊酉窍扩蔼豆擦把佣第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关15.straightforward streitf:wd adj _plicated kmplikeitid adj. _17.undertake ndte

9、ik vt. _18.accumulate kju:mjuleit vt. _19.constitution knstitju:n n. _20.decoration dekrein n._ 简单的;直接的简单的;直接的; 复杂的;难懂的复杂的;难懂的;着手;从事着手;从事; 积累积累, 存储存储,堆积堆积; 宪法;宪章宪法;宪章;装饰装饰,装璜装璜档威街莽心慕害聂果转岂灌莫银苑莲煞巷洁骄坝衰沏雪伟触年始拽酶嗽底第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关B 短语短语 写出下列短语的中文或英文。写出下列短语的中文或英

10、文。1. _ from与与不同不同2. cast _使沮丧使沮丧 3. object_反对反对4. in _ of赞成赞成 5. be _ to do sth. .一定做某事一定做某事6. look back _ 回顾回顾7. pay _使得益使得益; 付清付清, 还清还清; 取得成功取得成功8. _ back to life复活复活9. be _ about 对对谨慎小心谨慎小心10. take the _ in在在领先领先differ downtofavor boundon offbring cautiouslead涨剩哼普柔尝烦挫宏惰灯球葡夜珐忍咯窗膘些仍溜宿搓轴昨颗掠嘘麻屑疽第一部分模

11、块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关二二 词类转换词类转换用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空。用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空。1. Saying_( fair), we should not blame all on him.2. A team has a heart, and when those people understand their_( object), and they are in the right structure, then they work well.3. There is no great_

12、( differ) in people, throughout the generations.difference fairly objective 槽权躇瓮吱抵昼扶卡恍粹场勺焦渐豢扶桅保蹋匝志贵痞仍夸最烂炮列认钓第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关4. An unhappy childhood may have some negative effects on a persons characters; however, they are not always _ (permanence).5. Ive

13、been writing this report _ (occasion) for the last two weeks, but it has to be handed in tomorrow.occasionallypermanent项喀撰衣亢琴烷午盎孰手季闷娜浅郎骏湃醚参耍戒混乳厌每牙勾抹曝人伪第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关三三 词语活用词语活用-动词填空动词填空 用括号内所给动词的适当形式用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。填空。1. Every evening after dinner, if n

14、ot _ (tire) from work, I will spend some time walking my dog. 2. When he was _(open) the door, he found his keys were nowhere.3. Would you please keep silent? The weather report _ (broadcast) and I want to listen. is being broadcast tiredto open爷糕孤何副窜官贬午囚泰钎芯郧治佣喊椰趋畔痢崔纲遵彬旭殷描瓢峪榴佩第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2

15、单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关4. He _(strike)into a laugh when we were talking seriously about the matter.5. The government has taken measures _ (bring) down the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable. (2011湖北卷)湖北卷) to bringstruck 霍晶亡仇俯骡佐谐舰京剩脚霜迫辟仓门纠辊懂吸呻狸羡解侨蒙不琵寇洁雄第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第

16、一部分模块8第2单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关四四 语法填空(关联单元话题)语法填空(关联单元话题) 阅读下面短文,按照句阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯要求,在空格处填入一个子结构的语法性和上下文连贯要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。The first settlers to arrive on the East Coast of North America found a land filled with many different kinds of huge

17、trees. Some forests were so thick that it was difficult for travelers to find a path 1 them. The huge forests provided materials to build homes. They also provided wood for 2 fires. Settlers removed many trees to clear the land and plant farm crops. 3 time passed, the trees slowly began to disappear

18、. 记叙文。克隆树木以保存物种。 through。考查介词。空格后的them指代forests,故填through与之搭配。 cooking。考查非谓语动词。动名词作定语修饰fires。 As。考查复合句。连词as(伴随)引导方式状语从句。滨缸窍稚讯结空尊践忱败偿建戏挠些盯窝瞥瘪摊乒茨育跋计俏绕斜盒隋跃第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关The Champion Tree Project hopes to help replace some of the trees that 4 (lose) over th

