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1、欢迎来到英语课堂欢迎来到英语课堂.词义配配对1disasterA羽毛羽毛2feather B导致致3occur C热带的的4cause D纬度度5tropical E灾灾难6latitude F海流;潮流海流;潮流7current G飓风8hurricane H发生生答案:答案:1.E2.A3.H4.B5.C6.D7.F8.G.根据所根据所给词性及性及汉语释义写出写出单词1 vt.经历 adj.有有经验的;熟的;熟练的的2 n家具家具 vt.配置配置(家具等家具等);装;装备3 vt.埋葬埋葬 n埋葬;葬礼埋葬;葬礼4 adj.猛烈的;激烈的;猛烈的;激烈的;强强烈的烈的 adv.猛猛烈地;烈

2、地;强强烈地烈地 n暴力;暴力;强强烈烈5 vt. & n(雷雷电、暴、暴风雨等雨等)袭击 (过去式去式) (过去分去分词)experienceexperiencedfurniturefurnishburyburialviolentviolentlyviolencestrikestruckstruck/stricken1experience v. 体体验,经历,遭受,遭受 nC经历,阅历; U经验, 体体验(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)Have you ever experienced a flood?你曾你曾经经历过一次洪水一次洪水吗?(鲜活例句活例句)Mr. Br

3、own, a teacher with much experience in teaching, told us one of his terrible experiences in the desert.布朗先生,一位教学布朗先生,一位教学经验丰富的老丰富的老师,告,告诉了我了我们他在沙他在沙漠中的一次可怕的漠中的一次可怕的经历。(鲜活例句活例句)He experienced a lot of difficulties doing that work.做那做那项工作工作时他遇到了很多困他遇到了很多困难。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点(1)from/by experience凭凭经验;从

4、;从经验中中(2)experienced adj. 有有经验的的be experienced in . 在在方面有方面有经验It is important to try and learn from/by experience.努力从努力从经验中学中学习是很重要的。是很重要的。He looking after the sick.他在照他在照顾病人方面很有病人方面很有经验。is experienced in2cause vt.引起;引起;导致;使致;使发生生 n原因,起因;原因,起因;缘故;故;事事业(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)Do you know anything

5、 about the events? For example, what causes them?你知道关于你知道关于这些灾些灾难的一些事情的一些事情吗?例如,它?例如,它们是怎是怎么引起的?么引起的?(鲜活例句活例句)The wound isnt serious, but may cause some discomfort.伤口并不口并不严重,但可能会引起一些不适。重,但可能会引起一些不适。(鲜活例句活例句)Whats the cause of the plane crash?飞机失事的起因是什么?机失事的起因是什么?(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点(1)cause sb. to do

6、sth. 使某人做某事使某人做某事cause sb. sth. 给某人招致某事某人招致某事(2)cause and effect 因果关系因果关系This kind of disease caused many Germans great anxiety.这种疾病种疾病给许多德国人多德国人带来了巨大的焦来了巨大的焦虑。What caused him his mind?什么使他改什么使他改变了主意?了主意?to change(三三)明辨易混失明辨易混失误防范防范比比较reason, cause, excusereason指产生某种行为或想法的推理性理由,常与介词指产生某种行为或想法的推理性理由,

7、常与介词for搭配搭配cause主要指导致某种结果或某种客观存在的原因,它主要指导致某种结果或某种客观存在的原因,它是相对于是相对于effect来说的。来说的。the cause of表示表示“的起因的起因”excuse多指为免受指责或为推卸责任而找的多指为免受指责或为推卸责任而找的“理由,借理由,借口口”用用reason, cause和和excuse填空填空The of the fire was unknown.Whats the for your hurry?When he is late, he can always find a(n) .causereasonexcuse3bury v

8、t.埋葬;覆盖;埋埋葬;覆盖;埋头于于形形象象记记忆忆(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)The cemetery where Coghlan was buried was destroyed by the hurricane and Coghlans coffin ended up in the sea.掩埋科格掩埋科格伦的公墓被的公墓被飓风所摧所摧毁毁,他的棺材最后被卷,他的棺材最后被卷入了大海。入了大海。(鲜活例句活例句)The dog buried its bone in the garden.狗把骨狗把骨头埋在花园里。埋在花园里。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考

