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1、Book-7-Unit-2-robots-Book-7-Unit-2-robots-a-Biography-of-Isaac-a-Biography-of-Isaac-Asimov-Asimov-第二篇阅读第二篇阅读A BIOGRAPHY OF ISAAC ASIMOVa story of a persons life was written by someone.biography n. 传记传记bio(尤其供公开发表的尤其供公开发表的) 个人简历个人简历(biography的缩写的缩写)bio cards传记档案卡传记档案卡bio information 传记资料传记资料bio- 表示表示

2、“生命生命, 生物生物” 之义之义biophysics 生物物理学生物物理学 biochemistry n. 生物化学生物化学1. Know something about Isaac Asimov.2. Understand the details of the reading.1. Understand the passage.2. Develop the skills in reading.SkimmingGlance through the passage and then find out the answers to such questions:1.Which paragraph

3、 tells you when and 2. where Asimov was born and died?3.2. Which paragraph tells you about his 4. education?5.3. Which paragraph tells you about awards 6. he received?1.Which paragraph tells you when and where Asimov was born and died?2. Which paragraph tells you about his education?Para. 2Para. 33.

4、 Which paragraph tells you about awards he received?Para. 5Read para2-6 and Pay more attention to the dates and eventsCareful reading:Date Event1920: Born in Russia1922: _1923: _1929: _: Started to take himself seriously as a writer1939: _ _Sister bornMoved with family to New YorkStarted working in

5、the candy store1931Began having stories published in science fiction magazines Date Event_: Gained masters degree in chemistry1942 : Finished working in the candy store _1942-1945: _ _: Got PhD in chemistry_: Became a biochemistry teacher1941Got marriedWorked as a junior chemist, Philadelphia Navy Y

6、ard19481949Date Event1950: Published his first novel. _. Developed three laws for robots.1951-1953: Published the Foundation trilogy and won an award for it_: Published first science book_: Became a full-time writer Published I, Robot1953 1958Date Event1973 : Divorced his first wife. _._: Had a bloo

7、d transfusion . Became infected with HIV.1992 : _Married for a second time1983Died in New YorkAsimov was born in Russia.On January, 1920On April 6, 1992In 1983Asimov died in NY, America.Asimov got an HIV infection from a blood transfusion.His birth and deathAsimovs job experiencesIn 1923,In 1929,In

8、1942,In 1941,In 1948,In 1949, In 1958,he moved with his family to NY. His parents bought a candy store.his mother was pregnant with her third child.Asimov started working part-time in the store.Asimov finished working in the candy store.he joined the staff of PNY as a junior chemist.he gained a mast

9、ers degree in chemistry.he got his PhD in chemistry.he became a biochemistry teacher.he gave up teaching to become a full-time writer. His life as a writerIn 1931,In 1939,In 1950,In 1953,Asimovs talent for writing became obvious.he had stories published in sci-fi magazines.he had his first novel pub

10、lished.he had his first science book published.His most famous works of science fictionFrom 1951-1953, In 1950,he published the Foundation trilogy.he published his collections of short stories, I, Robot. His marriageIn 1942, In 1973,he married his first wife.he divorced his first wife and remarried.

11、 A talented man a scientist and writermystery storiesscience bookshistory booksbooks about the Holy Biblebooks about Shakespearescience fiction stories 悬疑故事/怪诞小说怪诞小说科普书籍历史书籍有关圣经的书有关莎士比亚的书科幻小说Para 11. be best known for sth 以以最著称最著称2. an extraordinary imagination 超凡的想象力超凡的想象力3. the ability to explore

12、future worlds 探索未来世界的能力探索未来世界的能力4. an amazing mind 惊人的智力惊人的智力5. search for explanations of everything 寻求各种事物的解释寻求各种事物的解释Para 1. Isaac Asimov was an American scientist and writer 当当andand所连接的两个名词表示一个人的两种所连接的两个名词表示一个人的两种身份,而实际上指的是一个人时,身份,而实际上指的是一个人时,只在第一个名词只在第一个名词前加冠词前加冠词,第二个名词前不加。作主语时,第二个名词前不加。作主语时,谓

13、语动谓语动词用单数词用单数。例如:。例如: A clerk and secretary is enough for such a small office. He is a poet and novelist. The teacher and writer is her friend. The singer and dancer comes from Guangxi.1. as a result of an HIV infection 由于艾滋病病毒感染由于艾滋病病毒感染2. a blood transfusion 一次输血一次输血 Para.21. run a store for 40 or

14、 so years 经营一家商店经营一家商店40年左右年左右2. at the age of nine 九岁的时候九岁的时候3. be pregnant with her third child 怀了她的第三个小孩怀了她的第三个小孩4. working part-time 做兼职工作做兼职工作 out 帮助解决难题帮助解决难题6. gain a masters degree获得化学硕士学位获得化学硕士学位 7. a junior chemist 初级化学师初级化学师Para.3 . From 1942 to 1948 he worked as a junior chemist ju

15、nior :younger , lower in rank: 较年轻的,职位稍低的较年轻的,职位稍低的senior : older , higher in rank 较年长的,职位稍高的较年长的,职位稍高的 He is the junior employee in the firm . He is two years junior to me. He is two years senior to me. senior citizens 老人老人 8. get PhD in chemistry 获得化学博士学位获得化学博士学位 9. a biochemistry teacher 生化教师生化教师