19、e years. The project will use a method called cloning. Experts take a small living part from a champion tree and place it inside 5 cut made in a more common tree. The cut is then wrapped very 6 (tight) to prevent water or insects from entering it.As the cloned tree begins to grow, it will have 7 the

20、 genes of the parent champion tree. This kind of cloning is called grafting(嫁接嫁接). It is a very old method 8 (use) to successfully reproduce plants and trees.have been lost。考查谓语动词。该空格作谓语,又因为先行词trees是复数并且与lose之间是被动关系,再结合时间状语over the years,故该空格应用现在完成时态的被动语态。a。考查冠词。泛指一个刀口。tightly。考查词类转换。副词修饰动词。 all。考查代

21、词。表示原来母体树木的群补基因。 used。考查非谓语动词。过去分词短语作定语修饰method。婪琶刑浆缘锐差怔讽耿骨眠缆唐找二构羊延对恫媚隅烬菇剪悯尝万账硒纺第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版基础知识基础知识基础知识基础知识 自主过关自主过关自主过关自主过关One tree 9 will be cloned is Mister Svecs American Elm. It is a candidate for the Champion Tree Project 10 it is the largest tree of its kind. And cloning that

22、 tree would help make sure that the American Elm will survive.that。考查复合句。关系代词that引导定语从句。because。考查复合句。引导原因状语从句。糙呻爪崔舍窑袁线颁遁负每额袋卿戏矮脊凑鞍粪喉饱窜郴陇斡鹅唇券债谗第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破一 核心单词1. object bdikt v.反对,不赞成搭配object to sb./sth. 不赞成某人/某事;object to doing sth. 反对做某事; 派生object

23、ion n. 不赞成;反对 object v. 反对,不赞成;n. 物体; objective adj. 客观上的; n. 目标联想objection n.不赞成;反对;异议。构成的短语为:have an objection to 反对。object to sb./sth. 不赞成某人/某事object to doing sth. 反对做某事 object that . 反对 It was objected that . 有人反对have an objection to 反对盂膘幸剖烃掠搬画滔咏鸿峦招淀振攻壤陨敖性汀奸耻仙毕潦硅虱嫡医挎尿第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版

24、核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破运用 完成句子:活用 用object的适当形式填空。(1)No one _ to the plan, did he?(2)We have an _ to being treated like this.(3) The writer tried to be as _ as possible in evaluating his latest works.运用 完成句子:(1)为什么一些人反对克隆人类?Why do some people_ human cloning?(2)母亲反对说,吉米身体太虚弱,不能胜任那份工作。Mother_

25、 that Jimmy was_ the job.objected objection objectiveobject to objectedtoo weak to take up吻锗勿慈肆乒零拷啼鲜狸叙岁凰裂二锰总酞时尽熙放耸墩沁支窿权坐凄庄第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破2. arise raiz vi. (arose; arisen) 出现;发生;兴起用法1) become evident; appear; originate A new oil crisis has arisen. 新的石油危机已

26、经发生了。2) rise out of / from sth.=follow as a result of sth. 因某事而产生;造成;发生Accidents arise from carelessness. 事故往往起因于疏忽。辨析arise, rise, raise, liftarise, rise, raise, lift 都有“上升,举起”的意思。 arise vi. 指“上升,出现,发生,起立”时,是一种庄严的用语。The children arose from their seats. 孩子们从座位上站起来。纷吸啼勤糙睬磅始筹霍韵比啊槽催茹百藤蠕退贮攘祝走菱藻开灌帕帚庶呐第一部分

27、模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破rise vi. “上升,升高,耸起”之意,表示事物本身由低处移到高处,又引申为“起床,起立,发生,发源”等意义。The sun rises in the east. The Chinese people have risen to their feet.raise vt. “抬起,举起,升起”,表示把某物从低处抬到高处;有时指“提高价值、名誉、地位、工资”等,又可作“抚养,饲养”解。He raised his head. His salary has been raised.He

28、 raised an important question for discussion at the meeting.懊壳伐事达怔逾笼懊非误槛茎不韦淆碌杰芍拍庇烧都像渣思烯涩蔡箔啄千第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破比较The price of petrol is rising. 汽油价格在上涨。 The government has raised the price of petrol. 政府已经提高了汽油价格。lift vt.& vi. “举起,抬起,提高,升起”,强调用人力或机械把重物提高到较高的位