9、点bury sb./sth. in/at 将将埋葬在埋葬在bury sth. under/beneath 将将埋在埋在下面下面bury ones head/face in hands 用手捂住用手捂住头/脸bury oneself inbe buried in 埋埋头于于He turned away, burying his face in the pillow.他他转过身,把身,把脸埋在枕埋在枕头里。里。She buried her face in her hands and wept.她双手掩面哭了起来。她双手掩面哭了起来。After the divorce, she herself he

10、r work.离婚后,她埋离婚后,她埋头于工作。于工作。After failing in the college entrance examination, he his studies.高考失意后,他埋高考失意后,他埋头于学于学习。buriedinwas buried in/buried himself in4occur vi.发生生(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)Almost all of them occur in the US, in the area from Texas in the southeast to South Dakota in the nort

11、h.几乎所有的几乎所有的龙卷卷风都都发生在美国生在美国东南部的得克南部的得克萨斯州到北斯州到北部南达科塔州一部南达科塔州一带地区。地区。(鲜活例句活例句)A deadly train crash occurred near the small town last Saturday.上周六,在那个小上周六,在那个小镇附近附近发生了一起生了一起严重的火重的火车相撞事件。相撞事件。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点occur to sb.被某人想到;出被某人想到;出现在某人在某人头脑里里It occurs to sb.that ./to do sth. 某人忽然想起某人忽然想起/要做某事要做某事A

12、 good idea occurred to me.我突然想出了一个好主意。我突然想出了一个好主意。Did it your husband might be late?你当你当时想到你丈夫也想到你丈夫也许会会迟到的事到的事吗?occur to you that(三三)明辨易混失明辨易混失误防范防范比比较occur, happen, take place, break outoccur属于正式用语,它可以指偶然地属于正式用语,它可以指偶然地“发生发生”,也可以指,也可以指在指定的时间在指定的时间“发生,出现发生,出现”,还可以表示抽象事物,还可以表示抽象事物如思想等的如思想等的“产生产生”。在具

13、体事物、事件作主语时,。在具体事物、事件作主语时,可与可与happen互换互换happen为常用词语,指为常用词语,指“事件或情况偶然或未能预见地发生事件或情况偶然或未能预见地发生”,其后接不定式或用在,其后接不定式或用在“It happened that .”句型中,句型中,意为意为“恰好,碰巧,偶然恰好,碰巧,偶然”take place 指指“发生了事先计划或预想到的事情发生了事先计划或预想到的事情”break out 指指“(战争、火灾、疾病等战争、火灾、疾病等)突然发生突然发生”用用occur, happen, take place和和break out填空填空That acciden

14、t yesterday.A fire during the night.The meeting at 8:00 as planned.I suppose it never to you to phone the police.happenedbroke outtook placeoccurred5strike v(雷雷电、暴、暴风雨等雨等)袭击;打;敲;打;敲;(使使)鸣;罢工;突然想到;打工;突然想到;打动(某人的心某人的心) n袭击;罢工工 (一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)By the late 1890s, he had moved to Galveston, w

15、here he died in 1899, a year before the hurricane struck.19世世纪90年代后期,他迁到加年代后期,他迁到加尔尔维斯斯顿,于,于1899年在那里年在那里去世。第二年,去世。第二年,飓风袭击了那里。了那里。(鲜活例句活例句)After being struck by lightning, the signal system at the railway station failed to turn one of its green lights to red, which caused the accident.那个火那个火车站的信号指示系

16、站的信号指示系统遭受雷遭受雷击后后错将其中一将其中一盏红灯灯显示示为绿灯,灯,结果造成了事故。果造成了事故。写出下列各句中写出下列各句中strike的的汉语意思意思A snowball struck him on the head. The church clock struck eleven when I reached the village. A bright idea suddenly struck me. The visitors were struck by the beauty of the country. The workers in Paris are still on s

17、trike. 打,打,击(钟)敲响敲响报时突然想到突然想到打打动(某人的心某人的心)罢工工(二二)明辨易混失明辨易混失误防范防范比比较strike, beat, hitstrike表示短暂的动作,指急速或突然的一次性殴打、表示短暂的动作,指急速或突然的一次性殴打、打击或敲击,有时与打击或敲击,有时与hit通用,可用于比喻意义通用,可用于比喻意义beat表示有目的地在某物上连续不断地打,可以是轻表示有目的地在某物上连续不断地打,可以是轻打也可以是重打;也指在游戏、竞赛或战争中击打也可以是重打;也指在游戏、竞赛或战争中击败对方;还可表示败对方;还可表示“雨点击打在雨点击打在上上”hit着重指打中或