16、10. at Boston University School of Medicine 波士顿大学的医学院波士顿大学的医学院11. a full-time writer专职作家专职作家 Para.3 1. have a talent for writing 在写作方面有天赋在写作方面有天赋2.take oneself seriously as a writer 认真地从事写作认真地从事写作 take seriously :严肃对待严肃对待/认真对待认真对待 be taken seriously by 被注重被注重/认真对待认真对待 Para.4. he started to take hims

17、elf seriously as a writertake seriously :严肃对待严肃对待/认真对待,例如认真对待,例如: You cant take her promises seriously, she never keeps her word. He takes things too seriously.反义短语反义短语: take for granted:想当然想当然 You should _ (重视我的话重视我的话) , it is good for you. She _ (想当然的认为想当然的认为) that her parents should give her ever

18、ything.take what I said seriouslytakes it for granted1. throughout ones life 在某人一生中在某人一生中2. receive many awards 获得过很多奖获得过很多奖3. the Foundation trilogy 基地三部曲基地三部曲4.the death and rebirth of a great empire 一个伟大帝国的灭亡与复兴一个伟大帝国的灭亡与复兴5. in a galaxy of the future 在未来银河系中在未来银河系中6. the fall of the Roman Empire

19、 罗马帝国的衰败罗马帝国的衰败 Para.57. invent a theoretical framework 创造了一种理论框架创造了一种理论框架8. ones collection of short stories 短篇小说集短篇小说集9. develop a set of three laws for robots 提出了机器人的三大提出了机器人的三大“原则原则”10. research into artificial intelligence 研究人工智能研究人工智能/从事人工智能研究Para.5. Soon after his divorce in 1973, divorce:n.

20、legal ending of a marriage:离婚离婚 vt. put an end to a marriage by law 与与离婚离婚get divorcedThey got divorced last year. . She divorced her husband two years ago. Para.6Isaac Asimov was an American scientist and writer _ wrote around 480 books _ included mystery stories, science and history books, and eve

21、n books about the Holy Bible and Shakespeare. But he is best known for his science fiction stories. Asimov had both an extraordinary imagination _ gave him the ability to explore future worlds and an amazing mind with _ he searched for explanations of everything, in the present and the past. who tha

22、t that which Asimovs life began in Russia, _ he was born on 2 January, 1920. It ended in New York on 6 April, 1992, _ he died as a result of an HIV infection _ he had got from a blood transfusion nine years earlier.where when that Writing Write a short summary of Asimovs life in 150-200 words. Follo

23、w the steps below.1.Look back at the timeline of Asimovs life.2.Underline the most important parts of his 3.Life that made him a great writer of science fiction.4.3. Begin by giving your assessment of Asimov as a writer. 5.Then write down the important parts you have underlined.6.4. Use a clear simp

24、le style as if you were writing to 7.younger students in your school.Sample summary Isaac Asimov(1920-1992) was a Russian-born American writer. His family immigrated to the United States when he was three years old and settled in New York. He gained a masters degree in chemistry and later got his Ph

25、D. After he graduated, he became a biochemistry teacher at Boston University. He was talented in writing. When he realized it, he gave up teaching and became a professional writer. In 1939, he had stories published in science fiction magazine and in 1950 he published his first novel. He was famous f

26、or his fiction stories and received manymany awards. The Foundation trilogy and I, Robot are very popularwith the young and adults. His works exercised great influence over other writers. Asimov had two marriages and two children. He died of AIDS inNew York in 1992.原句原句 He felt happy when his boss s

27、tated that he could set aside some time for exercise. 他很开心当他老板他很开心当他老板说他可以抽时间锻炼的时候。说他可以抽时间锻炼的时候。(B7 P13)1. set aside将将放在一边放在一边; 节省或节省或保留保留 (时间,金钱时间,金钱) 运用运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 父亲放下报纸点了一支烟。父亲放下报纸点了一支烟。 _ and lit a cigarette.Father set aside the newspaper 他努力工作省下钱给他儿子上他努力工作省下钱给他儿子上大学。大学。He is

28、working hard_money for his son to go to college. to set aside someset down写下写下,记下记下set off开始动身开始动身(for a place)set up创立创立,建立,搭起建立,搭起set out出发出发,着手做某事着手做某事(to do sth.)set about doing 着手做着手做,开始做开始做 联想联想2. in all 一共;总计 eg. There were sixty in all .(P14 Ex.3) There are fifteen books on the first shelf,

29、twenty- one on the second, that makes thirty-six in all.书架的第一层有15本书, 第二层有21本, 总共是36本.all in all 总的来说,大体而言;总的来说,大体而言; 总而言之总而言之; All in all, it has been a great success. 总的来说,非常成功。3. be bound to 一定会一定会 例句例句 Who said that making a robot so much like a man was bound to cause trouble?谁说生产与人如此相谁说生产与人如此相像的机器人像的机器人一定会一定会造成麻烦造成麻烦?运用运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。 他那么用功,一定会成功的。他那么用功,一定会成功的。With much hard work, _ .to succeed he is bound 这项新发现对于人类必定大有这项新发现对于人类必定大有用处。用处。The new discovery_.great benefit to mankindis bound to be of结束结束



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