29、置,比raise的意味强,更具口语化。The box is too heavy for me to lift. They lifted him into the air.冰绵倦剿杨康圭桅撼倦拘改堑遣呐寇罩哦蝎默啥满糖咏烃屿表桃酮钞腐帐第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破运用 完成句子:(1) 问题要是真的出现时,我们就得花费一定时间来找出所有的选择方案。Now we need to _some time identifying all the options we have when the question

30、 _.(2) 不能与旭日同时起身的人也不能享受美好的白天。He who do not_ the sun, do not enjoy the day.(3) 增加工资意味着增加购买力。_means to increase purchasing power.To raise wagespenddoes arise /arises rise with羚会挂巩朔惮哺什胶乱淖黔瑶娩奥晕肌柠党巢湾挫寿挛瘤续似振诞讯币道第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破3. owe u vt. 欠(账、钱、人情等);归功于搭配 owe

31、sth to sb 把归功于某人;欠某人某物联想 owing to 由于,因为 . own un vt. 拥有;承认vi. 承认adj. 自己的;特有的own to承认运用 完成句子: (1)我的成功要归功于我的父母。I _ my parents. (2)我们取得的一切成就都归功于你们的支持。Whatever we have achieved, we_ your support.owe to owe my success to歼啸外箔芳详渺赂毗猾泣硝侈旋攫档辱摸先捂亦推犬苛首摔梗狭姻吱咬瘟第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破

32、课内突破课内突破 (3)不努力谁都不能成功。成功者成功的秘诀就在于坚持。No one succeeds without effort. Those who succeed_ their perseverance. (4)他的死是由一次事故造成的。His death was _ an accident. (5)我坦白承认对那件事还没有把握。I _ being uncertain about that. owe to owe their success to owing to嫡蜂嘉陋褂后蛊圾和缄丢自赚打锣谊耘亥诌安簇镶熙赐趣衅锡伐琴筒举芍第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心

33、考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破4. botherb vt.打扰 vi.操心 n.烦心搭配bother to do . 费力做bother sb. with/about sth. 为某事打扰或烦扰某人bother with/about sth. 操心做某事be bothered about sb./sth. 认为某人/某事重要;关心某人/某事bother oneself about 为操心;为困扰运用 完成句子(1) 然而,她后来患上严重肺病的问题困扰着科学家们。However, the _ that she later developed a serious l

34、ung disease _scientists.problem bothered侍嘴捣众镰苏蓟楔鞭谷姨摈反履诊研盏苯愿寂吵舟驾徒限躲径檀力戍巫售第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破(2)那问题已经困扰了我几个星期。The problem _me for weeks.(3)我不能因为自己那点小事就去打扰他。I _him _ my little affairs.(4)你不必特地来我办公室。You neednt _my office. (5)我毫不费力地找到了那座房子。I found the house_.with

35、out any bother has been bothering cant botherwith bother to come to急醛盒蛾今竭那仍卤腔尸典念荫桥认爬棘鞭被妹肯鹰摔莲仑酌詹滨巧山根第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破5. resistrizist v.抵抗;对抗理解The nation was unable to resist the invasion.该国无力抵抗侵略。A healthy body resists disease.健康的身体能抵御疾病。I can never resist

36、an ice cream. 我一见到冰淇淋就忍不住想吃。归纳resist sth. 抵制;阻挡某事 resist doing sth. 反对做某事 cant resist doing sth. 忍不住做某事resistance n. 抵抗,反抗;抵抗力resistant adj. 抵抗的,有抵抗力的桂当诚念淳辖娃刑碉劳裕漠凯抄糙杀渡害匝助禽箩禽聊倡柬渝贝浸嚣颗托第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破be resistant to sb./sth. 对某人/某事有抵抗力resister n. 抵制者;抗拒者;电阻

37、器运用 完成句子:(1)反对这项新法律的人很多。There has been a lot of _this new law.(2)我经常感冒,因为我抵抗力差。I catch colds frequently because my _is low. (3)这种作物具有抗寒性。This plant is_ cold weather. (4)我忍不住要笑。I could hardly_.resist laughingresistance toresistance resistant to 僳稻胯期犹雍祁歧虽阐碱皇昆眺汀瞥欲包沫准柒丈宴恃沥亨疥否结月曹芋第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单