18、击中这一结果,强调敲打或击中对着重指打中或击中这一结果,强调敲打或击中对方的某一点方的某一点形形象象记记忆忆用用strike, beat和和hit填空填空The rain was against the window.A stone the little boy on the head.The Chinese Volleyball team Cuba by 31 in the opening game.beatingstruck/ hit beat.选词填空填空experience, cause, bury, occur, strike1Carelessness is the of his f

19、ailure.2It had never to me that I might be a top student.3Graduates are often lack of in choosing a job.causeoccurredexperience4.The climbers were under a pile of rocks. 5.People from all over the country came to help the victims after the earthquake the city.buriedstruck.单项填空填空1Our country has _ gr

20、eat changes in the last thirty years.Yes, Im proud of her.AexperiencedBdevelopedCshared Dexperimented解析:解析: 考考查动词辨析。句意:辨析。句意:“我我们国家国家过去去30年年经历了很大的了很大的变化。化。”“是的,我是的,我为她感到她感到骄傲。傲。”experience“经历”,符合句意。,符合句意。develop“发展,完善展,完善”;share“分担,分享分担,分享”;experiment“实验,尝试”。选A2It never _ to me that such a young boy

21、 could play the violin so perfectly.Ahappened BhitCstruck Doccurred解析:解析: 考考查固定句型。固定句型。It occurs/occurred to sb. that .“某人想到某人想到”。选D3We havent got _ furniture in the room, and there is only a bed and two chairs.Aany BmanyCsome Dmuch解析:解析: 句意:我句意:我们房房间里没有很多家具,只有里没有很多家具,只有一一张床和两把椅子。床和两把椅子。furniture为不可

22、数名不可数名词,不能用,不能用many而要用而要用much修修饰。some要用于肯定句,由后半要用于肯定句,由后半句可知房句可知房间内有几内有几样家具,排除家具,排除any。选D4Many men were _ underground when there was an accident in the mine.Aburying BburiedCbuilt Dbuilding解析:解析: 句意:煤句意:煤矿发生事故生事故时,很多人被埋在井,很多人被埋在井下。下。bury“埋葬埋葬”,build“建造建造”。根据句意可知。根据句意可知选B,此,此处bury与主与主语many men之之间是被是被

23、动关系,故要用一般关系,故要用一般过去去时的被的被动语态。选B5The idea suddenly _ me was that we had taken the wrong road.Astruck BstrikingCappearing Dappeared解析:解析: strike“(意念等意念等)浮上浮上心心头”,sth. strike(s) sb.可表示可表示“某人想起某事某人想起某事”;appear“出出现”,是,是不及物不及物动词,不能直接,不能直接带宾语。此。此处suddenly striking me相当于定相当于定语从句从句that suddenly struck me,作定,

24、作定语修修饰the idea。选B1 the same latitude在同一在同一纬度度2refer 指代;参考指代;参考3pick 拾起;卷起;掀起;接收;偶然学到拾起;卷起;掀起;接收;偶然学到4take 去掉;脱下;起去掉;脱下;起飞;取消;取消5 average 平均起来平均起来6 all time 人人类历史上;有史以来史上;有史以来7end 结果果为,以,以结束束ontoupoffon of up1pick up卷起;掀起;卷起;掀起;捡起;拿起;提起起;拿起;提起(教材原句教材原句)Tornadoes can pick up cars, trains and even hous

25、es and put them down in the next streetor even in the next town.龙卷卷风能卷起汽能卷起汽车、火、火车,甚至房屋,把它,甚至房屋,把它们卷到旁卷到旁边的街道的街道甚至能卷到甚至能卷到邻近的城近的城镇。写出下列句子中写出下列句子中pick up的的汉语意思意思The Young Pioneer turned over to the police the wallet he had picked up in the street. 拾起,拾起,捡起起A good rest picked the tired players up. Loo

26、king through the evening paper last night, I picked up a beautiful poem. The bus stopped several times to pick up passengers. We do not have a receiver sensitive enough to pick up the signal. 使人精神振作起来使人精神振作起来偶然偶然获得得搭搭载接收接收2take off去掉,脱掉去掉,脱掉形形象象记记忆忆(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)They can take the fur o

