七年级英语 Unit 9 What does he look like Section A 2课件

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1、欢欢迎迎来来到到英英语语课课堂堂Section APeriod 2 (3a-3c)Unit 9What does he look like?Who can make the most sentences to describe him?He has short hair.He has What does he look like?Who can make the most sentences to describe her?She has What does she look like?Who can make the most sentences to describe them?They

2、have What do they look like?Write questions.you / like / pop / traditional music?Do you like pop or traditional music?1. will / you / have / tea / coffee2. (be) / this / pop / rock?Will you have tea or coffee?Is this pop or rock?3. (be) you / a doctor / a teacher4. (be) that coffee / yours / hersAre

3、 you a doctor or a teacher? Is that coffee yours or hers? The box is heavy. (用用light改为选择疑问改为选择疑问句句) Is the box heavy or light?Is this an apple? (用用orange改为选择疑问改为选择疑问句句) Is this an apple or an orange?Is he at home? (用用at school改为选择疑问改为选择疑问句句) Is he at home or at school?Translate the following sentenc

4、es.1.你在几年级,七年级还是八年级?你在几年级,七年级还是八年级?Which grade are you in, Grade 37or Grade 8?2. 你的玩具车是新的还是旧的?你的玩具车是新的还是旧的?Is your toy car new or old?3. 你的父母现在在超市还是在家?你的父母现在在超市还是在家?Are your parents in the supermarket or at home now?4. 你说中文还是说英语?你说中文还是说英语?Do you speak English or Chinese?5. 你想喝些什么,可乐还是牛奶?你想喝些什么,可乐还是牛

5、奶?What would you like to drink, coke or milk?Game Play Mystery Student: Who is he / she?A: He is tall and fat. He has short straight hair. He has small eyes. He likes singing. Whos he?B: Is he Li Ming?A: No, he isnt.C: Is he Gao Fei?A: Yes, he is!3a Write the words in the correct box.short hair heav

6、y curly hair thin of medium build tall straight hair short long hair of medium height is hasheavy, thin, of medium build, tall, short, of medium heightshort hair, curly hair, straight hair, long hair3b Circle the correct words to complete the conversation.A: So what do/does your friend Mark look lik

7、e?B: Well, he is/has thin, and he have/has black hair.A: Really? Is/Does he tall or short?B: He is/isnt tall or short. He is/has of medium build.A: Does he has/have curly or straight hair?B: He is/has straight hair. And he is/has really handsome.用用 have / has 或或 There+ is / are+名词名词(某人或某人或物物) +地点地点/

8、时间翻译句子。时间翻译句子。1.她有一个大背包。她有一个大背包。2. 课桌上有本书。课桌上有本书。3. Mary有一些红色的衬衫。有一些红色的衬衫。 She has a big backpack.There is a book on the desk.Mary has some red shirts.4. 墙上有两幅画。墙上有两幅画。5. 我在学校里有许多朋友。我在学校里有许多朋友。 6. 一个星期有七天。一个星期有七天。There are two pictures on the wall.I have many friends at school.There are seven days i

9、n a week.3c Write answers to these questions about different people. Then tell your partner about them.What does your favorite actor or actress look like?What does your favorite teacher look like? Game Play Who is the best painter?Draw a picture of a person. Dont show the other students! Tell others what the person looks like. Then other students draw the person. Who can draw a beautiful person?励志名言励志名言形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋安全小贴上课间活动注意安全



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