38、元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破二核心词组1. bring back to life 使复生理解 And anyway he was dead; I couldnt bring him back to life.搭配 bring back to ones mind 使某人回想起 bring back把带回;归还;恢复;使想起 bring in带进;引进;收获;赚取 bring out带出;取出;使清楚;显示;出版;产生 bring down降低;压价;使泄气 bring up抚养;培养;呕吐; 提出 bring on使出现;引起;发展;培养 bring

39、 about 带来;引起;造成葬控凶拐顽磊域绒砍免昔耀萎深观瑚笑漠睛恬厢兆孔痔哺竹侗储泻朽杖浆第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破运用 用bring的短语填空。(1)The economic reform _great changes in the lives of the common people.(2)This year, 3G licenses will further _mobile tariffs(移动资费).(3)I know only hard training and intense lif

40、e can _my full potential.(4)My parttime job doesnt_ much, but I enjoy it .(5)My parents _ me _to respect others. upbrought aboutbring down bring out bring inbrought梦项教豢泌驭旨滩侗妄势屋招姜工悦眷初袭蹿州驹害惨栖描肆漏摊语挡乘第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破2. pay off 取得成功;付清;贿赂;报复用法 偿清债务;结账Its a goo

41、d feeling to pay off the house after all these years. 经过这些年之后,付清房子债务的那种感觉真是太妙了。 报复;惩罚Ill pay him off for treating me like that. 付清工资解雇 100 workers will be paid off when the factory closes next week. 得到好结果;取得成功Did your daring plan pay off? 你那大胆的计划成功了吗?搭配:pay back 偿还;报答;报复;回报 嗽贪奉溃箔阿钡矿马炮暖刷肌奋杭藐器唁爵藉固逃教蚕微

42、究赏杂裔巡设祥第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破 pay for支付的费用;付钱购买;为付出代价 pay down付定金;及时支付运用 完成句子:(1)他用稿费的收入偿清了朋友的债务。He_ the debt of his friend with the money raised by his writings.(2)把你的收据拿给客户服务部,他们就会把钱退还给你._your receipt to the customer department, theyll_ your money.(3)服务员, 餐费我

43、到哪里付钱呢?Waiter, where should I_ my meal?(4)他买那辆自行车时付了多少定金?How much did he _on the bicycle?pay downpaid off Takingpay backpay for史芦具闹庙咖庐蓑轴曳园掸敖疫杯程锁营柞椽渺杨仇充包郭佑蚁撑揣旭帕第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破3. be bound to注定;有义务做理解明天天气一定会变好。The weather is bound to get better tomorrow.运用

44、翻译句子:(1) 我觉得有必要对你说,你酒喝得太多了。_(2) 如果你学习更多有用句型,你肯定会成功。_be bound to do sth.有两个义项:注定,一定会法律责任或义务做某事。You are bound to succeed if you learn more useful sentence patterns.I feel bound to tell you that you are drinking too much.眺恳鹤摇畦维骄职腑失辕飘称摆薛卉何床抡律捶凯襄蛾砾燕杆琳椒榴枪缎第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课

45、内突破课内突破课内突破4. From time to time people suggest that the animals that have disappeared from the earth, like dinosaurs, can possibly be brought back to life through cloning. (P15) 人们时常设想从地球上消失的动物,例如恐龙,有可能通过克隆技术使它们复活。from time to time 有时,偶尔 The clothes manufacturers changed the clothes styles from time

46、 to time.bring back to life 使复活 I cant bring your late husband back to life no matter how much money you are willing to pay me.不管你愿意给我多少钱,我都不能让你的亡夫起死回生。卢绎鸽踢识诌仙玖沟孵港理痹汛蹿佯豺兽涌栖共包藐削营让补捡踏线窒脓第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破运用 用所给的的短语填空:cast down pay off in favour of from time t

47、o time be bound to 1. She was _ by her husbands death.2. My uncle comes to have dinner with us _ .3. He has been working so hard at his lessons, so he _ pass the exam this time.4. Finally his efforts _ .5. All of them were strongly _ the project. in favour of cast down from time to timeis bound to p

48、aid off 楷泅毋脉烧盛人脊西舰姿雾祈逐碰隋声敲夫侗摄萄腔垢桃婴队出娟晋哇挎第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破三 核心考点综合练习选择方框中的词语并用其正确形式填空: by means of; a majority of; apply for; owe to; apply for; owe to; botherbotherwith; with; be bound to; bring back to life; pay off; forbid sb.sth.; bring out bring out1.

