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1、孙权劝学说课稿孙权劝学说课稿尊敬的各位评委老师:你们好我今天说的课题是孙权劝学,下面我从四个方面说这堂课的设计一、教材分析本单元选取的文章都是有关历史上著名的政治家、军事家、科学家、艺术家等 为人类发展做出了突出贡献的人物的生动感人、广为流传的事迹。孙权劝学讲 的是孙权劝说东吴大将吕蒙认真学习的故事,选自司马光的资治通鉴。文章简 练生动,用语不多,但能在寥寥数语中描摹出人物说话时的口吻、情态和心理,人 物个性鲜明,跃然纸上,堪称人物语言描写的精品之作。同时文章宣扬了一种谦虚 好学,重视阅读的昂扬向上的思想,具有极强的教育价值。点的确立该课总得来说在名人单元,而且乂是一篇文言文,对文言文的教学我

2、们应重视落实字词和朗读的培养,可以说是文言文的工具性和人文性决定的。有鉴于此,我 把本文的教学目标确定为:(1)运用多种形式的朗读,理解文章内容,了解一些文言的实词、虚词的意思。(2)揣摩体会人物的语言,分析对话,体会人物形象。(3)理解“读书求知的可贵”三、教学设想针对这一教学目标,在这一节课的教学中,我想体现一种新的文言文教学思 路。我认为应该是吟诵为本、注重基础、合作探究、适当运用。“吟诵为本”,即 抓住文言文的特点,让“读”贯穿课堂始终,“注重基础”,即关注学生文言文二、教学目标及重难学习可持续发展能力的培养,让学生通过扫活字词障碍,自主学习简单的文言文, 增强文言文的阅读兴趣和阅读能

3、力。“品味探究”,即不把文言文当古汉语来教, 而把文言文当美文来学,让学生增强文学欣赏能力。“适当运用”,即让学生能根 据文章的情节、内容、人物性格等信息进行合理的想象、运用,对文本进行创造性 阅读。本文作者为了突出“孙权劝学”,对材料进行了剪辑处理,给读者留下了丰 富的想象空间,为学生的创造性阅读提供了条件。其次,在本节课的教学中,我要充分调动学生的主体意识,让学生自主的体验、探究,让学生自主的与文本、教师和其他同学进行对话。因为本文是自读课 文,因此这节课以学生自主学习、合作探究为主,教师起引导作用,在学生自主学 习的过程中对一些重要知识点加以归纳、总结。四、教学过程1、导入激趣现代课程论

4、认为,语文教学最重要的工作就是找出教材内容中的情感因素,以此来激发学生学习欲望,为此,在课初,我设计了教师在导课时采用半文半白语言、以 说书的方式由三国演义说起,引出吕蒙,话说三国时期吴国有位大将,名叫吕蒙。此人武艺高强,战功卓著,深受吴王 孙权的信赖。可吕蒙有个毛病;不爱读书学习。孙权屡屡劝他多学点知识,可他每 次都推三阻四的,以为自己一介武夫,读书有何用,这回,孙权乂来劝他了,结果怎样呢,预知后事如何,让我们来看孙权劝学一文。the first level toconsider when positioning security,roughly the same distance betw

5、eenthe point and level to put the stand,cant be moved,dislocation,andso on. Pay attention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level:find the anchor position after take levels,in anchor horizontal,horizontal lines withfine steel wire cable,while tightly tightening,ensure the wire level. (7) m

6、easurement errors: in horizontal line after the measure onthe face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axis positioning) qerrors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, check the relevantspecification (construction) requirements for error values, within the sp

7、ecified error,digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civil party orparty. (8) to adjust the error: . (3) familiar with their location and adjacent location,check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthencoordination with civil eng

8、ineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate,solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnelmust wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soledshoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out accordi

9、ng to thespecifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity. (3) Note教学心理学认为,学生的学习兴趣被激发以后,教师要适时给学生提出合适的学习要求,学生更容易进入状态,于是此时我就出示本课的学习目标,让学生齐读, 做到本课重难点心中有数。2、检测预习“凡事预则成,不预则废”。学习也不例外。所以接着我会以填空的形式检查 学生们的预习效果。因为这样更好地培养学生自主学习简单的文言文,增强文言文 的阅读能力。3、辨读课文1)对照注释读通课文。培养学生看注释的习惯。、学生自由读,2)、单个学