27、ff the back of a cat and the feathers off a chicken.龙卷卷风能能够剥掉猫背上的皮,拔剥掉猫背上的皮,拔净鸡身上的毛。身上的毛。(鲜活例句活例句)The boy took off his clothes and went to bed.男孩脱掉衣服上床去睡了。男孩脱掉衣服上床去睡了。(鲜活例句活例句)His business is taking off after going through the financial crisis.经历了了经济危机后,他的事危机后,他的事业正逐正逐渐取得成功。取得成功。(鲜活例句活例句)He took two

28、 weeks off in August.他在八月份休了两个星期的假。他在八月份休了两个星期的假。点津点津take off除除“脱掉,去掉脱掉,去掉”含含义之外,之外,还有有“起起飞,休假,成,休假,成功,减去,摘下,突然流行功,减去,摘下,突然流行”等意等意义。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点take over 接收;接管接收;接管take up 拿起;开始从事;占据拿起;开始从事;占据Mr. Black took over the company after his grandpa died.布莱克先生的布莱克先生的爷爷去世之后,他接管了去世之后,他接管了这家公司。家公司。Im goi

29、ng to this matter with my lawyer.我将同我的律我将同我的律师一起着手一起着手处理此事。理此事。takeup3on average平均起来,平均来平均起来,平均来说(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语感感(教材原句教材原句)On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.平均来平均来说,美国每年,美国每年发生生800次次龙卷卷风,造成大,造成大约80人人死亡、死亡、1 500人受人受伤。(鲜活例句活例句)The Wor

30、ld Energy Council estimates that every 1 million kilowatts of windgenerated electricity will save about 600 tons of carbon dioxide emissions on average.世界能源理事会估世界能源理事会估计,每,每100万千瓦的万千瓦的风力力发电将平均将平均节省省约600吨的二氧化碳排放。吨的二氧化碳排放。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点above (the) average 在平均水平以上在平均水平以上below (the) average 在平均水平以下在

31、平均水平以下the average of . 的平均数的平均数The average of 4, 6 and 8 is 6.4、6和和8的平均数是的平均数是6。Susies school work is (the) average.苏西的学西的学习成成绩高于高于/低于平均水平。低于平均水平。The employees average income in this company is about $1,500 a month.这家公司的家公司的员工平均收入大工平均收入大约是每月是每月1 500美元。美元。above/below4end up结果果为,以,以结束束(一一)背背诵佳句培养佳句培养语

32、感感(鲜活例句活例句)He waited for the train for nearly an hour, but ended up as the last one to go aboard.他等火他等火车等了近一个小等了近一个小时,结果却是最后一个上果却是最后一个上车的。的。(鲜活例句活例句)We were going to go out, but ended up watching videos at home.我我们原原计划外出,但划外出,但结果却是待在家里看果却是待在家里看录像。像。(二二)归纳拓展全析考点拓展全析考点end up with以以结束束/告告终end up as 最最终

33、成成为end up doing . 结果做了果做了end in . 以以为结果果Winning the competition put an end to his financial problems.在比在比赛中中获胜使他的使他的财政政问题随之消失。随之消失。Their long struggle ended in failure.他他们的的长期的斗争以失期的斗争以失败而告而告终。.选词填空选词填空end up, take off, on average, pick up, put down1 ,men smoke more cigarettes than women.2We were go

34、ing to see a film, but chatting all day.3If you sing it several times, your children will begin to the words.4Once I started reading it, I just couldnt it .5He his raincoat and took out the key.On averageended uppick upputdowntook off.单项填空填空1He was a good student and scored _ average in most subject

35、s.Abelow BofCon Dabove解析:解析: 考考查介介词。句意:他是一个好学生,大。句意:他是一个好学生,大多数科目得分高于平均水平。多数科目得分高于平均水平。above average“高于平均高于平均数数”,符合句意。,符合句意。below average“低于平均数低于平均数”;on average“平均起来,一般平均起来,一般说来来”。选D2(2012四川高考四川高考)Its surprising that your brother _ Russian so quickly he hasnt lived there very long.Apicked up Blooked

36、 upCput up Dmade up 解析:解析: 考考查动词短短语辨析。辨析。pick up“(无意之无意之间、偶然地偶然地)学会学会”;look up“(在在书籍中籍中)查找找”;put up“张贴;搭建;搭建”;make up“构成;构成;编造造”。句意:令人惊奇。句意:令人惊奇的是,你弟弟如此快就学会的是,你弟弟如此快就学会说俄俄语了了他在那儿生他在那儿生活的活的时间并不并不长。根据句意。根据句意选A。选A3He joined the firm as an office boy, but he gained rapid promotion, and _ a manager.Aende