49、Y1. You can _ to the government _ u can _ to the government _ financial help.financial help.2. 2. We express our feeling_ words. .3. 3. The company intends to _ _ a new series of educational books.bring out applyforby means of 御苦寅初委炕喂富倾怠拜偏亦扒拇立近绒哉胯隆孩鹅氮痞兢媚透竞胁锗菊第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核

50、心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破4. They _any vessels _ enter their territorial waters5. Hes surprised that you _him _ such silly questions.6. My father worked himself to death to _the debt.7. All I am , or can be. I _ my beloved mother.8. _ Christians in America were Protestant.A majority offorbidtobotherwithpa

51、y offowe to兔针烧浚济拧驹枝碰烟雅柠鼓卉统嘘射魂衣隆柿态唁宇艰剩仰塘引殴荤滑第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破四 经典句型提炼1. It also happens in animals when twins identical in sex and appearance are produced from the same original egg. 【译文】这种现象也发生在动物身上,从同一个原生卵产生性别与外貌相同的双胞胎也是克隆。【结构分析】1)identical in sex and app

52、earance是一个形容词短语作_修饰twins。2)identical adj. exactly the same同一的;同样的;一模一样的on the identical day 在同一天 the identical person 同一人 identical twins 同卵双生identical with 完全相同的后置定语后置定语盆据罕副嘛舷逝狄锰键烹皱左阵写枉藏千蕉怒莆渠炊颂尧雾辆氰休柿箍靖第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破【运用】同义句转换(1)我的意见和他的相同。My opinion is _

53、his. My opinion is_ as his. There is no opinion _mine _his.(2)我们双方对应当怎么办的看法是一致的。We _our views of what should be done.What we should be done has_.identical withthe samebetweenand are identical inthe same views打璃笑饭圆捆耕乳雇办流苗绊恒谴佣蠢臃馅呻严痈右硼斌抽颊胁酷猖型虽第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突

54、破2. Although at present human egg cells and embryos needed for cloning research are difficult to obtain, newspapers wrote of evil leaders hoping to clone themselves to attain their ambitions. 【译文】 尽管在目前用于克隆研究的人类的卵细胞和胚胎很难得到,报纸报道了(某些)居心不良的领导人为了实现野心希望克隆自己。 【结构分析】although引导让步状语从句,从句中needed for cloning r

55、esearch是过去分词短语,用作_,修饰前面的名词短语human egg cells and embryos;主句是_结构,谓语动词是wrote of,hoping to clone themselves to attain their ambitions是_短语,用作后置定语,修辞名词_。evil leaders定语定语主谓宾主谓宾现在分词现在分词徊蒸趁周讯柱岸彝呵殊传照赔耀泡琢斜帚沁芜蕴乍锐动沿团旋炔耗九鸟巢第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版核心考点核心考点核心考点核心考点 课内突破课内突破课内突破课内突破3. Based on what we know now,

56、you cannot clone animals that have been extinct longer than 10,000 years. (P15)【译文】就我们现在所知,你不可能克隆那些绝种了一万年以上的动物。【结构分析】过去分词短语Based on作状语。What引导宾语从句。That引导定语从句。【句型】V-ed + what引导的宾语从句,+主句+定语从句【仿写】根据调查所示,我们可以更好地理解我们对大自然所做的一切。_Based on what was shown on the survey, we can make a better understanding about

57、 the thing that we have done to nature.关答划于伞陷恶粥陪机载起崎麓寂顶捐癣涂亦态坞伏捌玲异飘恨被恍肃几第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力阅读理解十三、作出判断与推理(3)推断下文内容有些题目要求考生根据语篇,对事件可能的结局或下段可能涉及的内容等进行预测推理。做这类题时应把握作者的写作思路(如文章可能按事件发展的经过描写,也可能按因果关系、对比关系来叙述),从而作出比较科学的、合情合理的预测。一篇文章通常由导言、正文和结束语构成。导言一般要概述全篇内容,它规定了文章的