10、生表演读,教师引导学生进行点评。通过“生生对话”、“师生对话”让学生在自主探究中把握课文的朗读要求。让学生声情并茂,摇头晃脑,拿腔拿调的读,读出 古韵古味。3)、教师范读,学生点评。教师声情并茂的吟诵把学生带入当时的情景,进一步加深学生对文本的体验。同时让学生给老师的朗读评价,学生的热情和探究的兴趣可被充分激发。课文4、析读采用文白互读的方式,一学生读原文,另一学生用白话文进行解说。解说时要 力求语言生动流畅,再现原文神韵。这样可避免传统逐字逐句翻译的机械和刻板, 既可培养学生的文言理解力,乂可提高学生的语言表达力。在文白互读的过程中, 教师、学生及时进行点评,加深学生对重点文言词汇的理解。同

11、时,通过投影对常 用文言词汇进行疏通检测,本课的重点得以突破。5、品读课文在理解文意的基础上,来进行拼读课文,就水到渠成了。学生以小组形式自主 合作探究阅读, 品味赏析这五个问题。1)、孙权是如何来规劝的,用原文语句作答2)、吕蒙乃一介武夫,要劝说他学习是何等困难,在这过程中孙权对此乂是何等态度,(须深入思考)3) 、吕蒙的改变,从哪里可以看出来,(从描写手法来谈)4)、鲁肃为什么与吕蒙“结友而另 U” ,5)、孙权的话与鲁肃的话情调有何不同,这五个问题的设计涵盖了整篇课文的主要内容,而且乂紧扣教学目标,有利于学生思维能力的训练。学生能够体会到文章的深层次内容和意义,对于自身的读书 有了进一步

12、的明确,可以说有了教育意义。可以开展类似于背诵比赛这样的环节, 目的是提高学生对文言文知识的积累,此环节可保持学生高涨的热情,有利于记忆 的巩固。6、创读课文。接受美学认为,读者对文本的阅读不应是被动的,而应参与到对文本的再创作活动之中。 文中有多处空白, 为学生的创造性阅读提供了广阔的空间。 “蒙辞以军 中多务”,一句话省略了许多未说的内容;“蒙乃始就学”,如何学,本文没说,“及鲁肃过寻阳,与蒙论议,大惊曰”,吕蒙究竟谈了些什么让鲁肃大惊,这些内容尽可以让学生去想象、去补充。学生在补充时可文言可白话,可文白夹杂,这样 乂达到了课堂练笔的效果,值得一提的是教师要充分尊重学生对文本的个性化解 读

13、。7、 本课收获the first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distancebetween the point and level to put the stand, cant be moved, dislocation, and so on. Payattention to the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor position aftertake levels, in anchor horizontal

14、, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, while tightlytightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line after themeasure on the face. Mainly for horizontal measurement, also check the axis (axispositioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause o

15、f error, check therelevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within the specifiederror, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultation with civilparty or party. (8) to adjust the error: . (3) familiar with their location and adjacentlocation, check t

16、he accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors, strengthencoordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location is accurate,solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction site personnelmust wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wea

17、ring slippers, slippery-soled shoesis not allowed to enter the site.(2) must be carried out according to the specificationsof construction, attention to the safe use of electricity.Note可以在学生总结的前提下,老师进行补充,也可以在此基础上提高,拓展学生 的纵深思维。让学生通过本课的学习能有一定的成就感8、教师结语同学们,其实“学习”是一个永恒的话题。庄子说 :“吾生也有涯,而知也无涯”,意思是生命有限,学海无涯

18、。而智出学海,希望大家能持之以恒,养成良好 的学习习惯,不断地丰富我们的语言宝库,攀登学习的高峰,畅游知识的海洋。板书设计孙权劝学资治通鉴劝学就学赞学孙权一一?吕蒙?一一鲁肃(善劝)(肯学)(爱才)吴下阿蒙 - ?刮目相待启示:肯学、勤学athe first level to consider when positioning security, roughly the same distancebetween the point and level to put the stand, cant be moved, dislocation, and so on.Pay attention to

19、 the proper use and care of leveling. (6) level: find the anchor positionafter take levels, in anchor horizontal, horizontal lines with fine steel wire cable, whiletightly tightening, ensure the wire level. (7) measurement errors: in horizontal line afterthe measure on the face. Mainly for horizonta

20、l measurement, also check the axis (axispositioning) q errors. By measuring the results of analyzing the cause of error, checkthe relevant specification (construction) requirements for error values, within thespecified error, digestible errors exceeded error shall be settled through consultationwith

21、 civil party or party. (8) to adjust the error: . (3) familiar with their location andadjacent location, check the accuracy of segment size. (4) attention to handling errors,strengthen coordination with civil engineering work. (5) check the embedded location isaccurate, solid reinforcement. 7. Security, protection: (1) enter the construction sitepersonnel must wear safety helmets, safety belts, shirtless, wearing slippers, slippery-soled shoes is not allowed to enter the site. (2) must be carried out according to thespecifications of construction, attention to the safe use of electricity.Note



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