山东省日照秦楼中心初级中学九年级英语 Unit 6《I like music that I can dance to》课件5

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山东省日照秦楼中心初级中学九年级英语 Unit 6《I like music that I can dance to》课件5_第1页
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《山东省日照秦楼中心初级中学九年级英语 Unit 6《I like music that I can dance to》课件5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省日照秦楼中心初级中学九年级英语 Unit 6《I like music that I can dance to》课件5(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、UNIT 6(Period two) Some phrases describing music such as the Some phrases describing music such as the following: following: has great lyrics, has great lyrics, sing along with sing along with , , is not too loud, can dance to is not too loud, can dance to is gentle and quiet, is gentle and quiet, r

2、emind one of ones childhood, remind one of ones childhood, singers sing the words clearly, singers sing the words clearly, What kind of music do you dislike ?I dislike music that is too loud .I dislike music that is boring .I dislike music that is too long . What kind What kind of singers do of sing

3、ers do you love?you love? I love singers I love singers who write their who write their own music. Jay is own music. Jay is one of them.one of them.What kind of singers do you dislike ?I dislike singers who are ugly .I dislike singers who are heavy .I dislike singers who sing quickly . How to write

4、a review of a book, a CD, or a movie? A review should contain four parts: (1) The name of the book, the CD or the movie. 2) What do you like and the reason? (3) What do you dislike and the reason? (4) What does it remind you of?评论3aRead Jennifers CD review. Then matchthe sentence parts.1 What review

5、 is it ?2 Who gives this review ?3 What kind of music is it ?4 What does she think of the songs ?5 Why does she like it ?6 What does it remind her of ?7 What do you know about her from this review ?CDJenniferCan dance toThe music is great .She can dance to it and she can takes it to the party .The m

6、usic reminds her of Brazilian dance music . She loves music that she can dance to and dislikes music that is too long . Read and match the sentence parts.3a1.Its the kind of music 2.She likes musicians3.She doesnt like songs4.She likes singers5. The music is likea.who write their own lyrics.b.Brazil

7、ian dance music.c.who sing the words clearly.d.that you can dance to.e. that are too long.Read Jennifers CD review. Then matchthe sentence parts.3bTalk with your partner about a CD you listened to recently. Ask and answer the questions in activity 3a.What CD did you listen to recently?I listened to

8、one called Heart Strings.What do you think of it?I enjoy it a lot.Why?The singer writes her own songs. I prefer singerswho (write their own lyrics.)如果你是学校广播站的广播员如果你是学校广播站的广播员,学校委派你去购买一学校委派你去购买一些学生们喜欢的歌曲光碟些学生们喜欢的歌曲光碟. 请你先做一个调查请你先做一个调查. 看看看看学生们喜欢什么样的歌曲学生们喜欢什么样的歌曲,什么样的歌手以及什么样什么样的歌手以及什么样的乐队的乐队.A: What k

9、ind of songs do you like?B: I like the songs that_.A: What kind of singers do you like?B: I like the singers who_ .A: What kind of groups do you like?B: I like the groups that _.用定语从句完成下列句子用定语从句完成下列句子.1.The man is my brother. He is standing under the tree. _.2.I like music. I can sing with them. _.3.He missed the train. He usually catches this train. _.4.Do you know the girl? She is talking with the teacher. _.5.Liu Li likes the singers. They can write their own lyrics. _.



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