58、主线或中心内容。借助导言,我们能紧紧地把握作者的思路,从而有利于对文章的理解。益呵冰沾奄轨验寿违羡帕梅帽咨泵祝邢账藤肯娃蛀油懈舍洼脏托氦责治短第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力正文是文章的主体,也是最常选摘的部分。正文的各段内容都由导言确定,也就是说,正文不论述导言中未提及的观点和内容。结束语是文章的收尾部分,尤其是正式论文往往通过它而使全篇得到提纲挈领的概括并从中得出结论。因此,通过对文章篇章结构的分析,就可判断作者将要谈什么。【实例剖析】 Think about the different ways t

59、hat people use the wind. You can use it to fly a kite or to sail a boat. Wind is one of our cleanest and richest power sources, as well as one of the oldest. 鹊卓殉盈思芋垦舰炬新闪串紊愤艘殴眯洁锰郎县众叙电缩玫熟押仇瞧岸卯第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力Evidence shows that windmills began to be used in

60、 ancient Iran back in the seventh century BC. They were first introduced to Europe during the 1100s, when armies returned from the Middle East with knowledge of using wind power.For many centuries, people used windmills to grind wheat into flour or pump water from deep underground when electricity w

61、as discovered in the late 1800s, people living in remote areas began to use them to produce electricity. This allowed them to have electric lights and radio. However, by the 1940s when electricity was available to people in almost all areas of the United States, windmills were rarely used.挖框哆碰计皮啃谨皇祖

62、部轻失禽英勒错也鹿牵菊院闺幼霓凑衡橙扳珐臭奔第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力During the 1970s, people started becoming concerned about the pollution that is created when coal and gas are burned to produce electricity. People also realized that the supply of coal and gas would not last forever.

63、 Then, wind was rediscovered, though it means higher coasts. Today, there is a global movement to supply more and more of our electricity through the use of wind.(2011年安徽卷)注照僧陇寅老揽卖二刀择记淌烽蚕瘴炮坏依章甫私毁搬咕渊挽楷桃汛轴茁第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力What would the author probably disc

64、uss in the paragraph that follows?A. The advantages of wind power.B. The design of wind power plants.C. The worldwide movement to save energy.D. The global trend towards producing power from wind.【名师剖析】对比四个选项,【名师剖析】对比四个选项,A项与整篇文章的主旨项与整篇文章的主旨不符,文章讲的是各个阶段风能的用途,所以接下来不符,文章讲的是各个阶段风能的用途,所以接下来应该也会继续讲这方面的内容

65、;应该也会继续讲这方面的内容;B项是风能工厂的设项是风能工厂的设计,也与整篇文章的主旨不符;计,也与整篇文章的主旨不符;C 项项的意思是我们要的意思是我们要节能,但是本篇文章并不是讲节约能源问题的,所以节能,但是本篇文章并不是讲节约能源问题的,所以C项不合适。最后一段讲的是风能再一次流行了起来,项不合适。最后一段讲的是风能再一次流行了起来,因此因此D选项是最符合题意的,接下来会讲全球使用风选项是最符合题意的,接下来会讲全球使用风能的趋势。答案是能的趋势。答案是D。镑猪倍憋碴榜丁传料溺邱湾贡睦逆垦晨荒沙伞花秉弦肘冷瓮兜袭范球题骄第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版剖析题型剖析

66、题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力【技巧演练】For many parents, raising a teenager is like fighting a long war, but years go by without any clear winner. Like a border conflict between neighboring countries, the parent-teen war is about boundaries: Where is the line between what I control and what you do?Both si

67、des want peace, but neither feels it has any power to stop the conflict. In part ,this is because neither is willing to admit any responsibility for starting it. From the parents point of view, the only cause of their fight is their adolescents complete unreasonableness. And of course, the teens see

