湘版五上Unit 4 Can I have a puppyppt课件1

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1、 Can I have a puppy?Unit 4How much is that doggy in the window?Lets play a game!Can I have a .?Yes, you can./ No, you cant. But you can have a .一只宠物一只宠物a petakitten一只小猫一只小猫apuppy一只小狗一只小狗一只兔子一只兔子 a rabbita cage一个笼子一个笼子abasket一个篮子一个篮子抱,拿抱,拿holdPractice练一练akitten一只小狗apuppy一个笼子acage一个篮子arabbit拿,抱abasket

2、一只小猫hold一只兔子1.What pet can Dongdong have?2.Which one can Dongdong have?A.B.C.A.B.C.Lets listen and answer1.What pet can Dongdong have?2.Which one can Dongdong have?A.B.C.A.B.C.Lets read and answerLets read and answerLets read and practiceLets look and sayMummy, can Ihave a puppy?No, youcant .You can

3、t have a puppy in the flat.But you can have a rabbit. CanIhaveabasketformyrabbit? No,baskets are expensive. You can have a cage for it. Its lovely.Can I hold it?No, you cant.But you can touch it.A:CanIhaveapuppy?我能养一只小狗吗?B:No,youcanthaveapuppyintheflat.Butyoucanhavearabbit.不,你不能在公寓里养小狗。但是你可以养一只兔子。Le

4、ts listen and sayA:CanIhaveabasketformyrabbit?我能给我的兔子买个篮子吗?B:No,basketsareexpensive.Youcanhaveacageforit.不,篮子很贵,你可以给它买个笼子。A:Itslovely.CanIholdit?它很可爱,我能抱一下它吗?B:No,youcant.Butyoucantouchit.不,你不能抱。但是你可以摸一下它。1423Lets act in rolesLets look, read and doLets go shopping now.Daddy, Im hungry. No,you cant.

5、Youre too fat.Yes, you can. And you can. .Mummy,can I have a T-shirt?Tips(提示):1. 看图,读句子.2. 将零散的句子组成一段合理的3人对话。3. 分角色有感情地朗读。Dialogue 1Dialogue 21221Qiangqiang: Daddy, Im hungry. Can I have a banana?Daddy: Yes, you can. And you can have some chicken.Qiangqiang: Can I have a hamburger?Mummy: No, you can

6、t. Youre too fat.Qiangqiang: Can I play the computer game?Daddy: No, you cant.Mummy:But you can go and play football.Lingling: Daddy, Can I go to Beijing with you next week?Daddy: Yes, you can. We can go there by plane.Lingling: Great! Mummy, can I have an i pad?Mummy: No, you cant. Its too expensive. Daddy: But you can take your PSP.Mummy :Yes. Have a good time.Lingling:Thank you, mummy!Dialogue 1Dialogue 2Homework1. Read and recite Part A. 2. 想想平日里父母、老师、同学等经常对你提的建议,用You cant , but you can .写3个以上的句子。



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