37、d up Bended inCended up with Dended up as解析:解析: 句意:他句意:他刚进公司公司时还是个勤是个勤杂工,但工,但是他提升得很快,是他提升得很快,结果果现在成了一个在成了一个经理。理。end up“结果果为”;end in“结果是果是”;end up with“以以结束束”;end up as“最最终成成为”。选D4Sam _ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.Abrought up Blooked upCpicked up Dset up解析:解析:

38、 此此处pick up表示表示“(偶然偶然)学会学会”;bring up“抚养,呕吐养,呕吐”;look up“向上看,向上看,查阅”;set up“建建立立”。选C5Would you please _ this form for me to see if Ive filled it in right?Atake off Blook afterCgive up Dgo over解析:解析: 考考查动词短短语辨析。辨析。go over“查看,看,检查”,符合句意。符合句意。take off“脱掉,去掉,起脱掉,去掉,起飞”;look after“照照顾”;give up“放弃放弃”。选D1句型

39、展示句型展示They can destroy houses, but leave_the_furniture_inside_exactly_where_it_was.它它们能能毁毁掉房子,却把房内的家具留在原掉房子,却把房内的家具留在原处。典例背典例背诵Dont leave the child at home alone.不要把孩子独自留在家里。不要把孩子独自留在家里。2句型展示句型展示On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing_about_80_deaths_and_1,500_injuries.平均来平均

40、来说,美国每年,美国每年发生生800次次龙卷卷风,造成大,造成大约80人人死亡、死亡、1 500人受人受伤。典例背典例背诵His parents died, leaving him an orphan.父母去世了,他成了孤儿。父母去世了,他成了孤儿。3. 句型展示句型展示By_the_time it ended, more than 700 people had_been_killed and 2,700 had_been_injured.风停停时,已有,已有700多人死亡,多人死亡,2 700人受人受伤。典例背典例背诵By the time he is twenty, he will hav

41、e learned 6,000 English words.到他到他20岁时,他将学会,他将学会6 000个英个英语单词。1They can destroy houses, but leave_the_furniture_inside_exactly_where_it_was.它它们能能毁毁掉房子,却把房内的家具留在原掉房子,却把房内的家具留在原处。leave the furniture inside exactly where it was是是“leave宾语宾语补足足语”结构,表示构,表示“让处于某种状于某种状态”的意思。的意思。宾语补足足语可以是可以是现在分在分词、形容、形容词、副副词、

42、介、介词短短语、过去分去分词和和动词不定式等。不定式等。What weve done leaves much to be desired.我我们的工作的工作还有很多不足之有很多不足之处。His illness left him .他生病以后,身体很虚弱。他生病以后,身体很虚弱。They walked off and left me there alone.他他们走开了,留我一个人坐在那儿。走开了,留我一个人坐在那儿。You mustnt leave him in the dark.你不能你不能瞒着他。着他。very weaksitting 2By_the_time it ended, more

43、 than 700 people had_been_killed and 2,700 had_been_injured.风停停时,已有,已有700多人死亡,多人死亡,2 700人受人受伤。by the time表示表示“到到为止止”,引,引导时间状状语从句,从句,若表达的是到若表达的是到过去某个去某个时候候为止,主句常用止,主句常用过去完成去完成时态;若表达的是到将来某个;若表达的是到将来某个时候候为止,主句常用将止,主句常用将来完成来完成时态;若表达的是;若表达的是现在的在的时间,主句,主句则用用现在在完成完成时。By the time he was fourteen years old,

44、Einstein had learned advanced mathematics all by himself.到到14岁的的时候,候,爱因斯坦就已因斯坦就已经自学完了高等数学。自学完了高等数学。By the time John finishes his homework, his classmates to play football.到到约翰做完作翰做完作业时,他的同学将已离开去踢足球了。,他的同学将已离开去踢足球了。shall have left完成句子完成句子1登上登上顶时,他气喘吁吁。,他气喘吁吁。He was out of breath .2到你回来到你回来时,我将已,我将已经把

45、活做完了。把活做完了。By the time you get back, .3等他回到家等他回到家时,雨已,雨已经停了。停了。By the time he returned home, .by the time he reached the topI shall have finished the workthe rain had stopped4他出去他出去时把文件把文件摊在桌上了。在桌上了。He went out leaving his papers .5你最好你最好让门开着来透透新开着来透透新鲜空气。空气。Youd better to let in the fresh air.lying open on the deskleave the door open



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