68、 it in exactly the same way, except oppositely. Both feel trapped.啃晤体路蜒孪验这割躁嘱掘暖溉汝回毋呛苇纵阂赊谓记惑属显酵鄂徽钮搔第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型 提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力In this article, Ill describe three no-win situations that commonly arise between teens and parents and then suggest some ways out of the tra

69、p. The first no-win situation is quarrels over unimportant things. Examples include the color of the teens hair, the cleanliness of the bedroom ,the preferred style of clothing , the childs failure to eat a good breakfast before school, or his tendency to sleep until noon on the weekends .Second ,bl

70、aming , the goal of a blaming battle is to make the other admit that his bad attitude is the reason why everything goes wrong. Third, needing to be right. It doesnt matter what the topic is - politics. The taws of physics, 阁同粪乍讯攀烩炊央垫辞写精打讶洞又馏撇纲肇痹磅匪夕替贼侦灿围屁股第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型剖析题型

71、提升能力提升能力提升能力提升能力or the proper way to break an egg - the point of these arguments is to prove that you are right and the other person is wrong for both wish to be considered an authority - someone who actually knows something - and therefore to command respect. Unfortunately, as long as long as paren

72、ts and teens continue to assume that they know more than the other, theyll continue to fight these battles forever and never make any real progress.(2010年湖北卷) What will the author most probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?A. Causes for the parent-teen conflicts.B. Examples of the parent-te

73、en war. C. Solutions for the parent-teen problems.D. Future of the parent-teen relationship.答案:答案:C分析:篇章结构题。问下文会讲什么,上文是提出问分析:篇章结构题。问下文会讲什么,上文是提出问题,那么下文当然是解决问题。题,那么下文当然是解决问题。晨陪憾溯朴嫌竟诽赞碴饲弧邵孝怜彬沮箩疚氛咖赌称领炯钓八袜庇齿肋盖第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作应试作文要点提炼与拓展二:提出建议或措施指解决某一问题的方法,建议和

74、措施要具体、切实可行,即可操作性强;还要从多方面入手,不能只局限于一方面,要从政府、家庭、学校、单位、个人等方面要采取相应的措施。(一)句型必备1. I think sb should do2. As for sb, he/she/they should 3. I suggest some possible solutions to For one thing, .For another.4. It is highly advisable that5.Here are some suggestions on how to deal with To begin with, Moreover, F

75、inally螟疯舷词滦扣滚苑服虱碍阴译薯涝靛诣影膏榜封料搏连瑞律专烂臣印鸭兵第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作6. A series of effective measures should be taken to cope with the situation. Firstly, Secondly, Finally7. I strongly appeal to sb to do(二)例子示范例 1 :表达你在此方面对父母的希望或建议。(2010年广州一模)To a certain extent, I un

76、derstand parents concerns, but I think they should love their children for who they are, not what they want them to be. We deserve the chance to chase our own dreams and learn on our own. Even if we fail, we can learn from those failures. 具挝辫把阻战寺谚疽氛炽烷狙橱稀磅市雌晋瞅轩脸氮虽颅煽澄堰政笛湿妄第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版名

77、师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作例2:你对传统节日的建议In my opinion, we should stick to the culture of our nation, and treasure our traditional festivals. I suggest we let our younger generation know more about our culture and the significance of the traditional festivals, and at the same time, make it a law

78、to celebrate them. 膝刹故廊晾彤河晒衙罗锯斜侍侣胸蜂杆廓料芒潭予外科倔式骚醛雇拈爪秋第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作例3:对热衷送孩子上假期班的家长的建议。Therefore, before enrolling their kids in after-school courses, parents should really consider how their kids feel and what they actually need. Perhaps theyd better tur

79、n to a dictionary and go over the definition of the word “holiday”. Let us students enjoy our holidays, and we will be much happier, healthier and more energetic in learning. 担皂狄辛铀窄肖咙播佐贼朝呀尹走边搔蠕现猴部啦滴怀痹跳厕崭臻钻曙境第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作例4:你认为怎样才能更好地鼓励孩子学习。(2010年广东高考卷)

80、I think, as a student myself, school and parents should educate their kids through teaching them to study for their family and their motherland rather than giving them money to let them passively do something. Only by building up some noble and long-range aims can they study on their own initiative.

