选修九 3.1《Unit 3 A taste of English humor》

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《选修九 3.1《Unit 3 A taste of English humor》》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《选修九 3.1《Unit 3 A taste of English humor》(77页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新课标人教版课件系列高中英语选修选修( (模块)模块)9-9-3.1高一英语模块4 Unit 3A taste of English humor (No.2 middle school of Wu Chuan) A taste of English humorpartWarminguppartReadingPartLearningaboutlanguagePartListeningandSpeakingPartGrammarpartWritingandsummaryPartLeadinginandwarmingup Do you know who they are? Mr. Bean Mark

2、 Twain Charlie Chaplin 陈佩斯陈佩斯 赵本山赵本山QUESTIONS:1.How many kinds of humor do you know?2.Look at the chart .Do you know these kinds of humor?TypesofhumorExamplesofEnglishhumorNonverbalCharlieChaplinMimeandfarceMr.BeanFunnystoriesMarktwainVerbaljokesPlayonwords,usuallyFunnypoemsEdwardLearExamples of hum

3、or APoemThere was a young boy of HarbinWhose face was incredibly cleanHe washed it each dayWith soap mixed with clayAnd scrubbed it until it would gleam.Read the Tow Jokes:Joke1:Patient: Doctor, Ive lost my memory.Doctor: When did this happen?Patient: When did what happen?Joke 2:Garcia: Thank you do

4、ctor. My fever is gone.Doctor: Dont thank me. Thank God.Garcia: Then I will pay the fees to God. Afunnystory A man and a woman found a penguin. neither of them knew what to do with it .so they decided to ask a policeman for help. they looked around and found a policeman and asked his advice. “ well,

5、 said the policeman, I think you should take it to the zoo. “what a good idea. said the man and the woman together. The next day the policeman saw the man and the woman again ,they were still with the penguin and he was rather surprised. Why did you not take the penguin to the zoo as I suggested yes

6、terday? He asked them .”“we did ,”They said . “And today we are going to the cinema. Tomorrow we will go to the swimming pool.”Aftertheseveralkindsofhumors.Pleasediscussthesequestions.Q1:Whatdoyouliketolaughat?Q2:Whatdoeshumourmean?Ishumoralwayskind?PartReadingStep:Skimmingthetextandanswerthequestio

7、ns:WhatsCharlieChaplinscareer?Whyheiswellknownthroughouttheworld?StepScanningthepassage.Divide the text into several parts according to the meaning.Part One: the first and the second paragraphPart Two: the third and the fourth paragraphPart Three: the last paragraphGivethemainideaofeachpartThemainid

8、eaofpartone:Ittellsusthattherearetwokindsofhumor.Oneisbad,whiletheothercaninspirepeople.Themainideaofparttwo:IttellsussomethingaboutCharlieChaplinsactingstyleandhowCharlieChaplinmadeasadsituationentertaining.Themainideaofpartthree:itgivesusashortbiographyaboutCharlieChaplin.have a discussion about t

9、he text, then answer some questions.Questions:(1)Whatisbehindfun?(2)WhydidpeoplelikeLittleTramp?(3)DoyouthinkCharlieChaplinseatingboiledshoesfunny?Why?Languagepoints:If you do ,you are not alone.如果你觉得可笑,那么你就和大家一样.alone”:(adj).单独的,只有,仅.eg:ShewatchedTVwhenshiisalone.(adv).单独地.独自地.eg:Icandoitalone.alon

10、eandlonely作为形容词,lonely既可作表语,也可以作定语,alone只作表语.在意思上,lonely指一种感觉,具有感情色彩,Alone只是陈述一个事实,独自一个人,没有别的同伴.Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life because we feel there is someone worse off than ourselves.(1).content(adj.):satisfied,happy,notwantinganymorephrases:contentwithsth;contenttodosthe.g.(1



13、heedgeofamountaininasnowstorminasmallwoodenhouse.Becaught在这里是“陷入困境”,“进退两难”的意思,后面常跟介词in.eg:Hewascaughtinaheavyrain.Shehadbeencaughtinatrafficjam.Thecarwascaughtbetweentwotrucks.Ontheedgeof“在的边上”4.Firsthepickoutthelacesandeatsthemasiftheywerespaghetti.Pick out ,“选出,认出”eg: You can pick out your new bic

14、ycle. 你可以为自己挑一辆新自行车Can you pick your friend in that group?你能从那群人中认出你的朋友吗?知识扩展知识扩展- “pick up”获得 eg: I pick up a very interesting book the other day.拾起,爬起She picked up the telephone on her desk.After he fell off his horse, he picked up and said he wasnt hurt.收听到,看到,测到Our radio picked up your SOS.偶然,无意



17、sp.financiallyTheoppositeis“welloff”e.g.(1)Theyaretoobadlyofftohaveaholiday.(2)Infactmostpeoplearebetteroffthantheywerefiveyearsago.Listen to the tape about the text.Then do some exercises and practice.FillintheblanksDo you find it funny to see someone _ on a banana_,_into someone else round a_,or _

18、down a hole in the road? If you do,you arenot_.Some humour can be_. Perhaps it makes us feel more_with our life because wefeel there is someone else_ _thanourselves.Charlie Chaplin was born in_in1889 and at that time films were_. He became famous for using a _form of acting, including_and_.slidingsk

19、in bumpingcornerfallingalonecruelcontentworseoffpovertysilentparticularmimefarceHomework:1.Readthepassagealoudagainandagainandretellthepassage.2.Dotheexercisesonpage19-21.3.PreviewthepassageofUsinglanguage.PartLearningaboutlanguageTherearethousandsofjokesinEnglish,whichuseda“playonwordstobefunny.Ste



















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