81、 阑溺楞沸袭迂悯傲稗陨砖屈的稀鞘抖执务衷侠境跌狭违诬孝曾肪擞去詹岳第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作例5:你认为学校是否应该强制学生穿校上学,为什么?As for me, I think schools should require that students wear school uniforms because the school uniform helps to build a feeling of belonging. The uniforms remind us we are members

82、of the same school and that we all should try to honor it.宗苫蛋刻幼踌诌逢孺胡僧迹笆妒斟腊豁窄涛宰毫道移荆斤脸整甜劫衡谤女第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作(三)实战演练阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Chinese students arent the only ones who have a sleep loss problem. In Australia, teenagers are also missing out

83、on, on average, one hours sleep every night during the school week.Organized activities and homework push bedtimes later, the first large-scale Australian study of childrens sleeping habits has revealed (显示). Their sleep deprivation (剥夺) is enough to cause “serious drop-offs in school performance, a

84、ttention and memory”. 恩漠抬箔堰思褒钝抄畅即缚椽汐傅瓶玄而佣己渭竞呵蚜淋润阉邀滩臂蝴在第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作According to a survey of more than 4,000 children aged 9 to 18, those who sleep least do not watch more television but spend their time socializing (相处) with family or friends or listen

85、ing to music. The survey also establishes lack of sleep as a cause of weight gain in children, and a possible source of future problems with depression, anxiety and increased susceptibility (易感性) to illness.衬芒迅宛蓄舰漾测核俗氢寐冻糕丰半胯遏皂牟蚤并搭寸悼卷豢扒迎臆挨森第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作

86、写作内容1. 以约30个词概括这段短文的内容;2. 然后以120个词就“如何解决学生睡眠问题”为题进行议论,内容包括:(1)作为高三学生你的睡眠时间够还是不够?为什么?(2)你认为中学生该如何解决中学生睡眠不足的问题;(3)你认为政府和学校该如何解决学生睡眠不足的问题。延嫂媳纤障祟赏箍餐乞讲磨烷祖蒸恶带纷筏做捧与刹紊佑普麻休必健服磨第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作写作要求 1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学

87、校名称。评分标准概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。筋蹄贿丹泌忌讳涝子忧假苛丛刨它险匡骂莽刀姥柴履骄缝摆椽玩谅擎从疽第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作参考答案提出建议和措施实战演练例文A survey made in Australia shows that many teenagers lack one hours sleep due to organized activities and homework, which results in such serious problems as slow

88、 progress in study, weight, depression, illness and so on.As senior three students, we have the same sleep loss problem not because of many organized activities but owing to the endless homework assigned by the teachers of all the subjects.验碧鹤缠擂办乓隅范吏职良翠楷闷瘩队搬襟操桐匪橱扶嘛捧堤凄兼居辐立第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版

89、名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作It takes us at least six hours to do the homework so we have to stay up till far into the night. Our teachers always have a myth: the more homework we do, the higher marks we can get. In my opinion, we students cant change the situation but we can adjust our study pl

90、an and take time to relax. We are supposed to learn to strike a balance between work and rest. If necessary, remind the teachers that they should reduce homework. Above all, work hard but also work smart.女伞拇谰鹅凋筑覆磐兽业外至举乓漓砂扎怀拦蓝涂尖炭虐颁魂犊砾卑秧陷第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版名师引领名师引领名师引领名师引领 突破写作突破写作突破写作突破写作I s

91、trongly appeal to schools to return us the relaxing time by regulating and controlling the load of our homework. Only in this way can we have enough sleep and thus improve our study efficiency. As for the governments, they should consider later or flexible school start times. 苛胳掣岳称管们亢丧猜尼鸟柏爬斗邻俩渣悯够亨审埔选畦年蜕点忻闲陶讹第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版LOGO抿辛霹名匈毡哦块住称缔听搬器锅耗挺晕斤函簇忱掐刀骄熊乖差讹金孔汪第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版Thanks!Good-bye.Produced by MingShiFangLue 舟盖们湘嘘筹陛嘉我掀梯摇执但村柒渺曾忌寞珠蛀郊什步筒祥纯纬粱亨嫂第一部分模块8第2单元教师版第一部分模块8第2单元教师版



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